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Trouble on the Trail
Trouble on the Trail
Trouble on the Trail
Ebook177 pages2 hours

Trouble on the Trail

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Making friends, riding horses, solving mysteries, and relying on God—that’s what Horses & Friends stories are all about!
Can they save a fortune and a new friend?
“Hey, mister! You dropped something.” Kate and her friends witness a cantankerous old man drop part of a hand-drawn map, but he drives off in his beat-up Ford before they can give it back. They learn the man is Mr. Benson, a former prospector who lives in the nearby hills and wants to be left alone. But when Kate and Tori overhear two men conspiring to rob Mr. Benson of his gold, they know they have to warn him before the thieves can strike. What will happen if their plan backfires and the men come after them?
Follow along as relatable Kate finds out what it means to be faithful—to her friends, to her family, and to the horses she loves. Always up for adventure, this energetic thirteen-year-old learns to rely on God as she meets challenges, solves mysteries, and forges friendships. Through it all, Kate is encouraged by her hard-working parents and her bond with her little brother, Pete, who is autistic.
The Horses & Friends series features:
  • Lots of horses and authentic equestrian knowledge
  • Wholesome, age-appropriate adventures
  • Good-natured fun with friends
  • Relatable, diverse young teen Christian characters and their families
  • “A Little More” section with questions to ponder and story-related recipes to try.
  • No violence, bad language, or romantic scenes
Simple, well-crafted tales told by experienced author and horsewoman Miralee Ferrell are perfect for preteen readers who love stories with characters just like them. Miralee loves horseback riding on the wooded trails near her home and spending time with her very own Kate—her granddaughter! Besides her horse friends, she’s cared for cats, dogs, rabbits, chickens, and even two cougars! You can find out more and connect with Miralee at
PublisherDavid C Cook
Release dateJun 4, 2024
Trouble on the Trail

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    Book preview

    Trouble on the Trail - Miralee Ferrell


    Horses and Friends Series

    A Horse for Kate

    Silver Spurs

    Mystery Rider

    Blue Ribbon Trail Ride

    Rebel Horse Rescue

    Trouble on the Trail

    Kate’s Stolen Treasure (coming soon)


    Published by David C Cook

    4050 Lee Vance Drive

    Colorado Springs, CO 80918 U.S.A.

    Integrity Music Limited, a Division of David C Cook

    Brighton, East Sussex BN1 2RE, England

    DAVID C COOK® and related marks are registered trademarks of David C Cook.

    All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review purposes,

    no part of this book may be reproduced or used in any form

    without written permission from the publisher.

    This story is a work of fiction. Characters and events are the product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, is coincidental.

    Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Bible. (Public Domain.)

    Library of Congress Control Number 2024933753

    ISBN 978-0-8307-8770-8

    eISBN 978-0-8307-8771-5

    © 2018, 2024 Miralee Ferrell

    Previously published by Mountain Brook Ink in 2018 © Miralee Ferrell, ISBN 978-1-943959-14-3

    The Team: Miralee Ferrell, Nikki Wright, Judy Vandiver

    Cover Design: DogEared Design, Kirk DouPonce

    David C Cook Team: Laura Derico, Caroline Cilento, James Hershberger, Jack Campbell, Karen Sherry

    To Kate and Nolan, my darling grandchildren—Kate, I am so thrilled that you’re taking English riding lessons now and becoming such a good rider. Nolan, it tickles me that at only two years old, all you wanted to play with were horses. A boy after my own heart!


    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    Chapter Twenty

    Chapter Twenty-One

    Chapter Twenty-Two


    Author’s Note


    About the Author

    Chapter One

    Odell, Oregon

    Late Summer

    Kate Ferris stepped down off her chestnut Thoroughbred mare, Capri, then wrapped the lead line around the hitching rail in front of the Odell country store. Isn’t it great someone put up a rail for people who ride horses? We didn’t use to have this. She patted Capri’s neck, excited that their group of five friends were all together on such a gorgeous summer day. I’m sure glad the vet said it’s okay for me to keep riding Capri, since she’s several months along. I can’t wait for the foal to be born!

    Jake Meyers slowed his bike to a stop on Capri’s far side. Yep. Absolutely. Awesome Capri is going to have a baby. Nice for you guys to have a hitching rail. But it would’ve been better if they’d installed a bike rack too.

    Tori Velasquez gently pulled Starlight, her black Arabian mare, forward a step and wound her lead line around the rail next to Capri. There are more kids who ride horses in Odell than kids who ride bikes, Jake. That’s probably why. She turned to Kate. I still can’t believe we didn’t know Capri was in foal when you got her. Pretty cool! Are you hoping for a colt or a filly?

    Kate grinned. I don’t care, as long as it’s healthy. It’s going to be so much fun! Anyway, I’m looking forward to this trail ride, since I quit riding her this past week when the vet came to float her teeth and give her shots, and we discovered she was pregnant.

    Colt Turner reached down to stroke Rufus, Kate’s German shepherd, then he straightened and grinned. I hope it’s a colt. He winked. Maybe you’ll have to name him after me. He chuckled. But seriously, I can’t wait to hit the trails. He patted Romeo, his bay Quarter horse gelding, on the shoulder then stepped toward Melissa Tolbert, the last one to ride up. I’m glad your mom let you come, Melissa. I thought you were going to have to stay home.

    She slid down from Mocha, her dark bay Thoroughbred gelding. Me too. She changed her mind at the last minute. I think she’s feeling better now that she landed a good job in Hood River.

    Kate bumped Melissa’s shoulder, wondering how she could have ever disliked this girl who had become a member of their group and a good friend. I’m glad. I was getting worried you might not be able to keep Mocha if something didn’t change.

    Melissa shuddered. You and me both. I can’t imagine not having Mocha. When I get upset or stressed, just brushing him makes me feel better. She gave Kate a small smile and lowered her voice. I’ve been doing what you said and praying too. It’s helping.

    Warmth flooded Kate’s heart. She, Tori, and Colt had prayed for Melissa for weeks when they realized she was having a hard time after her dad left. Melissa had come a long way from not really believing God could make a difference in her life to deciding to pray for herself.

    Jake waved his hand in the air. Hey, let’s get a move on, guys! If we’re going to hit the trails, we’d better go in and grab snacks to sustain us on our long journey. He grinned, and the freckles on his face seemed to dance. Hustle. Let’s vamoose. Hurry up, already. He patted his leg and Rufus bounded over. I wish I could have brought Mouse.

    Kate stifled a groan. She didn’t want to make Jake feel bad, but Mouse was too wild to be good on a trail with four horses. The half-grown Saint Bernard was still in the clumsy, rambunctious stage. Maybe when he’s a little older, Jake. He needs more obedience training.

    I know. He scares the horses. Right. Gotcha. Understood. He pushed his glasses up on his nose. Come on. Time for food!

    They were all headed toward the door when it opened, and an old man lumbered through. He shoved a battered hat onto his head, and dust flew as he jammed it down over gray, unkempt hair that tickled his collar. His jeans had holes in the knees, and his boots were run down at the heel.

    Kate held her breath as he went by. He smelled like he hadn’t taken a bath in days. She nodded and smiled, but he didn’t seem to notice and kept going.

    Jake charged onto the sidewalk and bumped the man’s arm. Dust flew again, and Jake sneezed. Oops! Sorry. Forgive me. Didn’t mean to run into you, sir.

    The old man grunted but didn’t reply as he kept walking. He stopped next to a beat-up Ford truck that looked like it had to be almost fifty years old. Kate’s dad loved old trucks, and she remembered a calendar he had with trucks from the early seventies—it would fit perfectly on one of the pages, if it had a new paint job and a few less dents.

    The stranger pulled open the door and withdrew his keys from his coat pocket. Climbing inside, he reached out and yanked the door shut. It emitted a squeak and a groan. Right before the door slammed, a yellowed paper fluttered to the ground. A second later, as the engine started, a gust of wind picked up the sheet of paper and tossed it end-over-end along the side of the truck.

    Kate stepped toward the pickup and raised her hand. Hey, mister! You dropped something. She pivoted to face Colt. It’s coming your way. Can you catch it?

    I’ll try. Colt lunged forward as a breeze flipped the paper one more time. He dashed behind the truck as the engine clanked and a burst of black exhaust billowed from the tailpipe. Colt’s foot came down on the paper before the breeze could move it any farther down the road, then he reached down and plucked it out of the gravel.

    Right at that moment, the truck roared forward, spitting gravel from under its tires. It picked up speed and started across the parking area. The old man didn’t turn his head.

    The four horses snorted, and Starlight pulled back hard against his rope. Starlight. Whoa, boy. It’s okay. Tori moved to her horse’s head and drew him forward, speaking in a low, soft voice. She went from one horse to the next, patting a neck or stroking a face until all four stood quietly again.

    Melissa looked from the truck to Colt and back again, then raced forward to stand beside Kate, waving her arms at the man. Mister! Wait!

    Rufus ran up beside her, barking and howling as though trying to alert the man.

    Jake ran toward his bike. I bet I can catch him. Want me to try? I’m super fast on this thing. He swung his leg over the seat.

    Colt shook his head. He’s already on the pavement, Jake. That truck is old, but I don’t think there’s much hope you’ll catch it. Let’s go inside and see if anyone knows the guy. If they do, maybe we can get his phone number and call him later.

    Tori peered over Colt’s shoulder. We should see what he dropped first. For all we know, it’s some piece of junk he tossed from his truck that he won’t want back.

    My thought exactly. Jake nodded, and his glasses slid down his nose again. Whatcha got, Colt? Open it up.

    Colt glanced from one face to the other, lingering the longest on Kate. She gave a slight nod, and he unfolded the old, yellowed paper.

    Kate came a little closer and stared at it. She drew in a soft breath, and her heart beat faster as she realized what she was looking at. It’s a map! And it’s old. Like, hand drawn and everything, not one you’d buy at a store.

    Jake jostled his way forward. No way! Like a treasure map? Maybe that guy found buried gold or pirate treasure, or something else worth a lot of money. Is there an X that marks the spot?

    Colt raised wide eyes and nodded, then placed his finger on the paper. I think so. He held up the map so they could all see it, his finger marking what looked like part of an X near the edge of the torn page.

    "It’s exactly like the movie Treasure Island! Jake waved his hands in the air. We can follow the clues and find pirate treasure. Let’s go, guys. We’re all going to be rich!"

    Kate rolled her eyes, trying not to laugh at her friend. Jake was the most dramatic person she’d ever met, but he was still a cool kid and fun to hang around. Uh, Jake? How would pirates get to Odell? We’re, like, over a three-hour drive from the ocean with a car, and I don’t think pirates had cars back then.

    His shoulders slumped. Right.

    Kate reached for the paper. Can I see it?

    Sure. Colt handed it to her.

    Tori slid up beside her on one side with Melissa on the other. Kate held it up. It’s not all here. She ran her finger along the jagged edge. I’m guessing someone tore it in half. Do you suppose that old guy has the other half? See? She held the page so they could all see. I’m not sure if that’s an X near the edge or something else.

    Hey, guys. Colt jerked his head toward the door. We’d better go in and ask if they know that guy before they forget who we’re talking about. He led the way to the door, then stopped and swung around. Kate, could you stash the map in your pocket? It might be better if no one sees it right now.

    Good idea. She folded it carefully and slipped the paper into the pocket on the leg of her breeches, glad she’d worn this pair instead of the ones without any pockets. She unbuckled her helmet and slipped it off, feeling funny about walking into the store wearing it. Melissa and Tori must have noticed, as they both did the same, tucking their helmets under their arms and following her inside behind Colt. She glanced over her shoulder. She pushed open the door and poked her head out. Jake? You coming?

    He stood on the sidewalk, his hand resting on Rufus’s head. Will Rufus be all right? I don’t want him running off. No way would Mouse stay here if I left him alone.

    Thanks. I should have thought of that, but I was so excited about the map, I forgot. She stepped outside and called Rufus to her, then pointed to the side of the door. Sit, boy. As he sank down, she patted his head. Good boy. Stay.

    That’s it? Jake’s eyes widened. Wow. Mouse needs serious training. He’ll sit when I tell him, but he jumps up the second he sees something he’s excited about. He gestured toward the door. Come on, Kate. Let’s go see if they know anything about the mysterious stranger and his map.

    Chapter Two

    Kate and her friends trooped out of the store, each carrying their snacks. Kate sighed and kicked at a rock as she stepped off the sidewalk. I was hoping they’d know more about that guy, so we could find him and return his map.

    Colt untied Romeo’s lead rope from the hitching rail. Yeah, me too. But at least they know his name, even if they don’t know his address or phone number.

    Melissa’s lips twisted sideways as a thoughtful look crossed her face. Marvin Benson. Maybe one of our parents knows who he is.

    Tori hunched a shoulder. "I don’t know. They said he’s a hermit and doesn’t come to town very often.

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