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Ron's Simply Poetic 101
Ron's Simply Poetic 101
Ron's Simply Poetic 101
Ebook144 pages1 hour

Ron's Simply Poetic 101

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About the Book
Ron’s Simply Poetic 101 is a passionate, insightful collection of poetry into the mind of Ronald Camp, exploring love, life, and God’s will, oriented to Camp’s belief in our Father in Heaven and the Lord Jesus Christ.
About the Author
Ronald G. Camp has kept a daily journal for forty plus years. It is his desire to impart wisdom in his poems as to how we may live our most fulfilling lives.

Release dateDec 28, 2023
Ron's Simply Poetic 101

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    Book preview

    Ron's Simply Poetic 101 - Ronald G. Camp

    About the Author

    The poems I write are meant for entertainment, and I hope they can give my readers thoughts to ponder as well. While I am not an English major, I do enjoy writing. I have kept a daily journal for forty plus years. It’s my desire to impart some instruction in my poems as to how we might live our lives. Many of my poems have a Spiritual tone. That is oriented to my belief in our Father in Heaven and the Lord Jesus Christ.

    They are my all!


    I have appreciation for the assistance I have received in critiquing these poems, encouraging me to continue working to have them published and making suggestions for having them flow smoothly is without question immense. My wife, Shirlene, has provided needed encouragement to motivate me in this accomplishment.


    Elizabeth was abused when she was young.

    She was kidnapped while she slept at home.

    Her abusers were punished with time in jail,

    But God’s wrath will cause them yet to moan.

    Carrie Underwood sang a song, in the fall of 2012.

    About not enough Oklahoma wind.

    To rip the boards and nails out of her home,

    And remove the sin her drunken father sinned.

    The underground railroad takes youth away,

    They may be drugged and put in chains as well.

    They are abused behind closed doors we know,

    Their real abuse begins when their bodies are offered for sale.

    All victims of someone’s cruel abuse,

    Are told by the Lord, they must forgive.

    How hard that is we just don’t know,

    But if they do, life is promised to be easier to live.

    Adam And Eve

    Adam loved Eve very much, and so,

    They were married in the Garden of Eden.

    Eve made Adam an apple pie,

    And God sent them out to do some weedin’.

    Adam and Eve loved God, for giving them an earthly home.

    They thanked Him frequently face to face,

    Yet Adam thought the grass might be greener outside.

     So, he left, his wife in tow, but only found a dreary space.

    God made Adam a new wardrobe,

    He made Eve some new clothes too.

    They both were glad when winter came,

    It kept their complexion from turning blue.

    God didn’t often visit the place they chose to reside.

    They couldn’t find a post office to send Him an invitation.

    And no store in which to buy a phone,

    Had He forgot they were His kin and relation?

    They started having children to populate the place,

    Able came first and then came Cain.

    And I’m sure they had daughters too,

    I don’t know their names; the record is to blame.


    Our daughter might think we are the meanest parents on Earth,

    Because the other day when she did something wrong.

    We confiscated her pretty pink cell phone.

    24 hours for her was just too long.

    We had told our children about being a slave,

    To alcohol, tobacco, coffee, and TV.

    But until President Nelson spoke on cell phone addiction,

    The devil’s use of phones had never occurred to me.

    She complained, But Dad, what if I have an emergency?

    I replied, Before cell phones, we had to learn to think.

    And come up with some logical remedy,

    We couldn’t simply go to Google or call parents in a blink.

    I’m not saying people shouldn’t have cell phones,

    They help us to be informed and live more prudently.

    But if we lifted our eyes up from our phones at times,

    It would amaze us what things we’d see.

    Adultery’s Weight

    In Lerner and Loewe’s movie, Camelot,

    Sir Lancelot came wielding a lance and sword.

    He impressed the Queen named Guinevere,

    Then lust began to boil, yet boiled without a word.

    When they felt they couldn’t subdue it any longer,

    They ran into each other’s arms.

    They knit together in what they thought was love,

    Then the knights of the Round Table sounded the alarm.

    King Arthur had no choice but to invoke the kingdom’s rules,

    Guinevere must be tied to a stake and burn.

    Lancelot, however, escaped death in Camelot,

    Yet to save Guinevere, many hoped he would return.

    Adultery’s lust can be felt so strong in life,

    We may feel we can’t refrain.

    But what follows our committing adultery,

    Proves lust weighs up less than the newly acquired pain.

    So, when lust begins to fester, as it surely can,

    Go take a very cold shower instead.

    Find ways to love your first love,

    Keep evil thoughts from your marriage bed.


    America is the promised land,

    With its freedoms and democracy.

    That are wanted by other countries,

    As well as our noted prosperity.

    But even though we have these things,

    They didn’t come without a price.

    Many soldiers’ precious blood was spilled,

    A person’s ultimate sacrifice.

    We have been warned in the Holy book,

    That we could lose this special land.

    We might get captured in a war,

    And become enslaved in another’s hand.

    So, Americans get more patriotic,

    Pray to God for America’s current plight.

    Look out for each of your neighbors,

    Lest ill projections overtake us in the night.

    Salute the flag for the republic for which it stands.

    Get out and vote after studying our candidates.

    Preserve our nation’s constitution,

    That’s the least your citizenship mandates.

    Babies Come, Grandpas Leave

    Babies come to Earth from Heaven.

    We acknowledge the things they cannot do.

    But we are thankful to God for their presence,

    We may sing, Happy Birthday to you.

    They can’t hold a spoon or fork in their tiny hand.

    They can’t even say your name.

    But they are just tiny little babies,

    So, we don’t hold it against them or try to blame.

    Mothers love to feed and change them.

    Big sister

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