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Varistavit and Visitors from Sea
Varistavit and Visitors from Sea
Varistavit and Visitors from Sea
Ebook169 pages2 hours

Varistavit and Visitors from Sea

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Varistavit Opens his eyes to find himself on an uninhabited but

beautiful island in the airs of which reside the Fear of Filaris - The

Tree monster!


Release dateMay 6, 2024
Varistavit and Visitors from Sea

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    Varistavit and Visitors from Sea - Akshat Pandey

    CHAPTER — 1

    {A mysterious death}


    t the age of 6 years he had to witness the death of his parents which made him and his elder brother homeless. Parents of Arjun  and his elder brother Praveen, died in a truck accident when they were coming from a wedding ceremony.

    Arjun  was 6 years old at that time and his brother's age must be 16 years. Praveen was a short  person with a long face and big eyes. He was one of the resilient people who could handle every situation without being panicked. Although, it was a misery for a young teenager to witness his parents death at 16. But, even in this desperate situation, he apprehended his responsibility to Arjun. And there was nothing he could do now? There is no one who can cease death. He resolved to commence working as a fisherman for money. Being a vegetarian and animal lover it was so daunting for him to do this but this was the one and only way. He nurtured Arjun  and provided him full access to education anyhow from his petty income.

    Praveen was a gallant, responsible, honest and down to earth man. Besides this, He was also a good brother, he provided everything to Arjun related to his studies. Arjun  was a tall and thin person with an oval face, small eyes. He was a very hard working laborious student. Arjun also didn't pressurise his elder brother for anything. Whenever he required some study related stuff, he gave scholarship exams, government quizzes and sometimes taught his juniors for a month or couple of months at very affordable costs. Arjun was one of the bookworms. He loved reading novels and encyclopaedias, And that goes for his friend too. Advik used to give him a book every month, for reading.

    Arjun and Praveen loved each other and both understood their responsibilities.

    After completing 12th,  Arjun cracked an exam and was getting a government engineering College. Praveen sent him for his further education without any hesitation. He  anyhow, by lenting loans and extra work, managed the expenditures of Arjun in his studies.

    At the age of 21, Arjun  was selected from his college campus in a private start up company. After completing his last semester, Soon he got the joining letter.

    The day he got his joining letter, he was on cloud nine. He decided to flabbergast praveen with this good news. He informed him by phone that he will be coming that day for a specific reason. Praveen asked multiple times about that specific reason but It was meant to be a surprise for him.

    Next day the train was going to depart at 9a.m. So, Arjun  woke up at early 5 a.m. and packed his things in his trolley. He was so excited today as Finally it was time for him to take all the responsibilities of his brother and make him free from all his mental loads. He catched the train and the train departed ten minutes late. Train would have been taking one day, So, Arjun  was going to reach his town by tomorrow morning.

    The felicity could be easily glanced on his face.  He was excited indeed to work on his first job.

    Nearly 5 hours passed, It was 2pm and Arjun  Was feeling very tedious in the train. Meanwhile, His phone was receiving a call from Praveen after every 2 hours. Praveen was also eagerly waiting for the news.

    You know! In Indian trains you can find everything, whether it is food, water, books, desserts etc. Train was running so fast and Arjun  was looking outside from the window, being indulged  in his ghugni(a curry made of chickpeas or peas) as he got distracted by a blaring loud sound of an old man in his train coach  — Newspaper! Novel! Children's stories! And Alphabet books in just 50 rs!

    It was a book and newspaper hawker who was selling newspapers, local books and novels at very cheap prices. Arjun was on the train and the novel was the best for passing the time. Perhaps it was the best opportunity for a bookworm.

    He said to the hawker —what does this second one cost?

    Hawker (in his old voice)— 50 rs each!

    Arjun took out a note of 50 rs. from his bag and said —give me that one!... Second one!

    He took out a red hindi novel from his cardboard box and gave it to him in an off handed way. Clasping the money from Arjun he moved forward blaring out. 

    Opening the novel, he started reading it the very next moment. He was regularly distracted by the phone call of Praveen but After 5 p.m. he didn't receive any phone call from him. Arjun reckoned that Praveen must have been  busy with his work, so he thought it would not be good disturbed him.

    By the time he completed his novel, he still didn't get any call as he had conjectured. Taking out his phone from his pocket, he dialled Praveen's phone number but he didn't pick up. He conjectured if he must have been so busy and forgot to put his mobile on charge. Arjun ignored all this and resolved to call him tomorrow morning.

    Next day started with a foggy morning, it was the midst of October and the sun didn't arise even at 6 a.m. Arjun woke up at 6 :30 a.m. He looked out of the train window. The weather was very pleasing. Hazy sun rays falling on his face through the busy bushes, little green Parrots were flying so fast near the train to chase it but they actually couldn't.

    On the very next seat of Arjun there was a young guy of his age. He had worn a white mask and was staring at Arjun from the beginning.

    After a while he said — Hi Mate! Where are you going?

    Arjun — The next station! What about you?

    The man— I am going the same. You seem to be a bachelor aren't you?

    Arjun —I am a civil engineer, indeed. It was my last year.

    The man — Did you get any job or not?

    Arjun —Yes, I got selected from my campus and that's why I came here.

    The man —Oh! Good going! Anyways, Whom do you live with?

    Arjun —With my elder brother.

    The man kept asking about many things and  Arjun was telling everything.

    At nearly 9 a.m. The train arrived at the station, the wait was finally over. Since Arjun was carrying many bags. The Man told him that he would help him offload his Luggage. He offloaded his luggage. The man then shook hands with Arjun, and said with a sarcastic smile — See you next time. Arjun!. He emphasised.

    Arjun —Goodbye!

    The man then turned, and joined the crowd. Arjun suddenly realised, He didn't tell his name. How did he know his name? He turned around and shouted — H…hey!

    But the man disappeared in this febrile confusion at the railway station. Arjun was puzzled. However, he ignored this and took a rickshaw that started in no time.

    He didn't get a call from Praveen yet, Arjun tried but it was switched off.

    After 15 minutes, Rickshaw halted near a small house made of cemented walls and roof made of galvanised sheets. This was where Praveen used to live.

    Arjun  took the luggage full of clothes, accessories, appliances etc. He stalked straight to the house and was astonished to see that the door was locked. He reckoned if Praveen would have been moved for his work. He took a seat on the floor and started waiting for Praveen wistfully. Arjun was weary from his trip and also felt soporiferous, he leaned at the door and the very next moment, he fell asleep. When he opened his eyes he looked towards the sky. It was afternoon, he looked at the time in watch, it was showing 3: 23 p.m.

    Now this time, Arjun tensed because, usually he went home at 1 p.m. and it was 3p.m. but there was no sign of Praveen yet. Arjun left his luggage at the door and scurried towards the sea coast, where Praveen used to catch the fishes.

    Even in this febrile confusion, Arjun could still discern the people he knew from his childhood. One of them, Ajay, who was best friend of Praveen and was just like elder brother of Arjun, told Arjun that Praveen worked till evening that day and they left the sea at usual time but he said that he had some important work. Ajay asked him about that important work but he didn't say anything. Also Ajay found that he was trying to tell him something but he could not. He merely said— I request you to take care of arjun.

    Ajay asked him, why is he saying all this but he didn't reply anything in answer. He told him that he would have been staying there for a bit more time and would be right back tomorrow morning for work.

    Arjun was intense, he didn't leave any stone unturned in finding him but always disappointed.

    Finally, he reported this in the police station and police started searching for Praveen. Police were investigating in every part of the city but didn't find a single clue of Praveen. Also, Arjun was striving  to find him everywhere.

    Two days passed, but There was no sign of Praveen. His phone was switched off. Arjun didn't leave hope, he didn't sleep for two days and didn't eat a morsel and was continuously collaborating with police, but every time,  he found nothing.

    After 12 days, Arjun and the police were losing hope to find Praveen. But a clue made it confirm that Praveen will not come back now.

    One day the police called on Arjun and Said that fishermans of the sea found something. Arjun quickly left the home and reached there. Fishermans had found Praveen's clothes caught in their net.

    After looking at the clothes, Arjun almost swooned. It was the same shirt which his brother would have used to wear. After this moment everyone in the ship broke up with sadness, And in the eyes of everyone there were only tears that could be seen. No one was saying a single syllable.

    Inspector behind him said to Arjun —Sorry sir! But it seems like your brother drowned in the deep of that sea.

    Arjun was pensively shaken with this incident. He started living hushed. He didn't talk to anyone. This incident left a pensive effect on Arjun. Sometimes he blames the god— Oh god! The creator! Why are you doing this atrocity on

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