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In "Fiends" by Suz Korb, the quaint small-town life of Eve Eden takes a drastic turn when fiends from every dark corner of the supernatural realm invade her world. From ravenous zombie fiends to seductive vampire fiends, and even savage werewolf fiends, the horrors seem unending. But Eve, armed with the support of her eclectic friends, refuses to succumb to the terror engulfing her existence. As she battles against the relentless onslaught of hellish creatures, she also grapples with the internal demons threatening to consume her. In this darkly comedic tale of horror, Eve's journey transcends mere survival—it becomes a hilarious and gripping adventure where every twist and turn keeps readers on the edge of their seats, laughing and shuddering in equal measure. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride through the underworld, where the line between laughter and terror blurs, and the only certainty is the unpredictable chaos of fiendish encounters.


Release dateMay 9, 2024

Suz Korb

Suz Korb writes Young Adult and Adult fiction. Originally from Hawaii, Suz grew up in Utah, and has been living most of her adult life in England, where she writes novels and short stories. A multi-genre author writing Science Fiction & Fantasy, Romantic Comedy, Coming of Age, and more. Suz is also an academic in that she continually changes her major with the Open University. Just like with her multi-genre fiction writing, she researches and writes essays in wide and varied subjects such as biology, genetics, literature, and psychology. Combining these disciplines with real world experiences, and the author’s wild imagination, Suz Korb books are born. If you’ve enjoyed this, or any Suz Korb books please do leave a rave review, it would be greatly appreciated. And get in touch with the author, if you like. She’d love to hear from you about all things fiction.

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    Book preview

    Fiends - Suz Korb



    My stomach does a flip flop and somehow jumps into my heart, making it pound in a sickly manner. At least, that’s what if feels like way up in the air.

    I don’t know why I ever let you talk me into doing this, Kimi! The tiny helicopter we're sitting in cuts a sharp right. I'm now staring down at the flat ground of doom below.

    Relax and enjoy the ride, Eve. Kimi's staticky voice sizzles into my earphones. If it weren't for these things on my ears, I wouldn't be able to hear a word she’s saying.

    Don't worry, girls, the pilot reassures us. We're taking her down now.

    I thought you'd love it up here, Eve. Kimi’s voice crackles into my ear. She's sitting right beside me, her long black hair is slightly pushed back by her headset. I can see her lips moving as she speaks, but it's still weird how her voice seems to be inside my head.

    You always say you want to get out of town, she adds.

    Yeah, but not straight up into the air!

    I hold tight to my earphones with both hands. Staring out the window as the ground nears makes me feel woozy.

    The forest looks so thick from up here.

    Kimi's right. It's no wonder I feel cloistered at home. Our town is bordered on its North and South sides by two thick forests. Hence the name of the town being called Twin Forest. Both lines of trees meet in the East, exactly opposite the mountain range to the West.

    Finally, we land.

    When Charlie the pilot opens the door I rip off my headset and tumble out of the helicopter.

    You better not get on your knees and kiss the ground, Eve. Kimi has appeared from around the other side of the chopper. "Not even you could be that dramatic!"

    I should have known I was afraid of heights, I grumble. I can't even go off the high dive at the swimming pool.

    I hear Charlie laugh as he walks away. It's not funny, I yell after him. He waves me off with his hand, already approaching the next customers in line for a helicopter ride.

    Kimi and I walk down the small hill and ease our way onto a dusty track. It's soon made even dustier by the boy who's running toward us.

    Alfie skids to a halt in front of us, kicking up more dry dirt. Are you coming to the rodeo this year, Kimi? He takes off his brown ten gallon cowboy hat and runs a hand through his fluffy blonde hair.

    Not if Eve doesn't want to. Kimi replies to Alfie, but she doesn't look at him. She's too busy pushing a rock around on the ground with the toe of her shoe.

    Aww, shucks, Alfie says, looking depressed. "But Eve never wants to come to the rodeo."

    I take immediate offense to that. Because it's mean! I shout. I don't like seeing baby cows strung up by their feet, thank you very much.

    The calves like it though.

    I grab Alfie's hat and whack him on the arm with it. They do not! How would you like it if I tied you up right here and now?

    I wouldn't care if Kimi wanted to tie me up.

    I've never seen Kimi's face light up so red.  I think she's so embarrassed that she's starting to get tears in her eyes. This is just before she storms off.

    I was thinking about coming to the rodeo this year! She throws these words over her shoulder at us. But I'm not gonna now!

    Oops! I say, slamming Alphie’s hat back onto his head. You blew it again cowboy.

    Then I turn away and catch up with Kimi.

    We can still go to the carnival tonight after the rodeo. I tell her, to try and boost her mood.

    We've left the dirt road and are now walking along a properly paved Main Street. There’s a hot summer breeze blowing across all the concrete below our feet, and of the buildings surround, so I catch my long, light brown hair behind my head and tie it into a scrunchie.

    We come to a bus stop and Kimi looks like she’s sulking.

    Alfie will be there, she complains.

    Yeah, so?

    I don't want to see his face, he always teases me.

    I nudge her with my elbow. That's because he likes you, and he acts stupid about it.

    She's about to reply when the bus pulls up to the curb. We hop on and climb the stairs, pay the driver and take all the seats at the back of the bus.

    So, should we go to the carnival?

    Kimi shrugs her shoulders. I'll think about it, she says. I don't want to talk about Alfie anymore. Besides, I've got something to show you when we get to the Battleship.

    A man’s voice interrupts. There's a battle ship in this town?

    Kimi and I both look to our left. Sitting in a pair of seats that are facing forward is an eavesdropper. He's a man with buzzed dark hair, probably in his early twenties or something.

    Excuse me? Kimi says, sounding annoyed. Were you just totally listening to our conversation?

    Um, Kimi, I say, feeling worried about the guy's thuggish looks. He probably couldn't help over-hearing. I look at him and giggle nervously. There isn't a battle ship in this town, I add. That's just what everyone calls the foster home–

    It's not a foster home, Kimi interrupts the nervous chatter spilling out of my mouth. I don't know why I'm telling this stranger anything, he gives me the creeps with his beady eyes that are too close together.

    Oh sorry, Kimi, I continue to blab. No it's not a foster home, it’s a Youth Home that George runs. I turn back toward the man. That's what the Battleship is. Kimi's foster home–

    Eh! Kimi explodes.

    I mean Kimi's plain old home, home! It's basically a training center for this whole town. That's why it's called the Battleship. Everyone uses it for assault course training stuff.

    Now the man looks bored. When he openly yawns at my story, my nerves relax and I stop talking.

    I don't see a rodeo anywhere, is his eventual response as he looks out the window of the bus.

    You're on the wrong bus, Kimi snickers. The rodeo is back that way, she points to the back of the bus, indicating from whence we just came, along Main Street.

    The man jumps up, sways a bit as the bus is in motion, then he runs past us pushing two ding buttons along the way. He starts arguing with the driver who keeps trying to tell him that the bus will do a circuit back down Main Street. Eventually though, the driver stops the bus in the middle of the road and lets the irate passenger man off.

    That was weird, I say to Kimi.

    Yeah, that guy was a total freak. I can't believe you talked to him. You really need to try and control your motor-mouth better.

    I can't help it, I say. Kimi and I have hopped off the bus at the next stop. I always talk too much when I'm nervous.

    That guy was just some tourist here for the rodeo, Kimi says, No need to be nervous.

    I guess you’re right.

    We both start walking uphill and by the time we reach the Battleship we’re almost out of breath.

    Sometimes I wish George would get a house that wasn't on the mountain, Kimi says, panting.

    But there's no place bigger, and you know it. We've almost reached the front double doors of the Battleship, when I stop and point all the way to the left, down the street. The only other mansion in this town is the mayor's place. I drop my arm and nod at the building in front of us. Besides, it's not like George could move the whole training facility anywhere else by now!

    Kimi and I laugh about the sheer enormity such a task would be, as we make our way inside the building that's not a foster home, but a place known as the Battleship.

    We pass by the grand middle staircase and head to Kimi's room on the right. When we enter her bedroom though, a blinding flash from within literally knocks me off my feet.

    Eve! Kimi shouts and tries to help me up. Are you okay?

    What happened? I stand up, and then rub my flash-blinded eyes. Is there someone with a camera in your room, Kimi?

    What? No. What are you talking about? Kimi makes sure I'm now steady on my feet, and we walk through her bedroom doorway again.

    There! I shout, looking at Kimi's bed. What was that? Something flashed!

    I think you're seeing things. Kimi looks at the place on the bed where my eyes have locked. She steps forward and picks up a very shiny object, dangling from a chain. Is this what you're talking about?

    I think so, I–

    What I'm about to say is cut off by another flash of light, and this time I know it's come from the necklace looking thing Kimi's holding.

    Why is that thing so shiny?


    Yes, shiny! I rail. That necklace is freaking catching the sunlight and blinding bright!

    Kimi looks at the necklace dangling from her hand, then back at me. Are you crazy? She asks, before tossing the object at me. I catch it, and it's no longer flashing with brightness. Hold it up for me to see, Kimi adds.

    Obeying her command, I dangle the pendant from its chain by holding it outward from my body.

    Very funny, Eve, Kimi says, staring at the necklace. It's not freaking shiny enough to knock me on my butt!

    She starts laughing at me and falls onto her bed. Stop joking around and come look at this other stuff.

    Kimi, I grunt in despair. I'm not joking you, this thing really was blinding bright! I stomp over toward the window behind the head of Kimi's bed. Holding the necklace up to the sunlight I try to angle it every which way. The thing won't flash though. It's not shiny at all anymore, so now I can take a closer look at it.

    It's a gold pendant I'm holding in my hand; from it dangles a gold chain with perfectly round little links. This thing is ugly, I say, hopping onto the top end of Kimi's bed.

    Oh good, because I got it for you.

    Oops, I mean... I start to say, but Kimi cuts me off with a wave of her hand. Never mind, you don't have to keep it if you don't want it. I’ve got tons of other stuff from England anyway.

    I look again at the necklace in my hand. Why am I even still holding it? I don't know. I prefer silver jewelry, rather than gold. And this thing is so old fashioned looking. The pendant is a flat circle with a star shape inside. What do you think that is? I say, pointing at the object lying on top of the star.

    Looks like a fork.

    With only three prongs?

    Well, you asked.

    I frown in concentration and stare at the necklace's pendant some more.

    I know what this is! I shout.

    It looks just like Farmer Zupan's pitchfork.

    Kimi stops rummaging around in the pile of objects on her bed and she squints her eyes at the necklace I'm holding. Don't you mean his son Theo's pitchfork? She harrumphs.

    I snort loudly in response. Yeah, that's true. I can't believe he brings that pitchfork of his to like every training meet.

    I can't believe George lets him practice with that thing! Kimi reaches toward my necklace, but I'm reluctant to give it to her when she asks to see it closer. I can't for the life of me think why I just thought of this thing as my necklace either.

    It doesn't look like a pitchfork either, Kimi says. She pokes the emblem on the pendant with her finger. It looks like that god of the sea trident thingy.

    What? You mean Poseidon? I glance at the necklace. Oh yeah! It only has three prongs on it. I pull my hand closer, away from Kimi's fingering of the necklace. Why is there a star in a circle behind it though?

    She shrugs her shoulders, I don't know, I thought that necklace was weird when I dug it out of the ground.

    My jaw drops. Kimi, I say slowly. Is this something from an excavation?


    And George allowed you to keep it?

    Nope. He doesn't know.

    That's made me sit up straighter. What do you mean, he doesn't know? George is going to freak out when he sees this!

    But he's not going to see it because you're not going to show it to him, right, Eve?

    I can feel my eyebrows drawing together, questioning Kimi's logic. I look at the necklace in my hand. Are you telling me you actually dug this thing out of the ground in England on your last excavation trip there? And you didn't even tell George about it?

    "Yeah, that is weird, isn't it? Kimi sits straighter now too. I don't know, Eve, she says, frowning her brow same as me. When I found it at the site last week, all I could think about was giving that necklace to you. So I stuck it in my pocket and didn't think anything more about it. I actually forgot about the thing until you fell on your butt, pretending it blinded you."

    Kimi and I stare at each other, then we both glance back down at the necklace in my hand.

    Maybe you should give it to George, he can ship it back to England.

    Are you joking again? If you show that thing to George, he'll never take me on another international archeology trip ever again.

    Weeeelllll, I say, drawing out the word mischievously. I won't tell George if you promise to ask him if I can go with you to England next time.


    Kimi shakes my hand without another word, and that's the issue of the internationally stolen necklace settled.

    No one's going to see this anyway, I say, still looking at the necklace. I mean, it's not like I'd actually wear it.

    You could at least try it on, considering the fact that I risked international espionage to get it here for you.

    I laugh and strike Kimi gently on her arm. You said you forgot about the thing right after you dug it up! I shake my head and try the necklace on without another thought.

    It looks good on you, Kimi says. She's starts shuffling through the pile of things on her bed and then she says something really weird...

    Let’s do a spell.

    A what?

    You know, an incantation. Kimi spreads her hands wide, indicating the pile of things on her bed. I got all this other stuff at a proper witchcraft shop in England.

    That's even creepier than that guy on the bus, Kimi. I'm touching the necklace as it rests on my upper chest. Maybe I'm rubbing this thing too hard, I mumble to myself. It feels warm.


    Never mind, I stop stroking the necklace and begin to pour through the strange items on Kimi's bed. You don't actually believe in witchcraft though, right?

    You said it yourself, it's creepy. Kimi holds up a tiny glass bottle. That means you believe it, even if you won't admit it.

    I do not, I say, snatching the bottle out of Kimi's hand. What is this stuff? I read aloud from the label. Calendula oil? For all your love potion needs. Ha! Tossing the bottle back to Kimi, I tease her. You got this stuff for Alfie, didn't you? I add with a laugh.

    Shut up, Kimi says, throwing the bottle back into the pile of things. I did not. She picks up a few objects, then with a swipe of her hand Kimi knocks everything else onto the floor. Now, do you want to do this spell with me or not, Eve?

    I shrug my shoulders and stop giggling. Only to prove that it won't work.

    Fine. Kimi places the strange items she'd saved on top of the blanket again. So you don't care if we use your necklace, right?

    Somehow, I feel defensive. My hand goes straight back onto the necklace I'm wearing, almost protectively. Why? What do you want to do with it?

    I'm going to do this disappearing spell on it.

    But– I start to say, but Kimi cuts me off. Uh-uh-uh, she waggles her finger. You said you don't believe in witchcraft, no take backs now!

    Oh whatever, I undo the clasp of the necklace from behind my neck and toss it onto the bed. I'm not taking back what I said. There's no way a fake witchcraft spell is going to make anything disappear.

    Kimi starts reading aloud from a papyrus looking piece of paper. I bet it's not even real old fashioned paper, it's just been made by someone to look all fancy like that. Kimi finishes reading some English words and what I'm guessing are Latin words, then she stops and looks at the gold necklace on her bed.

    Nothing happens.

    Is that it? I say, folding my arms across my chest knowingly. I knew it. Told you it wouldn't work.

    Kimi looks from my necklace, to the paper in her hand and back again. She rearranges some of the other witchy objects, then scrunches her forehead in concentration.

    I roll my eyes. Give it up, Kimi. You're not going to make that necklace vanish into thin air.

    Wait a sec! She bursts enthusiastically, after looking at her parchment again. I forgot to say this last part here.

    I shake my head slowly, then I look at my watch. Hurry up, we should get ready for the carnival.

    Kimi grandly waves her hand through the air. So mote it be, she says dramatically.

    And right then and there, the bed we're sitting on vanishes.

    Suddenly I'm falling.


    Falling through a void of heat.

    My legs fly up over my head, multiple times. I'm twirling round and round, uncontrollably. My body is like a rag doll, all my limbs seem to whip in every which direction as I fall.

    And fall... and fall... and fall...

    ...and tumble some more.

    Out of nowhere –for nowhere is where I must be– an updraft blasts me into one direction. I'm now falling flat on my belly, no longer being thrown through the air doing summersaults.

    Hazy orange clouds rush upwards past my ears. My eyes are streaming with tears that drift along my temples, up into my hair. I'd try to scream again but the slightest move could make my limbs catch and I don't want to toss and turn through the air anymore.

    If I think about it, it's like I'm flying now. I can't see any ground beneath me, just endless rushing orange clouds.

    Actually the cloudy atmosphere I'm falling through, looks darker down below. Redder.


    Another gust of hot wind sends me spiraling. Oh no! I manage to cry out as my body is hurled over. I fall backwards for a few seconds then phwump!

    I land on something cushiony.

    What a waste of money.

    Was that Kimi's voice I just heard? Do I dare open my eyes?

    You were right, Eve. Witchcraft doesn't work. A pause. Eve?

    I peek open my eyes to see Kimi leaning over me. Oh, Eve! She yells. What happened to your eyes?

    My eyes? I sit up and look around. I'm in Kimi's room. Well of course I'm in your bedroom. I say, feeling befuddled inside my head.

    What? Kimi has a panicked look on her face. She slaps a hand over her mouth, just as tears spring to her eyes. Then she points a finger at me.

    What's wrong?

    Getting up from her bed, I hurry over to the vanity and stare into the mirror.

    Why are your eyes bleeding, Eve? Kimi whimpers with worry in her voice.

    I grab a packet of makeup wipes from the table and rip one out of the bag. Immediately I begin to scrub away the bloody looking streaks that start at the outer corners of my eyes, smearing back into my hairline.

    There! I say with a flourish, once I'm done. I turn around. No more blood tears, see?

    But how? Kimi squeaks. She looks like she's about to cry.

    Why what?

    Eve! Kimi strides over to me, puts her hands on my shoulders and gives me a little shake. Why were your eyes bleeding?

    I don't know. I feel confused. I had this strange dream that I was falling and then I woke up right there with bloody eyes. I point at Kimi's bed.

    You had a dream in the middle of the day?

    For some unknown reason, I look at my wristwatch. I can't seem to understand a word Kimi's saying. It's actually four o'clock now. We should probably get ready for the carnival.

    Forget the carnival, Kimi says, gripping my shoulders tighter. Are you listening to me, Eve? Your freaking eyes had actual blood oozing out of them.

    Yeah well, they aren't bleeding now. I push her hands off my shoulders and walk back over to Kimi's bed. Scooping up my new necklace, I put it back on and sit down again.

    Kimi stands there, over by her vanity. Her jaw is dropped wide open and she just stares at me. Then she snaps her jaw shut with a teeth rattling click, and stomps toward me.

    Okay, that's it. You're going to the doctors right now. Kimi starts pulling on my arm.

    I don't need to go to the doctor, Kimi! I shout. My eyes are fine!

    Girls, is everything all right in here?

    Kimi stops trying to pull my arm from its shoulder socket and we both stare at the open doorway of her bedroom.

    George, the foster dad, is standing there, poking his head inside. There's someone here to see you, Eve.

    Me? I say, jumping up from the bed. I remove my arm from Kimi's grasp and head toward the door. I didn't tell anyone I was here, George.

    Let's face it, George replies in his proper English accent. If you're not somewhere else in this town, Eve, you’re always here. He ruffles my hair annoyingly, then strides away.

    I guess he's right, I mumble, still wondering who could be at the door. If it was my parents, George would have said so, right, Kimi?

    I turn around to see her scowling at me. She's even tapping her foot on the carpet. Just go see who it is and then I'll have George take you to the doctor.

    Oh no. Not that again. I turn on my heel and walk out of Kimi's bedroom. I'm making my way along the hall toward the main entrance to the Battleship, but I feel slightly lost. I can't for the life of me imagine how I could have fallen asleep a few minutes ago. Besides, what kind of daytime dreams make people’s eyes bleed?

    My head hurts, I say to no one. I'm not thinking straight at all since that stupid falling nightmare. My hand closes around the doorknob and I open one of the double front doors, just wide enough to peek an eye through.

    However, when I see the person whose come a-calling for me, I'm so shocked I fling the door open wide.

    What are you wearing, lady? Is the first thing I say, once the door is wide open. Oops sorry, I correct my outburst by placing a hand over my mouth. I shouldn't talk, I mumble. I just had the weirdest dream...

    Eve, the woman on the other side of the doorway says. I'm Lucy, she extends her hand for a shake. May I come in and have a word with you?

    My response is to stand there, feeling confused as ever. I just stare at her outstretched hand, my own palm still covering my mouth. What's even weirder is that the woman's hand is covered by a red, leather glove. She's actually wearing red from head to toe. Her red shirt isn’t buttoned all the way up and her big boobs are almost falling out of her top. She's wearing leather pants too. I mean, who wears red leather pants on a hot summer's day? Who wears leather pants ever? No one with good fashion sense, that’s for sure.

    How do you know my name? I say, finally dropping my hand, but not taking hers. Who are you anyway?

    I told you, I'm Lucy. The woman called Lucy finally drops her hand too, as she can plainly see I'm not going to give her a hand-shake of any kind right now. Now if you'll let me in to speak with you for a minute, I'll answer all your questions.

    Uh, I don't think so. Something about this woman is starting to freak me out. I touch the necklace I'm wearing. Lucy looks at it. Actually, if I’m being honest here, she's been staring at my chest this whole time. I think that's what's freaking me out. She hasn't taken her eyes off my necklace since I opened the door.

    Yeowch! I yelp. I pull my hand away, to stare at my fingertips. I swear my necklace just got so hot it almost burned me. But that's crazy, a necklace can't burn.

    Tentatively, I put my hand back onto the necklace pendant, lying below the base of my throat.

    It's too warm to the touch, but not hot enough to actually burn me.

    What's the matter? The Lucy woman hisses, still staring at my chest. Did you feel something there?

    What? No. Feeling very uneasy now, I take a step back. I think you should leave, I say, and then I start to shut the door.

    Wait! The woman wearing too much red yells, and finally looks up at my face.

    No, I don't think so. Just as I'm about to close the door all the way, Lucy reaches out toward my chest. If she was planning on grabbing my necklace though, there's one slight problem.

    Her hand has gone right through me.

    I'm standing here, looking down at this woman's arm sticking out of my chest. It doesn't hurt. In fact, I can't feel a thing. Nevertheless, the situation is shocking.

    Aaaaaaahhhhhhh! I scream.

    I step back at the same time the woman yanks her hand out of my chest. Damn, she swears. I should have known that would happen. She takes one last look at my necklace, and then focuses her eyes onto mine. Her lips coated in thick, red lipstick, peel back to reveal one evil looking snarly face. I think she's about to say something, but there's the sound of running footsteps behind me.


    The red wearing Lucy woman has vanished!

    Completely disappeared –like the vanishing spell Kimi had tried to do– right in front of my mystified eyes.

    Someone turns me around forcefully by the shoulders. It's Kimi, and she's mouthing something to me. Why can't I hear what she's trying to say?

    Oh. It's because I'm still screaming, aaaaaaahhhhhhhhh! And now I shut my mouth.

    It's all happening now. Kimi is fussing over me non-stop. George comes running into the foyer asking questions. My mind can't process anything properly.

    Kimi, I have to go. I say, stumbling out of the doorway. I look to my right and then my left.

    Go where? Kimi follows me outside. I told you I'm taking you to the doctor, George–

    When she turns away from me, I run for it. I'll see you at school on Monday, Kimi! I shout at her and wave. I'm determined to get out of here, and I want to get home as fast as is humanly possible. I'm seriously seeing things today, and my head is starting to ache.

    What about the carnival? Kimi shouts out after me.

    Sorry! Is all I can think to yell in reply.

    I pound down the street until I reach the first bus stop at the bottom of the hill. When I hop onto the bus and sit in the exact same seat I was on like an hour ago, I can't help noticing that weirdo tourist freak from earlier is back on the bus too. Sitting in the same seat he was on whilst eavesdropping on mine and Kimi's conversation.



    I'm falling again, except this time there's a phone falling through the hot air beside me. Ring, ring! It chimes its old fashioned ringtone into my ear.

    I sit up in bed and check my temples with a quick finger probe, just to make sure my eyes hadn't been bleeding again.

    Ring, ring!

    My cell phone. It's ringing loudly upon my nightstand. I stare at it and as it rings it also vibrates really hard. In fact, it's vibrating so hard it's sliding along the surface of my nightstand, almost to the edge. Before it falls off, I pick it up and stare at it.

    So, the falling was just another nightmare, like last night and the middle of the day before.


    I tap the phone's screen to answer the call. Hello? I say with a wide mouthed yawn. So basically my word comes out sounding like, aahh oh?

    Eve? Is that you? Kimi's voice blares out of the phone at me.

    Yeah, I reply, yanking the phone away from my ear. You're on speaker phone, Kimi. And you just dialed my number.

    Oh yeah, duh. Ha ha ha. Kimi laughs wildly and I look at my phone, perplexed. I think you should get here early to school, Eve, she adds.

    What is that? I mumble, still staring at the smartphone screen. Um, Kimi, I say, realising I'm looking at a close up of her ear. This is a video call we're on.

    Oh, huh? There's a lot of shuffling noises and the image on my phone whirls around and around. Finally, I see Kimi's face. And what an expression she's got on it. She looks like a forest creature that’s run onto the road and gotten caught in someone's headlights. Her eyes are big and opened wide.

    Just get here to school right now, Eve. Kimi whispers this, and looks to her right, and then her left.

    Why? What's–

    This is why. From her end of this conversation, Kimi aims her phone at the wall.

    Um. I need to get to school early to stare at the wall?

    My response makes Kimi growl. Just get here!

    Maybe if I knew what you were talking about–


    Kimi hangs up on me. I try calling her back like a million times, but it always goes straight to voicemail.

    Great, so after having nightmares in the middle of the day on Saturday, then a nightmare both Saturday night and last night (Sunday night) I now have to rush myself to school when I'm feeling like total crap?

    I yawn and stretch my arms, then I hop out of bed and put my phone back onto the nightstand.

    I guess I should be grateful Kimi woke me up from that stupid dream of mine just now. Besides, I owe her one after ditching out on her before the carnival on Saturday.

    So I get going and I'm out of the shower and dressed and ready faster than I ever thought was humanly possible.

    I run out of the bathroom and into the kitchen where I wolf down some cereal before leaving the house through the garage door. Either Mom or Dad always forgets to shut the automatic garage door when they leave at stupid o'clock early every morning, so it's up to me to press the switch that rolls down the garage door pretty much every day.

    First I run straight up the road until I hit Main Street, then I wait at the bus stop impatiently. I don't even know if the but arrives this early in the morning, so I pull my cell phone out of my book bag and check the time.

    Yep, it's 6:30am. My parents left the house a half hour ago. It's barely even light outside and I'm already heading to school.

    I'm having second thoughts while I wait for the bus, so I try to call Kimi again.

    There's no signal.

    I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but I still stuff my phone angrily back into my bag. There's never any reception in this tiny town of Twin Forest. What I should have been surprised about, was the fact that Kimi had managed to call me a few minutes ago. The so-called experts say that cell phones and stuff don't work very well in this town because of the thick forest surrounding it. Not to mention the practically impenetrable mountains to the east, beyond which is now showing signs of a rising sun on the horizon.

    Finally, the bus arrives driven by the same bus driver as on Saturday. Bus driver Ed doesn't live in this town, but he always drives the Twin Forest bus from the city beyond the trees. And the only way he gets here is via the highway. The only way in and out of this town is on the highway.

    After a bus journey which takes me half way up Main Street, I hop off the bus and make my way through several neighborhoods toward school.

    Passing the elementary school first, then the junior high, I make my way over the vast parking lot of Twin Forest High School. Well, the place has to have a massive parking lot, it's the only one for all three schools!

    I cross the parking lot quickly, which is easy to do this early in the morning, there aren't any school buses here yet, or honking angry moms dropping off their kids at the elementary school.

    I enter the high school and find equally less traffic indoors. The halls are mostly free of students.

    Hi, Eve, someone shouts at me. I look to my right to see Jaycee waving at me from her locker. You're here early, she adds as I pass by.

    Yep, gotta find Kimi! I wave back to her and promise to see her at lunch in the cafeteria.

    I'm running through the halls now. I shouldn't get busted by a hall monitor. I don't think the teachers are even here this early.


    I crash into a brick wall.

    Correction, my brain says when I step back and rub my nose, I've just crashed into the back of a huge jock.

    Watch it, Softy. The big brutish boy looks over his shoulder, and down at me.

    Why are you standing in the middle of the hallway, Farnell? I say with a nasally voice. I'm pinching my nose to make sure it's not bleeding. Crashing into the hugest jock of the school on the football team hurts! And don't call me a Softy. I whine. I really hate when a senior calls a sophomore a Softy, it's so lame.

    After making sure my nose is okay, I drop my hand and realize Farnell isn't the only student who's blocking my way to my locker.

    Excuse me, people, I say, pushing my way through a crowd. So this is where everyone is? And I thought the halls were clear. I'm trying to get to my locker.

    You don't have a locker to get to, freak.

    Oh great, the one person I don't want to see this early in the morning – not that I ever want to see her nasty pinched face.

    It's Petra, my own personal bully since elementary school.

    She shoves me back into the crowd with her shoulder.

    Crystal Ball! A woman’s voice yells, and I think it's the principal. I don't hear what she says next, because the crowd of students I'm immersed in all start laughing.

    I give a little giggle too. I mean seriously, who names their kid Crystal when her last name is Ball? Petra's mom did, that's who. I'm not surprised Crystal Petra Ball goes by her middle name.

    My name is Petra, I hear her growl.

    Shouldn't you be getting to class? Yep, that was definitely Principal Dufton's voice. Why is she near my locker though?

    First period isn't for another half an hour, someone dares to yell.

    Who said that? Ms. Dufton snaps. The crowd immediately disperses.

    Finally, I can see Kimi. She's standing at our locker. At least, she's standing where our locker should be. When she steps aside, there's a gaping rectangular space behind her.

    Right where our shared locker should be, but definitely isn't.

    Now, Principal Dufton says. What happened to your locker, girls? She looks daggers at us.

    I don't know! Kimi wails. She’s the first to collapse under the principal’s hard glare. After which, she flings herself onto my shoulder and actually starts crying.

    It's all right, Kimi, Ms. Dufton seems surprised by the tears, so she stops looking at us like she wants to kill us. Our school principal may look like a 6 foot blonde bombshell in her high heels and skirted business suits, but she's all discipline. Let's go to my office and see if we can figure this out, okay?

    Principal Dufton turns on her businessy heel and stomps busily away. Kimi and I follow her down the hall, getting weird looks from friends and students. Kimi's still sobbing gently into the hands she's got covering her face while we walk.

    Kimi, what's the matter? I whisper to her out of the corner of my mouth so Ms. Dufton doesn't hear. Why are you crying so much?

    Isn't it obvious? Kimi says into her hands.

    I guess so, I reply, patting her shoulder. But I think the principal will give us another locker.

    Another locker? Kimi stops crying, puts her hands down, but keeps walking. Another locker that you and me can make disappear? She turns her head toward me, frowns deeply, then runs off to catch up with Ms. Dufton.

    I mean to ask her what she's talking about, but we've already reached the main office and are being shown into Principal Dufton's office.

    Have a– before Ms. Dufton can finish her sentence, Kimi races past her into the room and plonks herself angrily into one of two chairs facing the principal’s desk., Ms. Dufton adds, looking at me with raised eyebrows.

    I hurry over to the seat next to Kimi and sit myself down in it less angrily, as I'm totally confused. The principal edges around her desk in front of us and sits herself down elegantly. Through the window behind her, I can see the school's baseball and football fields. Beyond that is the surrounding edge of the thick forest.

    Do either of you girls have any idea what–

    I PROMISE WE DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR LOCKER! Kimi screams, interrupting Ms. Dufton.

    Kimi, Ms. Dufton says sternly, pushing a box of tissues across her desk. Will you please calm down?

    Kimi takes a tissue and blows her nose loudly into it.

    If you girls don't know what's happened to your locker, then I have no choice but to call the authorities.

    But... Kimi starts to say, then stops herself.

    We need to find out who has taken your locker and why. Ms. Dufton picks up the office phone on her desk and punches in seven numbers. As she arranges for the Sheriff to come to the school, Kimi sinks lower and lower in her seat, looking dejected.

    I have a feeling I know what she's thinking, but I have no idea why she thinks either of us is responsible for our locker disappearing, like she'd said to me, back in the hall. Well, she's not saying anything about that now, so neither am I.

    Fifteen minutes later, Sheriff Green enters the principal's office. He's a tall man with short cropped curly black hair, whose last name suits his eco-friendly attitude towards saving the environment. I'm not really sure how much greener Twin Forest can be though. I mean, just looking out the principal's window at the green line of thick trees more than proves that.

    Kimi bursts into tears again at the sight of the Sheriff. She pulls about 1 million Kleenex out of the box and stuffs her face into the wad.

    Don't worry, Kimi, Sheriff Green says to her immediately. We'll find the perp who took your locker.

    Kimi just starts crying louder at his gesture of kindness.

    Maybe you should send this little gal home while I carry out my investigation, Ms. Dufton.

    No wait! All of the sudden, Kimi mops the tears off her face and quits sobbing. I'm fine. Can I go to class now?

    I look at the principal and then the Sheriff. They both seem equally mystified with her behavior, and I can't blame them. I'm her best friend and not even I know why she's randomly freaking out!

    Surprisingly enough, Ms. Dufton agrees to let us go. But she informs us that our parents will have to be contacted and that we'll be talking with the Sheriff again soon.

    On our way out of the principal's office we stop at the front desk to get a new locker assigned, just like Ms. Dufton told us to.

    Oh cool, I say, when we've got our new locker number and combination. This locker is right across the hall from our old one.

    Our old locker that's not there anymore. Kimi starts bawling again, as soon as we walk out of the main office. I'm not sure if consoling her is such a good idea, or if it will make things worse.

    Oh I know what's up with you, Kimi. I say, patting her shoulder gently. You're periody, aren't you?

    No! I'm not on my period! Kimi howls and throws herself onto my shoulder, blubbing away. When she finally releases me, all she has to say is, I think we should go to the girls’ bathroom before second period. She points at a spot on my shirt.

    Oh gross, Kimi! Now it's my turn to wail. You totally snotted on me!



    After cleaning Kimi's disgusting boogersnots off my shirt in the girls’ bathroom, we chuck our bookbags into our new locker. It's right across the hall from the gaping space that used to be our old locker, so the hole in the other wall is a constant reminder to her. I hurry her away, so she won't keep freaking out about it. As we practically run through the halls, I'm hoping to dry out the wet patch on my t-shirt. We’re already late for second period, but that doesn’t stop Kimi from rounding on me and halting me in my footsteps.

    We have to talk about this, Eve, she says.

    I figured this was coming, so I huff out a sigh. We have to get to class though.

    Her lower lip trembles. She looks like she's about to burst into tears again.

    We'll talk about it for a sec. I hold up a hand before she can start sobbing again. But only if you promise not to cry anymore. I pluck my shirt outwards, I don't want anymore snot on me, okay?

    Kimi's mouth quirks upward at one corner, then she smiles and promises not to snot on me ever again. It's just that I know we really made our locker disappear, Eve.

    Yeah, I was wondering why you said that.

    I said it because it's true. Kimi looks determined now. It's a nice change from her looking like a walking watery-eyed leaking faucet. We made our old locker disappear the day we did that vanishing spell.

    I can feel my left eyebrow crook upwards in curiosity. What are you talking about?

    I'm talking about the fact that I remember thinking about re-decorating our locker at the same time we did that incantation.

    My other eyebrow joins the raised one, at the top of my forehead. Yeah, so?

    Isn't it obvious? Kimi says, gripping onto both my shoulders. That's why your eyes started bleeding on Saturday. It's because we didn't make your necklace disappear, we made our old locker disappear.

    Uh oh, Kimi's eyes are welling up again.

    Don't you get it, Eve? She says with a shaky voice. I made our locker vanish, a hiccup of sorrow from her throat. I made your eyes bleed!

    You? I finger the necklace I'm wearing. I didn't even realize I'd put it on this morning. Had I ever even taken it off since Saturday? Is that why you've been freaking out and crying this whole time?

    Kimi nods her head, releases my shoulders and frowns deeply. I've cursed both of us.

    I don't know what to say to that. I'm walking on egg shells here. I'm worried anything I say will make Kimi start crying again. I think my best friend forever is losing her mind! I'm about to tell her at least not to worry, when I suddenly don't have to.

    What are you two doing?

    It's Hall Monitor Harriett.

    Do you have a hall pass?

    Kimi and I hand her our note from the school office.

    Hall Monitor Harriett glances at them. You got these thirty minutes ago! I'm reporting both of you. Now get to class.

    I don't really care about the reporting us thing, I'm just glad Harriett turned up when she did. We will! I say exuberantly. Grabbing Kimi's arm before she can protest, I hurry us both down the hall.

    But we still need to talk about–

    Kimi, I reprimand her, still walking at high speed. I distinctly heard an emotional wobble in her voice just now. You promised not to cry ever again.

    Kimi sniffs up the flow of tears I know she was going to release, just as we enter our second period classroom. I'm so busy keeping an eye on Kimi's face I fail to see the foot sticking out in front of me until it's too late.

    My grand entrance into second period is a painful flop, directly onto the hard tiled floor.

    What did you do that for? I hear Kimi say this to someone, but I don't know whom, because my face is planted into the thin carpet tiles.

    I didn't do anything.

    There's a lot of shuffling of footsteps after that unknown person just spoke. I can hear many voices of concern and then there are hands upon me, helping me up.

    Are you okay, Eve? Mrs. Tipping, the consumer sciences teacher, looks concerned.

    I'm about to reply that I'm fine, when Kimi steps in. Megan tripped her, Mrs. Tipping.

    Detention, Megan! Mrs. Tipping shouts without delay. The fact that she didn't even question Kimi's accusation is telling of Megan's guilt. Well, she's Petra's evil little sidekick of bullying, after all. Megan is always getting into trouble on behalf of Petra. I guess if she's willing to bully kids so Petra never gets detention, I suppose she deserves it.

    Now, Eve, Mrs. Tipping adds. If you're sure you're all right, there's something I wanted to talk to you about.

    Kimi heads over to her sewing machine and I approach Mrs. Tipping's desk. She hands me a form and I glance at it while she talks at me.

    You're going to let me enter the senior year fashion show?

    I've suddenly noticed the sounds of sewing and quiet chatter has ceased throughout the classroom.

    I look over my shoulder to find all the students staring at me.

    Oops. I think I said that a little more loudly than I intended. I can't help it. This is majorly exciting!

    Back to work everyone, Mrs. Tipping says and the sound of whirring sewing machines rev up once again.

    I turn my eyes back onto her with a big stupid grin on my face.

    I know there are only a few weeks remaining in the school year before summer, but I'm confident you can come up with a design by the show date, Eve.

    Can I ever! I'll whip up a design so fast – no wait! I'll take my time, but hurry and get an entry in for the fashion show!

    Mrs. Tipping smiles at me and tells me to get the form I'm holding back to her by the end of class.

    I hurry toward my own sewing machine to quickly fill out the form and finish my project. I'm feeling even more proud of my machine now and as I approach it, I dust off the top caringly with a hand. When I say this machine is mine, I mean it. I saved up all my summer job earnings last year to buy it, and I leave it here at school to use.

    That's awesome, Eve! Kimi says, when I show her the fashion show entry form. But I'm totally not surprised. Everyone knows you’re the best sewer.

    "I think it's called seamstress, Kimi," I say and we both giggle.

    I fill out the form and put it on the window sill behind my sewing machine. If I'm going to have all the spare time I need to create a design, I'll have to get my weekly projects done in advance. I'm not sure if I'm the best sewer, like Kimi said, but even I'll admit I've gotten quick at finishing the simple projects Mrs. Tipping assigns.

    I jump up from my swivel stool and hurry over to my cupboard. Selecting the patchwork project I'd started on last Friday, I rush back over to my machine and shove the fabric under the needle, and when I press the pedal to start-a-sewing, said needle pierces straight through my index finger.

    I howl in pain and Mrs. Tipping is instantly there by my side. Kimi is flapping her hands and squealing with concern for my sewed finger. Mrs. Tipping is a pro and has dealt with much sewing of fingers over the years. So while my vision blurs with pain, she gently gets to work.

    There's a pressure on my wrist. I hear a snipping sound, and then I close my eyes.

    Ready, Eve? Mrs. Tipping says gently.

    I nod my head, but I'm not really ready in any way whatsoever, for what is about to happen.

    Yeow! I screech as Mrs. Tipping pulls the sewing machine quickly out of my finger.

    Okay, just breathe now. Mrs. Tipping sprays my finger with her trusty disinfectant then quickly applies pressure by wrapping it tightly in gauze. I know all this without even opening my eyes. I've seen her fix sewn fingers at least three times already this semester. I always felt so bad for those girls, and now I feel really bad for me.

    Although, that disinfectant spray must have numbing stuff in it. My finger is already throbbing less painfully.

    I crack open my eyes.

    Kimi is staring at me wide-eyed with a big frowny face.

    Would you go with Eve to see the school nurse please, Kimi?

    Yeah! Kimi jumps up from her stool.

    Are you all right to stand, Eve. Or do you want Kimi to get you a wheelchair from the medical room? It's quite shocking to–

    No, I say calmly. I'm okay. I'll walk. I've already walked into this room minutes ago with a wet patch on my shirt, and I'd fallen flat on my face. Everyone in class has just witnessed me sewing my own finger. And I'm supposed to be a pro at sewing according to Kimi? Everyone in the whole school probably heard my screaming. There's no way I'm going to let Kimi push me anywhere in a freaking wheelchair. I can at least save myself one major embarrassment for the day.

    We're back in the hallway, Kimi and I, not fifteen minutes after we'd been chased out of the same halls. Kimi is holding my whole arm, dramatically, as we head toward the main office. Again.

    Kimi, I say, indignantly. You don't have to hold my arm, you know. My finger doesn't even hurt anymore.

    Yeah right.

    No I'm serious, look. I stop walking and touch the tip of my bandaged finger. See, I can't feel a thing. That spray Mrs. Tipping used works really good at numbing stuff.

    Kimi looks at me like I'm bonkers. Eve, she says. You just sewed your finger clean through. I saw that needle stab you. I know it went through nail and bone!

    Don't say that, you're freaking me out. I start to unwrap my injured finger. I'll show you the needle didn't go through my fingernail, and it definitely didn't go through my bone.

    No don't, Eve! Kimi hisses nervously through her teeth. Your finger will bleed all over the place. She releases my arm and tries to stop me from unwrapping my finger, but it's too late. I've already uncovered it.

    Oh whaaaa?! Kimi yells at the same time my eyes go wide with shock.

    We're both looking at my recently sewn finger and there isn't a mark on it.



    But, Eve! Kimi protests. You can't just go and play baseball!

    Watch me, I say, storming off toward the gym.

    She watches me all right, and she follows me. Well, we do have P.E. together.

    I saw your finger get stabbed through the nail, Eve.

    Kimi is like a butterfly, flapping around me. Her excitability won't allow her any room to land though.

    And now your finger is one hundred percent healed.

    No it's not. I'd wrapped my finger back up in the gauze, just in case I couldn't see the puncture wound. I wouldn't want it to start bleeding all over the place.

    Yes it is, Kimi squeaks. She's getting hysterical and it's making her voice sound shrill. You told me yourself that your finger doesn't even hurt anymore.

    It was the spray stuff Mrs. Tipping put on it that's why.

    You're in denial.

    I stop walking and look at Kimi. In denial about what?

    About everything. Kimi walks back toward me. She'd overshot me by at least ten feet when I'd abruptly halted. Our former locker is gone, Eve. She grabs my wrist and shakes my bandaged finger in my face. I saw your finger get stabbed and now it's healed!

    Ow, you're pinching me.

    Sorry. Kimi lets go of my wrist and we both start walking again.

    I know what it is. I look at Kimi, she's got a scowl of concentration on her facial features. And her gaze is locked onto my necklace. All this craziness started when you first saw that necklace... Kimi opens her mouth wide as her eyes are bugging and gasps audibly. "Remember how you said that thing blinded you? I bet that's what

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