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MILF’s Magic Camera : MILF’s C-Shots 4 (MILF Breeding Anal Sex Multiple Climax Erotica): MILF's C-Shots, #4
MILF’s Magic Camera : MILF’s C-Shots 4 (MILF Breeding Anal Sex Multiple Climax Erotica): MILF's C-Shots, #4
MILF’s Magic Camera : MILF’s C-Shots 4 (MILF Breeding Anal Sex Multiple Climax Erotica): MILF's C-Shots, #4
Ebook37 pages24 minutes

MILF’s Magic Camera : MILF’s C-Shots 4 (MILF Breeding Anal Sex Multiple Climax Erotica): MILF's C-Shots, #4

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About this ebook

Jane Crossfield buys a polaroid camera from an antiques shop, but quickly discovers that people in her photos are always nude!

Against her better judgment she takes a snap of her neighbor's son Travis as he sunbathes, revealing to her that he's hiding something big and hard.

Mrs. Crossfield knows just what to do and soon Travis is releasing his multiple loads for Jane as she takes him in her mouth, sex, and butt!

PublisherTori Westwood
Release dateMay 8, 2024
MILF’s Magic Camera : MILF’s C-Shots 4 (MILF Breeding Anal Sex Multiple Climax Erotica): MILF's C-Shots, #4

Tori Westwood

Tori Westwood writes short erotica whenever she finds time between her day-job and her family.  She is still searching for her niche, not yet limiting herself to any particular sub-genre, having penned all manner of fiction.  She is happily married and delights in exploring her own fantasies through her writings.  For updates, follower her on Twitter @ToriWestwood1

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    MILF’s Magic Camera - Tori Westwood

    Read An Excerpt

    Travis took his cock out of Jane and stood up beside the lounger.  Jane didn’t know what was happening until his cum-soaked length arrived at her mouth and she realized what he wanted.

    You want me to suck myself off you? Jane asked, grabbing Travis’s cock at the hilt.

    He nodded.

    Jane squeezed and watched the veins flare up along the barrel of engorged flesh.  She pushed her mouth over the crown and felt his stiffness.  He was charged with excitement and Jane knew another cumshot wasn’t far away, but she didn’t want this one in her mouth.

    She hummed and took her lips off him, then she stood up with him and reached on tip-toes to kiss his lips.

    Travis thrust his tongue into Mrs. Crossfield’s mouth and tasted her lingering sex inside.  He took a grip of Jane’s ass and squeezed, pushing his hard, naked cock against her midriff.

    Fuck me from behind and come inside me, Jane said simply, and she turned away and bent forwards, using the head of the lounger to steady herself.

    Travis took his cock and pushed it eagerly into Mrs. Crossfield’s ass, unaware of exactly where he was pointing it.

    Jane felt the dull head press against her tight muscle.

    That’s my ass, she said, but it was a soft warning.

    Travis thought that’s what she had wanted, so he continued to press against the resisting muscle, not realizing that Jane’s comment was a warning, and that she’d never done this before.

    Jane dropped her head and winced.  She groaned as she felt her asshole widen.  She felt as though she couldn’t deny Travis and yearned to please him.

    She looked back at him and nodded, putting on a brave, lusty face as she did so.

    Fuck my ass, she said.

    Travis grinned and then looked down, focusing on his cock and how it began to disappear magically.  He felt the tight pinch of Mrs. Crossfield’s ass as he pressed onwards.

    That’s it, Jane strained, closing her eyes tight.

    Her butt

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