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A Beginners guide to Psychic stuff
A Beginners guide to Psychic stuff
A Beginners guide to Psychic stuff
Ebook144 pages1 hour

A Beginners guide to Psychic stuff

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Ever wondered about Tarot cards? Ever thought there may be some truth in this lark about reading the tea leaves? Ever thought you would buy a book on Faith healing?

This is one of those books that goes into most of the spiritual arts and touches most aspects of spiritual life. It is always respectful and written with just a touch of humour mixed in. There are way too may people involved with 'that' side of spirit life to even consider being disrespectful. So what is there about this spirtual side of life. Read this book and find out just a little about 'the arts'. Maybe you will get a taste to read a bit more about it. Maybe you won;t. but is there a reason you even picked up this book anyway?

Release dateMay 3, 2024
A Beginners guide to Psychic stuff

Andrew Gilbert

Andy has been writing for the last twenty years and has written a number of books over a wide variety of genre. His first book Sold over 5000 copies and he continues to write on whatever the mood takes him. Currently he  is finishing Books on the crime scene in Rotorua, New Zealand. As always his books are not meant to be taken seriously. If you haven't laughed today, read one of Andy's books!

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    Book preview

    A Beginners guide to Psychic stuff - Andrew Gilbert


    WELCOME TO THE BOOK that should answer some of your questions and also give you some more questions that you had not thought of.

    Allow me to tell you the story of how I first became involved in spiritual matters.

    Paul, not his real name, was a former bible class student of mine when he was in his teens. He lived across the back fence from us, and we were quite friendly with his whole family. Paul had grown up and left the church and would now be aged around twenty. My wife and I were dissatisfied with our local church, and we felt we were only marking time until a new and more vibrant minister came along to give the whole congregation a buzz. I had stopped teaching bible class, as I didn’t have the confidence in the message I was delivering to the kids, from the church’s perspective. I’d say that when you were all fired up with the fervour of the Holy Spirit, you tended to sit right up on the front pew on a Sunday. We had started to sit further and further back. As a matter of fact, we were sitting pretty close to the exit at this time.

    Paul hopped over the fence one Monday evening with the newspaper in hand and showed me an advert for an introductory lecture on developing your inner strength and gifts. To my relief, it was on the following Wednesday night. Wednesday night was my soccer training night. I apologised to Paul and said that if it wasn’t on the Wednesday, I would have gladly gone along with him, but my training took priority etc. Anyway, my wife had a meeting on the Wednesday night so after training I would probably have to baby-sit the kids. It was a pity really because the advertised meeting looked really interesting. That was what I said to Paul, but I was really only being polite. I left it at that, and Paul went home.

    On Wednesday afternoon it started to rain very heavily at around 4.30 and, you guessed it, my soccer training was cancelled.

    I still had the excuse to use that my wife’s meeting was on, and I’d have to baby sit our children. So, I still had an excuse and I was still not going to have to go to that meeting with Paul.

    Paul’s meeting was set to start at 7.00. At 6.30 Paul hopped over the fence to ask if Jane could drop him off on the way to her meeting, as he had a flat battery on his car or something like that.

    Jane, my lovely wife, then remembered she hadn’t told me her meeting had been cancelled at 4.30 this afternoon! Why didn’t I go to the meeting anyway, and I could give Paul a lift, was my wife’s brilliant suggestion.

    I ended up running out of excuses, so I went with Paul to the meeting, and it was my first introduction to matters spiritual. I got a real buzz that I could see auras and understand what they were. The speaker showed us some simple games, using spiritual energy, and I went away from the meeting with a realisation that our current church life was not only being stifling but was actually and actively holding us back in our spiritual growth.

    You may think it was just an unusual set of coincidences that got me to that meeting. With a more developed awareness, I can tell you, there was no way I was not going to be there at that meeting! It was meant to be! It had been decided by a higher awareness than mine, and my guide was giving me a real nudge to be at the meeting that would first arouse my curiosity as to what there really was for my spiritual growth. Now if my guide can co-ordinate a rainstorm, cancel my soccer training, cancel the PTA Meeting, and give Paul a flat battery on his car, all in order to get me to that first meeting, then is it possible that your guide may have given you a nudge to get you into the bookshop and to pick up this book, out of all the hundreds of books there were to choose from, as a hint that you may be ready for some spiritual growth? Or was it just another set of coincidences? I’ve already made my mind up on the matter, but then I’ve seen how the guide’s minds work.

    MOST OF THE THOUGHTS put forward in this book are those of the Author. I have gathered these thoughts and experiences over a number of years and from a variety of sources. I am, or was, an analytical type of person that often struggled to take on board anything that could not be proved or was a bit ‘airy fairy’. I also freely admit to being not the brightest candle on the birthday cake when it comes down to deep and ponderous spiritual thinking. Often when I was told something or read something that I could not readily agree with, I gave the information some quiet thinking time on my own and tried to understand the thought from a different perspective. A perspective that I could accept from my own life experiences. For the most part, I can work things out for myself. If I don’t accept the new thought, I can at least give the other person the courtesy and respect of being entitled to their own opinion and continue on my own path of discovery and growth.

    I have tried to explain the contents in this book in a simple and easy to understand form and have avoided, where possible, the mumbo jumbo and spiritual jargon that perpetuates the mystery of self awareness and spiritual paths. I have quite deliberately not gone into too many details in the topics in the book for the simple reason that, for example, when I talk of essential oils used in aromatherapy, I don’t want the reader to dash out and buy a bottle of the oil on its own. I want you to firstly read further about the subject. My purpose in writing the book is twofold. Firstly I want to try and explain that the mysteries of mysticism and fringe healing etc are all being done by ordinary people, like you and I, to help other ordinary people like you and I. Secondly I would be delighted if any reader read about a topic in this book and rather fancied a deeper search of that area. The inclination to delve further may well be a nudge from your higher awareness, so don’t procrastinate. It may well open up a whole new world of wellness for you. Oh, and the higher awareness thing I just mentioned is covered in the book as well, so don’t worry about it

    Nothing in this book will promote any one religion over another. Nothing in this book will actually say you have to believe in something, or somebody called God or Jehovah or any figure from any organised religion. I do suggest that you have a belief in a supreme or divine being or force as it will make it easier to grasp some of the concepts discussed in the book.


    Chapter 1: Psychic stuff?


    Depending upon your upbringing, it could mean anything from a silly looking old lady, wearing a shawl and flowery type of skirt, gazing into a crystal ball and asking in a mournful tone of voice Is anybody there?

    It could, if you are from a strongly Christian background, represent all that is evil and bordering on being anti-church.

    If you have any awareness or Psychic ability at all, it could just mean that you know there is something about all this ghosts and spooks and tealeaf reading that has a bit of truth in it. But until now, you’ve never been quite comfortable about ‘that sort of thing’.

    Everyone has psychic talents or abilities. In most people they are dormant or just undiscovered. From an early age we are taught to dismiss them. Most children will have’ imaginary friends ‘at a young age. Most parents will tell the kids to stop being silly in case their friends think they are strange. It is often said that our psychic gifts are most evident, or are closest to the surface, when we are kids, and our logical self does not get in the way of being in contact with them.

    I feel that if you are reading this book, you are already showing some small sign of Psychic ability and your inner or higher self is giving you a nudge to ask a few questions.

    Summing up ‘Psychic stuff’ in just a hundred or so pages is the same as your best effort would be if I asked to explain about ‘the world’ in a few short sentences. It’s just too big a subject to put into a small story, so we’ll take a look at the parts that most of you have heard about and try and link them altogether in an easy-to-understand format.


    That’s the best place to start. What is soul? You’ve heard the expression before The man’s got soul in his music! The soul they speak of is the essence of the music. The singer has gotten deep into the spirit of the music and is playing out his heart and soul. He has become a part of the music.  Soul is a part of us. Deep inside of us, soul is the very essence of our existence. Our spark of life, if you want to call it that.

    Early philosophers disagreed about what a soul is. Some believed only human souls were immortal. Some believed that mountains and

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