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Twin Alpha Kings Pup Mate: Luna Rising
Twin Alpha Kings Pup Mate: Luna Rising
Twin Alpha Kings Pup Mate: Luna Rising
Ebook296 pages3 hours

Twin Alpha Kings Pup Mate: Luna Rising

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As Kiara grows up, her connection with the alpha twin kings, Kayden and Jayden, deepens in destiny.

Now approaching her sixteenth birthday, Kiara is on the cusp of discovering the full strength of her powers and the profound nature of the mate bond she shares with the twins.

Amidst the backdrop of an increasingly tense political climate within the werewolf multiverse, Kiara must navigate her emerging role not only as Luna but also as a peacemaker among various factions.

Loyalty, courage, and love are put to the ultimate test in a tale that intertwines fate with free will.

Join Kiara, Kayden, and Jayden on an epic adventure as they navigate the world of werewolf politics, face their inner demons, and discover the true meaning of love in “Twin Alpha Kings Pup Mate.”

This paranormal romance will captivate your heart, leaving you eagerly flipping through the pages to uncover what lies ahead. Don't miss out on this enchanting tale of soulmates, fate, and true love that will leave you breathless!

(Book 2 of the Series)

Release dateApr 26, 2024
Twin Alpha Kings Pup Mate: Luna Rising

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    Twin Alpha Kings Pup Mate - H.A Shah

    Chapter Thirty-Six: Aiden and Me    

    Kiara, at the age of Fourteen 

    Kiara POV:

    Is this what we taught you, Kiara? Could you hurry up and pin him? What's taking so long. I heard one of my warrior instructors grumble from the sidelines

    I huffed! He was more distracting than helping. 

    What's the wrong cupcake? Can't even get a hit in? Said Aiden, wearing his coacky smirk 

    Goddess! I wanted to punch his teeth as much as I adored the guy. 

    You got this, kiki. Focus on your pressure point. I heard Rex and JJ yell from the other side of the sparring circle. 

    Taking a deep breath and closing my eyes for a second, I calmed myself down and focused on Aiden's movements. Over the years sparing with him, I had picked up his weak points and tactics. I knew when he tapped his right foot he was about to punch on the left side. I punched his right side in the hope of him shielding with his left hand, and he took the bait. Sliding my foot under his legs, he lost his balance which gave me enough time to backflip on top of his back as he fell to the floor with me on top of him. Quickly laying down, I put his neck in a chock hold between my thighs just like Rex had taught me till Gamma Chris tapped him out and declared me the winner.

    I could hear the cheer and hoots of my name around the field as I got off from Aiden and gave him the same smirk he gave me not even five minutes ago as I helped him up. 

    You know I let you win, right, cupcake? Don't be so happy. Said Aiden as he shoved my shoulder, smiling 

    Ahan, I'm sure tough guy, I said 

    He chuckled, then gave me another smirk and bent down to whisper in my ear 

    All good, cupcake. I got to be between those thighs. What's a better way to suffocate. He whispered 

    Which had me blush and look at him, horrified, which earned me a wink and chuckle from him. I shoved his shoulder and shook my head, chuckling at his stupidity. After we had met at the party two years ago, we had hit off. So much so that I would spend more time with him than JJ and Rex, which might be the reason why they both hated him so much. However, I felt like there was another reason for their hate, especially Rex's. But no matter how often I asked, they never told me the real reason. 

    What surprised me was that as the months went by and Rex had turned fourteen, he had stopped proposing that I could be his mate; he became more of a protector, just like JJ. Which I found weird, not that it hurt or anything, that he thought we weren't mates because as time passed, I knew we weren't. The feelings there were platonic. However, when Aiden had jokingly mentioned once I was his mate, Rex had lost it; they both ended up in a fight that had hurt Aiden quite a bit compared to Rex since obviously he had royal alpha blood in him. It took me a solid five minutes to separate them, threatening Rex never to talk to him again if he didn't let Aiden go. If it wasn't for King Kayden and King Jayden showing up, I was sure Rex would be ready to send Aiden to the hospital. 

    Speaking of King Kayden and King Jayden, my feelings had been growing for them, and I was ashamed to say I was starting to see them more than my kings and friends. As time passed, my attraction towards them increased; however, no one knew that, not even JJ. To top it off, they had started making more appearances, not like every day, but I saw them at least three times a week now, which was way more than I had seen them over the years, which was like once a week. I should've been happy, but I was not; I wanted them to focus on me every time I saw them, but that was not the case. It also didn't help that I started seeing them with many of the council members' daughters. During my scholar scholarship, I hardly saw them with any females, but now, they have a girl with them almost every time I see them. I knew it wasn't my place to be mad, but I was; my heart refused to listen to reason. At this point, I had tried to avoid them. But they always found a way to talk to me, either calling me over to ask how I was or coming to watch our sparing matches. They even sometimes came over to my room to chat, which I loved and hated all at the same time. At one point, it seemed as if they cared, but the other moment it was like they only cared about the girls they were parading around. 

    However, as much as I adored them, I had been annoyed by them since that night two years ago when they had snarled at Aiden for kissing my cheek. Ever since that, it was like they had it out for Aiden. Every turn they could, they taunted him when they watched our training. I don't know if it was just me, but they always tried to keep me away from him. I had even Beta Tim and Gamma Chris also trying to split us. I didn't get what everyone's problem was. Aiden was an amazing person, he made crude jokes here and there, but I was sure it was all in the name of fun. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard two growls come from the front of us, and I was pulled from Aiden's arm and into Rex's arms. 

    Watch your tongue Black, or I swear to the goddess you'll be black and blue. Snarled Rex 

    You're getting way ahead of yourselves. Don't you have any respect? Snarled JJ, coming and standing next to Rex 

    Prince or not, you get into my face, I'll knock your ass down. Hissed Aiden 

    I sighed! I was so tired of all these three arguing all the damn time over me and my feelings when there was nothing to fight about because Aiden's words never did offend me, plus I knew it was all for fun. But, these three were like bulls in a china shop. I saw Beta Tim look in our direction from the corner of my eye; he looked pissed off. I struggled out of Rex's grip, which he let go of when I gave him the stink eye. I stood in between the three and glared at all of them. 

    Kiki, I thought... Rex said, but I cut him off 

    That's the thing you all don't understand or think. Why can't you all get along? I didn't mind what Aiden said because he didn't mean it. I sneered at Rex and JJ 

    I saw Aiden smirk in their direction from the corner of my eye. Turning around and putting my arms on my hips, I looked at him with the same hostility I did JJ and Rex. 

    And you! Rex is your prince, and no matter what, you don't talk to him or anyone like that. What is it with you guys and all this male mumbo-jumbo. I seethed 

    Just as he was about to say something, Beta Tim came and stood in front of us, looking as pissed off as Rex. 

    As much as I recall, you four are here to learn not to waste all our time. Ten laps of the castle now. Said, Beta Tim 

    I groaned internally. I was exhausted. The castle was made over twenty acres of land. It would take at least an hour to finish those laps. Not having much choice, we silently grumbled and left to finish the laps; however, I stopped and turned when I heard Beta Tim call out to me. 

    Not you, Kiara. King Jayden and King Kayden want you in their office right now. Said, Beta Tim 

    This time I groaned loudly, which had Beta Tim raise his eyebrows as he tried his best to control his smile. 

    Be a careful little queen. They seem to be angry about something. Said, Beta Tim 

    Probably because their girl of the day didn't show up, I said, rolling my eyes 

    This time he actually laughed and ushered me away. I giggled even though the thought of different she-wolves being with them hurt my heart. 

    After fifteen minutes, I was in front of their conjoined office. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on their door, entering when I heard their gruff voices telling me to. 

    Hi everyone! Just an update, I'll be having my exams from this frinday to next friday therefore there will only be single updates. (Friday, Monday and Friday)

    Chapter Thirty-Seven: You Need To Be Responsible     

    Kiara, at the age of Fourteen 

    Kiara POV:

    Taking a deep breath and calming my nerves down because of the whole drama with Aiden and Rex, I opened the door and went inside. The scent of musk that I had picked up as their familiar scent invaded my nose and had me forgetting about the whole drama at the field for a few minutes. However, the happy, calming moment I was having was gone when I looked up and locked eyes with the twins, and I swear on everything sugary, they were pissed. 

    Perfect! I didn't even do anything this time. 

    Honestly, I sometimes felt like they had it out for Aiden and me. I may be getting ahead of myself and assuming that what happened downstairs was the reason for the attitude. But I could bet on my scholar standing; it was about that. Even if they were in different multiverses, these two knew everything and anything that Aiden and I did. At first, I was like, maybe they were protective friends, elder brothers, or whatever, but it was getting on my nerves. They don't see me getting mad every time they have a girl parading around on their arms. I knew I couldn't say anything because it would be dumb, they were adults in their thirties, not to mention the kings, and I was just a fourteen-year-old child who was best friends with their younger brother and their supposed friend over the years here. And that pissed me off more, I wouldnt admit it even though I enjoyed Aiden's company and we were best friends. I mostly also hung out with him because it pissed them off. In some weird way, it gave me some satisfaction that they didn't forget about me because their feelings may be platonic, but my dumb feelings were definitely not that, and the slightest reaction I could get from them, I was going to take it. I knew It'd bite me in the bum when they found their mate or took a chosen from one of the council members' daughters because, come on, I knew I was never going to be that girl, and I was setting myself up for heartbreak. 

    I don't know why these feelings or when these feelings even came about when I was a child while I technically still am, but when I was here for my scholar scholarship, I didn't feel as much as I do now for them. Plus, I hardly saw them during those three years, but this time in my warrior scholarship, they were here more often like, geez, don't you have kingly duties to be at then be at the field three to four times a week just staring at me and the others learn.

    Hopefully, I'll be out of here soon, as much as that breaks my heart because JJ won't be returning as he will continue to progress to the second part of the training since he and Rex are the best in the class. So if we pass the final test in a year, he could be offered a spot in the royal ranks under Rex when he takes over the royal army. As much as that makes me proud and excited for him, I hate the part where we won't be with one another again for another couple of years. Being without him for the first three years when I was here sucked, Rex had kept me company, but that didn't mean I didn't miss JJ. When we both returned for the Warriors scholarship, that was the best part of the whole program. However, now I'll be left alone again when I head back home because there was no way in hell I was staying, one because I didn't want to be part of the royal army, that wasn't my forte, and second, I missed my family, it had been years I had lived with them, I missed mom, dad and my brothers. However, the third and most important reason I needed to get away from the twin kings. Since they were hell-bent on breaking my heart if things kept going the way my heart wanted them to, and the part that sucked about this entire dilemma was they didn't know what I was going through. I blamed them because I was being immature and not reprimanding myself for my stupidity and feelings. I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard King Kayden talk. 

    How I still knew which one was which when people still got confused baffled me. 

    If you're done daydreaming, Kiara, mind giving us your attention. Said King Kayden 

    Crap! I was getting awful at controlling my mind from wandering when I didn't want to be somewhere. I really needed to work on my poker face. 

    I'm sorry, your highness, I'm just tired and got lost in thought. You have my undivided attention. I said. 

    Their hard stares lessened a bit when I said I was tired, but I could tell they were still pissed. 

    You need to take better care of yourself, Kiara, especially with the final test coming up in a few months. Said King Jayden 

    I smiled a bit at their concern for me, but before I could reply, King Kayden spoke up again; his words annoyed me all over again. 

    Well, if you and that Aiden kid weren't always spending time talking about things that aren't meant for your age, you would have more time for stamina training. Said King Kayden. 

    I knew it! They were pissed about the whole Aiden and Rex thing, and the stupid part was that they weren't even pissed that he disrespected Rex, their brother and a kingdom prince but were more concerned about what they deemed as fit and unfit to talk about at our age. Who were they? My dad or brothers? 

    I was all for being respectful, and I perched that too, but I wasn't going to stand here and be called out for slacking off when I've never done that, and they know that. I took a deep breath, trying my best to control my annoyance so I could stay as respectful as possible. 

    I'm not your highness, but you both, out of everyone, know I do not slack off; you have both seen my progress and get daily reports about the student's progress from Beta Tim. And as far as what I discuss and talk to my friends about, it is none of anyone's concern; we are aware of what is right and wrong and what is appropriate, I said 

    However, instead of my words having them see reason, they pissed them off more. Oh crap! I was aiming for something else. 

    You so do remember who you are talking to, Kiara. Since you've become friends with that kid and stopped spending time with Jacob and Rex, you've become rebellious, don't forget we can instantly remove you from the scholarship without going to your final test. Imagine that on your record, all that dedication just to be let go. Seethed King Jayden 

    Tears came to my eyes at his words and the malice in his voice. Why were they doing this? Why were they constantly singling Aiden and me out? How was that fair, and on top of that, how could they talk to me like that? I thought they cared in their weird way, but no one who cares says stuff like that and threatens to rip everything you worked so hard for from beneath you without even blinking an eyelid. 

    Listen well, Kiara, we don't want to see you with that kid from here on. He does not have good intentions, and it's clear as day, but if you choose to be naive and blind, we will make the decision, plus we won't have our ma.. King Kayden started but stopped abruptly and cursed under his tongue. 

    Huh? What was he about to say but before I could ask, he continued 

    I meant that we won't have someone who was given to us as responsibility ruin themselves by acting like those hungry girls everyone talks shit about because she can't see right from wrong. Finished King Kayden; his eye held so much anger it scared me. 

    Tears fell from my eyes as his words sank in. He may not have to say, but he and King Jayden implied I was acting like a whore. How could they? Did they not know me at all? They had done this before as well when they thought Rex and I had something going on, but I had forgiven them, but this was the second time. Why do every time I get close to a guy, they have to criticize me like this? I don't go calling them out on their shenanigans, then why this hypocrisy? 

    Why? Why criticize me like this when you know I've done nothing wrong? You both pretend to know everything, so you know nothing is going on between Aiden and me or anyone. He is my friend, which you guys, Rex and JJ, were supposed to be. Still, when all of you were busy with your things, Aiden was there to help clean my wounds, telling me I'll get better and teaching me to be better, and if me being close to him because of that implies I'm acting a certain negative way then so be it and kick me out of the program. I rather have my dignity than be called out on false claims. I said, wiping my tears as I turned around and opened the door to walk out. 

    The moment I did, I bumped into Beta Tim, and by the looks on his face, he had heard everything or at least me, ranting. He went to hold me, but I stepped back, new tears coming to my eyes at the look of pity and sadness in his eyes for me. However, what hurts more were the two girls that bragged into the office, ignoring Beta Tim and me and going straight for King Kayden and King Jayden. 

    I held my chest

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