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How to Influence People: The Right Way - The Only 7 Steps You Need to Master Persuasion, Manipulation and Impacting People Today
How to Influence People: The Right Way - The Only 7 Steps You Need to Master Persuasion, Manipulation and Impacting People Today
How to Influence People: The Right Way - The Only 7 Steps You Need to Master Persuasion, Manipulation and Impacting People Today
Ebook50 pages44 minutes

How to Influence People: The Right Way - The Only 7 Steps You Need to Master Persuasion, Manipulation and Impacting People Today

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Persuade, Manipulate and Impact People with These 7 Easy Steps!

Do you admire all those cool and mysterious characters from movies and comic bo

PublisherDean Mack
Release dateMay 9, 2024

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    Book preview

    How to Influence People - Dean Mack

    Table of Contents

    Table of Contents


    Chapter 1: Have Confident Body Language

    Chapter 2: Make People Like You

    Chapter 3: Be Clear and Concise

    Chapter 4: Ask for Favors

    Chapter 5: Make Emotional Connections

    Chapter 6: Be More Transparent

    Chapter 7: Take an Interest in Others

    Chapter 8: Summary of Steps



    Congratulations on purchasing this book and thank you for doing so.

    The following chapters will discuss the 7 most important steps for influencing the people around you. You will learn the best tricks and techniques to master persuasion and manipulation so that others listen to you all of the time.

    Getting others to do what you want is not impossible, and you can certainly train yourself to have influence over others. Even if this is not a natural skill that you have, the information provided in this book can teach it to anyone willing to learn.

    Many people want to gain control over others only because they want to feel dominant above everyone else. Some people though wants to be influential not because they want to, but because they need to. If you are an employer, a supervisor, or a team manager, or just someone who struggles influencing – or taking control – of others, then this is the perfect book for you.

    There are plenty of books on this subject on the market, thanks again for choosing this one! Every effort was made to ensure it is full of as much useful information as possible. Please enjoy!

    Chapter 1: Have Confident Body Language

    If you want to learn how to influence others, you will first need to know how to portray confident body language. Body language communicates more with others than our words do, and it can make the difference when trying to get others to listen to us. This form of non-verbal communication refers to any expression or gesture that we make to deliver a message to another person.

    Oftentimes our body language can make an impression on someone before we get the chance to do so verbally. Imagine walking up to someone that was slumped over with a frown on their face. Your first impression of this person would be that they are upset and sad. Without even talking to the person, you have already drawn your own conclusions about them. This is true for how others view you as well, which is why you want to convey a positive, confident image.

    By expanding your body and portraying a confident image, you will alter the way that others view you. Along with this, you will also begin to view yourself in a more positive light and will feel even more powerful in your endeavors to influence other people.

    While body language is essential for first impressions, it is also important to maintain confident body language as you carry on a conversation. This is because your body language will help to supplement your spoken message or make it come across more believably. You will need a strong delivery when telling others what you want them to do. Otherwise, they will not take you seriously.

    As you come to understand the importance of having proper body language, you must then learn how you can do it yourself. There are many aspects of body language that will matter when trying to influence others, which we will cover.

    Your body language should not make it seem as though you are anxious or nervous in any way. You also do not want to make it seem like you are uptight or too serious. To find balance, you should watch yourself in the mirror and critique your own body language. As you go through

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