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Not A Typical Meet-Cute
Not A Typical Meet-Cute
Not A Typical Meet-Cute
Ebook97 pages1 hour

Not A Typical Meet-Cute

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Not A Typical Meet Cute

A Quirk of Fates Short #3


Welcome to the small town of Appleton where if it's meant to happen, it will.


Locryn, a Fae with a love of rain and puddles, has been working as a hair stylist in the friendly town for the past five years. He enjoys his life, full of friends who might not know the truth about him, but they care about him all the same. Which is why, when a new man moved to town, the ladies who frequented Locryn's salon were quick to tell him about the tattooed stranger.


"That's why we're in Appleton. No paranormals. No covens. No wolf packs and no weird mages running around in their fancy robes trying to summon me every five minutes..."


Demon Zac moved to Appleton for the peace and quiet. He was tired of getting himself into trouble, just trying to fit in. In Appleton he could be himself, ply his business as a well-respected tattoo artist, and… and… well, a few hobbies were mentioned, but for now Zac was focusing on his business and getting to know the locals.


"If it's funny business you're after, then close the door and ensure the blinds are drawn. No point in giving the locals out for their evening meal a free show."


The Fates are canny ladies who know when to give a subtle push when it comes to bringing unlikely couples together. Although, to be fair, this time the fault could lie with Locryn's interfering father. But when Locryn and Zac do meet face to face for the first time, Zac is shocked to learn that sex and a bite aren't enough to be considered a couple in the quaint town. There's a courting ritual to go through as well… and couch buying?


This very short (22,800 words) story is a standalone that I was compelled to write – I wanted sweetness, and fun, with just a tiny bit of angst. I think this one hit the spot. This is a complete story and can definitely be read as standalone.

PublisherLisa Oliver
Release dateMay 24, 2024
Not A Typical Meet-Cute

Lisa Oliver

Hi My name is Lisa Oliver and welcome to my Author page. After spending years writing non-fiction books, the lure of fiction and the men in my head finally had me sitting down and writing The Reluctant Wolf, an M/M paranormal erotic romance in November 2013. Since that time I have written one hundred titles including the Cloverleah Pack series, the Bound and Bonded series, Alpha and Omega series, Stockton Wolves series, The Hellhound Collar series, The Gods Made Me Do It series and many more. All of my books are M/M (or M/M/M) come with a guaranteed HEA and absolutely no cheating. I strongly believe in the power of love - and all of my books are based on the true mate trope. However, for me, insta-lust does not equal insta-love and all of my books tell of the journey my main characters need to go through to reach that state of being in love with someone special. Some of my books can be read as standalone, but in cases like the Cloverleah series you get a good idea of the back stories of secondary characters by reading the books in order. I love to hear from all of my readers so please feel free to catch up with me on Facebook, Twitter or through my blog.

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    Book preview

    Not A Typical Meet-Cute - Lisa Oliver

    Chapter One

    Did you hear? There’s a new man moved into town, setting up a business and everything.

    Locryn, no second name, smiled at his client in the reflection of the large mirror she was sitting in front of. Mabel, sweetheart, you do realize you are the fifth person I’ve had since lunch. Indeed, you are my last client of the day - of the week if you want to be pedantic about it. Do you honestly think Alison, Georgina, Louise, or Tatty would’ve sat where you’re sitting right now and not told me about the new man in town? Really? He carefully snipped at one of the gray curls wrapped around his fingers.

    Ah, but did you know he was opening a tattoo shop? Mabel’s eyes twinkled at him as she smiled like a cat who’d got the cream.

    No, Mabel, I hadn’t heard the nature of his business. Locryn conceded as he focused on her hair again. But he should do well here. Appleton might be a small town, but it gets solid tourist numbers all year round, thanks to the beach on one side of town and the short drive to the mountains on the other.

    They say he’s single. Mabel’s voice rose on the last word.

    Locryn didn’t need to ask who ‘they’ were. Mabel and her friends were born and raised in Appleton, and no one could sneeze without them buzzing around to that person’s house with homemade remedies that were remarkably effective.

    It could be that Mrs. Tattoo Lady is traveling with the moving truck and will arrive later. Locryn bent over, snipping again, his fingers moving across the curls automatically. You were the one who told me how this is a family-friendly town when I first moved here. Sheriff Carter keeps the locals and tourists in line, and the schools are excellent. Maybe your Mr. Tattoo Man came here because it’ll be a good place to raise his numerous children.

    The truck’s already been and gone. Mabel sniffed, and Locryn hid his smirk. Mabel liked to be ‘in the neighborhood’ whenever anyone new moved in. Clearly, she’d missed the mystery tattoo man’s arrival. It was how he and Mabel had originally met when she called around to his new house five years before on his moving day.

    Young Peter from down the shop said the man ordered groceries, and there were no lady items included in the toiletries, if you know what I mean.

    Locryn chuckled. Yes, Mabel. I might not be interested in ladies, in that I’d never want to share a house with one, but I see enough of them in here to understand the complex nature of ladies’ toiletries. If I didn’t, your daughter Cheryl would be the first to instruct me.

    Mabel sniffed again, although she was careful not to move her head. Cheryl’s all a flutter over the newcomer, as if she wasn’t a respectably married woman with two kiddies underfoot. Calling me while I was playing Bingo, asking my opinion about if she should get a tattoo. A tattoo, can you imagine?

    His lips twitching, Locryn paid close attention to the final styling touches of Mabel’s hair. It was easier than meeting Mabel’s eyes. The politest thing one could say about Cheryl was that she was a ‘character.’ I think it’s wonderful that even as a grown woman, your daughter still consults you on such things.

    She’s not that old that she wouldn’t get a tongue lashing if she dared turn up for Sunday roast with permanent ink on her skin.

    I’ve always been partial to tattoos myself. Locryn straightened, looking over Mabel’s head and checking her hair in the mirror. When they are well done, they can be a beautiful and very artistic way of expressing individuality. Many people get a tattoo as a personal memorial for someone special. I’ve always thought people with tattoos were unique and interesting people.

    You’ll love Mr. Tattoo Guy then. Mabel giggled. I haven’t seen him myself, but Peter at the shop claimed the man had ink all over his neck and arms, right down to the tops of his fingers, would you believe? And those were just the ones he could see. Jenny claimed a man who would tattoo his fingers would likely tattoo other appendages, too, if you get my drift.

    I always get your drift, Mabel, my sweet. Resting his hands lightly on the older woman’s shoulders, Locryn sent the tiniest trickle of magic through to her frail bones. There you go. Looking as gorgeous as ever for another week.

    You’re a miracle worker, Locryn. I swear, I always feel ten years younger after a session in your chair. Mabel’s smile was genuine. You know, Mr. Tattoo Guy has got long hair, too, similar to yours, only his is black, by all accounts. I like the pink in yours. You never know. If he’s a colorful character, he might like your look, too.

    I’m sure if Mr. Tattoo Guy needs any hair tips, or a trim, he’ll come and tell me himself. Locryn laughed as he helped Mabel out of her seat. I already have my hands full keeping my lady clients happy. Mr. Tattoo Guy will have to make an appointment just like everyone else.

    It wouldn’t do you any harm to drop around and leave him a business card, Mabel suggested with a wink as she headed for the door. You know, a friendly business gesture. You might try to hand it to him, and he’s so bedazzled by your beautiful eyes that he drops it, and you both bend to reach for it at the same time. Then you bang heads and laugh as you recognize you’re made for each other.

    Get along with you, you scheming woman. Locryn laughed as he held the door open for her. I don’t need one of your meet-cute situations. I’m perfectly happy with my single life.

    This is Appleton, Mabel called out as she left. If it’s meant to be, it will be.

    Locryn was still chuckling as he closed and locked the door. Pulling down the blinds, he waved his hands, sending out his magic to clean the floor and straighten his workstation. He had an appointment. Not one he wanted to keep, but one he would not be late for.

    Chapter Two

    There’s nothing to do around here. Why on earth did you come to this one horse town again?

    Zac Byron, although his second name was as fake as his ID, glanced at his long-time assistant, Rat, and then went back to checking over his tattoo guns. You know why. I wanted somewhere quiet, and this place had a shop that met my specifications. You don’t have to stay. You can go back down below any time you like, and it won’t bother me none.

    It’d bother you, all right, Rat grumbled. Rat wasn’t the name he was born with. One of Zac’s brothers had started calling the man that because Rat had a thin, pinched face and a knack for getting in and out of tight places. The name had stuck. Who else can make your coffee the way I can? And I run messages to and from the Underworld, so you don’t have to show your face down there.

    Zac frowned but kept working. Rat wasn’t wrong, but Zac didn’t need the reminder. In a realm where demons were built handsome enough to tempt an angel, Zac had drawn the

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