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My Computer Memory
My Computer Memory
My Computer Memory
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My Computer Memory

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An amnesiac male servant of the High Council struggles to remember who he is identified as while living in an alien planet named Terranea in servitude of the group with his telekinetic abilities.

PublisherBeth Hoyer
Release dateMay 2, 2024
My Computer Memory

Beth Hoyer

I'm currently owned by a cat who considers me hers.I love to type stories on my computer for hours.I like the science fiction fantasy genre with romance thrown in it when it comes to my stories.I like to take hikes through forests snapping photos to use as my covers for my stories.I'm an aspiring author of science fiction fantasy.

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    Book preview

    My Computer Memory - Beth Hoyer

    My Computer Memory

    Edenia Series Planet Terranea

    By Beth Hoyer 2024



    The story starts in the year 2000 in the present day on the planet named Terranea.


    I went to travel through the doorway using a mental command Travel.

    I came out of a doorway like area like always using the ability which can be a tree’s trunk forming a circular arch in the ground for me to use to travel to get to place to place.

    I arrived at an area I’m unsure of where I was with multiple mental voices sounded into my mind You to serve us!

    I believe I said, I’ll serve you.

    I don’t remember anything in my mind to explain what made me say Who are you? Who am I?

    All I remember was I was put into a cylinder tube trap of watery liquid urged to sleep despite resisting by remaining awake.

    I heard a mental voice said, You to sleep!

    I slept on and off despite memories and dreams hitting my mind making me think Who am I? Why do I have this memory in my mind?

    I heard that familiar mental voice sounded abruptly This is so wrong!

    The voice I figured was female whoever she was said that comment during me awake in my watery tube trap questioning myself of my mind’s contents Why do I have this image of a man wearing a redcoat with black facial hair on the face in my mind that makes me angry seeing him?

    I don’t remember anything else, myself being freed from being in my trap with nothing of my memories that were in my mind to answer my questions I thought to myself. I recalled I was in that trap for an uncounted time of a long time with nothing to indicate me taken out or resuming containment in my mind. My mind kept giving me insisting images such as that man with the redcoat that made me furious getting that image.

    Don’t worry you will remember. Said mysterious voice mentally in my mind.

    I remembered I was put into the watery tube trap on the orders of the High Council, a ruling group of nine telepathic humans as members said to name themselves that name without saying a title included.

    The mysterious voice said, The High Council rules the planetary world you’re in named the Terranea as the official name for the planet that’s the home world of the humans as your species is dubbed name.

    Terranea, the planet from eyeing the night sky is orbited by a moon as a heavenly body that appeared to be a twinning like planet from what was seen in the sky whenever it was fully shown entirely after going phases of waxing and waning as dubbed terms.

    The mental voice continued as said, The High Council dubbed the moon by the name of Miruna a passed down name for religious ceremonies associated with seen in feminine goddess terms as daughter of the planet Terranea.

    There’s a constellation of three goddesses shining dots in a row in the sky dubbed the three sisters. I had always welcomed viewing the goddesses as dotted lights in the night sky before I abruptly developed night vision that I can’t view them anymore. I’m unsure of whether the moon and planet and constellations got their names as points of origins for them, but I’ll figure it out later. I know that natives living in lands are responsible for giving their home continent land masses sectional areas their names.

    The voice said The sailors that sail oceans are the ones that give bodies of water their names that surround the continents like the planet is mostly watery with multiple massed continents. It’s inside the land masses and islands’ locations’ territories and inner bodies of waters is named by native peoples to give the locations their names.

    I’m getting ahead of myself, meaning to explain that I was freed from the trap as in dumped out wet and watery by sliding out by a slide. I wound up sitting on the metallic banging fists onto the floor sputtering and spitting out water from my mouth and nose I was breathing in the tube I gagged out. Once the liquid was completely expelled out by me taking my first air breath, I sensed a light show above that made me wipe my watery eyes to look. I at the same time felt a faint windstorm that dried me partially followed by lights glaring into my eyesight making me blink from the glare. I got my eyes to focus to find sunlight was shining through two windows of where I was sent to a residence like living room leaving me alone and clueless on what to do with myself. I got urged to hold my hands out followed by a lightening show flashing above and then a blue potted rosebush plant in black flowered color winked into sight caught in my hands with a familiar voice sounded in a laugh in my mind.

    The plant moved while speaking in that mental voice I’m named Taylor your Meritanian companion plant servant of the High Council. We Meritanians are sentient like humans to communicate in telepathic talk in human minds. We’re mistaken as voice in wilderness conscience talk when we’re giving advice.

    I was shocked to get that from Taylor, that was the voice I heard previously while in my tube’s trap I identified her as she wiggled rosebush plant fronds while talking to me. I was gapping open mouth unsure of what to do with a talking plant that wasn’t a dumb ornament for displaying greenery. Excuse me for typing that down Taylor if you’re eavesdropping on my thoughts.

    Taylor said as if hearing me I’m not offended but continue your typing of your tale is all I ask you to do.

    I admit I was clueless on what to do with Taylor till I realized she needed sunlight like a typical plant. I got up and went to a bare spot in the wall where one of the two windows were. One was without the furniture of a wooden stand padded like raggedy pads three-seater like couch blocking the way back to the wall underneath that window. I went to the window next to it raising the blind one handed and placed her there on the window still.

    Taylor said, Don’t forget to water me with a cup from the tap using the sink.

    I obeyed to go to the galley kitchen to peer into cupboards which I found three mugs of white with hearts having UC on them. The mugs as cups I recalled were made from ceramic clay material from the feel that were fired in kilns after made by pottery wheels that had a handle attached. Those mugs were popularly used for barrooms to hand drinks of lemonade and milk, but alcoholic drinks were handed in another form of cup like windowed glasses dubbed shots. I was clueless on what a sink was unsure of how to get water without using a body of water like ocean, lake or river.

    Taylor said in response Sink is that silver bowl like thing sitting in the counter with a pump dubbed a faucet for adjusting to turn on the water.

    I obeyed her instructions to find water poured out of the faucet into the cup to my widened eyed shock finding that easily gotten in residences like that status.

    Taylor had to warn me as said Water will keep flowing if you don’t turn it off. That faucet as it’s called with adjustment can turn water to toleration levels of hotness and coldness.

    I obeyed Taylor’s command and poured two cupsful of water onto her dirt as instructed by her.

    Tayler said, Check the refrigerator the white tall box that contains food nourishment for you to drink your daily diet of lemonade drinks which comes in yellow bottled canisters.

    I found that true and found my stomach rumbled indicated hunger took a bottle out and with maneuvering managed to uncap it to bring the open lidded part to my mouth. The liquid tasted good and much better than anything else I’ve been drinking. I drank half the bottle’s contents down then placed the lid back on and canister back into the refrigerator I found was stocked with various lemonade yellowed colored bottles. I figured refrigerator meant saving and preserving food to be used for another day till the containers or bottles are emptied out for restocking later. I went to type this down as remembered I was originally living in a farmland like village dubbed name Antonia’s Antonio in a hilly valley unsure if the name stuck now. I know naming locations can change to something else for registering according to people’s decisions on naming the location a permanent name for registration. That village was in the nation of Angelique Country in the named Aquamarine the larger sized island continent’s land massed area. I was traveling all over to villages focused wherever like a nomad wandering around unsure of what to do with myself while seeking to do odd jobs for coins to pay for my drink of Angel’s Fire in barrooms. Angel’s Fire was lemonade as dubbed was what I focused on as my primary nourishment and never bothered to eat or drink anything else. I guess I recognized my liquid diet’s dietary needs of just drinking lemonade back then I’m stuck on now in the present day. I recalled Angel’s Fire was a drink I drank than anything else to drink in barrooms. I never drank alcoholic drinks even though that was what the barrooms’ traditionally offer than anything else besides lemonade and milk. The barrooms I remembered where I frequent to do something like sitting at a booth after picking up my mug of Angel’s Fire and sit. I don’t exactly remember what I did while I sat there other than someone handing me a sack of gold coins, I took to count twenty-coins monies then I tied it to a belt on my waist. I recalled this someone was a man by black facial of trimmed mustache’s points and a soul patch as dubbed facial’s chin hair and on head having black colored short hair from description of that image in my mind making me furious getting it.

    That man said, Coins is for you to assassinate this target I have in this picture of who this person is.

    The male wearing a redcoat by me dubbing him the name by his coat handed me a drawing of an image of someone from the facial. I committed that picture to memory from recalling my mind was photogenic enough to remember images of people and objects accurately without forgetting anything.

    I handed the paper back to the redcoat I was saying Sure orders done.

    Redcoat said Sun at noon next day from now is when this must be done to His Majesty’s satisfaction. You’ll be paid additional money triple what I paid you now.

    I sneered and said Good.

    I gulped down the rest of my Angel’s Fire watched by redcoat who said, Don’t fail.

    I ignored him to place on a scarf from my neck to cover my mouth and nose only showing my eyes and walked towards the barroom’s entrance with a swagger like I’m confident I’ll do that job.

    I recalled I had a mental ability I used I commanded myself saying Berserker forwards!

    I reached the door opening it wide then I walked through with mental command Travel!

    That mental traveling through doorways’ ability I’m told is no longer available for me to use since it’s been taken out mentally by the orders of the High Council finding that inappropriate for my uses. I am getting an image of that victim I would be thinking of who I was to assassinate like location to where he was whenever I did the traveling transportation trick. I arrived at a location between two trees forming a circular arch revealing a forest with scent of campfire smelling from the fire’s smoke of nightfall of darkness. I pulled out from jutting from my back a scabbard, my sword, a long blade knife weapon and used my nature’s tracking ability of seeing in the dark to hunt for the victim I knew was hiding in the vicinity. I can see in the dark in the shade of light purple color as clear as daylight with living beings in very highlighted crystal clearly in a dark shade of pink color against the purple-colored background. That’s how I found the victim sleeping in a clearing with a bedroll with a dying campfire next to him while having items scattered around that suggested camping to me. I know those items looked like pots and pans and weapons of various knives lying around. I tiptoed towards the victim while eyeing all around me to make sure I’m not stepping into a trap. Such as an underground net that when triggered by a trigger would sprung up all around a victim raising them up into the air dangling. I found nothing of such a trap, but I made myself be cautious to make sure my path to the victim was clear. I arrived at the victim without blockages of traps to bring the sword onto the man’s neck and made a cut of cutting his neck. The victim woke up gagging from the pain which I stabbed the sword right into the chest that made the man give up a gasp that surrendered to death. Once death was assured, I removed the bedroll and examined his clothes I found had on the chest a triangle symbol with a design of an eye outline in the middle. That was my first clue of the High Council themselves that had this victim as one of their servants.

    The High Council back then whenever date it was said Only we can decide who gets to execute our servants and no one else.

    Taylor said That was the year 1900 in the previous century when you did that killing. Today’s date is December thirty first 1999 before next day will be January first starting the new year 2000, as the beginning of the new century. The calendar of dated numbers with months began originally one thousand years ago when a religious order of priests both men and women of cloth started keeping track of the dates. Historians insisted on adding the extra one thousand years from past history’s archaeological evidenced knowledge of civilization focused on reading and writing originally started earlier than that date years ago. They haven’t pinpointed exactly when was the date civilization began with the reading and writing, but they insisted on the two thousand as numbered going up to the current date for calendars.

    I’m not surprised that Taylor said the date for the introduction of the sink that gives water through faucet and refrigerator holding food for preservation have proved the time of technology involving lifestyles has changed.

    Taylor managed to order me You to explore the residence and see what you can do to use the facilities other than going around without clothes on.

    I realized that Taylor had a point that clothes were a must. I obeyed her order to explore the residence. I found one end where I was standing from the door to the hallway leading out the residence was three doors semicircular pattern ending a hallway like area. There was one on the right leading to a small closet like room for utilities of running the apartment. Such as electricity boxes for electricity and tankless water heaters for water to come out hot. There were shelves containing items for cleaning the apartment including a tall as my waist like object Taylor dubbed the vacuum cleaner for cleaning the rugged floors that appeared to dominate the residence. Not the kitchen for the floor was smooth golden colored with leaf like designs on it. I explored the door opposite the closet utility room was what I saw was a private room for privy business and hygiene care of bathing in the tub with a rainwater bath dubbed shower with a kitchen like floor to my relief of not wanting rugged floors in the privy. I forced myself to explore the third door’s contents dead ended the hallway area while outside the private room. That door led to a bedroom having off the right underneath a long upper overhead window in rectangle shape was a bed having a mattress on wooden slats stands held up on top of rugged floors with the lights overhead by rectangles turning on glaring illuminating the room brightly. There in front of me opposite the door’s entrance to the room was a sliding glass door windowed wall having a curtain on rod off the side. I found off the left from standing there were a row of closets by wooden sliding doors in one wall I slid one open. I peered into the closet that had a boxy metallic like machine for laundry of washing and drying combination with jugs for laundry detergent soaping clothes. I found to my shock I identified the laundry machine easily from recalling what it was by my mind easily giving me the identification answers to what the apartment had as contents. There were items inside another area in the closet like a three drawered wooden brown dresser containing clothes I explored along with hung clothing on hangers I took out and examined. I was shocked when I felt the clothes from touching examinations seemed fancy richly made and much better-quality fitting easily for my size than sewed raggedy by sewers to fit me. I took out from the topmost dresser drawer a pair of pants I put on that had a waist like stretchable band that fit me fine but seemed short around the ankles with a clingy like type.

    Taylor said You can wear that as pajamas for sleeping in the bed. You need to make the bed for sleeping when sleep mode is required at the time. Speak something use your voice verbalized for the technology’s artificial computer voice that you command by verbal communications to do orders will recognize you.

    Hello greetings? I said followed by told by Taylor I was hearing a feminine squeaky voice said recalibrating voice pattern in response to your voice normal for a deaf person to be accented monotone like without emotional reactions from you saying your words as commanded.

    I nearly got scared from Taylor’s talk that there was a voice in the residence that seemed invisible surrounding me like a spy I forced myself to accept that the apartment came with it.

    Taylor said, Voice is dubbed Eden for you to verbalizing commanding it to do your commands like every residence has now.

    I was shocked by Taylor’s comment about Eden’s voice. I explored the bedroom, finding there were sheets covering the mattress that seemed soft from hands pressing and not lumpy of straw material and same for the two pillows. I found the blankets, three thick padded quilts sitting at the foot on the bed I set to make the bed. The quilts were blue colored and seemed soft to the touch with padding like material that seemed to be warm to me and very well made for sleeping comfortably. I set the bed for sleeping then peered out the slider’s window feeling relieved that there was nature of trees gathered outside in the sunlight indicated midmorning in the sky. It took me quite a great deal of figuring out how to open the slider’s locked console door to step outside onto the porch that had a covered overhang that protects people from weather elements. The air was chilly cold when I stood on the porch, had no entrance to leave the area and only had a boxy rectangle area with no furniture on it. I peered over the railing to find the forests of trees I saw were treetops of a forest park ahead of me while down below made me nearly lose myself from vertigo of high height. I saw the apartment was high in the sky from down below and had appeared to have other apartments with porches including on one side of my property. My apartment was a corner unit I figured out from examining the porch. I peered around the edges off the left and found evidence of a porch indicating residential apartment bordering mine. On the right my apartment appeared to be a corner residence with the extra windows showing the skyline of the metallic city when I peered through them. I finished the porch, shut the sliding door then went to the living room as dubbed room I figured out later and peered through the two windows in the walls to show the city. I was shocked when I saw the city was vast in sight with too many multiple to count metallic with square topped rectangular buildings towering in the sky accompanying the one, I was in as a resident.

    Taylor said Do something about the smell of you needing a shower. You really need to keep yourself clean for hygiene’s sakes every day.

    I did her order going into the private room removing my pants till naked and stepped into the tub finding the shower faucet hit my chest for water’s spraying. It was instincts not Taylor that caused me to grab the faucet’s tube to raise it up by its sliding slot till its water area was overhead me to spill down onto me. The water that came out after examining the water’s pump part came out freezing cold when I manipulated it on. I did adjustment and got the water to hot of warmth temperatures to shower very warmly to my toleration. The water triggered my Berserker’s mental side to come out with everything involving the telekinetic side’s uses flashing into my mind like a readout. I read the mental file of how to use the Berserker finding the information was familiar to me like I read the readout before with the eyes shut reading everything.

    Taylor said like detecting me having the Berserker in control Water will always trigger the Berserker to come out regardless of how you got watery liquid on your skin even when washing your hands.

    I agreed with Taylor’s statement and recalled how to will that side away by mental command Berserker away!

    This would form that wooden slats door in my mind with words writing on it said, Mindbender the Berserker.

    I did recall how to will that ability forwards by mental command Berserker forwards!

    I found on the shelf stand was a bar of soap I used to scrub myself then found a shampoo bottle sitting on the shelf to wash my hair that was still shoulder length. I examined myself and saw something odd that confused me, but I figured I would get an answer later. I recalled I went around with shoulder length hair pulled back into a low at the neck’s nape tail during me doing assassinations while wearing a mask. The soap and shampoo were a welcome change than dunking myself naked in cold river water whenever my body needed a cleaning before resuming clothes with wetness all over. I did figure out that the shower’s water needed to be turned off once done than left running. Once I got out, I found towels hung on a rod I wiped and dried the excessive water off as well as I could then willed the Berserker aside once completely dried out. The private room didn’t come with reflective glass, a mirror above the sink but just a row of three lightbulbs shining and a long rectangular overhead light for shining illuminating the cave like room that had no natural light like window. I did peer behind the door to find a floor length mirror. I figured I would examine myself to see what I looked like. I knew mirrors would show people what they looked like from remembering women using them for dolling themselves up with makeup to look pleasant to the eyes.

    Yeow! I yelled when I saw myself in the mirror without hearing my voice speaking comment I look like this?!

    I realized like I did back then that I had no hearing in my ears for I couldn’t hear sounds literally through those organs. I had this deafness problem my whole life as if I was born with the disability as far back as I could remember from childhood from not easily recalling hearing anything to recognized sounds. I could only understand what was said as communicated by lip reading people’s lips as they said talk to me including learning hands’ gestures of sign language dubbed Aurelia’s. I learned Aurelia’s during my travels around Angelique Country that was being used for communicating with me from people realizing I was deaf that taught me how to do the sign language I still remember fluently. My hair color was light brown with red like highlights as I knew of the color back then that had now from visual inspection changed to dark brown almost black like brunette color from eyeing myself in the mirror. My hair by length was still just touching the shoulders by refused to grow longer than that no matter how well I tried to grow it out with a white streak part in the middle separating it on top of my head. My ears were fine normalized for humans even though their nonfunctioning unable to hear any sounds through them. My eyes I saw to my shock were a golden suns’ human looking shade color that explained why people screamed viewing me in the eyes while I was wearing a mask before I murdered them. I assumed those people were screaming as said shock of viewing my eyes unnatural and unholy like. I can’t lip read people screaming at me to know what they were really saying when I cut their throat in as swipe by blade and then stabbed them into the chest right into the heart that killed them as my signature move for assassination. My eyes were colored rare and unusual for people back then as seen from humans to think were deity touched either positive or negative.

    I thought That eyed look is rare.

    Taylor said, Not accurate nowadays for that eyed look is common along with other coloring.

    My face had an angry look, I found I was emotionless, unable to show I was smiling with a happy look in my eyes. I tried to smile but I could do was grimace while showing an angry expression in my eyes. I looked down at myself viewing my form was still muscular with muscles of stomach abs having ridges. My arms had thickness of muscles when bent including my thighs were muscled with calves indicated thickly muscled. I realized back then from me doing physical activity while maintaining my lemonade diet I kept my body up to physical shape of healthiness. I examined my sensitive part I gripped myself by the side below the big, large engorged headed part for as a large size for filling in women entirely for pleasure of the sexing ritual from myself favoring females in sex. I took myself in hand rubbing to feel myself achieving sexual victory from the result of that feeling myself satisfied from the ritual of self-sexing myself.

    You men are always the same with that thing of yours hanging between your legs. Sounded Taylor.

    That comment made me think Taylor’s statement is familiar to me like said to men in an insulting way from a woman.

    Taylor grumpy said in response Put your pants on and explore the functions of the living room. Stop ogling yourself in the mirror. You to forget that insult women say towards you as a man like habit. I’m thinking your insane with sex thoughts is reason why I said it to you offhanded rude which I give pardon for that comment.

    I forgave Taylor and did her order by putting my pants on and barefoot left the private room with the lights automatically shutting off once I left. I insert here I did have to put up with the lights turning themselves on whenever I entered the apartment’s areas at nightfall including the private room like winking on glare. I explored the living room finding there was another window next to Taylor’s window above the couch I peered outside finding the view was the same. I went to explore the living room’s contents. The wall with cut out window to the galley kitchen as dubbed area had a desk of black with objects I easily identified as a computer monitor and keyboard to my shock of knowing what they were. There was a handheld mouse key for manipulating the pointer on the computer screen to click icons doing commands. I knew what the mouse key was and its uses to my confusion of already knowing what that thing was for. There was a silver monitor box with wires attached that had a press on switch for turning on the computer I figured out after examining it. The computer screen turned on showing a scenic photogenic nature view of an ocean with a beach atoll like island with a palm tree sitting on it. There was a row of square icons one was for the internet such as the search engine the boneyards for typing questions to get answers instantly after pressing the enter key to get them pulled up on the screen. I took an examination of the computer with my own explorations and keyboard that took me quite a bit to figure out how to type onto it with both hands besides uses of a finger poking the buttons’ keys. There was a square icon for the wordy program that involved typing anything down while making sure to save the file into the computer’s memory bank dubbed a cloud. I was filled with questions hitting me enough to spend hours typing questions I thought of onto the internet boneyards’ search engine.

    Taylor squashed that by saying You type your mind’s contents starting with you assassinating that High Council’s servant not a joke that he’s a servant of theirs. Your memory will give you remembrances if you type them down including into file for saving later. I know you don’t remember yourself too well in detail to recall what you did back then in the previous century doing assassinations for coin money. Just type that memory down for analyzing later.

    I insert here Taylor neglected to mention to me computer’s information can be hacked by another party to be downloaded and read without the original typer’s awareness.

    I might as well do what Taylor is saying. I thought to myself.

    I opened the wordy program and began exploring the keyboard functions to type with the keys. It took me a bit of time to figure out what I wanted to type to be saved onto file in the computer. I remembered that memory of myself murdering that High Council servant was a trick to get rid of me permanently as in an execution. Anyone that murdered a High Council’s servant without the group’s expressed permission was given death as a penalty punishment. I recalled I found the man’s horse and slung his body onto the saddle then swung up. I rode the horse to the king’s castle arriving when the skies were indicating rising sunrise. I managed to get the drawbridge’s sentries to let me enter the courtyard where I walked the horse inside to where I took the body and put it down on the ground in front of the king the ruler at the time. His name escapes me so I can’t identify who he is or what land territory he was ruling as a ruler in title of king.

    I said, Here’s the body I assassinated on your orders.

    The king looked at the body and shook his head No.

    I think he said, Inappropriate killing no reward.

    The king had a long as his mid chest white beard and white colored mustache covering his mouth that made it hard to lip read him what he said but he kept shaking his bald head and making shoo gestures like rejection.

    I saw the redcoat standing nearby that gave me the order I pointed to him He gave me the order.

    The redcoat shook his head and said I lip read I gave no such order to this assassin.

    I protested saying Yes you did give me this order!

    The redcoat kept saying denial talk of never giving me the order.

    The king said I think by gestured finger point at me Guards arrest this assassin!

    I was arrested by weapons belt removed and clothes taken off by cuts by knives and naked brought inside to the dungeon chained in the darkness with night vision dominant. I was roaring protests angrily during being arrested that I was doing a job rightfully. Once in the dungeon of a jail cell with bars slammed shut, I remained quiet stewing angrily at being tricked by that redcoat that obviously set me up to get arrested by the king into containment in jail. This was proven true by the redcoat visiting my cell while holding a lighted torch in hand with a smile on his face with happiness.

    You tricked me by setting me up! I roared at him Admit it you did this stunt to make me fail on purpose!

    The redcoat was defiant when he smiled at me like he wasn’t sorry he did that stunt to me.

    He appeared to be thinking Glad I did this to you for you deserve this.

    The redcoat held up the familiar coin bag and indicating he was saying Thanks for returning my money hah.

    I roared at him You’re paying for this stunt with your life for your dead you hear me!

    The redcoat acted like he was laughing to my anger who left the jail cell still happy with laughter as sensed from him leaving me stewing in the dark of night vision. I see a different color for living beings which can be any being other than just humans that can be seen highlighted if they’re in hiding in nature’s settings. That night vision was handy for tracking criminals targeting people with robbing intentions to travelers traveling on the horseback pathway through the forests at night. I remained in that jail cell unsure of what to do with myself for I was locked in chains trapped by that redcoat’s trap that set me up on purpose for making me fail. I recalled that image of that redcoat flashing in my mind in my watery tube trap that always made me angry got me typing down the answer to my unspoken question to why I was furious viewing him. I was stewing angrily so I kneeled as far as the chains let me wrap around my arms’ wrists and just shut my eyes figuring I needed to conserve strength till I could think of escaping custody. I swore to myself that the redcoat that set me up would die from my hands as in murdered with a knife cutting his throat and stabbed into the chest as my signature moves for assassinating victims. The jailers arrived and got me out of the jail cell when the sun was signaling noon after I was staying in there in a kneeling pose of mediation. I was still wearing chains to go to the throne room where the king was sitting in dais seat alone without a queen. The redcoat that set me up for that trap was nearby with laughter in his eyes that kept trying to hide the giggling happiness of his defiant attitude towards me. There was a hooded robed figure of red with face seen of a man with the symbol of the High Council on the chest highlighted in gold outlines. I realized the victim I assassinated had that mark on the chest shirt in red outlines. I recognized that symbol and the High Council member with two guards in red armored metallic suits standing around with

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