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I Am Summoned to Testify: Memoir of my Nervous Breakdown and Spiritual Warfare against CPS, Police, Sheriff, Civil Departments and Principalities
I Am Summoned to Testify: Memoir of my Nervous Breakdown and Spiritual Warfare against CPS, Police, Sheriff, Civil Departments and Principalities
I Am Summoned to Testify: Memoir of my Nervous Breakdown and Spiritual Warfare against CPS, Police, Sheriff, Civil Departments and Principalities
Ebook282 pages3 hours

I Am Summoned to Testify: Memoir of my Nervous Breakdown and Spiritual Warfare against CPS, Police, Sheriff, Civil Departments and Principalities

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About this ebook

Masika Akilah's gripping memoir, "I Am Summoned to Testify," takes readers on an extraordinary journey through her relentless spiritual battle against seemingly insurmountable forces – CPS, police, sheriff, civil departments, and even principalities.

The narrative unfolds with the author's public protests against a preacher/contractor, capturing attention on news channels, Facebook, and YouTube. From the alleged halting of house construction to the confrontation over a stolen cabinet, Masika reveals a saga that goes beyond personal grievances. Her life takes an unexpected turn, leading her to exit the real estate industry due to the preacher/contractor's actions. 

Embark on a roller-coaster journey as Masika recounts the intense struggles she faced, from delays in housing projects to legal battles, eviction, and even a nervous breakdown. The memoir offers a detailed timeline, delving into the depths of despair and the miraculous triumphs that ensued. Masika's poignant story explores themes of faith, resilience, and the unforeseen lessons learned through adversity. It is a testament to the unwavering strength found in one's connection with a higher power. The narrative navigates through bitter moments, faltering faith, and the importance of fighting against bitterness before it consumes the soul.

The memoir delves into the author's deep relationship with God, unraveling how a life tragedy exposed masked players and led to a profound spiritual awakening. From financial struggles to battles with CPS, APS, and confrontations with family members, Masika's journey becomes a testimony of personal growth and purpose.

"I Am Summoned to Testify" is not just a memoir; it is a spiritual guide, offering solace to those facing similar trials. With transparency and vulnerability, Masika Akilah shares her thorny path from valleys to mountaintops, proving that, in the end, holding steadfast to God's unchanging hands is the ultimate victory.

PublisherHS Books
Release dateApr 19, 2024
I Am Summoned to Testify: Memoir of my Nervous Breakdown and Spiritual Warfare against CPS, Police, Sheriff, Civil Departments and Principalities

Masika Akilah

I am a Christian, mother of two wonderful daughters, educator, author, human rights activist, and lover of ALL God's people! I have a Master's of Education and a Bachelor's of Business Administration. I advocate for people with autism, equal rights for everyone, and bully-free workplaces and schools. Remember, all of us have a purpose to make this world better. Please find your purpose and faith-up with the whole armor of God!

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    Book preview

    I Am Summoned to Testify - Masika Akilah

    I Am Summoned to Testify

    Memoir of my Nervous Breakdown and Spiritual Warfare against CPS, Police, Sheriff, Civil

    Departments and Principalities

    All Rights Reserved.

    Copyright © 2024 Masika Akilah


    The opinions expressed in this manuscript are solely the opinions of the author and do not represent the opinions or thoughts of the publisher. The author has represented and warranted full ownership and/or legal right to publish all the materials in this book.

    This book may not be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in whole or in part by any means, including graphic, electronic, or mechanical without the express written consent of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    HS Books

    Cover Photo © 2024 Masika Akilah. All rights reserved - used with permission.


    Table Of Content


    Chapter One

    Two weeks leading up to the Evil Day

    Chapter Two

    Jail Dreams to Reality

    Chapter Three

    Principalities The Devil’s CPS Worker

    Chapter Four

    My World Seems Upside Down

    Chapter Five

    The Lies They Tell

    Chapter Six

    Rulers of Darkness: The Devil’s CASA Worker

    Chapter Seven

    Remember their Initial Purpose

    Chapter Eight

    Spiritual Warfare God’s on 1st, and I’m on 2nd

    Chapter Nine

    Places (demonic plots)

    Chapter Ten

    I know who and whose I am because of the great I Am

    Chapter Eleven

    Where do we go from here? My Children Are Not Your Toys, LLC. Mission, Vision,…

    Chapter Twelve

    Questions about Principalities… Our strategy

    Chapter Thirteen

    Restoring my Family

    Chapter Fourteen

    The Devil’s Costs

    Chapter Fifteen

    Filling in the Gaps

    Chapter Sixteen

    God, Jesus, & The Holy Spirit = One

    Chapter Seventeen

    Therapy is a Helping Resource

    Chapter Eighteen

    My Mother is My Lot

    Chapter Nineteen

    I’m Required to Testify

    Chapter Twenty


    Chapter Twenty-One

    The Case

    Chapter Twenty-Two


    Chapter Twenty-Three



    Works Cited

    The Fight Continues



    "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."

    Romans 8:28

    Sermon: Don’t Worry Be Happy…by Pastor John K.

    Jenkins Sr.

    Praise & Worship Songs:

    1. I Understand…by Smokie Norful

    2. God Said He Would See You Through by James Cleveland & Southern Choirs of the GMWA

    3. In God’s Own Time (My Change Will Come)…by

    James Cleveland & Triboro Mass Choir


    You might have witnessed my public protest against the preacher/contractor's church on the news, fueled by my belief that he allegedly halted construction on my house to divert funds for personal gain. Alternatively, you could have come across my candid exposé on Facebook or YouTube, where I confronted him for stealing a cabinet from my garage, a moment captured by my Ring cameras. Bless Ring video cameras!

    If you recall, I used to work in real estate. Unfortunately, after attempting to assist the preacher/contractor in securing a loan and finding land for his church, he, well… I sigh; he's the reason I exited the real estate industry. The frustration with that individual reached such a point that I couldn't authentically guide someone else in purchasing a house while dealing with my own housing predicament.

    However, if you are unfamiliar with my story, you've picked up this book to understand how, years later, I experienced a nervous breakdown due to the preacher/contractor's actions. Despite being a homeowner since the age of twenty-five, having constructed two houses, I found myself renting because, you guessed it, the preacher/contractor's actions delayed my third home loan. The strain became unbearable after four years in a tiny apartment, prompting me to reach my breaking point. Regardless of your familiarity with my situation, you are about to embark on a roller-coaster journey with me, discovering how I reclaimed my life when a preacher/contractor, along with the police, sheriff, CPS, APS, CASA departments, and certain family members, attempted to dismantle one of God's anointed children, only to realize they shouldn't have dared!

    In September of 2023, my Christian therapist assigned me the task of creating a timeline and drafting a letter to the man who played the dual roles of preacher and contractor. Unfortunately, my resentment had dictated almost four years of our lives. While I had already penned the introduction for this book, her personal assignment brought clarity to my journey and the triumphs God allowed us to experience despite the adversities the devil intended for our harm. God, with His rollercoaster ride of lessons, guided us to a better, more substantial, and wiser destination. As we disembarked from that battle ride, all we could do was look back and witness the hand of God in every loop, sharp turn, and unexpected jerk, only to descend and rise higher than ever, praising Him like never before.

    I am grateful for how God strategically places people in our lives at the right time. Thanks to my therapist, the introduction will unfold like a writing teacher instructs:

    I'll preview what I'm going to write about in this introduction, provide details and explanations throughout the book, and then recap what I wrote about in the epilogue. As an ex-writing teacher and current author, this book serves as my testimony. It goes beyond chronicling those challenging four years, delving into a six-year span where I showcase the hand of God. It reveals how He unveiled truths, healed me from years of pain, and, had it not been for this life tragedy, the masked players in my life would not have been exposed as the imposters they are. Perhaps my pride in mediocre success could have been the reason God allowed this tragedy. However, when you know God, you'll always return home to learn, correct, and redirect in His purpose.

    In short, the timeline is as follows


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