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Everything You Need To Know About Aquarius: Zodiac Series, #11
Everything You Need To Know About Aquarius: Zodiac Series, #11
Everything You Need To Know About Aquarius: Zodiac Series, #11
Ebook191 pages1 hour

Everything You Need To Know About Aquarius: Zodiac Series, #11

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About this ebook

Astrology has been around since men looked up to the night skies and realized that they could predict seasons based on star alignment. Through the millenniums, astrology has morphed into many different categories yet it is still dependent on star and planet alignment. No matter if you are hard core into astrology or simply someone who follows for the entertainment value, there is a lot of material in this book to keep you enthralled.  Everything You Need to Know About Aquarius will answer all your questions as well as offer you entertainment for you, family and friends for years to come.

Release dateMay 9, 2024
Everything You Need To Know About Aquarius: Zodiac Series, #11

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    Everything You Need To Know About Aquarius - Robert J Dornan


    Everything You Need To Know About Aquarius

    Robert J Dornan

    Copyright Notice

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    This book is protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this work, in whole or in part, constitutes a violation of the author's rights and is punishable by law.

    Copyright © [2024] by Robert J Dornan



    1.Aquarius in Astrology

    2.Aquarius and its Ruling Planet, Uranus

    3.Aquarius and the Element Air

    4.Aquarius, Beyond the Zodiac Sun Sign

    5.Astrological Events Shaping Aquarius's Path

    6.Aquarius in Retrograde

    7.Aquarius Positive Traits

    8.Aquarius Negative Traits

    9.The Aquarius Woman

    10.The Aquarius Man

    11.Aquarius and Careers

    12.Aquarius and When They Are the Luckiest

    13.Aquarius and Family

    14.Aquarius Love and Romance

    15.Aquarius Lucky Numbers

    16.Aquarius' Lucky Charms

    17.Aquarius Financial Attitudes and Wealth Management

    18.Aquarius Challenges and Growth

    19.Aquarius and Friendship

    20.Aquarius and Health

    21.Aquarius and Creativity

    22.Aquarius Symbols and Rituals

    23.Famous Aquarians

    24.Aquarius and Gemstones

    25.Aquarius and its Birthstone

    26.Practical Advice for Aquarians

    27.Aquarius Lucky Plants

    28.Aquarius and Spirituality

    29.Spells That Work for Aquarians

    30.Compatibility Between Aquarius and Aries

    31.Compatibility Between Capricorn and Taurus

    32.Compatibility Between Aquarius and Gemini

    33.Compatibility Between Aquarius and Cancer

    34.Compatibility Between Aquarius and Leo

    35.Compatibility Between Aquarius and Virgo

    36.Compatibility Between Aquarius and Libra

    37.Compatibility Between Aquarius and Scorpio

    38.Compatibility Between Aquarius and Sagittarius

    39.Compatibility Between Aquarius and Capricorn

    40.Compatibility Between Aquarius and Aquarius

    41.Compatibility Between Aquarius and Pisces

    42.Born on January 20

    43.Born on January 21

    44.Born on January 22

    45.Born on January 23

    46.Born on January 24

    47.Born on January 25

    48.Born on January 26

    49.Born on January 27

    50.Born on January 28

    51.Born on January 29

    52.Born on January 30

    53.Born on January 31

    54.Born on February 1

    55.Born on February 2

    56.Born on February 3

    57.Born on February 4

    58.Born on February 5

    59.Born on February 6

    60.Born on February 7

    61.Born on February 8

    62.Born on February 9

    63.Born on February 10

    64.Born on February 11

    65.Born on February 12

    66.Born on February 13

    67.Born on February 14

    68.Born on February 15

    69.Born on February 16

    70.Born on February 17

    71.Born on February 18

    72.Born on February 19


    Astrology has been around since men looked up to the night skies and realized that they could predict seasons based on star alignment. Through the millenniums, astrology has morphed into many different categories yet it is still dependent on star and planet alignment. No matter if you are hard core into astrology or simply someone who follows for the entertainment value, there is a lot of material in this book to keep you enthralled.

    The zodiac sign series has been written to give avid astrology followers, as well as fun seekers, the chance to reference different traits and compatibilities of each sign or between each sign. I have made several changes to the series over the last year but can’t see this happening again. I can’t think of any subject I’ve missed. You will notice some repetition, especially when going through birthdate analyses but that is expected given that we are dealing with one zodiac sign. Also, I do try to avoid repetition from one page to another, so I use several templates that I hope are unrecognizable.

    I have had readers tell me they like to check for similarities between the book and family members or friends while others have congratulated me for being spot on with character traits. Either way, this book will be your sole reference for years to come. Sit back and enjoy, Everything You Need to Know About Aquarius.

    Chapter one

    Aquarius in Astrology

    The chapter you are about to read is a synopsis of sorts of this entire book. The formatting changes according to the subject matter but I have tried to keep it simple and easy to follow.

    Thinker, Rebel, Changemaker: Welcome to Aquarius

    Aquarius birthdays fall between January 20th and February 18th. These folks are all about new ideas, independence, and making the world a better place. Ruled by the planet Uranus, known for surprises and change, it's no wonder Aquarians are a bit unconventional.

    Air Heads in the Best Way

    Aquarius is an air sign, meaning they're curious, social, and love brainstorming. They're great at talking things through and coming up with unique solutions.

    What Makes Aquarians Tick?

    Visionaries: Always looking ahead, Aquarians can imagine a better future and come up with plans to get there.

    Independent Spirits: They don't like being told what to do and love to do things their own way.

    Humanitarians at Heart: Aquarians care deeply about others and fight for what's right, especially for those who might not have a voice.

    Aquarians: The Brainiacs and Rule Breakers

    Smart Cookies: They love learning new things and having thought-provoking conversations.

    My Way Thank-You:  Aquarians embrace their weirdness and don't care what others think. They challenge the norm and inspire others to do the same.

    Open to Anything: New ideas and different perspectives? Bring them on! Aquarians are all about understanding the world from all angles.

    Kindness is Their Superpower

    Always Helping: Aquarians are givers, not takers. They're happy to volunteer their time and energy for causes they believe in.

    Future Focus: They're always planning for what's next and can adapt to change with ease.

    Understanding the Cool Exterior

    Sometimes Aquarians might seem a little unemotional, but that's just because they like to think things through. Deep down, they truly care! Their rebellious streak can sometimes land them in hot water, but it's because they want to make a positive impact.

    Aquarians: Changemakers We Need

    With their innovative ideas, independent spirit, and big hearts, Aquarians are the ones who push us forward and make the world a better place. So next time you meet an Aquarius, embrace their uniqueness – they might just surprise you with their brilliant ideas and unwavering commitment to making a difference!

    Chapter two

    Aquarius and its Ruling Planet, Uranus

    Ever met someone who marches to the beat of their own drum? That's probably an Aquarius!

    In astrology, each zodiac sign has a special planet that kind of sets the tone for their personality. For Aquarius, the sign known for being progressive and innovative, that planet is Uranus. Think of it as Aquarius's personal cheerleader, pushing them to break the mold and make a difference.

    Uranus: The Change-Maker Up in the Sky

    Imagine a giant planet spinning on its side, way out in space. That's Uranus! Named after the Greek god of the sky, Uranus is all about change, new ideas, and being yourself. It's like the wild card in astrology, shaking things up and inspiring people to see the world differently.

    How Uranus Makes Aquarius So Special

    Because Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, they share that same electric energy. Here's how it affects them:

    Super Innovative: Aquarians are like walking idea machines. They love coming up with new solutions and can't stand things to stay the same for too long.

    Independent Spirits: Don't expect them to follow the crowd. Aquarians like to do their own thing and aren't afraid to be different.

    One-of-a-Kind Folks: Think outside the box? That's practically an Olympic sport for Aquarius! They embrace their weirdness and inspire others to do the same.

    Fighting for What's Right: Aquarians have a big heart and a strong sense of justice. They'll stand up for what they believe in, especially for those who might not have a voice.

    Always Learning, Always Curious: The world is a fascinating place for Aquarius! They love learning new things and thinking about crazy ideas.

    The Flip Side of Being Unconventional

    While being unique is awesome, sometimes it can cause a little trouble:

    Rebel Without a Cause (Sometimes): Aquarians' love of change can sometimes come across as rebellious, even if they just want to make things better.

    Lost in Thought: Aquarians can get so caught up in their own ideas that they seem a little unemotional. But don't worry, they do care, they just like to think things through first!

    Questioning Everything: Since they don't like following the rules, Aquarians can sometimes clash with authority figures.

    Basically, Aquarius is ruled by a planet that loves change, and that makes them pretty special too! They're the ones who come up with new ideas, fight for what's right, and inspire others to be themselves. So next time you meet an Aquarius, embrace their unique energy – they just might surprise you!

    Chapter three

    Aquarius and the Element Air

    Air signs like Aquarius are the thinkers, communicators, and social butterflies of the zodiac.

    In astrology, everything connects to one of four elements: fire, earth, air, or water. Aquarius falls under the element of air, which plays a big role in who they are.

    All I Need is the Air That I Breathe

    Air is all about ideas, freedom, and talking things through. That's exactly why Aquarius is so:

    Smart and Curious: They love learning new things and thinking about the world in new ways. They're like walking question marks, always wanting to know more!

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