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Contracts & Chaos: Tales from Crann Na Beatha, #2
Contracts & Chaos: Tales from Crann Na Beatha, #2
Contracts & Chaos: Tales from Crann Na Beatha, #2
Ebook257 pages3 hours

Contracts & Chaos: Tales from Crann Na Beatha, #2

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About this ebook

All Balgair wanted to do was get home.

He didn't plan on meeting a broken woman and bonding with her or confronting a mad god who wanted to feed off of his bond.

The last thing he wanted thing he wanted was to stick around Eola, but the town needed a Reeve, and like it or not, Balgair was perfect for the job.

It all came down to Contracts and Chaos.

Release dateMay 1, 2024
Contracts & Chaos: Tales from Crann Na Beatha, #2

Joseph L. Wiess

You'd never know him if you passed him on the walk, but Joseph Wiess has always loved to read and later to read. Drawing upon a gambit of authors for inspiration, Wiess created a world in which wonderful things can happen.   This fifty-three-year-old provides for escape from the modern world.  

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    Book preview

    Contracts & Chaos - Joseph L. Wiess

    Part One: A Broken Woman’s True Desire

    Balgair meets Heather for the first time.

    Chapter One

    BIND ME, MAKE ME YOURS. Please, Mhaighstir.  The man sipped his drink and calmly held the cup in one hand. Before him, she knelt, broken, battered, miserable, repeatedly muttering, Bind me, make me yours. Please, Maighstir, She begged in the local Gaelic tongue.

    Could this be a trap?  He wondered as he looked around the tavern. Some women looked at the female kneeling at his feet as if she were diseased, while others seemed slightly jealous.  No, it’s not a trap.  Dismissing the people around him, he glanced down at the woman. Her very posture showed she was distressed, and only one thing could restore her well-being. What is it you want, woman?

    She looked up at him through her tears and wild hair. Bind me, please, Maighstir. I can’t do it anymore. Her voice was broken, and he could tell she was on a knife’s edge.

    He continued to examine her, noticing that her dress was torn but had once been something a beautiful, free woman would have worn. From what little he knew of fashion, this would have caused jealousy among other women, who would have hated her and tried to bring her down.

    You can’t do what anymore? He took another sip of the meadhon, savoring the hint of honey that sweetened the alcohol. She whispered something that he couldn’t quite make out. You'll have to speak louder, little one. I couldn't quite hear what you said.

    She buried her head in her hands, gulping down shallow breaths of air. She was shaking as she lifted her head and looked up at him. I can’t be a free woman anymore. She raised a shaking hand and wiped the tears that tracked down her face. It hurts so much.

    Ah, he thought.  Now I understand.  He kept silent as he reassessed her state. The shaking that he had felt was anger turned out to be misery. Even though he couldn’t read her mind, he could discern her emotional state. What he saw concerned him. He hadn’t seen a woman this miserable in ages.

    The council of Saor-Shelbs had enacted laws that gave women like this one a way out of their misery.

    All they had to do was find a man to bind them. Tell me of your pain, pretty one, he commanded.

    Please, don’t tease me, Mhaighstir. I couldn’t take it. She hugged herself tightly.  When he reasserted his command, she dared to meet his eyes. They told me I could do anything I wanted. They said that I could do anything a man could do. They said I could carry a weapon and go explore the world. She whimpered as she fell into her memories.

    This was not what you wanted, was it? He inquired, drawing the darkness out of her, one word and phrase at a time.

    No, she whispered. I wanted to stay at home, and I wanted to keep a house. I wanted to take care of children.  She babbled like someone would hit her if she didn’t get it out fast enough.  I want to cook and clean. I want to meet a strong man when he comes home at night and welcome him home with food, drink, and I... I want to dress like a slave girl. Her eyes widened in desire as she admitted what she wanted. I want to dance for my Mhaighstir. I want to make him happy. I want him to take me and use me to satisfy his desires.

    He watched the slow blush that marched across what he could see of her body as she gave voice to her deepest dreams.  Before him, her eyes lost their distress and dilated as her body responded to her desires.

    What of the men here? Will none of them bind you? He glanced around the tavern again, judging the men gathered around the tables.  Of course not.  he thought to himself.  They aren’t men and don’t know how men act. They’ve been domesticated.

    He reached out with his prana and shook his head. There was not a single Mhaighstir among them, just the lost.

    The woman at his feet shook her head. No, Mhaighstir. She shivered as she felt his masculine energy wash over her. Please, Maighstir, Bind me.  I will serve you well. I give you all of myself.

    Yes, you will. He promised, drawing a shiver of ecstasy and fear from the woman at his feet. Without breaking eye contact, he placed the mug on the table and gestured for her to come closer.

    She quickly crawled closer to him and sat back on her heels, straightening her body as she lifted her head. She nervously brushed her hair over her shoulder and attempted to display herself to him.  Please, don’t let this be a trick.

    Not bad, he commented. You’ll learn how to display your true beauty in time. He leaned toward her. Now, what is your name, young one?

    What if he doesn’t like my name? She breathed slowly. It is Heather, if it pleases you, Mhaighstir.

    It means ‘Everblooming flower,’ doesn’t it? he inquired.  When she nodded, he leaned down and whispered, Now repeat after me, In Ananke's name do I offer my body, my life, my soul, my very breath to you, my Mhaighstir. I will be obedient in all things and strive to be pleasing.

    As the full impact of his statement fell on her, she dutifully did as he commanded. I offer my body, life, soul, and very breath to you, my maighstir. As she finished the ritual, she felt something crawling across the skin of her throat. 

    What is this?  she wondered as she intoned Ananke’s name. Ohhhh, she moaned as she felt a profound release from her stress. Am I bound, Mhaighstir?

    Yes, you are, The man replied as he stood up and placed the cup on the table.  The woman watched as he rose to his full six-foot tall height, and she blushed slightly. She had expected him to be strong, as his prana suggested, but she hadn’t expected this. Sitting, he was unremarkable.

    Standing with his left hand on the hilt of his sword, he was the warrior he appeared to be. His hazel eyes traveled up and down her body, and she again tried to appear beautiful to him. 

    Now, for your first task, he walked toward the bar. Follow me. She quickly rose to her feet and followed him as he walked over and conversed with the owner. My good man, I would like two plates of food, a water bottle, and two cups. She will take them up to my room.

    The barkeep eyed the man and nodded. Aye, he glanced at the newly bound woman and grunted. He’s in room four upstairs. Go to the kitchen and get him what he ordered."

    When the woman hurried into the kitchen, he turned back to the warrior. She’s had a hard month, friend. I trust that you will....

    Treat her as she needs to be treated. The man replied. She is bound, and Lady Ananke won’t condone mistreatment of those under her blessings. 

    The man turned and headed for the stairs, pausing briefly to look back at the owner. If you can spare it, I would like to borrow a maidservant’s dress for her until I can buy her new clothes tomorrow.

    The owner nodded. I’ll send Lucy up with a spare set.

    The man nodded and climbed the stairs.  I hope I didn’t make a mistake. He mused as he opened the door to his room and stepped inside.  After all, I didn’t come looking for a bond.

    A wry smile crossed his lips as he wondered what his other two bonds would say when he brought home a new woman. Amelie would probably welcome her with open arms, and Nell, well, Nell would be cold at first, but she’d warm up to this new woman.

    He was so used to traveling alone that he didn’t even think about it as he removed the chain mail armor and set it aside. Lady Ananke has never led me astray before. He thought as he stared out the window, watching the sunset.

    He was pulled from his reverie when he heard a voice from the hallway. Maighstir, I have your dinner. My hands are full, and I can’t get the door.

    With a grunt, he walked over and opened the door. Place the plates on the desk and come back here.

    The woman nodded and did as bidden. After carefully placing the plates on the desk, she walked back over and stood before him. What is your will, Mo Maighstir? She fixed her eyes on the floor in front of her feet. Now that she was alone with him, she was a little scared. She nervously brought her hand up and traced the mark on her throat.

    Heather, he said, drawing her attention. When she looked up, he nodded. The bath is through that door. I want you to go clean up, and when you are done, we will eat.

    Yes, Maighstir, she whispered. She drew a slow breath and continued. But I don’t have anything to change into."

    We can’t have that, can we? he teased as he walked over to where his pack was lying at the side of the bed. Digging around in the bag for a few minutes, he tossed her a folded bundle. For now, put this on." He didn’t tell her that she’d have new clothes later. If truth be told, he was curious about how she’d look once she had bathed.

    Heather fumbled as she caught the folded bundle and slowly unfolded it. In her hands, she held a silk shirt that fell to just above her knees. Looking up at the man, she blinked and fled to the bath.

    What am I going to do with her? He wondered as he stared at the closed door. He looked slightly to the left as if hearing something in the wind. You would find that amusing, wouldn’t you, My Lady? He inquired with a bemused shake of his head.  He wasn’t overly worried, as his goddess had never led him astray.

    Each time he doubted, she proved herself by giving him outstanding and loving bonds. Each had been hurt horribly and would have either died or killed themselves.

    In the fullness of time, each had come to love him, and both had become exceptional bondwomen. 

    His musing was cut short by a soft knock at the door. Enter, he commanded after reaching out with his prana and finding feminine energy standing outside the door. The door opened, revealing a young woman wearing a tavern maid’s outfit and a folded bundle. May I help you? He examined her from head to toe.

    The young woman gazed at him for a moment before responding. Maighstir Brandyn sent me with something for your bond to wear.

    He couldn’t decide whether she was angry or jealous or maybe a bit of both. What is this about?  he wondered as she took a tentative step into the room. Oh, the dress, right? She’s through that door, he stated, gesturing toward the bathroom door. She might need some help."

    Of course, Maighstir, she commented with a nod, then quietly padded to the door and softly pushed it open. It’s Lucy, sister. Maighstir sent me in to help you bathe and dress. There was a softly spoken answer, and she passed through the door and closed it behind her.  A short while later, the tavern maid stepped back into the room. "Your bond will be out in a bit. She’s got a bad case of nerves.

    There’s that anger again. I wonder...  Before she could leave the room, he stopped her. Enough of this, little one.  He snapped his fingers and pointed to the floor at his feet. She glared at him momentarily before gracefully sinking to her knees and placing her palms on her thighs.  She looked down at the floor, refusing to meet his gaze. What is wrong?

    Nothing, she snapped, then raised a hand to wipe away a tear. I’m sorry, she muttered, but your bond has gotten what I’ve wanted for the last five years.

    When she looked up, he gestured for her to continue. I’ve been working here for five years and desperately want to give my bond to Maighstir Brandyn. She drew in a soft breath. He either doesn’t notice, or he doesn’t want me.

    Ah, He nodded. I understand. Have you approached a servant of the chains and asked for their help?

    No sir, she whispered. There are no servants of the chains here. You are the first we’ve seen in several years.

    I’m not a Chain-maker, he thought as he watched her. There was that amused laughter in the air.  As you wish, my lady. He inwardly replied with a soft sigh.  When I come down later, I’ll talk to your Maighstir Brandyn and see if he wants to bond you. He reached out and brushed his fingers through her hair. It seems my lady wants me to do her work.

    The Tavern Maid gave him a grateful smile as she rose and almost ran for the door.  What’s with the women in this town?  He wondered as he stared at the closed door and listened as the Tavern maid ran down the hallway.  Are they all miserable, or...?  He was pulled from his musing as the bathroom door opened.

    Chapter Two

    There was silence for a moment, and then his new bond spoke. Maighstir, Here I am. He turned to find Heather standing in the bathroom doorway, nervously brushing her hands down the short thigh-length skirt that did little to cover her long legs. His eyes moved upwards to the deeply scooped blouse that accentuated her form. She had a heart-shaped face framed by dirty blond hair that fell over her shoulders. In her brown eyes, he could see the question, Do I meet your approval? Am I pretty?

    Oh, Sweet One, you are so beautiful. He whispered. The change in her is beyond description, and it is almost as if the moon has come out from behind a cloud.  He thought as he gestured for her to come to his side.

    There was a hint of a smile as she gracefully walked across the room and knelt at his feet. Her voice lightened as if finding her courage, and she almost sang, Does Maighstir find me pleasing?

    By Lady Ananke, I do. His lips curled in a smile. Do you feel better?

    Caught by surprise, she froze momentarily, then timidly answered, Yes, Maighstir, I do. She tilted her head slightly to the left and brushed her fingers through her hair, starting at the back of her head and moving down to the tips.  It’s most strange. I feel as if a great weight has lifted from me.

    He nodded as he listened to her.  Yes, Ananke has blessed her indeed.  Leaving her where she knelt, he moved to the small table on the far side of the small room. Heather, come here.  Let’s see how clever she is. He thought as he watched her.

    Am I being tested?  She wondered as she watched her new Maighstir. Her eyes went from his to the table by the door, where she had left the two plates, two cups, and the bottle of meadhon.  He had me bring these up, but he’s sitting over there. Is he still hungry? Is he thirsty?  It only took her an instant to realize that he was hungry and thirsty.   He wants me to serve him

    She blushed faintly as she gracefully rose to her feet and retrieved the meal, first the plates of meat, bread, and cheese, then the cups and bottle, before carrying each to the table before him.  Once there, she separated the plates and set one in front of him, with hers off to the side, before placing one cup by his plate, the other beside hers.

    Then, picking up his plate, the bottle, and the cup, she held them carefully as she sank to her knees. Can this slave girl offer you food and drink, Maighstir?

    Slave Girl?  Of all the things he expected, this wasn’t it, and it made him a bit uncomfortable.  Could she be playing a role?  He wondered. 

    Heather froze when she saw his expression.  Did I say something wrong?  Am I not a slave?

    How do I answer her without hurting her?  No, you aren’t a slave.  You weren’t forced into the bond, were you? 

    Heather tentatively shook her head.  If I’m not a slave, what am I?

    You are my bean-cheangail, Balgair explained.  "Ananke has bound us together.  You have free will and are a treasured part of my family.

    The beautiful blond raised an eyebrow.  Then, I’m your wife?

    She’s smarter than I thought. What we have is more than a marriage. You’ll see.

    Heather tapped her fingers on her thighs as she considered his words.  What if I want to be your slave?  Will you allow it?

    At his nod, she carefully sat the bottle and cup on the floor beside her and held the plate in one hand while she removed the thin square of cotan that covered the food on the plate.

    After taking a slow, deep breath, she held the plate in both hands and lifted it in an offering. Your plate, maighstir. She whispered as she waited for him to take the plate. When he took the plate and sat it on the table, she took the bottle in her left hand and used it to fill the cup she had picked up from the floor with her right hand. Your cup of Meadhon, Maighstir.

    She lifted the mug and waited for him to take it.  When his fingers brushed hers, she blushed faintly in delight.

    You did well, he complimented her as he placed the

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