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2 Beauty's Beast
2 Beauty's Beast
2 Beauty's Beast
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2 Beauty's Beast

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Malachi and Gabby's love story starting in 1 Beauty's Beast continues with them fighting to gain acceptance for their marriage despite being different humanoid species while living on an alien planet named Terranea among others of their kinds.

PublisherBeth Hoyer
Release dateMay 7, 2024
2 Beauty's Beast

Beth Hoyer

I'm currently owned by a cat who considers me hers.I love to type stories on my computer for hours.I like the science fiction fantasy genre with romance thrown in it when it comes to my stories.I like to take hikes through forests snapping photos to use as my covers for my stories.I'm an aspiring author of science fiction fantasy.

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    Book preview

    2 Beauty's Beast - Beth Hoyer

    2 Beauty’s Beast

    Edenia Series Planet Terranea

    By Beth Hoyer 2024



    This story is book two of one.


    Gabby sighed of relief sensing Malachi had gone into the main bedroom to take a nap. She groaned ignoring the TV showing a vehicle chase scene. She realized he caught her facial expression. He assumed was her giving him rejection by him begging her to keep their love. Her expression was of shock viewing him doing karate in a complicated pattern like expertly trained to do the movements. The karate she saw him do was perfect for one who was a black belt, the highest ranked colored belt in the sport. Malachi’s movements made her remember something in her mind she knew was something to do with her training. Gabby exhaled and focused onto the blue plaque of her winning a karate tournament title in fighting that earned her black belt as a sixteen-year-old.

    Her teacher dubbed Sensei as the karate’s teacher’s title had said When you win a title, I’ll award you a black belt skipping the ranks.

    She focused on her fighting in karate during her sophomore year at high school that made her grades and schooling suffer from doing poorly on tests. Gabby won a karate tournament title. Her Sensei kept his word and handed her the black belt letting her skip ranks. She recalled she was obsessive about getting the black belt by winning a title ignorant of her schooling as noticed by her mother.

    She promised her mother as said, Yes after I win a title, I’ll quit the tournaments and focused onto my schooling.

    Her mother held that promise and said to her when she won a tournament title Schooling is for you. Your done with karate tournaments.

    Gabby recalled she was forced to keep her promise to her mother by focusing on her schooling. She repeated sophomore year then took the rest of the additional years to graduate from high school.

    Gabby was relieved when she graduated for her mother said, I promise you that karate tournaments can resume once you’re done with high school getting your diploma.

    Gabby didn’t resume karate tournaments’ competitions instead resumed karate classes focusing on self-defense to fight including training in wrestling taught by her Sensei.

    The Sensei was encouraging her to train by saying You have potential to become an authority figure from the training required for holding the job.

    Gabby sighed focusing on the TV showing the vehicle chase ended with the chased one falling into the water off the pier of a deck on a beach into the ocean. She groaned viewing the scene that reminded her of death. Something she disliked viewing on TV like the Novels’ channel from years of viewership. Groaning, she saw the TV show end after the vehicle landed in the water with the credits for the production crew flashing on the screen. The TV show was signaling a cliffhanger ending for viewers to wait till the next appointed time to view the results of what happened next.

    Gabby sighed and abruptly heard Eden blare Sleep mode over for master!

    She grimaced hearing Eden’s words for Malachi would be finished with his nap to get up to beg her to keep their love. She had inwardly agreed with Malachi. Gabby didn’t feel like saying her thoughts to him for she needed to think for a bit. Gabby got up and figured she’ll go into her ready room to contain herself with her books in a bookcase inside there. She no sooner reached the door when abruptly a black shape formed in place blocking her. She sighed recognizing Malachi stepping into her way from his blurring speed of moving too fast for her eyes to see him. Malachi, she saw had a glare on his face with arms folded.

    He snarled Sit we need to talk.

    Gabby groaned inwardly hearing his tone sound firm that was to be obeyed. She obeyed his command to sit on the couch. He followed her to kneel in front of her. She frowned, eyeing Malachi as he glared at her with an annoyed expression she recognized. Gabby silently sat not saying anything.

    Malachi spoke Your facial expression I saw from you standing in the doorway of the ready room was the looks I received from others. The expression I recognized was rejection from people viewing my monster side over the years as displayed.

    Gabby remained silent nodding her head to show understanding towards Malachi’s talk.

    Malachi added she heard Wait here.

    Gabby frowned as he got up normally. She watched him enter the main bedroom and she kept her eyes on the open doorway. She found her patience rewarded when Malachi walked out carrying a piece of yellow lined paper. Malachi, she saw resumed kneeling in front of her and handed her the paper.

    He said, Read this I think you should know this.

    Gabby obeyed finding the handwriting stated his existence wasn’t a mistake with a date below the words with writing.

    The words said, Your birthdate.

    She calculated with shock when the numbers said fifty years ago for his birthdate. Gabby felt shocked hitting her. She realized Malachi was older than he appeared despite his aged appearance as a thirty-year-old man.

    She felt confusion hitting her she said You as a ten-year-old in a photo from a picture frame got to be raised by my father to reach your adulthood aged appearance of thirty-year-old. How did that happen?


    Malachi sensing Gabby confusion with her eyes wide when she said her question to him.

    He grimaced from the memory of him as a child which he said Something to explain on how I wound up viewed as a child to be tortured by your father. That photo of me as a ten-year-old was taken too many years ago.

    Malachi saw Gabby opened her mouth giving off a gasp. Malachi nodded his head grimacing from his memory from what he remembered from his nap giving him an answer.

    He spoke the answer I was sized this sized when your father abused me.

    Gabby sounded a gasp in response to his admittance.

    Malachi kept speaking My memory of who I was, was originally wiped out by a telepath. I think perhaps my older relation Daniel aka the monk Lion himself before he sent me to your father for abusing me. Lion apparently was trying to get me angry at the world from the abuse. Just to make me murderous enough to do anything he ordered me. He succeeded in getting me become an assassin from my anger.

    Malachi reached over and clamped Gabby’s mouth shut by hand on her chin for she was gapping at him in shock. Gabby got his message and kept her mouth shut with her eyes still bugged eyed wide. He reached to grip her hands with both of his hands, he was sensing her agreement. Malachi grimaced from the memories in his mind he remembered from his nap figured he’ll talk them out to Gabby.

    He began the tale saying, I remember my life now.

    Malachi remembered himself growing up in a Navian warship dubbed Seraphina including how he reached his sized appearance as he was now. His growing up wasn’t normalized like any human child but different being raised aboard the Seraphina schooled in art of war. Malachi was a ten-year-old when he was placed into a liquid tube, a piece of medical machinery recently invented by the warship Seraphina. The Seraphina was a medical ship focused on hospital care for the Navia’s officers.

    The warship was commandeered by David Jansen twin brother of Daniel the telepath himself that made me view him in parent way. He said as explanations.

    The tube made his body instantly grow to adulthood size of a thirty-year-old male within an untimed cycle of growth. He got taken out with his mind still childlike and body flopping all over the place. Malachi was unable to control the new size without physical training to work his new form out. The sailors viewing him displaying his monster side displayed expressions he recognized over the years was of rejection viewing him. They trained him in karate with acrobatic moves for the combative art and throwing weapons of knives but nothing involving bullets’ handguns.

    Malachi spoke as Gabby sounded a sigh of relief I’m not trained to handle those weapons. I don’t aim to get training for them despite I’m a Samurai officer.

    His training was emphasized for his physical body making him muscular looks now that was declared natural looking. His creation was ordered by David, the commander of the warship that was young forty-five years old when he came into existence. David somehow with his cunning mind got to be the youngest Navian officer to hold the title of Admiral. David got to command the Seraphina, a medical warship created for medically assisting officers in armies of lands and seas. He got Malachi created by inseminating an Eli female that was one of the officers of the warship without her awareness. His mother was originally named Malalai Chinook as the name Daniel’s wife took legally from her original name of Daniela. Malalai his mother was given a sleep drug in her drink putting her out unconscious. She was artificially inseminated with a piece of a man that made her pregnant with him as a new medical procedure that’s nowadays making people question that method.

    Malachi said, That back then when invented was seen with moral questions from the public. They think natural sexing is the accepted way to go for creating babies for getting pregnant. That method of implantation and insemination is still questionable to this day.

    His mother reportedly carried him willingly to term to give birth to him.

    He remembered she said while dying bleeding to death after him born His name is to be Malachi.

    The name of Malachi was kept as his identity with the second name of Jansen. He was declared on the warship publicity as a sibling relation to the Jansen twins such as David himself. Secretly as discovered David was his father biologically despite the sibling connection used publicity.

    David used a piece of himself to create me that was put in my mother by insemination. I figured no willing volunteers for fathering me came forward that David volunteered himself for this method. He spoke.

    Malachi was aged adulthood literally in his mind after five years of continuous physical training to be declared the age of thirty years old.

    David began to display attitude said, I want the weapon released to the public as a weapon of war.

    Steny Zed Stan Senior during that time came aboard the Seraphina to view him like an exhibit.

    Steny had attitude as said, Malachi’s not ready to be released.

    Malachi figured from Steny’s and David’s attitudes towards each other that they had a friendship like relationship that ran for years that deteriorated later. It was while he was being whipped when he got instincts of doing telekinetic abilities with the monster side in control.

    Restraints off! He commanded releasing the chains around his wrists.

    Malachi spun around willing the Berserker forwards to mentally howl Shield!

    He was able to use the shield command to halt the whip hitting him with added command Hover!

    He used the telekinetic command to set the whip from machine to fly the rope aimed at David and Steny standing nearby talking to each other ignorant of his behavior.

    He said mentally as commanded Throw!

    The rope hit them caused them both yelling What the underworld’s depths?!

    Malachi kept telekinetically whacking the whipping rope aimed at the men.

    David exclaimed Stop that!

    He heard Steny said in response Malachi cease that action now!

    Malachi obeyed which Steny removed his hat placing it onto his palm of his hand.

    Steny said towards Malachi Manipulate the hat like you did with the whipping rope by taking it off my hand without touching it yourself.

    It took several attempts till Malachi figured command as said Hover!

    The hat raised itself in a shaky way for Malachi was still learning his telekinetic concentration ability.

    Steny snatched the hat from the hover position and said towards David Malachi’s not ready. He needs training in his telekinetic abilities.

    David as Malachi remembered gave up Argh!

    It took an additional uncounted timed years of training both physical and telekinetic abilities using his monstrous side to get to the level of his use of his instincts and muscle memories to do the actions both comfortably. Steny kept coming aboard the Seraphina to observe him practicing his physical movements while doing his telekinetic side of the Berserker in his training. He was aged adulthood when his training was at the point where he could be released among the population.

    Malachi said, You my love were around that time as a child.

    He saw Gabby nodded her head in agreement as he continued the story.

    His training reached the point that David kept insisting I want the weapon released he’s ready!

    Steny blocked him by refusals saying No Malachi’s not ready. He’s to continue his training.

    Malachi sensed that David seemed frustrated with Steny’s command over him. David’s frustration involved him being a weapon of war balked being released to the public freed from the Seraphina.

    Malachi said, I got the impression that Steny had ownership of me like a toy that David wanted to play with he refused to share.

    He saw Gabby cock her head with a faraway look he recognized she was thinking of something.

    He waited as she focused onto him, she said Steny’s the purse which is speak for money. I figured Steny paid for everything involving you by his ownership attitude you sensed.

    Malachi spoke with confusion I thought Daniel was a billionaire with all that wealth amassed that he could have paid for me.

    Gabby shook her head and said in answer Daniel didn’t reach monetary billionaire status until the invention of the cellphone that was received by the public very strongly that was five years ago.

    He calculated to say, Figures I was assassinating Steny at the time and then David I targeted too.

    Gabby glared at him with a familiar parental look making him grimace while viewing her face.

    He said firmly eyeing her in the eyes Yes, I killed Steny then once I did the job I went after David and killed him too.

    Malachi grimaced from Gabby’s slap hitting his cheek followed by her kissing his lips a peck.

    She said, Don’t do that assassination again.

    Malachi groaned and spoke The High Council noticed me doing the assassinations from evidence I left behind but their focus on me wasn’t on both men’s murders. It’s on their protection army group I took down to kill both men are the federals’ primarily focus. The commander during discussions with me in private led me to think the High Council is hoping to have me join them as a one-man army weapon of war from the killing of both men’s armies. That’s the impression I’ve gotten from my thinking.

    He saw Gabby shook her head in a no gesture making him question her What are you thinking? My thinking is giving me this attitude from the federals.

    Gabby answered Not that attitude of one-man army weapon of war I assure you isn’t what the High Council is thinking. Their attitude is for training their people to fight Elis in a war fight if such as situation of you taking down protection groups happens again. This is what the High Council is focused on from my knowledge of the history classes I took in high school. Humans such as the High Council have never historically fought and won against an Eli in a fighting battle from what I learned in schooling. You did those two men’s murders to point out to the humans that their armies had a lack of training for fighting combat against an Eli like you. This is what the High Council is focused on having you train their people to combat Elis fighting them in a situation that you previously fought in if it happens again for them to win the battle. The Elis when fought against were always the winners in battles against humans historically to my knowledge in the history class.

    Malachi groaned sensing Gabby’s words were firm as said. He was remembering the history portion of the tester book hinted of historical events of warring battles between humans’ armies that were deadly. The information gave him the impression that Elis and humans both never fought each other in warring battles. The humans such as the High Council noticed him as an Eli taking down groups of human armies alone brought their notice of their lack of physical combat readiness to fight Elis.

    Gabby added Another thing Malachi.

    He groaned hearing the firmness of her voice as she firmly said No you may not do an assassination onto anyone who harms me physically or mentally again. You are to let the Samurai a group I’m a part of like you are to handle giving justice’s punishment towards whoever harms me. You understand my words?

    Malachi groaned hearing her words as she glared at him.

    He spoke I understand even though I don’t like it.

    Gabby spoke still using the firm voice I know you don’t like it but that’s the way things are to go from now on.

    She switched voiced tones to sad by saying Now I must call the garrison to arrange for us both to join the commander’s ceremony. Either of us walking with his casket or waiting in the church for mass whichever doesn’t matter to me as long, we both give support.

    Malachi found she proceeded to do call the garrison. He recalled the call required them both dressed up in the Samurai’s uniforms to arrive at the garrison together early before the ceremony. They both were driven by Ward to get there around the hour of eleven o’clock. He was forced to sit in the back seat of Ward’s vehicle as Gabby sat in the front. They both sat in silence with Ward driving quietly, not saying anything. Ward parked the vehicle in the garage then silently led the way to the lobby where the commander’s coffin draped in the national flag of Red Eye was seated on a stand for them to pay their respects.

    He saw Zel there he recognized clad in a Samurai’s uniform that whispered to him I have need of your services to assist with being a pallbearer. This is spoken for carrying the commander’s casket to where he needs to go.

    Malachi gave his agreement which he was joined by four others assisting Zel and him to carry the commander’s casket to the waiting carriage outside when the time arrived for the walk to Saint Valeria’s. He remained silent listening to Zel speaking as the pallbearers’ commander gave up voiced commands at the front as the head.

    Zel saying Step down move.

    Malachi with the fellow pallbearers followed the horses drawn carriage walking in a line with a procession of Samurai in uniforms following. He sensed Gabby behind him following his line as she walked with the Samurai. The procession in Copper Street ended at the intersection turned right onto Book Row Street and he recognized the sights. He saw on both sides of the streets were a crowd of people gathered watching the procession. He saw men remove their hats with sad looks on their faces when the carriage went by them. Malachi saw expressions of people were of sadness viewing the carriage pass by them. The carriage reached Saint Valeria’s. He saw a line of authorities from other groups standing in an aisle leading up the steps to the church. Malachi followed Zel’s commands towards him and others to carry the casket inside the church to a table stand in front of the altar for the ceremony. He followed the others to stand off the side of the pews in front of the wall watching the ceremony.


    Gabby felt sadness hitting her viewing the commander’s casket in the church. One of the ushers gently took her arm and got her to the front pew to right where a woman wearing a black hat with a veil of blackness was standing with two women aged appearance of twenty-year-old adults both looking twins on both sides of her. Gabby felt annoyed with the fuss of being next to the commander’s family she recognized the woman veiled was his widow and the twins as his daughters.

    Gabby once in the pew saw one look her way with golden eyes of an Eli that signed Thank you.

    The woman she realized the twins were Elis inherited from their mother who added the traditional sign of heart towards her. Gabby nodded her head in agreement as the woman focused on comforting her mother next to her who had a handkerchief in her hand that would dab her eyes underneath her veil. Gabby watched as a priest with golden eyes of an Eli and white hair she figured was Father Blaine as identified ran the ceremony. She remembered the ceremony was like her father’s but without the pageantry as seen from the commander’s.

    Gabby heard Father Blaine spoke loudly standing one side of the casket with an acolyte holding a book out for the priest to read God and Goddess we’re here as gathered to remember the soul you called home today.

    Gabby during this heard the commander’s widow sob quietly. She noticed the twins got her to sit down. She sensed his widow was upset from losing her husband dearly who was no longer living to give her his love.

    Father Blaine continued while glancing at the book a bible as reading Goddess Victoria Katherine I ask for mercy towards this soul to have his penance payment in the underworld serving the godly one Mindbender be swift and short. I ask on behalf of his loving family to welcome him with open arms with joy and give him everlasting peace. I ask his sins to be forgiven for him to join his loved ones in Summerland. Amen.

    Gabby heard the crowd echo Father Blaine’s word of amen she spoke it herself. She saw Father Blaine go to sit down with the acolyte with the book going to place the bible onto the altar. She saw another acolyte went to a pulpit speaking from the bible speaking with hands up wide in the common language of English.

    The words as stated said From the bottom of my broken heart torn in two from losing a love who’s being called to Summerland to ease their suffering. My heart is torn into two pieces, my love anguished. The one went asleep reunited with loved ones as called by the deities to call them home to Summerland. My heart’s not together but broken from their loss in my life. The pain of my brokenness from losing my love who I cared about with love. May the deities hold my love in the hollow of their hands Amen.

    Gabby crossed herself following the acolyte’s behavior crossing himself as she noticed her pew mates did the same themselves. Then there was silence as she noticed one of the twins went to the pulpit pulling out pieces of folded paper to read while giving the eulogy. Gabby recalled her father’s ceremony where she gave the eulogy at his funeral mass.

    She remembered she said, Daddy is my hero and my shining knight in armor always ready to fight for me in his loving way.

    She didn’t say anything else after that instead resumed seated with her mother sobbing quietly out of sadness.

    Gabby watched as the commander’s daughter spoke from the papers saying I can say this now. Alban is my father’s name with second name of Zedrick. His brother that’s older than him was the city’s former mayor Zed Zedrick himself.

    She heard shocked gasps sounded as she continued to announce from the papers Steny Zed Stan the politician is Zed and Alban’s father privately known as Senior which Zed is known privately as junior.

    She continued to hear the gasped reactions.

    The daughter kept speaking My father had half loyalty towards his brother Zed that committed wrongdoing actions enough to inform him what was happening. Such as when authorities were going to arrest him when he escaped by helicopter. Such as Zed kidnapping the first woman Samurai in title to his residence to attempt to commit murder towards her. Such action of murder Zed did towards the city’s councilmen assassinating them on his orders for impeaching him.

    Gabby heard the crowd gasp as the daughter continued adjusting papers My father in his notes left behind said when he saw the female Samurai hospitalized in his presence made his mind up to uphold the law and drop family loyalty. He told the High Council very detailed information on Zed’s criminal empire of wrongdoing actions. The High Council, to my knowledge now with the help of others undercover, had succeeded in taking down Zed’s empire with help from the information my father willingly gave. The empire is now in ruins leaving a few remnants leftover that the High Council is currently working to bring justice to.

    Gabby sighed feeling relieved but a sense of dread hitting her that the situation of Zed’s fight with her hadn’t reached its end that wasn’t solved.

    The daughter ended eulogy as said, My father was a great family man loving towards his wife and father to myself and my sister in love.

    The daughter finished and went to sit down. Gabby signed the heart sign towards her, she nodded her head resuming comforting her mother.

    Gabby saw Father Blaine get up going to the casket to stand with arms up wide speaking Bless this soul God and Goddess for calling him home amen!

    Then Father Blaine signaled mass over by walking the aisle she was remembering her father ceremony had the exact same thing. Malachi, she saw with five other men strong in looks to lift physically acted as pallbearers carrying the commander’s coffin out of the church. She followed behind the commander’s family to view the casket placed into a vehicle for carrying to drive the commander’s remains to Dyer Graveyard that was too far for a walk. The authorities standing in an aisle outside saluted as the casket was carried past them. Gabby stood silently as the commander’s widow and twins followed to get into a vehicle sitting behind the casket’s vehicle. The emergency lights on the vehicles flashed as they went into the street driving away led by a Samurai’s squad car with lights flashing.


    Gabby once home from the ceremony with Malachi both were clad in relaxing wear clothes caused her to think of talking.

    She said to him Sit I need to talk.

    Malachi obeyed silently to her command seated in armchair she saw him eyed her with his familiar begging expression. Gabby figured Malachi thought she was breaking up their relationship by her ordering him to sit.

    She spoke firmly Our relationship is firm between us as stated for marriage is for life between us both as oath.

    She saw Malachi formed a relieved expression as he glanced at the ceiling then resumed focused onto her.

    Gabby asked, The feud, which is speak for fight between Zed and I?

    Malachi nodded his head she saw then she added I feel from instincts the fight isn’t over. There might be others that follow his attitude that might take on his fight. They to think of something badly rude towards me.

    Malachi growled GRR then she heard him said No one is going to harm you without me protecting you as my woman I protect in a loving way. I love you but I’ll kill whoever harms.

    Gabby interrupted Not kill who harms me no and no.

    She heard Malachi sound his noise of disgust Bah hah!

    Gabby went and straddled his lap, feeling his hands automatically going to her hips.

    She spoke firmly I’m Samurai that has the code life is a goal that must be upheld firmly for all life to survive to live. There are laws for giving justice to criminals that commit crimes against people. Those laws were put in place to assure justice is equal towards whoever commits wrongdoing against another.

    She heard Malachi’s angry growl with disagreement on his face.

    Gabby firmly said her hands his cheeks Let the law of the law keepers handle giving justice to those who commit harm to others especially to myself. You understand?

    She sensed Malachi’s reluctant agreement by him said in groaning tone I understand.

    She kissed him on the lips he kissed her back in response. Gabby sighed when she felt his hands’ manipulation adjusting her nightgown to reveal her naked front.

    She broke off the kiss and spoke The bed is better for what you have in mind.

    Malachi to her pleasure picked her up and blurred them both to main bedroom. She dropped her bathrobe and didn’t protest as Malachi got her back onto the bed. She felt him covering her body as he rained kisses onto her face. She ran her hands underneath his shirt feeling his muscles sensing him shake from her touch giving him electricity jolts rewiring their connection. Her hands felt pleasure touching him skin to skin as he removed his shirt breaking off the kissing. She felt his hands’ manipulation and helped him remove her offending nightgown, a barrier between them both to touch skin to skin. Gabby sighed, feeling his skin touching her skin that wired her body with electrical jolts of pleasure. He recovered her by kissing her on the lips. She brought her hands between them heading them to his pants’ waist. He got the message she was indicating and got up stripping himself of the pants. She sighed viewing his naked body she could never get enough of viewing. He again got on top of her kissing her on the lips.

    Gabby heard him said Miss you love.

    She sighed from his hands feeling her naked breasts squeezing and kneading between them during bouts of kissing on the lips.

    Gabby felt herself ready moaned Inside me.

    Malachi obeyed her request and was inside her up to the hilt. They both felt the familiar connection of one flesh that hit their bodies once he was up to the hilt inside her. She wrapped her legs around his backside pinning him in place. Gabby sensed him shake shuddering from the connection restored them both as she moaned glad to have them both together again. She began moving. Malachi joined her movements and moved doing the ritual old as time. They both felt the electrical jolts of electricity each time the connection was restored. The orgasm that build up from their joining ritual erupted spreading all over their bodies like wildfire sensations of pleasure hitting them both. Gabby felt safe in her loved husband’s arms as he hugged her while covering her body once the ritual was finished.

    She said Watch me sleep. I’ll watch you.

    Malachi, she heard said I’ll guard you forever for nothing harmful will happen to you.

    His words didn’t reassure her for her senses of doom were still hitting her. She felt his arms wrapped her in a hug distracting her doomed senses. She curled up to him hugging him in response. They both slept a sleep of renewal reunited together again until Eden sounded wakeup alarm for them to get up and start their day. Gabby got up feeling like she wasn’t well rested. She assumed was from waking up cranky like normal. Malachi, she sensed followed her into the attached private room where once underneath the shower spray, he latched onto one of her breasts with his mouth suckling the nipple. She let him suckle her as he fondled with her other breast with his free hand with fingers kneading. She encouraged him to do the other breast, he suckled her like a baby needing nourishment as he did his kneading with the free one.

    Gabby said once he finished the ritual My turn.

    Malachi to her pleasure led her kneel and took his private in her hands bringing his sensitive part’s head to her mouth. She sucked him licking and mouthing him. She sensed him shaking putting hands onto the shower stall wall to keep from collapsing to his knees as she manipulated him.

    Malachi, she glanced at was mouthing God woman you’re driving me insane!

    She got him to come releasing himself all over her face she didn’t mind for she was in the shower using the water to wash off the substance. Gabby smirked once she was done manipulating Malachi who collapsed to his knees. He visibly

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