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Come, Come to me
Come, Come to me
Come, Come to me
Ebook170 pages2 hours

Come, Come to me

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About this ebook

In 1887 Tennesee, a group of men chased down and burned accused witch and murder, Dolly Collins. Before she died, she threatened that the blood of one of their children would bring her back from the dead as the flaming roof collapsed onto her. 


136 years later, people got on with their lives, and Dolly Collins is all but forgotten by most people. including a descendant of Jeb Noel, the leader of the men who burned Collins alive. 


Kristina Noel is a young highschooler in Bristol, Virginia. And one night after a party with her boyfriend and a couple of friends are exploring the burned out nremains of an old cabin out in the woods. Where she cuts herself on an old bone.


Within minutes of their leaving, a strange glow lights up the interior of the old cabin, leaving a hunched over figure covered in burns.


In the days that follow, a child disappears, and then other people start dying under mysterious circumstances. Soon after a woman named Rhonda and her little dog Bella arrive in town, raising the suspicions of sheriff Mark Russell.


Come, Come to me is a supernatural story of murder, revenge and magic.

PublisherKatie Pearson
Release dateMay 8, 2024
Come, Come to me

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    Come, Come to me - Katie Pearson

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    Come, Come to me

    I dedicate this book to my boyfriend, Rob Pietz and my family and friends who have supported my dreams to accomplish this goal of successfully writing my first novel.


    Bristol Tennessee 1887

    The old woman ran through the dark woods. Low-hanging branches and brambles grabbed at her clothing and slapped at her, cutting into the skin of her face and hands. Her breath came in great sobbing gasps, nearly choking her. The sharp pain in her side worsened as she struggled to stay on her feet on the uneven ground under her feet.

    The baying of several hounds froze her in her tracks for a moment and looked back the way she had just come. The trees seemed to close in on her. She could see more than a dozen men on her trail by the light of the torches they carried. 

    She turned and ran down a small side trail, tripping and stumbling over roots, trying to keep ahead of the men. Several agonizing moments later, she came to the path she had been seeking. Turning left, she ran until she came to her small one-room cabin. Running inside, she slammed and barred the door.

    Quickly, she closed and barred the shutters on the two windows of the cabin. She barely took a step back from the second window when she heard the hounds barking and scratching at her door.

    Dolly Collins, come out and face justice. Bellowed a deep voice. I will get no justice from the likes of you, Jed Noel. Shouted Dolly as she peered out through a small opening in the shutter.

    You poisoned two children, one is dead and the other may yet die, but he told us it was you who gave them the sweets that poisoned them, murderess. Shouted Jed. The other men shouted in agreement. Come out or we will break the door down and drag you out, shouted one of the other men. I will shoot the first man to come through that door, Yelled Dolly. The men looked at each other. None knew for sure if she had a gun or not.

    Have it your way, witch. Shouted Jed. Pile dry brush around the cabin. We will burn her out. Ordered Jed Noel. That’s murder. Yelled Dolly. No, it’s justice, an eye for an eye. Shouted Jed.

    It only took several minutes for the men with Noel to find and pile the brush around three sides of the house, leaving the door clear for Dolly to exit when the cabin burned.

    This is your last chance. Yelled Jeb. Go to hell! Responded Dolly. Fine, light it. Ordered Jed. Three men rushed forward with torches and tossed them onto the brush, and stepped back to watch.

    The dry brush caught quickly, as did the logs that made up the walls of the cabin. The flames quickly grew. Dolly scrambled around inside the cabin, refusing to save herself from the flames. Dolly Collins, come out and face trial for your deeds, or burn in the hell of your own making, Shouted Jed Noel over the deafening crackle of the flames.

    The door of the cabin flung open, and Dolly stood in the doorway. Her hair and clothing were smoldering from the heat of the flames. I damn you all, and I will rise when the blood of one of your children is spilled on this ground. Yelled Dolly. She lifted a small glass and drank its contents before retreating into the cabin and slamming the door shut. They all heard Dolly scream when the roof collapsed seconds later.

    It’s over. Justice has been done. Said Jed Noel.


    Where are we going, Rodney? Asked Kristina (Kris) Noel as they drove down 421 and turned onto Emmet Rd. I have asked you not to call me Rodney. He said to Kris as he stepped on the gas.

    Okay, then where are we going, Rod? Said Kris with a smirk. We are heading out to Big Creek Road to meet up with Kenny Olsen and the others for a party. Said Rod. I will not be the only girl there, will I? Asked Kris nervously.

    Rod started laughing. No, I promised you I would never do that to you. It’s an actual party and there are going to be lots of other girls there. I promise. Said Rod. And if I am the only girl there? Asked Kris. Then we leave. Alright? Asked Rod. Alright, said Kris.

    She was happier than she let on when they arrived at the party and saw over a dozen other girls already dancing and hanging out with their friends. Kris knew most of them from school, but there were a couple she didn’t know. Who did you say was throwing this party? Asked Kris as they parked in the yard. Kenny Olsen and his cousin Peter Tibbits, you know him. Said Rod. Yeah, I know him. He’s dating my friend Ellen Parker. Said Kris. Yeah, I know, Said Rod with a wide grin, now, let’s join the party.

    Two hours later, the party was in full swing, and as Kris expected, the residence nearby had called and made a noise complaint. And not long after, the sheriff’s department showed up to put an end to everyone's fun. Peter Tibbits and Kris’s friend Ellen Parker asked Rod for a ride home since their ride left without them.

    Hey, take a left up here, Said Peter a few minutes later. Why? Asked Rod. Because it’s a shortcut, it will cut 3 miles off our trip. Said Peter. Alright, Said Rod, slowing down and turning onto a dirt road.

    After a mile, Rod pulled over and put the car in park. What are you doing? Asked Kris hesitantly. Don’t worry, I’m not up to anything. I just need to take a leak. Said Rod. After a couple of minutes, he returned. Kris, pop the trunk. Said Rod. What for? Asked Kris. I thought I saw something out there in the woods and my flashlight is in the trunk. Said Rod.

    Kris shrugged her shoulders and opened the glove box and pushed the yellow button for the trunk. All three of them watched Rod turn on the light and walk back into the woods. They could see the light moving back and forth for a few minutes. Before he came rushing back.

    Rod stuck his head into the car and looked at the three of them. Hey, come and look at this, Said Rod. What is it? Asked Ellen. Come and see, Rod said again. Might as well. He probably won’t be satisfied until we do. Said Peter.

    Kris rolled her eyes and followed Peter and Ellen as they climbed out of the car. It’s over here, Said Rod, leading the way into the woods. Where are we going? Asked Ellen, looking up at the trees. This place gives me the creeps. Said Kris, looking up at the trees. Here, Said Rod, stopping and shining the light on the remains of an ancient cabin that still showed signs of fire.

    They say a witch was burned alive in a cabin around here a hundred years ago. I wonder if it was this one? Said Rod, walking through the tall weeds.

    If it is, this was the home of Dolly Collins, who died in 1887. She was accused of being a witch and poisoning two children and was suspected of other unusual deaths. Said Kris.

    And how would you know that? Asked Ellen. My great grandfather Jedidiah Noel and a bunch of other men chased her back to her cabin and burned her alive when she refused to surrender. Said Kris.

    That’s horrible. Exclaimed Ellen. I agree, but they were angry and there wasn’t really any law around, so they took matters into their own hands. Said Kris. How were they so sure that she was responsible? Asked Peter. Well, one boy survived being poisoned, and he said that Dolly had given him and his little sister some candy and immediately after eating it, they both got sick, and the little girl died. Said Kris.

    That doesn’t mean she did it on purpose, Said Ellen. You’re right, she went to the store and bought some candy and accidentally dropped it into a bunch of poison and then accidentally gave it to those kids. Said Rod Sarcastically. Besides, if I remember my history correctly, all the weird and unexpected deaths suddenly stopped when she died. Said Rod.

    Yeah, I remember reading about that somewhere. Wasn’t there a curse involved as well? Asked Peter. Not really a curse, she said that she damned them all to hell or something like that, Said Kris.

    And if that wasn’t weird enough for you. How come the weeds and vines have overgrown everything around the cabin, but not the inside of the cabin? Pointed out Rod. That’s because the ground is cursed. Peter said in a poor Dracula imitation and laughing at the expressions on their faces.

    Let’s get out of here, this place has a weird vibe to it, Said Kris with a shudder. Yeah, have you noticed that there are no bugs? It's totally quiet. Said Ellen. Boo, yelled Peter, coming up behind them, causing both girls to jump and scream. You’re an asshole. Snapped Ellen, trying to slap him. Peter ducked her hand, still chuckling, and ran inside the remains of the old cabin.

    Hey, that’s not a safe thing to do. A lot of these old cabins had root cellars under them. The floor could collapse. Said Rod. Nah, it’s solid dirt. Peter said, stomping around.

    He stopped and looked down. Shine your light in here. Peter said to Rod. Why? Asked Rod as he moved the light. Hey look at this, Said Peter, bending over. I think this is a human bone. He said, straightening up. I think you're right. Looks like an arm bone. Said Rod. I think I’m gonna keep it as a souvenir. Said Peter with a grin. That’s gross, Said Kris, stomping up to him and grabbing the bone. Ouch. Yelled Kris. There was a long crack in the bone with a sharp edge and it sliced Kris across the palm of her left hand.

    Peter dropped the bone and looked at her hand. Damn, I’m sorry Kris. I was only joking. He said as he pulled a banana out of his pocket and handed it to her. Rod snatched it out of his hand and wrapped it around Kris's hand. Maybe you should go to the doctor and get a shot or something. That thing is pretty dirty, Said Rod.

    I’ll clean it up tonight and have it checked out tomorrow. Said Kris. Alright, well I’ll give you a ride you two a ride home, and then I will drop you off. Rod said to Kris, putting an arm around her shoulders and heading back to the car with Peter and Ellen following behind them.

    Before they were out of sight, a strange bluish white glow emanated from the bone and the crack along the length of it sealed itself, and sank into the ground beneath it. About 30 minutes later, after Rod had dropped off Ellen and Peter, then he dropped Kris off at home. Her mother was still up watching tv.

    How was the party? She asked as Kris walked in. It was fine, said Kris as she walked into the kitchen and grabbed a soda out of the fridge. Was there any drinking? Asked her mother. A few people were drinking, and yes, I had one beer. Said Kris, sitting down on the couch next to her mother. Did that Randy try to get fresh with you? Asked her mother. Kris nearly spit out her soda. It’s Rodney, not Randy, and no, he didn’t. Said Kris. Whatever, the last thing you need is to get pregnant while you’re still in highschool. Said her mother.

    Kris shook her head. She and her mother have had this conversation a dozen times. I’m going to take a shower and go to bed, Said Kris. What’s that wrapped around your hand? asked her mother as she stood up. It’s nothing. I cut myself and one of my friends gave this to me to use as a bandage. Said Kris.

    Let me see it, ordered her mother. Kris unwrapped it and held her hand out to her mother. That looks nasty. What did you cut yourself on? Asked her mother. It was an old bone. Peter Tibbits tried to convince us it was human. There was a crack in the bone with a sharp edge that cut my hand when I tried to take it away from him and throw it away. Said Kris.

    You shouldn't touch old bones. Scolded her mother. Clean it with some peroxide and watch it for infection. I planned on it. Said Kris, walking away. She couldn’t wait until she was out of school and able to earn enough money to get her own place.

    This is what she and her best friend Ellen had discussed at length many times, and they decided if need be, they would get a two-bedroom apartment together and split the rent and the bills. At least for a while. Kris went into the bathroom and washed the cut with soap and water to remove any dirt and then poured the peroxide onto the cut. Her lips pursed into a soundless O as the peroxide burned in the cut. When it finally quit bubbling, she washed it out again and then turned on the water and stepped into the shower.

    Several miles away, out in the remains of the burned out cabin, a strange blue glow emanated from the ground. The silence was broken by a strange hum and crackle, like electricity. The glow grew brighter and brighter until a red flame shot up from the ground. A scream that carried the pain of eternal torment echoed through the valley.

    Moments later, the flame and the blue glow vanished, leaving a stooped and twisted figure with ashen colored skin and black eyes standing there. A dry, rasping laugh escaped the figure. The trees and bushes seemed to draw back from it as it turned and slowly made its way into the woods, disappearing into the darkness.


    Several miles from the old cabin about half-a-mile north of Hwy 421 sits an old derelict factory. The plaque outside the main entrance said that it was built in 1943. What they made there back in the day, no one is sure. Other than a few vandals and teenagers over the years, who tag everything with n of a few spray paint. No one ever goes

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