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The Mage Book 1
The Mage Book 1
The Mage Book 1
Ebook276 pages4 hours

The Mage Book 1

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Twenty-five years ago, there was a war against mages. Most of the mages on the continent of Pilanor had been killed. Now there is a new king in power. King Eric the Breaker has his people's blood checked at the age of sixteen. If they are found to have powerful mage blood, they're removed from the population. Alexandria Adameier's sixteenth birthday is only months away. The king pays a visit to the Adameier family in the Northwest Territory. Lord Jacob Adameier is the ruling lord of the Northwest Territory, a lordship given to him by the king. Alexandria, Jacob's eldest daughter, learns she has very powerful mage blood, known as dragon blood. Dragon blood is the most powerful mage blood in Pilanor. The king is afraid of what this could mean for Pilanor. Alexandria, along with her handmaiden Riley Long and her younger brother Taylon, try to escape the king's wrath. The journey will take the group across the Northwest Territory as they try and find Alex's grandmothers in the Black Tooth Mountains. Follow the epic journey of a young girl learning to use her newfound powers as she tries to survive the harsh landscape of the Northwest Territory.

The first book in the Not a King saga, The Mage.
Release dateApr 15, 2024
The Mage Book 1

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    Book preview

    The Mage Book 1 - M C Presler

    Table of Contents



    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    Chapter 15

    About the Author


    The Mage Book 1

    M C Presler

    Copyright © 2024 M C Presler

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    Fulton Books

    Meadville, PA

    Published by Fulton Books 2024

    ISBN 979-8-88982-991-1 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88982-992-8 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Chapter 1

    As the first rays of sunlight seeped into her bedroom, Alex stirred from her slumber, her eyes slowly adjusting to the brightness. She lay in bed, relishing the sun's warmth on her skin, until the jarring sound of metal clanging against metal shattered the peacefulness of her morning. This noise had become a familiar disturbance to her, an unwelcome reminder of the hustle and bustle of the outside world. Despite her attempts to shut out the noise, the thin glass of her window offered little protection from the cacophony of sounds that filled the air outside.

    Gently, she peeled back the layers of her heavy winter duvet, feeling the weight of the thick fabric in her hands. As she pulled it away, a rush of cool air hit her skin, causing her to shiver slightly. Her bare feet touched the cold stone floor of her bedroom, and she relished the sensation of the chill traveling up her legs. She rubbed her feet on the floor to generate a warm spot, allowing her to stand up and stretch comfortably.

    As she lifted her arms above her head, her dyed blue wool nightgown fell, covering her legs. Although she preferred to wear silk nightgowns to bed, the winter chill demanded the warmth of wool. The fabric was not as comfortable but kept her cozy throughout the night.

    With a final stretch, she made her way toward the center of her room, where a magnificent bearskin rug lay. This had become a morning ritual for her, as she took a moment to absorb the sensation of the soft fur beneath her feet. Indulging in the plushness of the soft black bear fur, she relished wiggling her toes deep into its comforting embrace. The bearskin rug held a special place in her heart, for it was gifted to her by her father on her thirteenth birthday. She vividly remembered her excitement and anticipation as her father returned from his hunting trip in the breathtaking Black Tooth Mountains, bearing the precious gift for her. Her brother, Taylon, had received a mountain lion skin rug that same year, but the black bear rug held a special significance for her, evoking fond memories of her father's love and affection.

    The head of the bear was positioned toward the hearth, which was situated on the southern wall. A few embers still glowed in the hearth. Alex considered tossing some wood into the hearth, but the warmth of the spring sun that streamed through the window made the room cozy enough.

    Alex's gaze shifted to the mantel above the hearth, where her treasured dolls from childhood sat. The stone walls of the bedroom bore sconces with wax candles, which cast a warm glow on the room. Above her bed hung the family crest symbolizing her family's heritage. It featured a blue backing with two eagles spreading their wings as they crossed swords.

    Across from her bed stood a heavy oak door with steel strips, adding to the security of the room. To the right of the bedroom door was a cedar wardrobe with a stunning flower inlay and polished brass knobs on the doors. Every detail in the room spoke to Alex's appreciation for beauty and elegance.

    As she gazed toward her window, her ears were suddenly assailed by a piercing scream that sent shivers down her spine. Acting on instinct, Alex walked over to the small window to get a closer look. What she saw in the courtyard of the castle below was enough to make her heart skip a beat. Her fourteen-year-old brother, Taylon, was writhing in pain and letting out another bloodcurdling shriek. Despite his young age, Taylon was already well-built and muscular, a testament to his years of rigorous training. His broad shoulders and strong arms were a reflection of the hard work he put in every day. Just like their father, Taylon had the same striking combination of brown hair and green eyes, with a pair of eyebrows that curved downward, giving him a perpetually angry expression. Both siblings also shared their mother's distinctive sloped nose, although Taylon's slightly darker skin tone set him apart. On the other hand, Alex had a fair complexion, almost porcelainlike, like her mother, Catolisa. However, come midsummer, her skin would take on a radiant golden tan, a stark contrast to her brother's year-round tan.

    Alex took after her mother in terms of physical appearance. She possessed the same striking blond locks and captivating blue eyes as her mother. In addition, her eyebrows were characterized by a straight and narrow shape, contributing to her overall alluring appearance. Her height and figure were also akin to her mother's, as she stood tall and lean. As Alex approached her sixteenth birthday, which was only a mere two months away, she was gradually developing a more mature and womanlier figure.

    During his morning sparring session, Taylon was facing off against Sir Robert Hollowing. As a man who had reached the age of fifty-two, Sir Hollowing was bald and boasted a medium height and muscular build. One glance at his face, and it was clear that he had seen his fair share of battles. A scar ran from his left eye to his right cheek, and the tip of his nose was missing. To cover his damaged eye, he wore a patch. His short gray beard was neatly trimmed, but it extended into a long braid beneath his chin. Despite his intimidating appearance, he had been a family friend to their father since they were children.

    Taylon stood with his sparring sword at his feet, wincing as he held his right hand. He had been training with Sir Hollowing for two years, and the knight firmly believed in pushing his students to their limits. Even in sparring, Sir Hollowing's strikes were hard and precise, making every encounter a test of skill and endurance.

    On the other hand, Alex had only received a small amount of sword training from Sir Hollowing. Her traditionalist father had always believed that girls should not be allowed to play with weapons. However, Sir Hollowing held a different view, feeling everyone should know how to protect themselves, regardless of gender. While she was proficient with a sword, Alex's true talent lay in her skill with a bow, which allowed her to keep her distance and strike from afar with deadly accuracy.

    Alex was lost in thought, gazing out the window with a distant expression on her face. Suddenly, the door to her bedroom slowly creaked open, and in walked Riley, carefully balancing a tray filled with a delicious breakfast spread.

    Good morning, my lady! Riley announced warmly as she entered the room.

    Alex responded equally enthusiastically, turning away from the window to greet her handmaiden. With care and precision, Riley placed the breakfast tray on the table beside the bed, ensuring that every item was arranged perfectly and within easy reach.

    What do we have here? asked Alex as she sat at the table.

    Fresh eggs, bacon, and warm bread with cheese, replied Riley. What would you like to wear today since the weather is nice outside?

    Today, I would like to go riding. Could you get my riding attire out while I eat breakfast?

    As Riley made her way to the wardrobe, her thoughts drifted to Alex and their bond. She was more than just a handmaiden. She was Alex's closest confidante and dearest friend. Despite Riley being two years older than Alex and the daughter of a kitchen cook, Alex never let their differences come between them. Riley was a few inches shorter than Alex. She carried a little extra weight around her midsection. Riley's hair was black as night and came down to her shoulders. The bangs of her hair stopped just above her warm brown eyes. She often joked that her mother, Sonya, had her taste so much food that it was no wonder she was a bit on the heavy side. Still, they had been inseparable since Alex was learning to walk. It was Sonya who had brought Riley to the castle in the first place. She loved helping take care of Alex, and Catolisa, ever perceptive, had insisted that Sonya bring Riley with her every day she worked.

    Ten years ago, a tragic incident occurred when one of the mountain tribes attacked Joplin, a small town south of the Black Tooth Mountains. Sir John Long, the father of Riley, was among the brave militia sent by Alex's father to protect the town. Unfortunately, he lost his life in the fierce battle. After the unfortunate incident, Catolisa kindly offered Sonya and Riley to stay in the castle's servants' quarters, which Sonya gratefully accepted. When Riley got older, Alex asked her mother if Riley could become her handmaiden.

    Are Mother or Father having you do any chores today? inquired Alex.

    No, Riley stated as she pulled out a pair of leather ride pants and a white wool sweater.

    Would you like to come riding with me then? I'll have Tommy saddle the mare for you.

    I'll first have to ask my mother if she needs me to do anything.

    After Alex finished her meal, Riley assisted her in putting on her riding outfit. Carefully, she braided Alex's lengthy blond locks to prevent them from obstructing her view while riding. Once that was done, Riley gathered the dirty dishes and set them on the tray for cleaning.

    I'll meet you in the courtyard, replied Riley as she left the bedroom.

    Following Riley's departure from the bedroom, Alex took a moment to examine herself in the full-length mirror. She ensured her attire and appearance were up to par before gracefully entering the hallway. Her bedroom was on the grand castle's third floor, specifically in the southwestern region. It was a well-known fact that this area of the castle tended to be warmer during the colder months, making it the ideal location for Alex and her family to reside in. However, they would migrate to the northeast wing in the summertime, where the temperature was cooler and more comfortable.

    Alex turned left from her bedroom and made her way down the long well-lit corridor leading to the grand staircase. As she strolled past her parents' elegantly decorated bedroom, she noticed her mother sitting in front of her vanity, attended to by one of her trusted handmaidens. Suddenly, Alex heard her mother's gentle voice calling out to her, beckoning her to come into the bedroom.

    Yes, she said as she stopped in the doorway.

    You look like you plan to ride today.

    Yes, replied Alex. I asked Riley if she would like to ride with me today. She was going to ask her mother if she could and meet me in the courtyard.

    Where do you plan to ride?

    I was going to ride to the Ridge Height Falls.

    Once the handmaiden had finished adorning her mother's hair in a perfectly crafted bun, Catolisa dismissed her handmaiden. As the handmaiden walked out, Alex entered the room to take her place. The difference in size between her parents' bedroom and her own was noticeable. They had white marble flooring instead of the stone floor in her room. Two hearths were on either side of the room, and a golden chandelier hung from the center of the ceiling, embellished with eight whale oil lamps that illuminated the space. The bedroom had one window on the south side, similar to Alex's room. Her mother sat at her vanity, comfortably seated in a red velvet high-back chair, admiring her hair in the mirror.

    I would like you to be back by early afternoon, her mother said. I planned to take you to the Silver Streak so Helen can fit you for your birthday dress.

    Catolisa gracefully pushed the chair back and rose. She was clad in a lovely green silk dress featuring delicate laces adorning the shoulders and encircling the neck. The dress flowed down to her ankles. She exuded an air of elegance and sophistication. Her footwear was equally exquisite, consisting of green shoes accented with gold trim at the top, perfectly complementing her stunning dress.

    But it's a four-hour ride to Ridge Height Falls, Alex said. If I need to be back by early afternoon, we cannot ride out there. With such a beautiful day for riding, can we go to the Silver Streak tomorrow?

    With a gentle stride, Catolisa approached Alex and tenderly rested her hands on his shoulders, conveying a sense of warmth and compassion. I guess we could wait another day for you to get fitted for your dress.

    Thank you, Alex said and hugged her mother. I'm going to go tell Tommy to saddle the horses.

    Have fun, replied Catolisa.

    As Alex departed from her mother's room, she made her way toward the end of the corridor, where a set of stone stairs led down to the main floor. Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, she found herself facing another corridor. To her right was a sturdy oak door with steel strips that served as the entrance to the Great Hall. She was met with a breathtaking sight as she pushed the door open and stepped inside. The floor was made of polished obsidian, while eight white marble colonnades stretched from the floor to the ceiling. Each colonnade was adorned with intricate engravings of four different animals. The first two colonnades featured majestic lions standing on their hind legs, with their front paws holding up the ceiling. The second row showcased wolves standing on their hind legs in a similar pose. The third colonnade displayed bears, and the final one boasted panthers. Several more whale oil chandeliers were suspended between the arcades, adding a touch of elegance and grandeur to the already impressive Great Hall.

    Alex caught sight of her father conversing with his trusted captain of the guard, Sir Rodrick Graves. Her father was adorned in a distinguished black tunic embellished with gold trimming encircling the collar. The same ornate gold design trailed down the sleeves of the tunic. His breeches were a rich shade of brown, adding a complementary contrast to his attire. Captain Graves donned his guard armor, a silver breastplate emblazoned with the Adameier Family Crest, accentuating his duty as a soldier. A striking blue cape elegantly cascaded from the gold clips on his broad shoulders, and from his left hip hung his sword. The sword, a symbol of honor, had an exquisite gold-wrapped hilt adorned with a white gold bear's head on top. It was a gift presented by Alex's father when Sir Graves was promoted to Captain of the Guard. As Alex rounded the Lion colonnade, she noticed her father looking over Captain Graves's shoulder as he caught a glimpse of her.

    Alexandria, he called.

    With a determined expression on her face, she took confident steps toward her father and Captain Graves. Yes, Father.

    It appears you will be riding today.

    Yes, she replied. Riley and I are going to ride to the Ridge Height Falls.

    It is my understanding that your mother has arranged for you to attend a dress fitting today.

    I've already made plans with Mother. We'll be going for a dress fitting tomorrow. Given the lovely spring weather, I convinced her it was the perfect day to go for a ride.

    Yes, it is a nice day for a ride, responded Captain Graves. Would you and Riley like an escort?

    I don't see any reason to have an escort today when I've been successfully riding to the Ridge Height Falls without one for the past year. It's unfair to be treated differently now, and it's frustrating, replied Alex.

    I apologize if my previous statement sounded inappropriate. As you near sixteen, it's natural for others to start noticing you. Just know that I am here to protect you, and I will do my best to fend off any unwanted attention.

    I am fully capable of defending myself against the boys. Alex smiled. My proficiency with the bow is unmatched.

    With that statement, her father frowned at her. I should send Captain Graves with you. I don't like the idea of you shooting arrows at boys.

    If I need to protect myself. The idea should not bother you, Father, declared Alex.

    That is why I have guards to protect you, Alexandria.

    Father, I shouldn't need guards to always protect me. You should be happy I'm capable of taking care of myself.

    There is a part of me that is happy you are capable of taking care of yourself, but a father still worries.

    Be proud you have a strong daughter, my lord.

    Thank you, Captain Graves, replied Alex. I'm going to have Tommy saddle the horses now. I'll see you later, Father. And you too, Captain Graves.

    Enjoy the ride, Alexandria. And take care, uttered her father.

    Alex turned to head for the door to the courtyard.

    Watch out for those boys, Alex! yelled Captain Graves, laughing.

    Alex playfully turned toward her father and Captain Graves with an imaginary bow in her hands. She gleefully fired an invisible arrow in their direction. I'll have my bow, replied Alex.

    As Alex turned to walk away, she couldn't help but notice the stern expression etched on her father's face. His eyes bore into hers with a deep frown, causing a slight internal flutter of amusement within her. Nevertheless, she maintained a respectful demeanor and continued on her way.

    As Alex exited the Great Hall, she faced a long dimly lit corridor. As she strolled down the corridor, her footsteps echoed softly against the stone walls. The first set of doors she came to on her left were made of thick oak. Sturdy steel bands wrapped around the oak planks, binding them together. In the center of the doors was a heavy steel latch that held the doors tightly closed.

    On either side of the doors were three sets of steel hooks. These hooks were positioned at the top, bottom, and middle of the doors and were designed to hold three four-by-four-inch oak beams that sat on the right side of the stone wall. These beams were placed in the hooks on the door to secure the doors closed in case of an attack on the castle.

    She lifted the steel latch with a firm grip and pushed the doors open. She felt a cool breeze brushing against her face as she stepped outside. She looked out and saw the vast expanse of the castle grounds before her.

    Alex couldn't help but revel in the pure, invigorating freshness of the air. Living in the Northern Territory of Pilanor, she had grown accustomed to the long and cold winters, but nothing could compare to spring's sweet, crisp aroma. She inhaled deeply, relishing the sensation of the cool air filling her lungs.

    As she stood on the steps, she bathed in the gentle rays of the morning sun, bringing her a sense of comfort and joy. The warmth of the sun promised a delightful day ahead, one that would be perfect for horse riding. After savoring the sun's embrace for a moment, she gracefully descended the steps, making her way toward Taylon and Sir Hollowing.

    Pilanor, a continent divided into four territories, was ruled by a powerful king named Eric the Breaker. His domain was in the Southwest Territory, where he resided and governed over the land. However, he was not alone in his rule, for he had appointed three other lords to oversee the remaining territories. Lord Gerold Daesin governed the Southeast Territory, Lord Augustin Barnaby governed the Northeast Territory, and Alex's father, Lord Jacob Adameier, governed the Northwest Territory. Each lord had played a significant role in helping the king ascend to the throne during the Mage Wars, and as a symbol of gratitude, the king had gifted them their respective territories to govern.

    As the two continued sparring, Taylon donned his trusty armor to protect him against Sir Hollowing's strikes. The armor boasted a sturdy wool underlining, complemented by a plated steel exterior that bore the brunt of Sir Hollowing's sparring sword. Despite the numerous dents and scrapes, the armor stood well against the onslaught. Meanwhile, Sir Hollowing opted for a more casual sparring attire, sporting tan breeches and a lightweight wool shirt. He confidently asserted that he did not need armor, as Taylon's strikes were not strong enough to pose a significant threat.

    As Alex traversed the sprawling expanse of the courtyard, she set her sights on the sparring arena in the premises' southeastern corner. Sir Hollowing, a seasoned warrior, caught sight of her approaching from the corner of his eye. With Taylon as his opponent, he deftly blocked a strike with his sword, sending a tremor through Taylon's hands as he attempted to execute a side slash. The resounding clash of metal reverberated through the air, causing Alex's eardrums to feel as though they were on the verge of rupturing. She hastily covered her ears to alleviate the discomfort, shielding them from the deafening noise.

    As Lady Alex approached, Sir Hollowing shifted his

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