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Curse Of Abadden
Curse Of Abadden
Curse Of Abadden
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Curse Of Abadden

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                        ***A Paranormal Case of 1996 gives Aiden Walker a view of the dark evil world, which turned into a big curse at the end.***


A young man named Aiden Walker, endowed with supernatural abilities, discovered the truth about his family. The truth—which he discovered in the enchanted land, where the curse first originated. Understanding the curse increases the difficulty of answering the question, and the strange—perplexing tone of the solution makes the curse even harder to understand. numerous deaths occurred as a result of the curse, which included a large-scale wicked ceremony, involving a mysterious individual. Although Aiden has discovered a means to break the curse, he is unaware of the consequences. 


                                                                                  Can Aiden Walker end the Curse Of Abadden?

The series Of Aiden Walker begins with this tale. It includes various characters that are significant to the plot, which can occasionally be confusing until the very end, when everything becomes visible through a great mystery.


PublisherRahul Roy
Release dateMay 4, 2024
Curse Of Abadden

Rahul Roy

"Rahul roy is a  film writer, and author of the new novel— Echoes Of Fate—which draws inspiration from the mysteries of dreams and the profound depths of human emotion. Writing a novel was always on his bucket list, and eventually, with Echoes of Fate, it became a reality. Echoes Of Fate invites readers on a journey where ethereal dreams intersect with the complexities of reality, exploring timeless themes of love and destiny."

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    Book preview

    Curse Of Abadden - Rahul Roy

    Beginning Of The Curse

    "Mary Exteen, a girl, is hanging unclothed on the pillar. A group of people are chanting something, and one of the women—dressed in black, is beating the girl nonstop. That girl is screaming, but no one is paying attention; instead, they are just chanting the name, ..... Abadden . Then a man enters the room. He took out a large needle from a black stone and inserted it into the girl's head. The girl died as a result. But suddenly, after a few seconds, that girl starts laughing in an extremely unsettling way.

    Chapter 1

    The Castle

    Year 2003, January

    The dry leaves from the roof are carried by chilly breezes. Arthur ends up being exhausted from his constant work in his wooden workshop. After a while, he decides to nap. The moment he walks into the room, he sees the picture of his parents. Gently, he picks up the picture and recalls the day when, at the age of 18, his parents died in a car accident. Even though Arthur is now 25 years old, growing up without parents presented many challenges for him to overcome during those seven years.

    Afterwards, two years younger than him, his sister Christine, returns home from college. Upon noticing her brother's restlessness, she begins preparing some meals for him.

    Next month, my graduation is going to be complete, so after graduation, I can help you all day, Christine kindly with a smile says to her brother.

    Hearing that his sister wants to assist him makes Arthur smile.

    However, he states, I've already secured you a position at a publishing company. Thus you should concentrate on your studies and not worry about me as my wooden workshop is going well.

    Arthur encourages Christine to seize the chance to pursue her dream of becoming an author. Christine decides to start working in a publishing company—after she agrees to him.

    Following his meal, Arthur is heading to the workshop to shut down—when he notices a letter with his grandfather's name in his mailbox. This shocks him greatly because, according to what his father has always said, his grandfather died—when Arthur was three years old. He takes out the letter and then starts reading the letter.

    The letter states that his grandfather requested Arthur and Christine to come back to their ancestral residence. He shares the letter with his sister. His sister is equally taken aback.

    "Brother, you need to give a call to Uncle Ronan," She says. 

    Because their only close family member is Uncle Ronan.

    Arthur gets in touch with his Uncle Ronan and shares all the details of the letter. In response, Uncle Ronan said he would visit tomorrow and check the letter.

    Christine queries What Uncle Ronan said with impatience.

    Uncle Ronan is coming tomorrow to check the letter, so now they have no other option except to wait until tomorrow, Arthur says to Christine shortly after he puts down the phone.

    However, they are both quite curious about who sent the letter and, if he is indeed their grandfather, then why their father had always claimed that their grandfather had passed away. They both have numerous questions, which increases their curiosity.

    Ronan, Arthur's Uncle, visits his home the next day.

    Your father always hides one thing from you, Uncle Ronan says, after reading the letter. Your grandfather is still alive.

    But why does my father keep that secret from them?  Arthur asks.

    Ronan continues, I also don't know everything. However, your father moved there after something happened between him and your grandfather—when you were three years old. But Arthur, I believe you should move to your grandfather's house, because you are in a bad financial situation and living there will only get worse in the future—you are well aware of how remote this area is from the city! Therefore, the only person who is able to help you in this situation is your grandfather, as I believe your father has also kept your grandfather's wealth a secret. I've heard that your grandfather leads a royal life. Your grandfather runs very big businesses. So, you must have to go.

    Arthur talks with Christine after realising the circumstances. They make the decision to move to their grandfather's house because they both want to see their grandfather and have grown frustrated living there alone. However, they did not come to this decision lightly; it took them nearly three days to make up their minds.

    But, they are unaware of their grandfather's place. Uncle Ronan helps them by letting their grandfather know that their grandchildren are preparing to come — by contacting their grandfather through his past contacts.

    The next day, a very luxurious car arrives at Arthur's house to pick them up. They are filled with joy to meet their grandfather. They pack up their small belongings, wish their home goodbye, and get ready to depart.

    Arthur keeps thinking about what happened between his father and grandfather while travelling. Arthur thought this over and over until he fell asleep.

    Upon awakening, Arthur notices that the route is strange and covered in fog. Clouds turned dark over the sky. It appears that no one has lived there in a very long time. At some point, Arthur notices a nearly-broken house. However, some people live in that house, but they are staring weirdly at Arthur's car. Afterwards, Arthur notices numerous other strange-looking houses. It appears to be an abandoned place, which scared him. Soon after, he starts to notice the verdant land full of flowers and trees, which calms him. 

    How far is that place? Arthur very kindly asks the driver.

    The driver smiles and says, That's right in front of you.

    Then, a massive castle appears in front of Arthur and Christine, surprising both of them. They are unable to accept that their family is truly that wealthy. The luxury that his grandfather owns surprises them.

    The car stops, and then a man approaches and introduces himself to Arthur and Christine.

    "Hi Arthur and Christine, I'm Steve, your grandfather's manager, Steve says with politeness. I hope your journey to your grandfather's home went well for you".

    Christine replies, Yeah, it's incredible; I always see those kinds of places in fairytale stories. It's just amazing.

    After smiling, Steve says, Let's head inside so I can introduce you two to other members of your grandfather's house.

    Arthur still finds it hard to believe that everything he has seen is real; he has never imagined anything like that. Then a few servants come and carry Arthur and Christine's belongings inside the castle. They all walk  towards the castle.

    Your grandfather always tells him that one day their grandchild will come, Steve says as they make their way to the castle. And your grandfather will be very happy that you have finally come. But unfortunately, your grandfather had to go somewhere because of very important work. But, be at ease—he will return in a few days.

    The moment they entered inside the castle, they were both amazed once more by the abundance of luxurious things. 

    First, take a shower and get fresh, and until then I will prepare food for you, Steve says, showing them to their rooms.

    Both of them then head to their rooms. Arthur has a big, luxurious room full of many items. Lying back in bed, Arthur is dreaming of his perfect world. Then, he goes to the bath.

    He heads to the dining room to eat—after getting fresh. He sees that Christine is waiting for him over there already. Addis, his grandfather's personal chef, meets them in the dining room. In addition to cooking delicious food, Addis is a very charming person. Not only that, but he's a really funny guy who makes them laugh by cracking jokes.

    After eating, they all decide to walk and have a little more conversation with each other.

    When we are coming, I see many broken buildings and the people are also weirdly staring at us. That area appears to have been abandoned. What happened over there, Uncle Steve? Arthur asks Steve about the people who live in the abandoned area near the castle.

    Steve makes a strange face and asks, Arthur, what did you say, people? He continues, But nobody lives over there. That location has been abandoned for approximately a century.

    It’s impossible, I saw some people's faces there, Arthur clarifies.

    But brother, Uncle Steve is right, I also do not see anyone over there, Christine reacts to Arthur after agreeing with Steve. That's all I see—an empty area. 

    Steve states, Arthur, I think because of the long trip, it must be your delusion. In reality, there is no one living there.

    Arthur keeps asking himself, If no one lives over. What he saw then, and the people who were staring back at him, who are they?

    After that, everyone walks back to the castle. However, as they reach near to the castle, Arthur notices a strange tattoo on Steve's neck. The identical tattoo he notices on Addis's neck.

    Arthur asks, Uncle Steve, what's that tattoo for?

    But Steve remains silent.

    It's getting late, you two might be exhausted today, so you should go to bed now,  Steve says, ignoring his question.

    Arthur experiences some strange feelings. But he heads to his room to get some rest because he is so tired. Arthur was sleeping until around three o'clock when the silence of the castle woke him up. Arthur finds it very difficult to sleep there because he used to sleep in amid loud insects. He decides to go outside to walk—after becoming restless and in need of some fresh air.

    He is enjoying a walk in the castle's flower garden when all of a sudden he notices someone standing on the terrace. However, there is a lot of fog over there, so he is not sure. But it appears to be a man and a woman—wearing a black dress. Once the fog has cleared, Suddenly, he realises that nobody is actually there. His constant delusions lead him to believe that he needs to rest. He walks back to his room.

    When Arthur goes for breakfast the next day, he sees a woman dressed in black.

    "Arthur and Christine meet with Dr. Catherine. She lives next to the castle, Steve says, introducing the lady. Your grandfather had cardiac surgery a year ago. Thus, after the surgery, I assign Dr. Catherine to properly look after your grandfather's health."

    Dr. Catherine appears to be a young woman. She is incredibly charming, and in a short period of time, she and Christine became friends. Following a short conversation with Dr. Catherine,

    Christine says excitedly, I want to find out more about the castle.

    I knew you would say that...  Okay after breakfast we'll go explore the castle, Steve responds as he is preparing breakfast.

    Following breakfast, they begin exploring the castle.

    Let's go, Steve shouts.

    They first head to the play area, where Arthur and Christine see a variety of game equipment.

    Steve says, Arthur, that room was specially designed for you—when you were two years old—by your grandfather. However, since your family left, your grandfather closed that room because there were no more kids living there after your family left.

    Uncle Steve, you know what happened between my father and grandfather? Arthur asks curiously.

    Steve sighs and says, I'm not sure exactly, but it's something related to Christine.

    Once they've finished their conversation, they visit other locations, including a mini theatre, a flower garden, an artificial snow garden, and a waterfall garden—that looks like it resides in a forest. Next, they see the classrooms—which their grandfather had designed especially for them—so that they can finish their Secondary education without having to go outside.

    After that, Steve told the story of a mysterious room in the castle,

    You know, Arthur, there's a mysterious room in that castle—that's filled with luxurious goods. However, nobody knows how to get to that room, except your great-grandfather. When your grandfather was fifteen, he visited that room; however, he no longer remembers the way.

    Why was that room built secretly? inquires Arthur with curiosity.

    Steve replies, That room is not a normal room, it was built by your great-grandfather—to hide a thing.

    What thing? Arthur wanted to know.

    I do not know, but it is something precious to your great-grandfather, Steve says.

    Uncle Steve, come here, Christine calls the steve.

    Everything about the castle, his grandfather, and his great-grandfather increases Arthur's curiosity. They next move toward the lake that is in front of the castle. That lake seems extremely serene. There's a tree house situated on the lakeside, where Arthur's dad used to play games with their friends—told by Steve.

    They then notice a car pull into the castle and a girl gets out. She is Steve's sister.

    Arthur and Christine meet with my sister, Elsie, Steve says, introducing his sister.

    Christine and Arthur introduce themselves to Elsie. Talking with Elsie, Christine realises that they are the same age.

    What happened, you came early this time? Steve asks Elsie.

    Elsie replies, I told you last month, that my graduation is already complete, so I come back because I have nothing to do.

    Steve recalled, stating, Ahh, I forgot.

    It's okay, so can we eat now? I'm so hungry, Elsie replies, after realising that his brother usually forgot.

    Steve realises it's lunchtime, so they walk back to the castle together. While returning to the castle,

    Arthur asks, Uncle Steve, all castles have names. Does that castle have a name too?

    Steve smiles and replies, "Yes. Of course Arthur. The name of the castle was inspired by the name of your 4th great-grandfather. Thus, the name of that castle is, ABADDEN."

    Chapter 2

    Elsie is the key

    Year 1996

    A woman arrives at Brien's house with her son. Brien Hamilton is a professional paranormal investigator, and that woman visited Brien's house because her son was acting strangely. He claims that he had seen his father, who was trying to talk to him. But, in reality, his father had died about two years before. So, In order to learn what is going on with her son, she comes to Brien’s house. Brien gives Aiden Walker a call.  Aiden Walker is Brien's investigating partner.

    Clairvoyance, a supernatural ability to see things through extrasensory perception—essentially, the sixth sense—is one of Aiden's god-given abilities. He is also capable of Astral projection, which allows him to enter an astral world and see things that are invisible to the human eye. The astral world is the world of the celestial spheres,  from where the soul travels in its astral body both before and after birth. It is generally believed to be the world of spirits or other immaterial creatures.

    Aiden Walker arrives at Brien's home. He had a talk with that woman and boy. After a conversation with that woman, Aiden made the decision to start the investigation.

    The boy and Aiden are sitting across from one another. The boy is a little scared, which is why his mother and Brien are standing next to him.

    Listen, do not be afraid. Just close your eyes and think about the time when your father wants to say something to you, Aiden softly says to the boy while maintaining eye contact.

    That boy did as Aiden instructed.

    Aiden then turns to face Brien, indicating that he is going to begin the process.

    Then Brien turns out all of the lights, except the blue one—above the spot where Aiden and that boy are sitting.  Aiden closes his eyes and begins his astral projection.

    A short while later, he opens his eyes—and sees himself in a strange room. When he turns around, he notices a man sitting on the chair. Aiden hears the man say to him to sit on a chair. Aiden sits on the chair.

    Then, slowly but suspiciously, Aiden asks the man, "Sir,

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