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Not This Future
Not This Future
Not This Future
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Not This Future

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Does anyone still remember how we anticipated the future when we were younger? We were fascinated with new technology, Sci-Fi and space travels. Here we are now, in the future, which turns out to be not so much like the future we have been looking for. We were once told that technology would make our lives easier and better, so we would have more time for ourselves.
What has happened to that promise?
If we are not careful humanity is steering into the absolute wrong direction. From 2020 to 2023 we are seeing further division in politics. We see the appearance of new technology which is more and more about replacing humans, not benefiting us at all. We see automation on one hand and restrictions for humans on the other. Especially over the Covid years we have seen worldwide lockdowns, turning us into a worldwide prison population. There is a reason why this happens. We should have had a dialogue in the early 2000s where we want humanity to go from there. Instead the entertainment was so great that the participation in such debates was very low, so it should be no wonder that others designed their desired future for us. A future which is not in favor of humanity. A future where the human society undergoes forced transformations, which even go as far as changing the human body irreversibly. We step by step see more measures of removing the human from nature, while at the same time we are sold the idea of protecting the environment.
Release dateMay 3, 2024
Not This Future

Asher Sommer

Asher Sommer is an African (Ghanaian) German living in China. He is an entrepreneur and owns a clothing manufacturing and trading company in China. He is a fashion designer who runs his own clothing brand He is also an author, historian, musician and graphic artist. He has traveled all over the world. Asher has a living experience in every cultural background on this planet. There is no place on earth he does not call his home. His content might be provocative at times. The only label he is giving himself is the label of a freethinker.

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    Not This Future - Asher Sommer

    Not This Future

    -  Chapter 1: Intro. We are now in the future. Utopian vs. Dystopian Start Trek vs. 1984

    This book is about the future we are heading towards. It offers a brief analysis why it came to this development, where the odds are in comparison with past events and I will offer a forecast of what we are still going to expect on this journey.

    I generally think on our course towards the future we are heading into the absolute wrong direction. Our lack of personal engagement into shaping our future has been used by others to fabricate a future which serves them and not us as the majority. We were traded a comfortable lifestyle, so that trained us to become more and more passive and docile over time. Our warning instincts were out of use. So in this type of situation, we in most cases are no longer in a condition that lets us act in our personal interest. We have become the victims of our comfort zone. Any kinds of hardships have been eliminated so that we no longer train ourselves, our personality and our surrounding to get better and stronger. We just accept the weakness and we hope to drown into a pool of endless entertainment. "

    Most of us had already a fabricated picture of a desired future. This future was shaped by the media industry already. Star trek and Star Wars are not our original idea of what our future is going to be like. It is the programming of a dream.

    There is nothing bad about this dream, but since we have neglected building our own future, this dream has not become true. The type of future we are moving towards is a lot less Star Trek and a lot more 1984 or The Matrix. The long term outlook will do nothing else but combine Star Trek’s Borg characters with the story we know from Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World novel.

    A reality which may suit the likes of Adolph Hitler or Joseph Stalin, but nothing that, if we had a choice we would accept.

    We are step by step moving towards what is called the great Reset. A program by the elite and the industry to fundamentally change our lifestyle until the year 2030. 

    Here is what is on the main agenda.


    The vaccination is exercised in order to give the corporate government structure access to your body and your genetics. This is why they ask for your signature. Once you agree you give up your sovereignty about your body, your genetics and your human rights. You agree that the state can exploit your body at will.

    Population Reduction

    Since the old business model is all about using human livestock for labor, the new business model will reduce its labor force worldwide. They will only keep the main labor pool in Asia. Physical labor as we were used to will no longer be required. So the large number of humans living on earth is no longer necessary. Here there will be any means used to cut the population down, something which is still in consent with the law. The main factor will be making life unbearable so a good amount of people will decide for suicide. The other factors will be foods which lead to cancer, vaccines with serious side effects and of course more illegal drugs. The rest will be done by already measures against combating terror and also fake wars. Most important is to kill of the old people who still can share wisdom first, then the intelligent people who do not comply with the rules.

    Digitalization/ Artificial Intelligence.

    Every aspect of our lives will be digitized. Without the use of computers a life will be made impossible. Any process will be managed by intelligent algorithms, instead by humans. This gives the power structure the chance to manage the livestock without personally take hand in it. The AI cannot be legally touched for wrongdoing. AI systems will become the main mechanism for bureaucracy for the coming age. Everything is being managed and controlled.

    Virtual World /Metaverse / Matrix / Holodeck / Singularity / Heaven

    The end goal is to bring the livestock to a place called Metaverse. This is a never ending video game where the humans/chimeras will be able to live their lives. It will be partially based on our real world, but it will add multiple dimensions. Just like a schizophrenic person, the people will be able to slip into multiple personalities, but always need to come back to the home dimension to take care of their daily affairs. Since this will be the least popular the people will more and more escape the reality and totally drift into higher dimensions until they simply run out of credits and will be switched off. For those who comply the ultimate motivation will be they will be able to become immortal. In the first step the Virtual World will be available on monitors and through VR goggles. In Phase 2 brain chips will be made available to offer the user an overall augmented reality. In the last phase the user will be given the option to transition entirely into the digital world. Here the sacrifice would be our physical body. Our bodies by that time will have suffered already that much from vaccination/therapeutics and improper diets/addictions, that a life in a human body is no longer attractive.

    Brain Chips.

    This technology will allow the people to merge with the Virtual World/ Metaverse. The times of Google glass are over. Nobody would have wanted to wear glasses all the time to stay online all the time. This is where the implants come to play. They serve many functions. They are surveillance, authentification and access to the metaverse and the hybrid of meta and real world applications. It will be very useful for those humans who are still needed to function in the real world. This part of people will have the access to drugs which let them roam in the real world. Whatever they see and experience is a hybrid enhancement model. By doing this they will have real world access and metaverse functionality. Brain chips will stimulate the brain when necessary. They will also be able to downgrade natural brain activity. Everything will be well monitored.

    New born children will be equipped with an AI operating system from the beginning. This system will be a character which they can only see. This character will be an electronic caretaker in human form. It will guide the young human through childhood and then adulthood. The AI system will make sure the development is modeled after a standardized pattern. Once the subject is too far off from its regular role, the emergency programs will kick in.

    C02 taxation.

    This tax will be introduced in order to fight climate change. There will be a few trigger events which will result in drastic actions. People will get into panic and the old economic model will be blamed. People will be told to reduce their activities, and then a climate quota will be introduced. Basically people will have to pay for the air they breathe. Activities in the Virtual World / Metaverse will be quoted as more climate neutral. Physical belongings in the real world will be reduced. Metaworld NFTs will be encouraged instead. While there will be a shared economy all over the real world, people can own their products in the metaverse. The costs of physical possessions will continually go up. Same as real estate and rent for large spaces. Storage costs will be painstakingly high. Travel will be only granted to few. The majority will not be able to travel due to vaccination damage and high CO2 taxation. Travel per metaverse will be encouraged instead.

    We will see various events of an overwhelming magnitude. What we need to keep in mind. The weather and temperatures can already be manipulated. The technology for doing that exists. 

    Cancelling Democracy and human rights

    The vaccinations marks the end to all human rights. Once you have gotten the gene therapy you are basically no longer a natural human, you are a chimera. This means your genome has been patented. Only natural occurring organisms cannot be patented. Any artificial organisms can. This means, here different laws apply. The patent holders can decide. They can create their own laws for their product. In case the person wants to claim human right issues. These no longer apply.

    A main aspect here is democracy. Since now big tech corporations want to take over the world, democracy seems to be in the way. They do not want the average person to have any opinion or any say in the decision making process of politics. Especially when all this is not going in their favor and AI technology should be implemented to make automated decisions instead. This is why we see major censorship on social media. Mainstream Media only has one common narrative. Whatever does not fit in will be denounced. Now in countries like the United States where the constitution guarantees democratic rights for all its citizens this becomes very tricky. Here we will see the most actions which are supposed to roll back democracy. This is the reason why so many powers are at work to divide the population. Once the people are all divided and only act according to partisanship or affiliation the country will not be governable anymore. Once this happens paired with a civil war like scenario, the democracy will fail. Other countries which gave up their democracy already will start enjoying more stability. All this is easy to control by the moves the central banks are making. We already see during the handling of Covid-19, that politicians are making democracy responsible for the failure of the measures. This will get more and more attention within events to come. The founding fathers of the United States were geniuses when they built the constitution. They made it proof for all types of possible events and attacks. This alone will be a tough nut to crack for the elites.

    Total worldwide corporate control

    Corporations will have more power than governments. Too big to fail in 2008 was just a beginning. Governments used the people’s money to bail out the corporations who threatened to collapse society when they don’t get immediate liquidity. None of this money was ever paid back. None of these emergency mechanisms were ever drawn back. The pockets of the people have been emptied and the centrals banks have created more money than ever which again indebts the whole world to the owners of the central banks. The last straws in valuable resources to cover the amounts were natural resources. Those could not cover the debt which was created. So now these central banks own all the natural resources and can decide the value of the money they offer by themselves. All countries which were able to issue their own currencies have already been devastated during the war against terror. The end result is that every resource on earth will be countable and monitored, The AI will manage those resources.

    The Social Credit Score / Digital currency / Universal basic income.

    Electric money bound with a social credit score to ensure or restrict access to products and services. If the user does not comply, the services can all decline access to any movement.

    The Elite.

    The elite will not be vaccinated. They will populate the world and share its resources amongst each other. They will keep their families small and wealthy. They will only marry amongst each other so the wealth will not become divided. After the great reset has finished they will no longer live in fear that there will be any competition from the ranks of the regular folks.

    The elite will be shielded by AI. For commoners it will be impossible to get in contact with them at all. 

    The working class.

    A pool of low level people resembling today’s Turks and working class Chinese. They have their own culture, language and identity. Most likely Islam or compatible ideologies. They  have always been on the bottom of society and they will stay there. They are being commanded by AI systems. They have no contact to then elites at all. They will probably not even know the elites exist. They will be later become entirely hybrid. They will not be able to procreate. They will be produced on demand from artificial wombs. This working class will be equipped with brain chips and can be remote controlled on demand.


    in the next 8 years a whole new model of society will be created. It will be a clear cut from the society we grew up in. This cut will take 8 years, so that the younger generation will not really remember the freedoms previous generations enjoyed. The technology will keep them as busy as possible. AI caretakers will do their best to lead

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