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Please Train Your Staff: Here's How: Humanistic learaship in action, #1
Please Train Your Staff: Here's How: Humanistic learaship in action, #1
Please Train Your Staff: Here's How: Humanistic learaship in action, #1
Ebook160 pages1 hour

Please Train Your Staff: Here's How: Humanistic learaship in action, #1

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About this ebook

Please Train Your Staff is one of three books in the series "Humanistic Leadership in Action" by John Steinberg, PhD and author of 55 print published books and 12 e-books. We spend both time and money on staff training, courses and conferences, but do they lead to learning and do they impact the competency of the individual and the company? This book explores the challenges of staff traiining, learning and development through the eyes of an educational psychologist with experience of leading organizations. What are the ingridiences of learning? What do we mean by competency?


Think through the challenges of training yoru staff before you plan courses, send people to courses and organize a conference. 

Release dateMay 5, 2024
Please Train Your Staff: Here's How: Humanistic learaship in action, #1

John Steinberg

How to become an even better teacher, leader or communicator. How to teach teachers to teach and trainers to train. How to improve leadership in schools and businesses. How to enhance learning in the classroom and at work. The purpose of teaching and leading and knowing your purpose. Personal development for teachers principals/headmasters/managers. School and organizational development. Alternative learning strategies. Alternative schooling. I have a passion for pedagogy... Teaching is an art, science, and political statement, at least if you are trying to save and improve democracy. Knowledge is the key. Understanding how you are influenced and influenced others is crucial. I am an educational psychologist, Ph.D., and the author of 55 books and 20 e-books. My books and interests include education, teaching, leadership, values education, classroom management, communication - and now even e-book publication. I was born in the USA but have lived in Sweden all my adult life, where I have worked at Örebro university, as an elementary school principal and run my own education and publishing company since 1984. My life theme is empowerment and as I usually say "I train trainers to be trainers and teachers to be teachers, and leaders to lead." My main passion is for learning and how to help individuals and groups learn. I do lectures in both English and Swedish. is my Swedish website. Yes, there is an English section too. I also have do The Empowerment Talk Show. Look it up on YouTube: I am in the process of producing a series of short books for educators, leaders, trainers and communicators.

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    Book preview

    Please Train Your Staff - John Steinberg

    Please Train Your  Staff Here’s How


    John Steinberg

    Steinberg Education and Publishing

    Please Train Your Staff

    Here’s How


    John Steinberg

    Humanistic Leadership in Action

    Steinberg Education and Publishing

    Please Train Your Staff: Here’s How

    Copyright © 2020 John Steinberg

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means without permission in writing from the author and publisher.

    John Steinberg, Ph.D., has written more than 40 books in the area

    of behavioral sciences, published in Swedish and other Scandinavian languages. An American living in Sweden since 1971, John is a leading Scandinavian public speaker and consultant and is highly regarded for his insights about effective leadership in organizations.

    John believes that every company can excel at providing superior customer service and staff training, and he is a strong proponent of employee empowerment. He reveals his innovative, easily implemented ideas in three practical, uplifting and passionate books. Please Train Your Staff is part of the trilogy. His other books focus on the art of a good conversation and humanistic leadership.

    Contact information: |

    Steinberg Education and Publishing

    Norrvägen 3

    SE 193 91 Sigtuna, SWEDEN


    Telephone and fax: +46859253352

    Steinberg, John

    Please Train Your Staff: Here’s How

    ISBN 978-91-88822-33-8

    Book Design by David Pahmp,

    Humanistic Leadership in Action

    Welcome to the first of three books for owners, leaders, manag- ers and others with leadership positions within your organiza- tion.

    This book is about learning and training. It will help you estab- lish a learning organization. This is truly crucial in this age of knowledge, information and fast change. The more competent your staff, the better prepared your company will be to meet the challenges of the future.

    This book addresses questions such as the following: What are the ingredients of competence? How can you enhance and ease learning?

    How can you establish a learning organization?


    The other two sister books for leaders and managers are: Please Talk To Your Staff: Here’s How – good com- munications and how to uncover and build upon the strengths of your staff members.

    Please Lead Your Staff: Here’s How – implementing a well thought out leadership philosophy and how to create an organization based on mutual trust.

    These books are based on the following principles:


    The principle of mutual benefit. When a staff grows, learns and is acknowledged for members’ contributions, the individual employees and the company will benefit.

    The principle of mutual respect. When  a business

    is run with ethical practices, trust and confidence increases both within the company among em- ployees and outside the company with customers.

    The principle of a mutual dialogue. How sharing ideas, examining challenges and planning with cooperation prepare us for the future.



    John Steinberg



    Amazing ................................................................................................. 8


    Competence ........................................................................................ 11


    Learning ............................................................................................... 21


    Instructional methods ........................................................................... 33


    A learning organization ......................................................................... 49


    Leadership ........................................................................................... 58


    Putting it all together............................................................................. 68


    Quality. Service. Caring. You’ve heard these words thousands of times as a company competes for the attention and loyalty of its customers. Perhaps you yourself have used these words to describe your business to new recruits, col- laborators and customers.

    Yet we know that quality, service and caring are indeed rare. Frustration, in- dignation and resentment could more easily describe the shopping, telephone support or repair service experiences that we have learned to tolerate, yet loathe.

    We have entered the blame yourself age as more and more companies make the customers do the work. You pump your own gas. You transport your own furniture from the company storehouse. You fix your own Internet service. You check out your groceries at the supermarket scanner. The companies that have your business then claim that they are saving you money. I wonder. I sweat and I swear.

    Welcome to a short, practical and passionate book about customer service, staff training and employee empowerment.

    You will not find many statistics in this book to support my theories. I am not going to write a cute story about some innocent person who gains magi- cal insights with the help of an all-knowing mentor. I have not interviewed one hundred thousand managers. I have not done a ten-year anthropologi- cal study of customer behavior. I will not refer to big-shot company bosses

    I vacation with (I don’t). I will not give outrageous examples. I will not tell funny stories.

    I will give important, functioning operating principles with specific questions and examples for staff training.

    What’s the point of having a business if you don’t train and educate your

    staff ? Sure, you can make a profit in the short run. Put out zillions of products and services, pay the people who make those products less than dirt, staff

    the place with the youngest most inexperienced and cheapest people you can find, and let the customers pick, pay and put up everything themselves. Then

    sit back and count the dough. Sure, do that. You may turn a good profit, and then you can sell the place and sit back to enjoy the luxury of your smart decision-making.

    Is that really what you had on your mind when you started your business or joined your company as an employee? Is that really what you value? If so, then stop reading this book. Throw it in the nearest trashcan. The thoughts, ideas and suggestions in this book will only work if you care. No, you don’t

    have to bear hug every member of your staff, and you won’t have to drink cof- fee with every customer. You should just feel in your gut that you want to pro- vide your customers with a pleasurable, mutually advantageous experience.

    If you feel that just a little... well then, thank you and keep reading. I wrote this book for you, dear manager, owner, staff developer or trainer. I wrote this book for others too: we, the customers and – above all – the staff. Sometimes

    I directly address the owners, managers and trainers. Sometimes I speak directly and only to the staff members.

    Oh, just one more thing. You need to accept my premise and the basis for my ideas: Caring is good for everyone. It’s good for you, your staff and your customers. More than that, it is simply good for your bottom line – today and tomorrow.

    Service and quality cannot and should not be slogans. They can and should be values. They are not something that you do. They are something that you are. Hmmm. Okay, that was a bit abstract. Let me explain.

    You can train your staff in any number of techniques, but if people really don’t care or are denied the trust to act on their instincts, you’re just playing some kind of game. Like school. It’s the "study

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