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Dark Nebula Lighthouses: Message In A Bottle.
Dark Nebula Lighthouses: Message In A Bottle.
Dark Nebula Lighthouses: Message In A Bottle.
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Dark Nebula Lighthouses: Message In A Bottle.

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When a girl from the Behemoth floats to the surface of subspace clinging to a strange bottle, a barhop from the Hangman’s Noose decides to use the information in the bottle and try to rescue Mintea from the bubble world while returning the girl to her home world.

In the process they discover the insidious plan of an evil Queen to take over the galaxy. Now Mintea, and Griff’s crew that are setting up the Dark Nebula lighthouses must find a way to stop the Queen and save the galaxy.

PublisherNeil Dabb
Release dateMay 2, 2024
Dark Nebula Lighthouses: Message In A Bottle.

Neil Dabb

Neil grew up in Smithfield, Utah, and currently holds a General Class license amateur radio license. He was a material handler for over 10 years while obtaining a BA from Utah State University. He has been a freelance writer for most of that time and has been published in a variety of magazines over the years.Neil worked for Utah State University for twelve years with the Junior Engineering program. He enjoys writing, Frisbee (disc) golf and bonfires. He is the father of five children and lives in Logan Utah.

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    Book preview

    Dark Nebula Lighthouses - Neil Dabb




    Neil Dabb

    Copyright 2024 Neil Dabb

    Smashwords Edition



    Chapter 1

    Natasha, the petite young woman had been a chambermaid on the Behemoth, a huge ship that was destroyed in the depths of subspace. She had jumped just before the ship disappeared from real space on a distant world, but was sucked into the depths of subspace with it. She managed to grab a strange vase shaped bottle when the Behemoth disappeared and had clung to the bottle until it floated to the surface of the gray suffocating mists of subspace. She gasped for air as the bottle floated to the surface, but passed out before the bottle came anywhere close to any of the solid places in subspace.

    Randal did not like space travel, but he thrived on the solid places of subspace. Whenever he could get a break from tending bar at the Hangman's Noose, a bar located in subspace and accessible from dozens of worlds, he would wander the trails that were surrounded by the dark gray misty liquid of subspace that humans could not float in. He was on his way back toward the bar when he saw the girl clinging to a bottle, drifting just off the path he was on. When she was close enough, he pulled her in and carefully slid her onto the path. She moaned softly, but at least she was breathing. He counted himself lucky that she was so small. He was able to scoop her up and take her to one of the back rooms in the 'Noose. He then took the bottle she'd been clinging to, and put it in his room. He would look at it later.

    Natasha struggled to clear her head. The room was tiny compared to those she'd worked in on the Behemoth, but the furnishings were adequate, and even a bit more comfortable than she was used to. She took a deep breath. This had to be a bad dream, but it didn't feel like a dream.

    The title of chambermaid on the Behemoth had been generous. It had been a twisted form of paid slavery at best, but she remembered the name her mother had given her, Natasha. She lay back down. She would need her strength. Wherever she was, If they tried to force her to go back to that life they would have a fight on their hands.

    Randal, was hesitant to approach Alexandria the owner of the bar but as he examined the contents of the bottle he knew he would need her help to help Mintea, the pirate captain that had put the maps and instructions in the bottle. Randal and his brother Marcos had served under Mintea but that had been a long time ago. Still, the pirate’s code dictated that he should help if he could.

    We'll need help. Alexandria said as she smoothed her long skirt and sat down at a table across from Randal.

    If we can contact my brother, he might be willing to help.

    Alexandria shook her head. Marcos knows better than to trust Buzz, and Buzz is the only one who might know where your brother is.

    I know you. You always have something up your sleeve.

    Alexandria’s expression brightened as she read one of the papers Randal had shown her. I think I might know of a way to get Marcos to help.

    Randal recognized the determination in Natasha's eyes, and knew that she would not be easily convinced to help them. We're hoping to take you home, Randal had said when he entered her room.

    She hesitated. I have nothing to go home to.

    Randal looked at her and shook his head. You don't sound so sure.

    It would be a fools errand.

    As opposed to the fools errand contained in the bottle that saved your life?

    I wouldn't know, she spat. Nothing on that world is as it seems.

    Natasha clenched her jaw and turned away.

    Randal knew he wouldn't get any more from her as Alexandria approached.

    Natasha, you can return here after you've helped us find the world you came from, but we have a friend trapped there and we need your help, Alexandria said.

    I have friends trapped there too, she spat. NO!

    Alexandria was about to say more, but Randal shook his head, and they silently left the room.

    Natasha whimpered after she was sure the door had closed. It was her sister that was trapped on that world, and while she would do anything to help her, she had been betrayed far too many times to trust that they would live by their word.

    She took a deep breath to calm herself and then slowly moved toward the door, and tried it. It opened freely. If this was a trap it was far more insidious than she'd ever seen. She looked back at the bed she'd been sitting on as they spoke, then down at the tattered remains of what was laughingly called a uniform on the Behemoth.

    Randal had not appeared to care what she was wearing, but at the foot of the bed were clothes that would cover more of her than her uniform did. She quickly changed clothes and moved toward the door. If this was part of the trap she would deal with it, but she had to try something,


    Marcos was stunned at the request Buzz was making.

    You what? he asked.

    I want you to take your ship out to the ship-yards at Logos and pick up some supplies. Buzz held up his hand before Marcos could respond. You can get your ship rebuilt at my cost out there, and the supplies are for Griff.

    Marcos held his tongue. He knew there had to be a catch. Logos was the best shipyard around, and they were also the most expensive.

    And while you're waiting, there's someone at the Hangman's Noose that wants to see you, Buzz said.

    Marcos shook his head. This was the catch. Who?

    Your twin brother.

    Marcos let out a long breath. It had been nearly ten years since Marcos had seen his brother. They'd served under a pirate captain named Mintea, before striking out on their own. After their first adventure Randal had left to tend bar at the Hangman's Noose.

    The events that had led Marcos back here had made him forget how much he missed his brother. He wondered how Randal was involved as he returned to his ship. He was still waiting for the catch. Buzz could have had the ship repaired at half a dozen shops for less, and they all would’ve had access to the ‘Noose.

    Marcos had not been in the Hangman's Noose in a very long time. The fact that his brother Randal tended bar there had not made the place any more inviting. He'd been busy. Now being here was part of a paying job that included his brother. He hesitated at the entrance on Logos. Both men had known that Randal was not cut out for space flight but the time apart had not healed the empty left in his heart, so Marcos had to wonder what his brother had in mind.

    Marcos opened the door and entered the passage into subspace and the bar beyond. He knew that the shipyards were now light years away, but that as long as he could remember which way he entered the bar from he could get back there just as quickly. As he approached the bar he surveyed the bar hops for his brother. He spun around when he heard Alexandria's voice.

    You're looking the wrong direction, Alexandria said as she approached. We have a table over here.

    Marcos took in her ageless beauty. He'd heard once that she was a siren in her youth. He could believe it now that he’d seen her again. I was looking for my brother, he said shaking his head.

    He's over here. Alexandria led him to a table in a dimly lit corner of the bar. And there's still the two drink minimum, so you're going to have to stay and hear all of the story. Alexandria nodded to one of the barhops who quickly brought him a tall glass of a glowing greenish-blue liquid.

    Marcos hesitantly took the glass and sniffed it before taking a tiny sip. It wouldn't incapacitate him, he thought as he sat down at the table across from his brother.

    It's been a while.

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