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Bright Star Woman Holistic Fitness for Mamas: Bright Star Woman Holistic Life and Wellness, #2
Bright Star Woman Holistic Fitness for Mamas: Bright Star Woman Holistic Life and Wellness, #2
Bright Star Woman Holistic Fitness for Mamas: Bright Star Woman Holistic Life and Wellness, #2
Ebook367 pages4 hours

Bright Star Woman Holistic Fitness for Mamas: Bright Star Woman Holistic Life and Wellness, #2

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About this ebook

Attention, busy, tired, out-of-shape and overwhelmed mamas, this is the book that will help you feel your best in a body that supports your life now.


In Holistic Fitness for Mamas, you'll learn that your wellness is a holistic system where your body, mind, heart and energy are connected. We're often told to strive for healthy lifestyles in a way that focuses on the physical. We're not taught about our energy and our emotions, and how well-being is a harmonious system. We live as though we're separate from our environments, as if our home, work and loved ones have no impact on our health, when they colour how we feel and make choices. Health isn't simply measured by body size and scale, it's about the shape of our life and the size of our joy, and it's measured in self-love, mindset, and small, supportive habits.


Can a mama really be happy, healthy, sexy, abundant and fulfilled?


Motherhood requires real trade-offs but happiness is about making the right choices for us in every season of life. You'll be equipped to create healthier habits that serve you, and start living the life that's most aligned with who you are, without resentment, because you are making the best choices for yourself. I want to help you deeply appreciate your body, fiercely enjoy your partner and kids, and fall madly in love with your life. And that, mama, is an inside job.


So let's grab a cuppa, and support each other.

Release dateMay 6, 2024
Bright Star Woman Holistic Fitness for Mamas: Bright Star Woman Holistic Life and Wellness, #2

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    Book preview

    Bright Star Woman Holistic Fitness for Mamas - Mercedes Déziel-Hupé


    A guide to loving your body and creating wellness to support your best life

    Bright Star Woman


    Bright Star Woman

    Copyright © 2024 by Mercedes Déziel-Hupé

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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    About this book



    Who am I to write this holistic fitness book?

    My Body Love Story

    Feeling it to heal it

    The wake-up call

    Essential Grounding for Motherhood

    How I used other healing methods to create the predisposition for change

    A Personal Yoga Practice for Self-Care

    Daily Meditation for Awareness and Clarity

    Reiki Principles

    Reiki Energy Healing to Support Wellness

    EFT Tapping to Release Emotions

    NLP for Mindset

    Using Hypnotherapy to Level Up

    Environment Matters

    Why are we living unhealthy lives?

    Causes for an unhealthy lifestyle and excess weight

    Energetic Weight

    Think Outside the Box

    Embrace Simplicity

    Health consequences of not caring for your body

    The Keys to Wellness Success


    What we believe, we create

    Action & Accountability

    A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. —Lao Tzu

    Environment & Systems

    We create the support we need around us

    A little myth busting about health, fitness, and beauty

    Beauty standards

    Finding our own beauty and rocking it

    Beauty Standards Are Smoke And Mirrors

    Beauty shines from the inside out

    Body Mass Index (BMI)

    Ditching an archaic tool and learning our own body’s cues for wellness

    BMI is bullshit


    Shifting the focus from calories to fueling our life

    Busting the Calorie Myth


    Learning to love moving our body is a tailored fit

    Busting the Exercise Myth

    Calories in, calories out…but not exactly.

    We don’t all burn the same calories at rest

    You exercise, but nothing changes—what gives?

    How do you choose what movements, frequency, and balance are right for you?

    Exercise simplified

    Gestational Diabetes and Blood Sugar

    What I learned from having it four times…

    Glucose and Insulin

    Strategies for stable blood sugar

    The Myth of the Post-Baby Snapback

    Birthing also births a mother

    A Little About Our Postpartum Body

    Your Postpartum Body


    Pelvic Floor

    Diastasis Recti (DR)

    Birth Trauma

    Postpartum Depression (PPD)

    Pelvic and Ab Rehab

    Healing From The Inside Out

    My Pelvic and Ab Rehab Exercises

    Moving With Your Cycle

    Tapping into your feminine power

    Where Change Happens

    The Fitness Pillars

    Health is built in our body, our mind and our energy


    Nutrition, Hydration and Movement

    Nutrition and Hydration Guiding Principles

    Veg and Fruit, King and Queen

    Eat the Rainbow

    Eat Seasonally, and Locally As Much as Possible

    The 80/20 rule

    Macros, Portions, and Fullness


    Intermittent Fasting

    Dust off that journal!

    A note on eating disorders


    Movement and Body Care

    Movement Guidelines

    Are there better exercises for fat loss?



    Low-impact HIIT

    Resistance, strength, and bodyweight training

    Reiki yoga

    Yin yoga

    Yoga Sun Salutation

    Yoga Moon Salutation

    Keep it simple, keep it fun!

    Embrace Exercise Snacks

    Micro-movements and The Soleus Push-Up

    Face Yoga, Massage and Gua Sha

    A 6-move Face Yoga Sequence


    Rest, Sleep and Meditation

    Quality sleep, the art of yoga nidra, and the power of breath

    Quality Sleep

    Yoga Nidra: Yogic Sleep, or Deep Relaxation

    Meditation and Breath Work

    PRANAYAMA (Breath Work)



    Mindset is how we view and do everything

    Setting Up Your Why

    Mindset and Inner Voice

    Examine the subtle messaging you allow into your mind palace

    Reframing beliefs with new key phrases

    Good habits don’t wait to start on Mondays or as a New Year’s resolution

    Weight deadlines are a double-edged sword

    Redefining success and what healthy looks and feels like

    What level or type of fitness supports your life?

    All bodies are worthy and beautiful

    Measuring change

    Actionable goals are your tried and true friends


    Choosing the programs your mind run

    NLP, Mantras, Ho’oponopono

    Mantras and their role in mindset

    Helpful mantras to inspire you

    Helpful NLP reframing to try

    Holistic Wellness Mantras From Yoga

    One last thing about mantras…

    Use positive language about your body


    Removing friction to make our lives easier

    Decision Fatigue and Pain points


    Hypnotherapy, EFT Tapping, Reiki, Meditation, Mudras, Reflexology and Acupressure

    Energy Work and Alternative Modalities

    The subconscious mind: Hypnotherapy and EFT Tapping

    When talk therapy hasn’t gotten you the breakthrough yet

    When Personal Training Doesn’t Crack It


    What is EFT tapping?

    EFT tapping: releasing the emotions to release the energetic weight

    Reiki, Meditation, Mudras, Reflexology and Acupressure

    Meditation: Cultivating Presence

    Reiki: Tuning into our energy field

    Tapping Into The Body’s Energy Channels

    Mudras, Reflexology and Acupressure Points

    Mudras: Hand gestures to unlock potential

    My Go-To Mudra List

    Reflexology and Acupressure: Magic points to foster health

    Meridian Yin Yoga

    Hand and Foot Massages

    Metabolism-Boosting Acupressure


    Cultivating a Healthy Lifestyle

    Loving ourself for the rest of our life


    Survival Mode

    The Holistic Fitness Mama Principles for Lifelong Wellness






    Resources for Further Exploration

    About the Author

    Also by Mercedes Déziel-Hupé:

    About this book

    Attention, busy, tired, out-of-shape and overwhelmed mamas, this is the book that will help you feel your best in a body that supports your life now.

    In Holistic Fitness for Mamas, you’ll learn that your wellness is a holistic system where your body, mind, heart and energy are connected. We’re often told to strive for healthy lifestyles in a way that focuses on the physical. We’re not taught about our energy and our emotions, and how well-being is a harmonious system. We live as though we’re separate from our environments, as if our home, work and loved ones have no impact on our health, when they colour how we feel and make choices.

    Health isn’t simply measured by body size and scale, it’s about the shape of our life and the size of our joy, and it’s measured in self-love, mindset, and small, supportive habits.

    Can a mama really be happy, healthy, sexy, abundant and fulfilled?

    Motherhood requires real trade-offs but happiness is about making the right choices for us in every season of life.

    You’ll be equipped to create healthier habits that serve you, and start living the life that’s most aligned with who you are, without resentment, because you are making the best choices for yourself. I want to help you deeply appreciate your body, fiercely enjoy your partner and kids, and fall madly in love with your life. And that, mama, is an inside job.

    So let's grab a cuppa, and support each other.

    About the Author

    Author Mercedes Déziel-Hupé, also known as Bright Star Woman, sits in sukhasana (easy seated pose) with hands in anjali mudra (prayer pose), on rocks in a forested area.

    Wife and mama of four little ones, Mercedes Déziel-Hupé is a holistic life and wellness coach. She is an accredited life coach and Reiki master with the CTAA, a registered yoga and meditation teacher with the Yoga Alliance (RYT), and a holistic nutritionist and author of Bright Star Woman Reiki Yoga Manual. She is also a certified reflexologist, and an EFT tapping, NLP, and hypnotherapy practitioner. She lives in Eastern Ontario with her family and cats, and she enjoys cozy mysteries, gardening and watercolour painting.


    Please consult your trusted healthcare provider before starting any mental, emotional

    and/or physical health and wellness practice or program.

    The word healing and variations thereof, as used in this book, is meant to refer to the process of cultivating and/or returning to a state of wellness (homeostasis) and a lifestyle of harmony (healthy and life-honouring practices), and is not, in any way, a cure claim.

    The information in this book is a collection of the author’s personal and professional opinions and experiences and is not intended for diagnosis or treatment, but merely as a support to your holistic wellness journey.

    You are recognizing your role and responsibility in your own health and well-being, and you are acknowledging that the author and publisher can not be held liable for any personal, health-related, relational or financial consequence that may arise from following the advice and practices described in this book.

    Trigger warning: some strong language is used and though not described in detail, some passages relating to birth experiences, mental health or toxic societal messaging may be uncomfortable to read for sensitive readers.


    Thank you to my family, my husband and children, you are my love and my joy. You challenge me to be the best version of myself. I love you every day, with all my heart.

    Thank you to my mama friends and early readers, for validating this book idea and giving me great feedback.

    Thank you to all of my students and teachers, who keep me learning.


    Welcome fellow mamas and parents looking for a holistic approach to mental and physical health and fitness. This isn’t a fad diet or exercise book. To the best of my knowledge and experience, I share an honest and kind approach to body love, overall wellness, and healthy weight maintenance.

    This book is about how to get healthy and fit (by your own personal definition) without losing yourself in the process. It’s about realizing that there’s no one size fits all solution to health and fitness, there’s a you-size solution, and it takes a little self-awareness, some exploration, and a little holistic guidance. That’s the idea behind this book.

    I had tried a bunch of fitness fads and alone, they didn’t solve my struggle, because I wasn’t A-looking at the big picture of my wellness and B-I wasn’t thinking about a long-term lifestyle that suited who I was, at this given season of my life, but I was trying to fit successful molds. I never liked diets, calorie counting, and exercise regimens. I could never stick to them!

    I probably disliked them so much because the very reason they are popular is their ephemeral, time-limited implementation. And that’s exactly why they fail us, time and again. No one solution will work for everyone because we’re all different.

    This guide isn’t a strict rulebook or even a manual of how to lose fat and get smokin’ hot (which you already are, by the way!). If you want a plan, this is not the book for you. If you want specific results or guarantees, this is not the book for you. If you are looking for an input/output approach (meaning, I do this diet and this routine, I get this body), or a step-by-step instruction with a promise you’ll get a prize after an arbitrary deadline (I’m looking at you, 21-day challenges and 28-day detoxes!), you should probably put this book down.

    I define ‘wellness’ as the philosophy and state of being that fosters physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Therefore, within my approach to wellness, I define ‘fitness’ as the ability to practice what we want to practice in our daily lives and cultivating a lifestyle that supports our body, mind, and spirit, so they can together continue to help us live all the experiences that bring us joy and fulfillment. If you look up definitions of these words in dictionaries, you might notice that only secondary definitions involve physique and attractiveness. That’s because it’s only part of the whole picture of wellness and fitness. This book is about approaching both of these concepts in a holistic way.

    If you are looking for a way to understand your body (there are some basics after all), and have some routes to investigate when you suspect there’s something more at play, then you’ll get some good tips here and probably many that can apply to you personally. If you are looking to drop the weight of societal pressures of beauty, weight, and size, and free yourself to be who you know you are as a woman and a mama, then lady, let’s talk. If you want to develop self-honouring beliefs about yourself and your body and create sustainable, supportive health and fitness habits in a holistic way that fits your life… then we can put the tea on and chat, mama to mama.

    So who am I to write this holistic fitness book?

    Who am I to write this holistic fitness book?

    I’m an accredited life coach and Reiki master with the CTAA, registered yoga and meditation teacher with the Yoga Alliance (RYT), a holistic nutritionist and author of Bright Star Woman Reiki Yoga Manual. I’m also a certified reflexologist, and an EFT tapping, NLP and hypnotherapy practitioner. Though there is always more to learn, integrate and master, I’d say I’ve come to understand fairly well how the mind, body, and energies work.

    I’m a holistic coach, author, wife, and mama of four, and for a long time, I took my own health and fitness for granted. Being all this and having all my training, I am also a real person, who enjoys food and wine and sometimes swears. I forget myself and bring myself back into balance. I’m not perfect. I’m also not a size 0 (or even the size 5 I used to be in my early 20s), I don’t fit into my high school jeans (they’re long gone), and I’m not a fitness model or a social media influencer.

    I wouldn’t even describe myself as sporty since I didn’t play team sports outside of gym class and don’t gravitate to sports in general. But I have always been active. As a kid, I played on the structures and climbed and jumped and ran for fun. I spent my childhood and teens dancing, even competitively for some time. Otherwise, I walked, cycled, and swam, because that’s what I enjoyed doing. I’m not skinny or jacked, so if your wellness advice needs to come from someone fitting that mold, that’s too bad because you’ll likely miss out on some helpful guidance.

    I love chocolate and I don’t always work out, and I don’t train for hours weekly, and when I do my exercise bites and grazes (more on that later!), it’s not usually in a cute outfit. I know I’m not alone… I’m not better than you, I’ve just had some experience with weight challenges, pregnancies, and motherhood. So how about we hang out in this book, and I share what I can to help?

    I am not a personal trainer or a dietitian, but I have significant wellness training and experience. You won’t find a lot of formulas and complex chemistry here. If you’re looking for that, there are many books, blogs, and YouTube channels out there by highly qualified trainers, dietitians, and doctors. I’m sure there are qualified professionals local to you, too, and you could hire directly. I wrote this particular book because it’s the one I would have wanted to read on my journey.

    In this holistic guide to health and body love, you will find guiding principles of holistic wellness and fitness, and these will help you find your own tailored approach to being healthy in body, mind and spirit.

    My Body Love Story


    Before I had children, I got sick with hypothyroidism in my mid-twenties. It was the beginning of years of yo-yo-ing with my weight and feeling frustrated and unworthy of feeling good. I felt trapped in a body that, as far as I was concerned, was betraying me. Having danced my entire life until that point, I had been fit as a fiddle and my body could do athletic things that felt easy for me. I met my husband on a competitive swing dancing team where we performed aerials and danced routines at 300 bpm (that’s really fast). I had incredible cardio, despite a teenage diagnosis of asthma. Though I had always fluctuated around 15 lbs between seasons, those winter pounds always just effortlessly melted off in the spring and summer, or with a bit more walking. I felt shocked that my body was suddenly packing on pounds and no matter how much I exercised and how well I ate, I ended up gaining 60 lbs at my heaviest. I was dancing six nights per week, and commuting by bus or bike to work, so I knew something was off when the needle kept going up on the scale.

    The thing was though, I used it as an excuse to give up responsibility for my well-being, at least temporarily, because there was too much going on in my life, more on that later. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll be the first to tell you that hormone imbalance is serious, and a real challenge for healthy weight maintenance, but I just quit dancing and tried to tell myself this was just my body from then on.

    When I finally got my hypothyroid diagnosis, my then-family physician told me the medication would only stabilize my system, it wouldn't help me proactively lose the 60 lbs I'd put on from the hormonal imbalance. Well, FUCK.

    After exercising, doing some cleanses and elimination diets, I did lose 20 lbs. And then, after two miscarriages in the same year, I finally had my first baby. And another and a fourth within 5 years of each other. With each pregnancy, I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. And for those who don't know, it's a higher risk condition of pregnancy and it's a hassle to manage with diet and exercise. I did it though, for my first three babies. Even though dietitians told me my weight and BMI put me in the obese category (come on!!!) and that with each pregnancy, it would become harder for me to manage naturally (meaning, without prescribed insulin). As I birthed my fourth child at the beautiful age of 37, this last gestational diabetes (GDM) did require support from metformin.

    You may not know this, but metformin is a prescription offered as a midway solution for pregnant mothers with GDM, who would otherwise be prescribed insulin. I was informed that metformin is only offered to mamas who follow the dietary and movement recommendations rigorously and who have demonstrated a mostly controlled blood glucose, but who seem to have slightly eleveted glucose (just over 5.3 mmol/L fasting, or 7.8 mmol/L post meals) or a pattern of a specific draw being elevated (ex: always after lunch). In my case, I advocated for this prescription rather than insulin for multiple reasons I won’t get into here.

    Many women, despite education and best efforts, still need prescribed insulin to regulate glycemia. I came really close, but managed the instances of my gestational diabetes naturally until my fourth. I needed a little insulin support during my second labour and birth due to a placental infection and fever… So I want to be clear that taking medication for a condition is not a failure; it's acceptance of what is, while you make decisions that help you eliminate the causes of disease, or at least, alleviate them.

    A hundred years ago, our ancestors might have better known how to care for themselves naturally, especially in preventing illness and disease, or caring for minor ailments and natural events such as birth, but medicine was also not advanced enough to assist in more serious conditions or complications. We now have the opportunity to utilize the best of both worlds: natural, alternative and energy medicine for prevention and long-term wellness, and allopathic medicine for birth complications, accidents and trauma, and serious life-threatening diseases. Whatever health camp you normally find yourself in (pro alternative or pro allopathic), do yourself a favour and don't reject the support you need; use all the tools, and do so with your eyes open to their purpose, uses, risks and consequences.

    Anyway, I have personally birthed four amazing humans, and respectively gained 40 lbs (18.14 kg), 25 lbs (11.33 kg, 13 lbs (5.9 kg) and roughly 15 lbs (6.8 kg, but I left the weight monitoring to the OB-GYN) with my pregnancies and shed it all in between. Full disclosure, I was still considered medically overweight when I got pregnant with each of my children (i.e. after losing the baby weight), but I was healthy and managed to lose some of the pre-baby weight too and stay stable. I am currently postpartum with my second daughter, my fourth baby and focusing on my ab and pelvic rehab. For those trying to do math, I have yet to lose part of the 60 lbs I’d originally put on, and I tell you this out of transparency, not because I doubt whether I am healthy or capable of dropping more.

    I am still not the size or weight I was when I was 25 years old and pre-babies, pre-hypothyroidism, and pre-burnout. Maybe I won’t be. Maybe I will see that same number on the scale eventually, but my body won’t look or feel the same for having children and the passing of time. And that’s not only ok, but it’s also wonderful! My body is serving me and I am caring for it.

    My relationship with my weight and my body has evolved through motherhood, I’d say for the better. When I look back at photos of my younger, fittest self, I can see now that I was beautiful, and I had no idea! What a shame that I felt so unworthy and that I didn’t just love myself then the way we all deserve to love ourselves…

    I know that I was not happy and I was deeply insecure about myself and my looks. In a photo now, a stranger would see that I am older and softer, but inside, I feel stronger, more confident, self-assured, and more beautiful now than when I was younger, smaller, and more insecure about who I was. Maybe my perspective can help you love yourself more as well. I have a feeling it will…

    The wake-up call

    I started caring about my weight, for real, not because of the scale number, though it was a wake-up call, but because of the injuries and premature aging I was experiencing. I had joint pain, poor sleep and bouts of insomnia unrelated to my children waking me, duller skin and a weaker immune system. I was losing mobility and flexibility in my tissues, and I struggled to play with my children, and to dance like I once had, and otherwise do things I loved that made life sweet and worth living. Let’s be real that not feeling good and not feeling attractive also impacts intimacy and relationships… I was sick of feeling unattractive and like I was hidden under excess weight and frumpy clothes.

    Essential Grounding for Motherhood

    Another thing that we don’t talk about is how important emotional regulation is

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