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Mahabharat: The Kurukshetra  Part 2
Mahabharat: The Kurukshetra  Part 2
Mahabharat: The Kurukshetra  Part 2
Ebook273 pages3 hours

Mahabharat: The Kurukshetra Part 2

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From 5000 BC to 5000 AD – the same story unfolds in every home.

Experience the timeless drama and profound wisdom of the Mahabharata like never before. Crafted meticulously by Vikram Aditya, this 300+ page epic reinvigorates the ancient story with a compelling modern touch, making the complex themes of ethics and values not only accessible but intensely engaging.

Witness the clash of titans – Pandavas against Kauravas – as age-old grudges erupt into a battle that will redefine dharma (righteousness) forever. Experience the agonizing choices, the valiant sacrifices, and the unyielding will that fuels this epic conflict.

Step into a world where each chapter offers not just a story, but a profound life lesson waiting to be discovered.

"The Exile: Part-1" masterfully covers the first 50 percent of the Mahabharata's expansive narrative. Each chapter meticulously sets the pieces for the grander saga, "The Kurukshetra: Part-2."

"The Kurukshetra - Part 2" masterfully covers the remaining 50 percent of the Mahabharata's expansive narrative. 

Release dateFeb 19, 2024
Mahabharat: The Kurukshetra  Part 2

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    Mahabharat - Vikram Aditya




    Copyright © 2024 by VikramAditya

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permission requests, contact

    VikramAditya asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work.

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Book Cover by VikramAditya

    Illustrations by VikramAditya

    1 edition 2024


    Dedicated to my parents



    who have always been my strength, my reason, and the purpose of my life.

    I am deeply indebted to my beloved wife, Mrs. V. SATYAVATHI, who has been a pillar of strength and unwavering support throughout this endeavor.

    Special Thanks to A.Vijay Anand Kumar

    Why you should have this book in your home

    In a world teeming with countless books, the Mahabharat stands out not only as a story, but as a catalyst for profound change. This is not just a book; it is a journey of personal transformation. If you seek positive change within yourself, if you wish to see a change in the mindset of your family members, 'Mahabharat' is the key.

    As you delve into its pages, you are not just reading a story; you are embarking on a time-travelling adventure. The narrative is so vivid, so immersive, that it transcends the boundaries of conventional storytelling. It's an experience that puts the most advanced virtual reality equipment to shame, drawing you into a world where every scene, every dialogue and every character is alive with possibility and purpose.

    This book is a mirror that reflects the complexities of life, the struggles between duty and desire, and the eternal search for truth and justice. It's a guide that illustrates how to face life's challenges with grace, strength and wisdom. "The Mahabharat is more than the story of an ancient epic; it's a blueprint for a life of purpose, courage and integrity.

    Bringing the Mahabharat into your home isn't just adding a book to your shelf; it's inviting transformation into your life and the lives of those around you. It's an opportunity to connect with a story that has shaped civilisations, influenced cultures and offered timeless lessons to generations.



    About the Author

    Vikram Aditya, a name synonymous with inspiration and knowledge, emerges as a unique voice in the world of mythology and storytelling. A celebrated YouTuber with over 2 million followers, Vikram has captivated a global audience with his profound insights into history, mythology, science, and the myriad facets of life. His inspirational content has been widely acclaimed and resonates with a diverse and vast audience.

    With an academic background as illustrious as his online presence, Vikram holds an MS in Medicinal Chemistry from the prestigious National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER). His academic prowess was highlighted in 2014 when he contributed to cancer research through his work on Rugulactone, published in the prestigious international journal Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters.

    Despite his achievements in the scientific arena, Vikram's journey took an unconventional turn. After successfully entering the banking sector through the State Bank entrance exam, his innate passion for storytelling and connecting with people led him to create his YouTube channel, 'Vikram Aditya', in 2015. This venture marked him as one of the pioneering individual content creators in the infotainment category, particularly celebrated in the Telugu community for his captivating series on the Mahabharata.

    The overwhelming response to his channel fuelled Vikram's desire to explore new horizons. Driven by a thirst for creative expression, he took the bold decision to quit his role as Assistant Manager at SBI to pursue his passion. His fascination with the Mahabharata, combined with his unique perspective, culminated in the creation of this 530-page book, a labor of love and dedication.

    Vikram's rendition of the Mahabharata is not just a retelling; it's an immersive experience. His narrative style, accessible and engaging, makes the epic resonate with contemporary readers. The story, intense and gripping, promises to leave the reader spellbound and yearning for more. Through this book, Vikram Aditya aims to offer a piece of literature that will be cherished as one of the greatest stories ever told.

    Vikram's journey from scientist to banker to acclaimed author and content creator is a testament to his belief in following one's passion and the power of storytelling. With this book, he invites readers on an epic journey through the pages of history, reimagined and retold through his visionary lens.

    A NOTE

    In attempting to write the story of the Mahabharata in my own words, I have intended that, unlike the various previous versions of the story, I wish to convey the essence of the story to today's society in relatively simpler terms and create a sincere interest in the reader to go further into the story and grasp the meaning of the myriad lessons of life through the story.

    Some parts of the story may seem highly exaggerated. However, it has been established by certain scholars that several such incidents could have taken place at that time. For example, it has been reported that scientists have discovered faint traces of nuclear radiation in the region where the Kurukshetra war was fought, where the story tells of the use of high-powered Astras. So my appeal to you is that you read the story as part of our history, rather than questioning whether such things are possible. Perhaps it is impossible for such things to happen or be accepted in this age, but I want you to read the story with an open mind and believe that such things could have happened at that time. Read the story, learn the lessons of life through this epic and you will find that your life will surely feel enriched.

    Please also note that the story presented in this book is primarily based on the Mahabharata as written by Veda Vyasa. In addition, I have incorporated elements from some folklore throughout India. While I have endeavored to make the narrative more engaging for the reader, it has been my utmost priority to preserve the soul and essence of the original epic. All improvisations have been made concerning the original story, ensuring that its core remains unaltered. I hope that this blend of tradition and creativity will enhance your reading experience.


    Rising from the depths of ancient India, the Mahabharata is an epic poem that has captured hearts and minds for millennia. Its intricate narrative, woven with threads of mythology, philosophy, and human drama, has captivated readers and listeners across generations, cultures, and continents. This comprehensive retelling of the Mahabharata seeks to reveal its timeless essence, offering a profound understanding of its characters, themes, and enduring significance.

    At the heart of the Mahabharata is the intricate saga of two families, the Kauravas, and the Pandavas, locked in a bitter struggle for power over the throne of Hastinapura. Their rivalry, fuelled by greed, jealousy, and a thirst for power, culminates in the Kurukshetra War, a cataclysmic battle that engulfs the entire nation. Amidst the chaos and carnage, the epic unfolds, revealing the complexity of human nature, the interplay of Dharma and Adharma (righteousness and unrighteousness), and the profound wisdom that emerges from the depths of human suffering.

    The Mahabharata is not just a story of war and succession; it is a profound exploration of the human condition, plumbing the depths of love, loss, betrayal, and redemption. It is a story that mirrors our struggles, triumphs, and failures, offering a timeless allegory for the challenges we face in life.

    Throughout the epic, we meet a cast of unforgettable characters, each embodying a facet of human nature. The noble warrior Arjuna struggles with his conscience on the eve of battle and seeks guidance from his divine charioteer, Lord Krishna. The righteous Yudhisthira, the eldest of the Pandavas, embodies integrity and adherence to Dharma, even in the face of adversity. The cunning and manipulative Duryodhana, the eldest Kaurava, represents the lure of power and the destructive potential of ambition.

    The narrative of the Mahabharata is interwoven with philosophical discourses, most notably the Bhagavad Gita, a profound dialogue between Arjuna and Lord Krishna. This sacred text explores the nature of the soul, the concept of karma, and the path to spiritual liberation. It offers timeless guidance on how to live a meaningful and purposeful life, even amidst the turmoil and uncertainty of the world.

    Beyond its philosophical depth, the Mahabharata is a rich tapestry of cultural traditions, rituals, and beliefs. It reflects the ancient Indian worldview, with its reverence for nature, its worship of gods and goddesses, and its adherence to the principles of dharma.

    As we embark on this journey through the Mahabharata, let us open our hearts and minds to its timeless wisdom. Let us delve into the depths of its characters, contemplate its philosophical teachings, and appreciate its profound insights into the human condition. May this epic tale inspire us to embrace the virtues of righteousness, compassion, and selflessness, and to face life's challenges with courage and unwavering faith in the power of truth and justice.

    Welcome to the extraordinary world of the Mahabharata, a saga that has captivated and transformed lives for centuries. May its wisdom light your path and enrich your understanding of the human experience.



    Dear Valued Reader,

    If the journey through the pages of my rendition of the Mahabharat has enriched your thoughts and added value to your life, I humbly request that you consider sharing your experience by leaving a review on Amazon. Your feedback is vital in helping others discover this story and in allowing the essence of the Mahabharat to resonate with more souls. Thank you for your support.


    Dear esteemed reader,

    If the story I have told in Mahabharat has resonated with you and you believe in the value of such stories, I invite you to support my journey as a writer. Your financial contribution will enable me to continue to create stories that inspire, educate and entertain. If you would like to support my work and encourage the creation of more such books, you can make a donation by visiting my website at WWW.VIKRAMADITYA.LIFE or by contacting me directly at VAMB2024@GMAIL.COM for more information on how to contribute. Every donation, no matter the size, makes a significant difference and is greatly appreciated.

    With heartfelt thanks,



    1.The Unstoppable Arrow

    2.Call for a Treaty

    3.Sri Krishna’s Arbitration

    4.The Divine Revelation

    5.The Unveiled Truth

    6.Gathering Storms of War

    7.The Sacrificial Gift

    8.Blessings and Preparations

    9.The battle within


    11.Clash of Titans

    12.The Divine Vision

    13.The Thunderous Clash

    14.Bhima's Triumph

    15.The Unleashed Warriors

    16.Clash of Oaths

    17.The Mysterious Feast

    18.Bhishma's Vulnerability

    19.Bhishma's Last Stand

    20.Commander Dronacharya

    21.The Plot to Capture

    22.The Padma Vyuha

    23.The Unstoppable Warrior


    24.Arjuna’s Pledge

    25.The Fall of Drona

    26.The Illusory Warfare

    27.The Awaited Battle

    28.The Lost Son of a Lost Mother

    29.The Final Showdown

    30.Dharmaraja's Showdown

    31.The Demise of Shakuni

    32.The Collapse of Duryodhana

    33.Aswathama’s Revenge

    34.The Unforgivable Act

    35.The Aftermath of War

    36.A Mother's Curse

    37.Honouring the Fallen Warriors

    38.Karna's Revelation

    39.Emperor of Hastinapura

    40.The Path of Righteous Kingship

    41.Bhishma’s Demise

    42.Return to Dwaraka

    43.The Miracle of Life

    44.Ashvamedha Yaga


    46.The final passage of Elders

    47.The Birth OfWooden Club

    48.The Fall of the Yadavas

    49.End of Krishna Avatar

    50.The End of Dwaraka

    51.The Final Journey

    52.Ascension to Heaven



    Chapter 1

    The Unstoppable Arrow

    The time for war had finally come. On one side an army of 11 Akshauhinis supported the Kauravas, while on the other side, an army of 7 Akshauhinis supported the Pandavas. Both armies were ready to fight on the battlefield.

    An Akshauhini is described in the Mahabharata as a battle formation consisting of 21,870 chariots, 21,870 elephants, 65,610 horses and 109,350 infantries. So, if you ask, an Akshauhini consisted of 218,700 warriors. The ratio is 1 chariot: 1 elephant: 3 cavalries: 5 infantries.

    Meanwhile, at Krishna's request, a report had been prepared analyzing the strengths of both armies. The report gave details of how long it would take one warrior to kill all the soldiers of the other side.

    Krishna read the report. The first name mentioned was Bhishmacharya. If he fought the battle alone, it would take him about 20 days to kill the entire Pandava army. Next was Karna, who would need 24 days, followed by Arjuna, who would need 28 days, and Bhima, who would need 32 days. As the account continued, the number of days increased to months, and so on. But at one particular name, Krishna stopped reading because the number next to it read '1'. It was not a year, a month, a week, a day, or even an hour. Krishna himself was surprised to learn that it was only a minute. Wondering if it was possible, Krishna closed his eyes and looked into the future with his supernatural powers. What he saw astonished him.

    The armies of the Pandavas and Kauravas were on opposite sides of the battlefield. In just 50 seconds, every soldier in the Kaurava army fell to the ground, one by one. Blood flowed across the battlefield. Not a single Pandava was injured, but the entire Kaurava army was destroyed. Immediately afterward, however, the entire Pandava army was destroyed.

    Nobody on the battlefield was alive except Krishna. Seeing this, Krishna snapped back to reality from his divine vision. Unable to understand how an army of 18 Akshauhinis could be destroyed in just 50 seconds, Krishna used his supernatural powers to look into the future again, this time more carefully.

    He saw the Kaurava army before him. From the side where Krishna was standing, an arrow shot at great speed towards the Kaurava army. It struck the brave heart of Dusshasana, cutting him in two. The arrow then entered Karna's head from one side, exited through the other, and pierced Bhishma's legs, causing him to fall to the ground.

    Seeing this brutality, a terrified Duryodhana began to run for his life. But the same arrow struck Duryodhana from behind, pierced his heart, and came out. Duryodhana's heart was stuck to the arrowhead. After killing Duryodhana, the arrow surprisingly started targeting the Pandavas, leaving Krishna completely confused.

    Unable to bear the fear, Krishna opened his eyes and called to his guards, Who is there? Go and bring forth immediately the man whose name is marked against this number, '1'. The soldiers went away saying, Certainly, Master!

    Krishna was excited to hear about this great warrior who had killed both armies with a single arrow. When Krishna heard that the warrior was coming, he quickly came out of his tent and saw a warrior approaching, dressed in blue, holding a bow in one hand, a quiver with three arrows on his back, a sword at his waist, and riding a horse. These were the only weapons he had. As he walked confidently towards Krishna, his body looked like the perfect example of a warrior.

    The warrior then touched Krishna's feet with utmost respect and said, "Sri Krishna! I am delighted to see you. My mother has the greatest devotion for you. She is one of your greatest devotees.

    Krishna asked him, What is your mother's name?

    He replied, "Morvi!

    Are you Morvi's son?" Krishna asked.

    "Yes, Krishna! I also belong to the Pandavas. My name is Barbarika. Bhima Sena's son, Ghatotkacha, is my father. I am the grandson of Bhima Sena. You have asked me if I am Morvi's son. Do you know my mother? Barbarika replied.

    Krishna replied, Yes, I know Morvi, and remembered his earlier encounters with her. Once there was a demon called Garuda who was a very close friend of the demon Narakasura. Krishna killed the demon Garuda, who had surpassed everyone in his demonic deeds. Morvi was the younger sister of Garuda. To avenge the death of her brother Garuda, Morvi waged war against Krishna. She fought with Krishna for three days, and Krishna was surprised by Morvi's bravery. Finally, as Krishna was about to use his Sudarshana chakra to behead Morvi, Goddess Kamakshi appeared and spoke to Krishna, saying, She is my devotee. I have blessed her with immense bravery and wisdom. Leave her alone. Then she spoke to Morvi and said, He is none other than the incarnation of Lord Sri Maha Vishnu himself.

    Morvi fell at Krishna's feet and thanked him for not killing her, and from that moment on she became his devotee. Remembering this incident, Krishna asked Barbarika, "Can you destroy the entire army in one minute?

    Barbarika replied, It is very possible, Krishna. When Krishna asked him to explain, Barbarika replied, By the grace of the Goddess, my mother acquired extensive knowledge of warfare, which she imparted to me from my early years. These three arrows I possess were given to me by Lord Shiva himself. With these three arrows, I can defeat countless enemies in the blink of an eye. When I unleash these arrows and enter a state of deep meditation, one arrow will remember all our enemies on the battlefield, another will remember the warriors fighting on our side, and the third will quickly eliminate anyone who is not on our side".

    On hearing this, Krishna said, I want to see your bravery. With the arrows given to you by Lord Shiva, split the leaves of this peepal tree in two. Barbarika agreed and aimed his three arrows and began to meditate.

    The first arrow remembered all the leaves of the peepal tree. The second arrow did not work in this case because there was nothing on Barbarika's side. The third arrow went on to cut all the leaves in two, and then it came to the feet of Krishna and started spinning around His feet.

    After the first arrow remembered all the leaves of the peepal tree, Krishna secretly kept one leaf under his feet. So for that one leaf, the third arrow spun around Krishna. When Barbarika opened her eyes, Krishna, pretending to know nothing, asked, What is this, Barbarika? Your arrow is spinning around my feet?

    Barbarika replied, "Krishna! A leaf must have fallen under your feet without your knowledge. Please remove your foot immediately, otherwise, my arrow will pass your foot and hit the leaf.

    When Krishna lifted his leg, the arrow struck the leaf that had been under Krishna's foot. Krishna appreciated the bravery of Barbarika and asked, My dear, on whose side will you fight? The side of the Kauravas or the Pandavas?

    Barbarika laughed and replied, I always fight on the weaker side, those who are on the verge of defeat, and thus help them to victory. This is by the promise I made to my mother; my arrows also work by the promise I made to my mother.

    According to his words, since the Pandavas have only 7 Akshauhinis in their army of 18, Barbarika must fight on the side of the Pandavas, who have a smaller army. But the problem lies in Barbarika's words, where he said that he would fight on the losing side.

    This effectively means that once Barbarika starts the war, his arrow will begin to destroy the Kauravas. But if 5 of the 11 Akshauhinis of the Kauravas die, the Pandavas' army will be larger than the Kauravas'.

    Then Barbarika will start fighting from the Kaurava side, and his arrow will start killing the warriors on the Pandava side. When all the Akshauhini on each side have been killed, no one will be left alive on the battlefield except Krishna and Barbarika. So when the arrow turns towards the Pandavas, the Pandavas must be hidden to save them from the arrow's destruction. But even if Barbarika, who is in meditation, doesn't know where the Pandavas are, the arrow with its power will go to the Pandavas wherever

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