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The Real Thing
The Real Thing
The Real Thing
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The Real Thing

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Release dateMay 2, 2024
The Real Thing

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    The Real Thing - Ocie Wood Jr.

    Copyright © 2024 by Ocie Wood Jr.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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    Rev. date: 04/02/2024






    Why Did I Write This Book?


    My Early Childhood

    Holloway Hall

    Released from Reform School

    Transferred to Old Unit

    Go to Church

    I’ve Been There

    Stay Out of the Hogpen

    Avon Park Corrections


    The Ever-Burning Fire

    Man Shall Not Live by Bread Alone

    Somebody Cares: Jesus

    The Love of Money

    Dumb Dogs Can’t Bark

    A Broken Criminal Justice System

    A Good Wife. . . God’s Gift

    Adaptation to Society

    Impact Team

    Remaking Young Men

    My Brother

    Reform School

    Studies of Islam



    First, I give all glory and praise to God, who placed this vision in my heart and guided me through prayer and meditation.

    Special thanks to my editor, who has an uncanny ability to detect flaws and elicit improvements.

    To my wife for her superb and indispensable editorial work over a period of years.

    To my daughter for her editorial assistance.

    To my grandson, Jayden, for his artistic talent.

    To George Stathopoulos, senior planner, Planning and Development Department, who advised me in many ways.

    To Fountain of Grace Church, Pastor Tony Butler, who always stayed in prayer with me and donated equipment to my ministry.

    To Kat Jeffries-Armstrong, who printed material for me at Kat Printing and Signs.

    To Lori and Larry Bowdoin and their establishment, Blessings & Christian Store, who have a superb part in my transcript.

    To Dr. Sandra Kniffley, who designed my website and helped me with many parts of my ministry.

    Special thanks to Jerome T. Moore III, J and D Christian Works Fund, for his unsurpassed knowledge of the Lord.

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    I was like a plant that looked good and healthy on the outside, while being sick on the inside. I was a very sick and mentally disturbed young man.

    God gave me the will to learn how to read and write for the first time in my life. He transformed my total lifestyle from illiterate, considering where I have come from, to literate: I was born again from above through God’s dear Son, Jesus Christ.

    I mentioned this not for any glory, but to show the mighty wonders of the Lord. This is why this book was written. Who believes my report?

    In July 1982, the Lord gave me a new vision for the conception of The New and Living Way Prison Ministry, Inc., while I was still at Avon Park Correctional Institution.

    In January 1984, I was sent to Marianne, Florida, on work release. I got a job doing construction work. This is where I learned to do concrete work. I enjoyed doing it. A supervisor saw that I was interested in doing it. He said, One day, you would become very skilled in this craft, the first time I ever stepped off into concrete. The Lord gave me wisdom, knowledge, and understanding of this trade. I wasn’t there for four weeks, and the Lord touched the chief’s heart at the work release center to allow us to hold Bible study and services in the conference room. The only thing that I could say was Look at the mighty hand of God! Who believes my report?


    There is no more training up a child in the way he/she would go; and when he/she is old, he/she will not depart from it (Prov. 22:6). We are training up human wolves instead of children.

    There is a crisis in this country. Jails and prisons are full; hospitals are full of youths dying of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases. The morgues and graveyards are stuffed with decaying bodies—bodies of drunk drivers, gang-related shooting, overdose of drugs, and suicide . . . youths. This is the truth, and it hurts.

    For the youth today have been trained in the extravagant. In their characters, attributes, dispositions, deeds and thoughts, the youth are ugly beyond description.

    The devil has painted a picture to the youth that following Jesus is boring. I am not talking about religion. I am talking about true Word of God. It’s alive, it’s cutting, it’s moving; it’s the sword that cuts and the fire that burns and cleans all that garbage out of the human wolves, the hammer that smashes sin into pieces and lays the axe to the root of the human wolves.

    Young people, who should love and help one another, are in a state of war, set on killing one another. Satan is marching about and making fresh conquests every hour. His follower––hell, a state of eternal misery to all those who die in their sins; and in times of such general destructions, multitudes go down unprepared into the valley of destruction. It is an awful thought and enough to make the whole world tremble; that eternal damnation immediately follows on the death of an impenitent sinner.

    The world is in one hell of a mess. That is the truth. Am I right?

    Many homes today have lost their way, concerning the youth. How in the world do fathers and mothers allow their children to come out of their homes with their filthy underwear, showing and letting the world see their behinds?

    How in the hell do fathers and mothers allow a ten-year-old child to start wearing that old fake hair on their head, at a young age? How did this come to this point? What are some fathers and mothers thinking about? I’m going to tell you. They are raising human wolves, being controlled by that evil spirit. Ordinarily, people of the world are under the control of the evil spirit; this is the spirit that is now working in the children of disobedience. Men and women love themselves more than their children. The world is deeply rooted in many fathers and mothers today.

    A lot of these children don’t know who their fathers are because men are coming through the house, like milk coming down an assembly line, ready to be shipped out. How can these kids obey their parents behind this mess? There are five children in the family; each one has a different father. I don’t know any other way to say it but the right way. This is the truth, and the truth hurts. But the truth shall set you free. If you want to be free.

    You can’t sit around smoking dope around your children, waiting on a welfare/food stamp or disability check each month. You are teaching them to be human wolves. You got that fake hair on your head; you don’t know if it’s dog, cat, rat, or horsehair. You’re going to church on Sunday morning and dressed up like you are going to a nightclub. You’re hearing watered-down gospel, craving for something light and spicy, and the preachers are giving it to you. Most of you are thinking that you had it going on. At the same time, you’re raising human wolves. You have already destroyed the children. It put them in a no-win situation.

    I would rather walk the hall of any mental hospital than to walk the streets of any inner city now because of the human wolves. One time, Ocie Wood Jr. was a human wolf.


    Prisons and jails have overflowing populations. Those entering prisons and jails are going at earlier ages. Thirteen-year-old murderers are roaming the streets and killing people by the dozen with guns, knives, and other tools of violence.

    This county is going down day by day because of drugs and alcohol and homosexuality. The suicides and murders have been committed when under the influence of drugs and alcohols. Recent statistics show that over 80 percent of those locked up in jails or prisons committed their crimes while under the influence of drugs and alcohols in 2015.

    The state of Alabama statistics educate us on the total inmates, males and females, that are incarcerated in the state of Alabama: black females, 688; white females, 2,089; and other females, 6, a total of 2,783 women; black males, 14,009; white males, 11,480; and other males, 213, a total of 25,702 men. Total inmates, males and females, 28,485. There are 2,529 more black males incarcerated than whites. There are 1,401 more white females than black. There are 22,919 more males than females that are incarcerated. There’s a whole city of people that are locked up here in the State of Alabama. This is a city population of people. It all adds up to a Bad Scene.

    American doesn’t have enough jail space for the rebellious youth. Officials can’t build enough jails and prisons to keep up with the criminals, the human wolves.

    This is a generation of young sick people, and they are found in all walks of life. This is the real thing, my friends. They are supposed to be our future leaders.

    We are living in an age where lawlessness abounds. Insubordination is widespread on every hand.

    Many young people aren’t being taught about the laws of the land. After having spent fifteen years in Florida State Prison, I can attest to the fact that those days weren’t a bed of roses. Somebody got to tell the truth. They need us more than we can imagine! Children from grades six through eight represent our next generation of criminals. If we don’t cut them off, they will become human wolves.

    I have a friend by the name of Judge Clifton M. Kelley, who said, The war against crime isn’t being won in the nation’s courtrooms, jails, or prisons. The solution to the problem of crime don’t lie in the area of building more court houses, hiring more prosecution attorneys, judges or constructing more, more jails and prisons.

    We ought to follow the pattern established by enlightened leaders of the medical profession. They conquered the dreaded disease of small pox by developing a vaccine to immunize and prevent the occurrence or spread of disease. They didn’t attack the problem by building more hospitals, providing more doctors, or constructing larger graveyards in which to bury victims of the disease.

    We must return to the basic, which is Home. The best answer to those young lawbreakers lies in the Home. Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it (Prov. 22:6).

    It has been said there is a tremendous amount of parent power going to waste in America. Are we teaching baby lips to pray, baby minds to memorize God’s word, baby hearts to obey? Are we teaching them about the laws of the land?

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