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Do You… Remember Me? A Spiritual Guidebook to Evoking Your Soulmate: Volume 1 A Soul Love Revival
Do You… Remember Me? A Spiritual Guidebook to Evoking Your Soulmate: Volume 1 A Soul Love Revival
Do You… Remember Me? A Spiritual Guidebook to Evoking Your Soulmate: Volume 1 A Soul Love Revival
Ebook127 pages1 hour

Do You… Remember Me? A Spiritual Guidebook to Evoking Your Soulmate: Volume 1 A Soul Love Revival

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About this ebook

In a state of swirling cosmic energies and entwined destinies, where the threads of all lives weave throughout worlds here and beyond, "Do You… Remember Me?" emerges as a guiding light—a profound spiritual odyssey crafted to help you embark on an extraordinary journey towards love, healing, and self-discovery.

Within the pages of Volume 1: Soul Love Revival, you are captivated and beckoned into a realm where spirituality merges into the mindful quest for divine soul love communication. As the cover whispers promises of healing your ancestral trauma, breaking your generational curses, correcting your karma, cleansing your aura field, and elevating your vibrations it becomes evident that this isn't just another self-help book; it's a roadmap to unlocking the deepest chambers of your soul.

Author and spiritual luminary, Jah Crystal, serves as an enlightened mentor, offering you wisdom garnered from ancient teachings, traditional spiritual practices, and personal soul love revelations. With eloquence and empathy, you are guided on a transformational expedition that begins with the fundamental principle of divine soul alignment.

Come and embark on a voyage that transcends the ordinary and journeys into the primordial tapestry of your existence. Through a meticulously laid out series of exercises, meditations, and introspective prompts, this book becomes your companion, gently nudging you to explore your inner spiritual landscape and face the veils masking your true authentic self.

At its core, "Do You… Remember Me?" is a testament to the intercosmic divine interactions of all beings: human, celestial, and primordial. It navigates the labyrinth of relationships—familial, romantic, and cosmic—illuminating how ancestral patterns and generational energies impact your present reality. With tenderness and insight, this testament shares prophecies to unearth buried wounds and release stagnant energies so you can mend the fabric of your karmic tapestry.

This guidebook isn't just about mending your past; it's a celebration of your present moments and an invocation of all your future possibilities. It invites you to expand your aura field, recalibrate and regenerate your spiritual energy, and liberate your anointed vibrations to resonate your frequency of your divine soul love within. Through profound self-work, you'll learn to magnetize your divine soulmate—someone whose spiritual essence resonates harmoniously with your own, creating a cosmic union that transcends Earth and space.

As you traverse these pages, embrace and enjoy new heightened feelings rekindling your own inner radiance while becoming attuned to the symphony of the universal creation and source of creation that surrounds us all. This is your journey of empowerment, your personal mecca towards divine attraction, and an invitation to call from within your own soul magic to manifest a divine soul love union that echoes throughout all eternity.

Whether you're seeking solace from your past wounds, yearning for a deeper understanding, or simply intrigued by the enigma of divine soul love attraction, "Do You… Remember Me?" is an illuminating oracle—a sanctuary where the quest for divine soul love merges seamlessly with the quest for discovering your divine self.

Indulge in this transformational guidebook and prepare to embark on a soul-stirring expedition—one that beckons you to remember yourself, heal your past, and evoke a divine soulmate whose presence activates and ignites your sacred flame of love and life.

Embrace the divine symphony of your soul, for within your resonance is the key to an extraordinary love story waiting for you to begin.
Release dateFeb 7, 2024
Do You… Remember Me? A Spiritual Guidebook to Evoking Your Soulmate: Volume 1 A Soul Love Revival

Jah Crystal

Jah Crystal is an esteemed writer specializing in plant spirit medicine and energy healing through dermal energy for personal care, skincare, and beauty; centered by self-love and relationship coaching. Jah Crystal's passion for empowering individuals with their own inner guidance is insightfully merged through wisdom and practicality to inspire one's journey towards self-discovery; fostering spiritual strength and fulfilling relationships. Jah Crystal's work resonates deeply offering transformational insights that guide readers on their journey of divine self-awareness and divine soul love activation.

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    Book preview

    Do You… Remember Me? A Spiritual Guidebook to Evoking Your Soulmate - Jah Crystal

    Do You… Remember Me? Volume 1: Soul Love Revival

    Your #1 Spiritual Guidebook to Evoking Your Soulmate: to heal your karma, cleanse your aura field, and raise your vibrations so you can attract a divine twin star soul of love and life.

    Are you struggling to find, The One? Well, your cure has come! Now you can heal from the trash of your past and detox your love life so you can evoke your divine soulmate.

    Do you desire to have a relationship with someone who matches your energy, your spirit? Build a strong family? Create generational wealth? Experience juicy and magical orgasms? Be in love as long as you both shall live???

    Do You… Remember Me is all about:

    •Healing Karma

    •Soulmate Attraction

    •Ancestral Cleansing

    •Transmute Vibrations

    •Separation Cleansing

    •Manifesting Union

    •Law of Attraction

    •Energy Clearing

    •Universal Laws

    •Reclaim Power

    •Twin Flames

    •Soul Union

    •Twin Stars


    Do You… Remember Me will help you detox your love life and stop temporary love affairs to help you spiritually mature and expand your aura field so you can attract a divine soulmate; a twin star soul of love and life!

    Do You… Remember Me is written to bring an end to your cycles of degrading unions and single parent households! "Do You… Remember Me" is all about creating unions in love that expands beyond this realm of Terra Earth into all the heavens and all the universes.

    BrewJah Books Publishing, BrewJah, Inc.

    Copyright 2023 Jah Crystal, Janel C Profit

    ISBN: 979-8-3509403-1-2


    "Do You… Remember Me" is absent of any witchcraft, spells, and sorcery. "Do You… Remember Me" is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases, including mental health issues: and is intended for educational purposes only. Purchasing and reading this book you agree to hold the author and publisher harmless for any and all liabilities.

    Jah Crystal, Author

    Doctor of Doctrine & Metaphysics, Energy Healer, Traditional Herbalist, and Occult Scientist

    Do You… Remember Me is dedicated to:

    All my children, grandchildren, and godchildren,

    All my future children and grandchildren,

    All my nieces, nephews, and cousins,

    All my elders and ancestral souls of love,

    All my beloved soul offspring,

    All my soul family in love,

    All my angels of love,

    And to my soul love; and my soulmate.

    A prayer for you:

    May your divine twin star soulmate of love and life join with you in power to generate and expand your life force within this world and beyond! Amen. Ashé. AlleYah

    Jah Crystal

    A Word From The Author

    Once upon a time, I dreamed of true love. It didn’t take long for that dream to be shattered. I was surrounded by women who were bitter and mad, and men who were unfaithful and abusive. Still, I had hope. And even my hope became lost as I grew into a young lady and attracted the wrong men. Although I was very loving and kind, prudent and virtuous; my aura of attraction was distorted. I never focused on being hurt or violated; abused or mistreated. As well as I never focused on not being treated in those manners for that matter. I also never focused on my fears of love. I focused on my God Love, that I called even in my younger ages YHWX.

    Still, discord happened. I attracted lovers and intimate relationships that led to three marriages filled with infidelity, mistreatment, and mistrust. Did I truly focus my energy, my thoughts, my words, and my actions on truly what I didn’t want? I can say for certain that never was the case for me. And probably the same for you. And yet, hundreds of genius gurus and spiritual guides that are admired, adored, and catapulted into exaltation will say it is my fault how I attracted these relationships. And initially I thought this must be the case. I felt something must be wrong with me. So for years, I made movements from the advice of these (not to be named) guides to correct my energy and vibrations so I could change my outcome within the universal law of attraction. Until one day a memory was activated within me. The memory involved sacred universal geometry that shapes universal laws. And this memory made me think logically in regard to the spirituality of my existence; and the true operation of the law of attraction within this realm of our world.

    My first meditative thought: Did millions of melanated people in America and around the world focus on NOT being enslaved or even becoming enslaved??? This analogy can be applied to any genocidal and inhumane event that literally destroyed millions of ancient tribal families around the world*. This information is mostly unwritten and a quiet kept history* to keep specifically you, the enlightened one, in ignorance. You may already be somewhat aware of the facts as you may be, like me, a descendant of these ancient tribal families. I had to really stop and think about focus and energy, and vibrations. Did my ancestors in the millions really attract these atrocities upon them? Now I ask you to meditate on the same events quietly within your soul. When you can see the sorcery and witchcraft at work, like me you have arrived.

    My second meditative thought: How can hundreds of spiritual guides overlook mass scenarios of destructive movements that through cause and effect have affected the very core of my life and the lives of millions; spiritually and physically??? I heard a scripture within my spirit from the Christian bible*, what seemeth right to the ways of man are usually the ways of death. I’ve learned from childhood studies and further how scriptures and other ancient texts are codes. This code along with many more hidden and written within religious texts was my answer. What was programmed for the masses to think how sorcery and witchcraft should or would look like was a ruse, so much so that the one who calls themself a witch or sorcerer is false. And the true sorcery and witchcraft was hidden right under our nose in unrecognizable ways that would evoke false lives and false unions instead of a blessed life and your divine soulmate. So, be careful with the words of your favorite spiritualist or guru. They just may be used by witchcraft and sorcery as a puppet for your destruction.

    Sorcery* and witchcraft* is a type of scientific phenomenon that isn’t easily understood by general science due to the lack of source knowledge. Sorcery and witchcraft uses the plasmatic energy of another soul within source existence YHWX* adversely to manipulate you and control your outcome regardless of your choices or movements. In other words: it’s stolen energy. I began to see how this sorcery and witchcraft was used on a global scale by a small group of hurt souls called sorcerers who surprisingly now want to teach you about the source using their puppets called gurus and spiritualist; and how it was your ancestors' fault for the destruction of the ancient tribal families and how you can now change things by simply changing your focus. Honestly, I now can see how and why most spiritualists and gurus must be mushroom tripping on their own ancestral karma, LOL!!!

    I knew my focus never was based on degrading behaviors. So, what happened? You see, within this world there is a large amount of animalistic energy creating the energetic field of war with a need to control and obtain what ain’t yours or what you think should be yours. And when you are a soul of love; you become a target of capture. So, when someone is planning to attack you they have to know your weakness. And the sorcery and witchcraft played upon my ancestors (and I’m certain yours also) were by a small group of sick souls who unfortunately see love as a weakness. They used our own soul power as their weapon by attacking someone or something we love. Ancestors were

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