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Cowboy Up: A Dixie Reapers MC Spinoff
Cowboy Up: A Dixie Reapers MC Spinoff
Cowboy Up: A Dixie Reapers MC Spinoff
Ebook167 pages4 hours

Cowboy Up: A Dixie Reapers MC Spinoff

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About this ebook

Mia – I ran away from home when I was seventeen and attached myself to a too-old-for-me cowboy. Then he knocked me up, slapped me around, and left me. My baby and I would have had nowhere to go, but the sweetest cowboy I’ve ever met threw me a lifeline. It was only supposed to be a marriage of convenience. I wasn’t supposed to fall in love with him. When life keeps throwing us one obstacle after another, I have to wonder if I made the right choice. What if I’m ruining Jackson’s life?

Jackson – I have really big shoes to fill. Not only is my dad a retired rodeo national champion, but he’s also part of the Dixie Reapers MC. He saved my mom, and he’s been my hero ever since I was a kid. So when my friend starts yelling at his girlfriend and slaps her around, I know I have to step in. Now I have a family I didn’t plan for, and I have no idea how to tell my parents. But with trouble following us no matter where we go, there’s only one place I can turn – to the Dixie Reapers – because I’ll do whatever it takes to keep my family safe.

WARNING: Cowboy Up is intended for readers 18+ and contains bad language, violence, domestic abuse, and adult situations.

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Release dateApr 19, 2024
Cowboy Up: A Dixie Reapers MC Spinoff

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    Book preview

    Cowboy Up - Harley Wylde

    Chapter One


    Jackson! Jackson! The roar of the crowd assaulted my ears as I settled over the bronc in the chute. My heart hammered in my chest, adrenaline zipping through my veins. Every ride was different, but this part remained the same.

    Jackson! You got this! Carter Bales, my longtime friend, was shouting encouragement from the sidelines. With one hand gripping a cold beer and the other waving wildly in the air, he seemed to be enjoying the event almost as much as I was. I couldn’t help but grin. I already had sweat dripping down my face, and soon I’d have the dust from the arena coating me.

    Come on, Adler! Show ‘em what you’re made of! another voice chimed in, joining Carter’s cheers. The energy of the crowd was infectious, and I found myself feeding off their excitement.

    I caught glimpses of my fellow rodeo cowboys watching from the sidelines. They were a motley crew of rough-and-tumble men, each one of them a seasoned rider with countless bruises and scars to show for it. And yet, despite the dangers that came with the sport, there was an undeniable camaraderie between us all. We were more than just friends -- we were a family bound together by our shared passion for the rodeo.

    Although, we each hoped the other would fall off before the buzzer. Each of us wanted the top spot in our events.

    You’ll get the top spot, Jackson! Carter called out again, his voice barely audible over the din of the crowd. I could see the excitement in his eyes, the thrill of watching me push myself to the limit. And for a moment, I allowed myself to bask in the glory of it all -- the adrenaline, the cheers, the sheer exhilaration of being a rodeo cowboy.

    Making sure my hat was smashed down far enough it wouldn’t fly off, I gripped the rigging and gave a nod to the men waiting to open the chute. Once the doors opened, the bronc burst from the chute, twisting and bucking.

    Eight seconds, just eight seconds. I tried to focus on the rhythm of the ride, to stay one step ahead of the animal’s frantic movements. It was a battle of wits and strength, a test of endurance that had become second nature to me over the years. Holding on tightly, my knuckles turned white with the effort. The bronco beneath me bucked and kicked like a beast possessed, desperate to unseat me from its back. But I held on, every muscle in my body working together to keep me anchored to the wild creature.

    Five… four… three… I counted down the seconds in my head, willing myself to hold on just a little bit longer. The bronco beneath me seemed to sense my determination and redoubled its efforts to unseat me, but I held fast, refusing to give in.

    Two… one!

    And just like that, it was over. The buzzer rang out, signaling the end of my ride, and I released the reins, allowing myself to be thrown from the bronco’s back and onto the dirt floor of the arena. I landed in a crouch, then stood and waved my hat to the crowd. The cheers from the audience washed over me like a tidal wave as I stood there, panting and covered in sweat, but victorious. I didn’t know if I’d earned enough points to make the top three, and I watched the scoreboard.

    Jackson! That was amazing! Carter said as I climbed the rail to exit the arena. You really showed ‘em who’s boss out there!

    Thanks, I replied with a weary grin, feeling the ache in my muscles already beginning to set in. But it didn’t matter -- the pain, the exhaustion, the risk -- none of it mattered when I was on the back of a bronc, doing what I loved most. And with friends like Carter by my side, cheering me on every step of the way, I knew that nothing -- not even the wildest bronco -- could keep me down for long.

    The announcer said my score, and I watched as my name took the top spot on the scoreboard. I couldn’t hold back my smile. Today had been an excellent day, and as the final ride, I knew no one was knocking me from that position.

    I leaned against the railing, catching my breath and wiping the sweat from my brow. The next event would start in a few minutes. Bull riding. I’d done my fair share in the past, but broncs were my passion, just like my dad. He’d been a national champion, and that was my goal as well.

    The rodeo was in full swing, the electrifying atmosphere filling every corner of the arena with energy and excitement. As I watched the cowboys compete, a strange mixture of pride and envy washed over me -- pride for my fellow riders, who threw themselves into the fray with reckless abandon, and envy for the adrenaline that coursed through their veins, propelling them toward victory or defeat.

    Hey, man, you did great out there, Carter said, clapping me on the back and taking a swig from his beer. You’ll be back on top in no time.

    Thanks, I responded with a half-hearted smile, my attention still focused on the action unfolding before us. I might have come in first this time, but I needed to place in the next three rodeos to make it to nationals.

    J-Jackson? a voice whispered hesitantly from behind me. Surprised, I turned around to find Mia Cox standing there, her face pale and her eyes brimming with tears. A flash of concern shot through me. It was unusual to see her without her usual bright smile and infectious laughter.

    Hey, what’s wrong? I asked gently, drawing her away from the chaos of the rodeo and into a quieter corner.

    Mia swallowed hard, her eyes darting between me and Carter, who had grown silent at her appearance. I… I need to talk to Carter. Could you…

    The way her voice trembled, and she couldn’t meet our gazes, made me think she had bad news. Clearly, something private between the two of them. I hoped like hell he hadn’t fucked up. Everyone knew Mia was only seventeen. Even though she’d left home to chase after Carter, I’d told him to keep things platonic. Why did I get the feeling he hadn’t done that?

    All right. I nodded, stepping back to give them some space. I saw Carter’s expression shift from curiosity to apprehension as he set his beer down and turned to face her.

    Talk to me, Mia. What’s going on? he asked.

    He hadn’t even given me a chance to move far enough away I wouldn’t overhear them. And her next words stopped me in my tracks.

    I’m… I’m pregnant, Carter, she blurted out, tears streaming down her face. And it’s yours.

    Holy. Shit! I stared at him, wondering if he’d realized yet just how badly he’d fucked up. Forget the fact they were going to have a kid, he was in his twenties and she wasn’t even legal yet. One phone call from her or her family, and he’d be locked up for statutory rape. What the hell had he been thinking?

    The noise of the rodeo seemed to fade into the background as the weight of her words settled upon us. I glanced at Carter, searching for some sign of emotion -- joy, fear, anything -- but his face remained impassive.

    Are you sure? he asked quietly, his eyes never leaving hers.

    Mia nodded, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand. I’ve taken three tests, Carter. They all came back positive.

    A heavy silence hung in the air between them, filled with unspoken questions and fears. As I watched from the sidelines, my heart ached for both of them -- for Mia, who had been thrust into a terrifying and uncertain future, and for Carter, whose life had just been turned upside down in an instant. Although, to be fair, if he’d kept his dick in his pants, which in this case he definitely should have done, then they wouldn’t be having this discussion right now.

    All right, Carter finally said. We’ll figure something out.

    Thank you, Mia whispered, her shoulders sagging with relief as she leaned against him, seeking comfort in his embrace. As they stood there together, their lives forever changed by the revelation of a single secret, I couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of foreboding, an icy chill that crept up my spine and whispered of dark days to come. When had Carter ever acted this way? He was always loud, obnoxious, and quick to anger.

    For now, all I could do was offer my support and stand by their side, no matter what the future held. I should have listened to that inner voice and stuck to Mia like glue. If I had, then things might have turned out differently.

    * * *

    Two Days Later

    Carter’s face twisted into a snarl, his grip on the beer in his hand tightening until I feared the bottle might shatter. I should have known things would turn out this way. Although, I’d never seen him act like this with a woman before. I remained tense and ready to intervene the moment I thought he was going too far.

    How many beers had he had? Five? Six? He looked completely plastered. I was thankful I’d decided to come to this rodeo. At first, I’d thought to pass and go to a different event, but when I found out Carter was heading here, something told me to follow.

    Why the fuck was he doing this right by the arena? I could barely focus on my upcoming ride. A quick glance showed I needed to get moving if I wanted to make this ride count.

    You stupid little whore, he spat, his words laced with venom and rage that made my blood run cold. You think I’m gonna stick around and play daddy to some brat? You’re out of your Goddamn mind!

    Mia recoiled, her eyes wide with terror. Shit! If he took a swing at her, I’d have to forget my damn ride and go help her. Hold on just a bit longer.

    Jackson, it’s now or never, said one of the cowboys waiting for me. I pulled my attention away from Carter and Mia, hoping I wasn’t making a mistake. I knew I’d ride like shit if I sat here worrying about her.

    Closing my eyes, I cleared my mind, blocked out all the noise around me, adjusted my grip and gave the cowboy a nod. He opened the chute and the bronc beneath me bolted in a straight line. Bastard didn’t start bucking until we’d reached the other end of the arena. If I got a shitty score for drawing this horse, I was going to be pissed.

    The horse’s hooves would pound into the dirt, then he’d go airborne again. He did his best to scrape me off on the arena fencing when he couldn’t seem to throw me. Sweat dripped into my eyes and I held on, hoping for a high enough score to at least keep my place. I was gunning for nationals and needed every point.

    As the buzzer sounded, I jumped off the bronco. The moment my feet hit the arena floor, I took off for the fence. My body still hummed with energy from the ride, every muscle tense. I cleared the fence and closed the distance.

    I’d never seen my friend act like this before, and it sickened me.

    Please, Carter, she begged. I didn’t want this to happen either, but we have to do something.

    Then get rid of it! he bellowed, causing heads to turn in their direction. I don’t give a damn how, just make sure it’s gone!

    The bond between us as friends had shattered in an instant, and I couldn’t let Carter hurt Mia any further.

    Hey! I shouted, my voice firm and commanding. Leave her alone, Carter!

    He whipped around to face me, his eyes blazing with fury, and for a moment I saw the man I’d once considered a brother. But that fleeting glimpse disappeared as quickly as it had come, replaced by the monster he’d become. I’d like to hope it was only the alcohol, but I worried I might be seeing his true self for the first time.

    Stay out of this, Jackson! he snarled, his hands clenched into fists at his sides. This ain’t your business!

    Like hell it isn’t, I shot back, my heart pounding in my chest as I positioned myself between him and Mia. You don’t get to treat her like this, not while I’m still breathing.

    My words hung heavy in the air between us, a testament to the line we’d crossed and the friendship we’d just left behind. We stood there, two men who’d once been closer than brothers, now locked in a battle neither of us could back down from. I’d never let him, or any man, hurt a woman. Not in my presence. I’d been raised to take care of those weaker than me, and Mia definitely qualified.

    Get the hell away from her, Carter! I demanded, my voice unwavering. She trembled

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