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The Bible: Fact of Fiction?
The Bible: Fact of Fiction?
The Bible: Fact of Fiction?
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The Bible: Fact of Fiction?

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The unbelieving world says the Bible is a fairytale. The Bible has 2400 prophesies in it, with 2000 of those already fulfilled, and the last 400 are in the process of fulfillment, right in front of our eyes. The Bible prophesied the destruction of Israel and its temple,the scattering of the Jews worldwide, WW2, the return of Israel as a nation,

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Release dateMay 11, 2024
The Bible: Fact of Fiction?

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    The Bible - Steve R Willis


    The Bible: Fact or Fiction?

    Copyright © 2024 by Steven R. Willis

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher or author, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    Although every precaution has been taken to verify the accuracy of the information contained herein, the author and publisher assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions. No liability is assumed for damages that may result from the use of information contained within.

    ISBN-ePub: 978-1-64749-973-0

    Printed in the United States of America

    GoToPublish LLC




    Are We Living in the Last Generation before Jesus Returns?

    The Lies that Have Been Told About the Bible

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    Why I recommend this book

    By Jon Hele

    As I’ve watched the one-sided tragedy of Gaza unfold, I was amazed to see its ending prophesied in Zephaniah and wondered yet again why mankind has hardened its heart against the Bible’s wisdom and claims. In the midst of the dire warning about the coming Day of the Lord (Zephaniah 1:14-15), the Prophet confirms Israel will be hated in the End Times (Zeph. 2:1). He encourages men to seek God in humbleness and willingness to repent of their evil (Zeph. 2:2-3) before Ashkelon and Gaza are destroyed (Zeph. 2:4), where they are fighting this war thus far. God through him warns those inhabitants of the land not to reproach my people or magnify themselves against Israel’s borders (Zeph. 2:8) or they will be destroyed. Apparently, Hamas missed what happened to the Nazis in WW2 and Israel’s enemies in the 4 previous wars (1948, 1956, 1967, & 1973.)

    And now yet again both Jews and Palestinians will suffer and die because Hamas (and most of mankind as well) refuses to accept this hard fact of life. That being the Bible is the Word of God and its prophesies are tried and true and coming to pass soon. Why risk your life and soul without at least examining the evidence presented in this book? It will show you that God exists and loves you, Satan also exists and hates and deceives you, and Jesus offers a free gift of salvation to any and all who come to Him. Why forfeit this certainty without at least a little open minded investigation? Science has given us the ability to achieve our own extinction (H-Bomb). Politicians’ promises have failed your needs and drugs, drink and pursuit of our desires are an endless cycle of emptiness. Try God.

    Time is running out and God’s patience will only last so long.

    Reasons why I believe the Bible is fact:

    1) The Bible confirms the obvious fact that Adam and Eve (the chicken) existed before their children (the egg). Evolution demands that you believe that the first evolved babies could survive on their own in a hostile environment without adult care and protection (survival of the Fittest). What utter nonsense. The Roman fable of Romulus and Remus being raised by wolves seems more scientific than Evolution’s deluded idea. So why is it preached and believed by the scientific community? Because a ‘man only’ (no God) gospel involves no accountability to anyone and the concept of sin not existing tickles the ears of the selfish ‘self-made’ men of today.

    2) The Bible affirms there was a definitive time In the Beginning God when existence began and a definitive time (the End Times) when it will end. It includes purpose, meaning and control (God) and that time is an invented and limited commodity that we are entrusted with. Death is not the final end, but the doorway to an eternal dimension that will be glorious beyond our expectations or lonelier and scarier than our darkest nightmares. Evolution and its religious branch of Atheism offers absolutely no explanation. It tells us in the Big Bang Theory that matter had a beginning in a cloud of dust but offers no explanation as to where the dust came from. Was it by magic or chance, which is a mathematical impossibility given how complex and orderly each created entity is? It vehemently denies the possibility of there being a spiritual realm (even though it’s a very limited means of judging things in the physical realm only disqualifies it from offering an informed and conclusive opinion on the spiritual world). We all take a step of faith when we make our choice about God (this includes the Agnostic who deludes himself into thinking playing dumb is not making a choice) and that basic presupposition underlies all of our thinking, choices and living life. Which universe do you think is the real one? Choose wisely for they are mutually exclusive and only one can exist.

    3) Although this ties in with the broader topic of prophecy I feel Jesus’ prophecy of false teaching coming after Him and mentioned numerous times by His disciples in their writings deserves special mention. The Bible predicted its two-fold outcome would be the world’s persecution (the strongest form of rejection) of those who teach and live the truth and the great falling away from the Church (the rejection and denunciation by nominal believers of Jesus and His truth). Today we see the leaders of Atheistic communism (especially Russia, China and North Korea) persecuting adherents of all religions who reject their ‘gospel’ of Communism. In the US, Canada and Britain we see the rejection, marginalizing and aggressive persecution of Christian teaching and rights in the school system and of professors such as Dr. Mary Schweitzer, a non-believer to my knowledge, whose Hell Creek discoveries were outright rejected and hidden because they disproved the accepted dogma of Evolution. This book documents these events and the suppression of truth by the Media and the Scientific Community. Showing by their reactions that their allegiance is to their deluded dogma and not to the pursuit of the Truth. True science should be ie. present my idea, check it out and humbly reject it if it proves to be wrong. It is impossible to be ‘scientifically true’ in an Era that has foolishly rejected the concept of absolute truth existing. Suffice it to say the Bible predicts they are in for a rude awakening when Jesus the Truth returns to rapture the Church and usher in the Tribulation. I highly recommend this book as I feel it faithfully and accurately explains this Truth.

    4) To me Prophecy is the most urgent proof the Bible is true. It predicted Jesus would come first as a sacrificial lamb (Isaiah 53) and solve man’s greatest issue (removal of our condemnation for sin and adoption into the family of God as joint heirs of God’s kingdom with Him). Then Jesus returns to earth as the conquering King worthy of worship, gratitude and praise for what He has done. This is so unlike any human King, Emperor or leader before Him. They all desire power and prestige before they begin. That in a nutshell is the story of prophecy. That Jesus came to help us and will return to save us. There are numerous tidbits and hints given to us along the way to encourage and strengthen our faith. Some of the highlights in prophecy are the prediction of WW2 (Daniel 12:1), the re-establishment of Israel as a nation as well as the last generation before Jesus’ return (Matthew 16:8), the End Time would have freedom of travel and an explosion of knowledge (Daniel 12:4), as well as predicting that in the End Time they would have Satellite communication, TV, Internet and Cell Phones (Revelation 11:7-11). This book shows and explains these prophecies and so much more. The Bible contains 2400 prophecies and 2000 of those have been accurately fulfilled leaving the last 400 which are currently in the process of fulfillment and accurately playing out on the evening news daily. Does what you believe in have historical proof of accuracy or the ability to watch it unfolding on today’s evening news? The Bible does and this book will show you from its pages how accurate it really is and has been all along.

    5) I present this point as a separate item of prophecy because I see it happening as a sign of the coming promise of the Rapture and warning of the Tribulation in this day. This book deals with this extensively and refers to it as The Beast System. It is the development of the Military, Monetary, Economic and Religious system that the Anti-Christ will utilize to consolidate his power and control over mankind in the very near future. The Bible calls it the Mark of the Beast. It is occurring because of the evil characteristics and deeds Paul predicted in 2 Timothy 3:1-8 of the End Time attitudes that will define the Last Generation. It rings true because our society today truly reflects and lives these attributes to. Remember Daniel 12:1 predicted an explosion of knowledge and here Paul tells how the last generation will be forever learning and never coming to the knowledge of the Truth. I see that today as we are the most knowledgeable generation in history but in many ways the dumbest that ever lived. This book will help you see the lies and the truth. It will give you the knowledge to help you make an informed decision about God and your eternal destiny. Please give it your consideration.

    Chapter 1

    Are We Living in the Last Generation before Jesus Returns?

    In this chapter I will show you that we are living in the Last Generation by looking at actual fulfilled Prophecies. I will also address some of the false teachings currently circulating within the Church today. There are three main views taught in some churches today about Prophecy and the Books which contain them. They are as follows: The Idealists, The Preterists and The Futurists. Just so you know up front I fall into the camp of the Futurists and I’ll explain the reasons for my position as we proceed.

    The Idealist or Idealism (also called the spiritual approach, the allegorical approach, the nonliteral approach, and many other names) involves an interpretation of the Book of Revelation which sees most or all the imagery in Revelation as symbolic. This is common among Reformed theologians and is associated with Amillennialism. There exists degrees of Idealism, the most radical form sees it as entirely symbolic, while a more moderate view may allow for some historical fulfillment of events. It was introduced in medieval times but it is currently being taught by some modern theologians. Eschatological idealism is distinct in that it does not see any of the prophecies except the Second coming of Christ and the Final Judgment as ever being fulfilled on earth either in the Past, Present and Future. However, when this teaching first came into being Israel did not exist as a nation and no one thought it would ever happen. Voltaire and people like him made fun of those who believed in the Bible but if it were possible I bet they rolled over in their graves on May 14th, 1948 when Israel became a nation again.

    Preterism is a Christian eschatological belief that interprets some prophecies of the Bible as events which have already taken place in history. They feel the Book of Daniel refers to events that happened from the 7th century BC until the first century AD. Also they feel the prophecies in the Book of Revelation and Jesus’ predictions in the Olivet Discourse took place in the 1st century AD. They also teach that ancient Israel has its continuation or fulfillment in the Christian Church today. This teaching raised its ugly head in the 1500’s through the 1600’s or Medieval Times. It experienced a resurgence in the 1800’s in North America. They feel that scripture upholds that the Apostles all believed in total fulfillment of prophecy in their generation. We’ll discuss the Apostles beliefs in Jesus returning in their lifetime a little later in this book but the mere facts that Israel was dispersed worldwide and then formed a nation again in their covenant country over 1900 years later nullifies their argument.

    Idealists and Preterists dishonor the Bible and historical truths as they teach this false doctrine. Both are intentionally condemning those who listen to their false teachings to the horrors of the Tribulation. Unfortunately for you those future prophecies will become all too real to you as you experience them in the near future.

    Today we have the advantage of a historical record to look back upon and from our vantage point in history today we can recognize many prophecies that have been fulfilled. This would have been impossible to do in Medieval Times so I’ll give those theologians a pass but not the theologians that teach it today. They have no excuse in my opinion. They view and teach that interpretation of the eschatological portions of the Bible in a historical or future-historical fashion as an erroneous understanding. I would ask them, ‘How is it erroneous to say that the prophecy of Jesus about the return of Israel as a nation is fictitious? (Matthew 24:32-35). This was Jesus’ parable of the Fig Tree and Israel in Jewish tradition was always identified by the symbol of the Fig Tree. Did the Idealists nor Preterists today not see or hear the news that Israel became a nation again on May 14th, 1948? Is the physical presence of that new nation after almost 1900 years of dispersement around the world erroneous? How is it erroneous to look back into our recent history and see that Daniel’s prophecy did come to pass as well?

    Daniel 12:1 (NKJV) "At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise. There will be a time of distress such as has not happened from the beginning of nations until then. But at that time your people—everyone whose name is found written in the book—will be delivered."

    So, this prophecy is speaking about Daniel’s people, which is Israel, but remember during and after the worldwide dispersement they were called Jews. That dispersement occurred after Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed by Titus in 70 AD.

    Luke 21:24 (KJV) And they will fall by the edge of the sword, and be led away captive into all nations. And Jerusalem will be trampled by Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled.

    This prophecy of Jesus here is stating three things:

    1) That Israel and the Temple would be destroyed and that happened with Titus in 70 AD

    2) Those that survived would be led captive into all nations until the fulfillment of Isaiah’s prophecy in Isaiah 11:11-12 (KJV). This was one of many Prophecies that the Idealists and Preterists either missed or misunderstood. This pointed to a future regathering of Israel.

    Isaiah 11:11 In that day the Lord will reach out his hand a second time to reclaim the surviving remnant of his people from Assyria, from Lower Egypt, from Upper Egypt, from Cush, from Elam, from Babylonia, from Hamath and from the islands of the Mediterranean. 12 He will raise a banner for the nations and gather the exiles of Israel; he will assemble the scattered people of Judah from the four quarters of the earth. (This is foretelling (over 2500 years ago) that God regathers the Jews from the four corners of the earth. This happened after WW2 and the new nation of Israel was born on May 14th, 1948)

    3) That Jerusalem would be under Gentile control for a period of time. And as it turned out this period of time was the Church Age of over 1900 years. The Gentile (non-Jewish) control of Jerusalem lasted until 1967 when the new nation of Israel retook control of Jerusalem from the Gentiles. I feel this also mirrors the length of the Church age as well.

    The nation of Israel did not exist from 70 AD until May 14, 1948. The Jews lived worldwide and prospered very well for around 1860 years until around the 1930s. Very few of them tried to leave their comfortable existences and go back to re-establish the Nation of Israel. So what happened in the 1930s? Hitler happened, the Third Reich rose to power and WORLD WAR 2 started. Hitler also implemented his plan to exterminate the Jews. That was the Time of Distress that Daniel 12:1 had prophesied not Titus in 70 AD. But look at the wording

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