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Extravagant Reset: The manner in which “I AM” is about to reposition the world system
Extravagant Reset: The manner in which “I AM” is about to reposition the world system
Extravagant Reset: The manner in which “I AM” is about to reposition the world system
Ebook201 pages1 hour

Extravagant Reset: The manner in which “I AM” is about to reposition the world system

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As we keep hearing the WEF talking about the 2030 Great Reset and its slogan “Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better“, and we wonder; how is that reasonable or even feasible?
Whether or not we believe this to be true or to be a conspiracy theory; I have good news for the reader; a reset is indeed coming, an Extravagant Reset!
In this book you will learn about the plans of “I AM” for humanity, you will learn about fulfilled prophecies, prophecies yet to be accomplished as well as the current state of global affairs. In reality, this publication is a continuation of “The Grand Finale” which unveils the nations spoken of by Prophet Daniel and Revelator John. In this complementary edition you will find additional details and hidden treasures regarding the prophetic horizon and their link to current events, scenarios and circumstances.
Ultimately, this book describes the indisputable coming Reset, which every human on the face of the earth should be aware of, in order to make the necessary collective and personal arrangements. Because the truth of the matter is that an “Extravagant Reset” is just ahead of us, and time is running out.
Release dateMay 6, 2024
Extravagant Reset: The manner in which “I AM” is about to reposition the world system

Tamara V Gozzi

Tamara V Gozzi, évangéliste, diplômée de l'École d'Évangélisation Biblique, de l'Université du Ministère Surnaturel, du JPC, également membre du groupe End Time 1000, poursuit son chemin conformément au commandement de Jésus Lui-même, donné à tous ceux qui ont été sauvés afin d'accomplir la Grande Mission: "Il leur dit: Allez dans le monde entier, proclamez l’Évangile à tous les hommes. Celui qui croira et sera baptisé sera sauvé. Marc 16 (BDS).

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    Extravagant Reset - Tamara V Gozzi

    Copyright © 2024 by Tamara V Gozzi.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Scripture quotations are taken from AMP (Amplified), The Voice and Easy-to Read. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Rev. date: 23/04/2024


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    Part One

    1 - The Long Stories-The Seals

    2 - The Shorter Stories-The Trumpets

    3 - The Shortest Stories-The Bowls

    Part Two

    4 - Secret Armies

    5 - From Here to the Predicted Reset

    Part Three

    6 - The Master’s Brilliance

    7 - Harvest Time has Come



    After writing The Grand Finale I strongly felt like continuing the subject in order to deliver additional information, actual and prophetic.

    In fact, we now have access to essential details through the Internet and other media like we never had before. That is certainly playing an important role in our awakening, knowledge and growth.

    That being said, let me mention again the importance of the Ministry of the Holy Spirit. Without Him we would be lost to say the least. While the Internet is an incredible tool nowadays, the Holy Spirit is key when it comes to open our understanding and lead us to the accurate version of the facts.

    Needless to say, we need to be as close to Him as possible in order to become sharp and refined in our comprehension and discernment; however, when we are aggressive and committed in our search, He never fails. After all, doesn’t He say:

    "I know your deeds, that you are neither cold

    (invigorating, refreshing) nor hot (healing,

    therapeutic); I wish that you were] cold or

    hot. So, because you are lukewarm (spiritually

    useless), and neither hot nor cold, I will

    vomit you out of My mouth [rejecting you

    with disgust]". Revelation 3:15-16 (AMP).

    This may sound harsh for some people, but it is clear that God likes hungry people. He likes people who seek Him, His Word, His character, His ways, His morals, His teachings; in short, people who never quit seeking and who are willing to pay the price in order to keep growing mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Yes, God hates conformism as much as he hates disobedience, not because it’s bad for Him but because it’s bad for us.

    See, God is on the throne and that will never change regardless of our worship toward Him or lack thereof. And this is what most of the people are not grasping; God doesn’t need our praise, our commitment nor obedience, dear reader, we need it! Indeed, everything the Lord commands us to do is for our own benefit. Why? Because He is first and foremost a Father who cares for His children and knows what’s best for their growth, development and success.

    As always when I write on prophecies, I cannot leave out Pastor Irvin Baxter and End-Time Ministries who through the years of study and research was able to put together an entire course on prophetic fulfillments and announcements linked to end time events; all that assembled for everyone to discover at the Jerusalem Prophecy College.

    Therefore, my deepest gratitude to brother Baxter, his Ministry and extraordinary prophetic College; which I recommend to anyone who is interested in finding out God’s hidden treasures.

    But going back to the Holy Spirit and the mass information available to us; it is evident that both go together. The more we learn, read, study and research, the more the Holy Spirit will use that material to direct us. On the other hand, without the Holy Spirit any smart man will be misguided at some point.

    This doesn’t mean that spirit-filled people always have the answer; let’s keep in mind that each human being has a calling specifically designed by God, hence we ought to focus on that very ‘thing’ we were created for, while never falling into conformism. It is obvious that no human being will always have the answer for every situation or circumstance, that’s God’s position and calling.

    He is the only One who knows all things; for this reason, while we are trained by His anointed people, we must never rely on any human being 100%. We can only rely on God fully, totally and completely! Amen?

    Like a member of the human body serves, supports and contributes to the functioning of the entire structure in the same way each member of the Body of Christ has his or her calling or area of expertise to serve, support and contribute to the Church, and in the Church.

    The reason I am sharing all this is because, in this book, you will read about prophecies, fulfilled and unfulfilled, as well as current events. But I can never stress enough on the fact that each and every one of us has the duty and responsibility to do our homework. In other words, our own study, scrutiny and research.

    After all, we are not on this earth to simply wait for His return or for His Extravagant Reset, but to prepare and train for life eternal in that reset world and reality.


    … never conform, dear reader!

    You will please God in great manner by obeying this simple principle.


    In doing so, God will affirm you and reward you:

    "Study and do your best to present yourself

    to God approved, a workman [tested by

    trial] who has no reason to be ashamed,

    accurately handling and skillfully teaching

    the word of truth". 2 Timothy 2:15 (AMP).


    Then, you will hear:

    "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have

    been faithful and trustworthy over a little, I will

    put you in charge of many things; share in the

    joy of your master". Matthew 25:23 (AMP).

    Remember what God revealed through Daniel the prophet?

    "He will flatter those who hate the things of

    God and win them over to his side. But the

    people who know their God shall be strong

    and do great things". Daniel 11:32 (TLB).

    Therefore, dear reader, do not simply read through this book; I encourage you to investigate further, whether we talk about current events or the Word of God, there is always more and God does reveal His hidden treasures to His hungry, thirsty, insatiable children.

    Let’s continue this awesome, fantastic,

    wonderful and majestic earthly preparation!


    Part One

    1 - The Long

    Stories-The Seals

    Although all prophecies of the Bible are simply remarkable, the Seven Seals is one of the most impressive ones.


    In case you don’t know, dear reader, the book of Revelation is built around three groups of Seven: seven seals; seven trumpets and seven bowls.

    The prophecy of the Seals is given in Revelation 6:1 through Revelation 8:5.

    As an overview, so we can follow along, the first Seal is the White Horse; the second Seal is the Red Horse; the third Seal is the Black Horse; the fourth Seal is the Green Horse; the fifth Seal is the Souls under the Altar; the sixth Seal is the Heavens depart like a Scroll; the seventh Seal is One half hour of Silence".

    Now, the first four seals are the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. There have been many prophecies about the four horsemen, there have been tons of books written about it, there have been movies made about it. But once you are finished with this chapter you will understand the identity of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse contained in Revelation 6:1 through 8.

    So, let’s begin. First of all, we have the White Horse:

    "Then I saw the Lamb break the first of the

    seven seals, and I heard one of the four living

    creatures call out with a thundering voice.

    First Living Creature: Come! Then I looked,

    and what a sight! There was a white horse

    carrying a rider with a bow. He wore a wreath

    and came riding like a conqueror, intent on

    complete victory". Revelation 6:1-2 (The Voice).

    The second horse is the Red Horse; we find that account in Revelation 6:3-4:

    "The Lamb broke the second seal, and the

    second living creature called out. Second

    Living Creature: Come! Then another horse,

    fiery red, sped forth. Its rider was granted

    the power to steal peace from the earth

    and received a large sword so that people

    would slaughter each other". (The Voice).

    Here is the third horse, which is the Black Horse. It is found in Revelation 6:5-6:

    "The Lamb broke the third seal, and the third

    living creature called out. Third Living Creature:

    Come! Then I looked; and behold, there was a

    black horse! Its rider held in his hand a balance

    scale. And I heard a voice emanating from the

    middle of the four living creatures. A quart of

    wheat for a whole day’s wage, three quarts

    of barley for a whole day’s wage, but do not

    harm the olive oil and the wine! (The Voice).

    Finally, the last horse; the Green Horse. Even if in most translations this one is depicted as pale, its true color is ‘Khloros’ according to the Greek version, which is evidently: green.

    "And when the Lamb broke the fourth seal, the

    fourth living creature called out. Fourth Living

    Creature: Come! I looked; and behold, there

    was a pale green horse! Its rider’s name was

    Death, and Hades accompanied him. Together

    they were granted authority over one-fourth of

    the earth to kill with weapons, with famine, with

    disease, and with wild animals that roamed

    the earth. Revelation 6:7-8 (The Voice).

    We all know that most of the book of Revelation is written in symbols; yet they are symbols meant to be understood.

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