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Everyone Needs a Hero
Everyone Needs a Hero
Everyone Needs a Hero
Ebook107 pages1 hour

Everyone Needs a Hero

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The book 'Everyone Needs a Hero' comprises six adventure stories for children. Each story has different characters and a new hero emerges in each one. But the heroes are all brave, resourceful and clever animals. In the first story, we meet Maisie and her friend TimTom and their adventures take them to the National Gallery in London to rescue the head curator who has been kidnapped to force him to steal a painting. Other adventures arise on the way, but the two cats show resourcefulness and bravery on every turn of the page. In the second story, we are introduced to Rosy the Duck who lives a sad life, bullied by other ducks on the lake who make her life a misery. Read how one day Rosy helps a fellow creature and that good turn leads to a complete change in her life. Story three tells us about two green parakeets who take on some vicious thieves and save the life of a policeman, but at no small cost to themselves. Moving on to story four, we meet Reg the tortoise and Pickles the guinea pig. Reg is a bit arrogant and cares for no one but himself and his main thoughts are centred around his next meal, until one day he is dragged into an adventure by Pickles to try and save their family's house from being burgled. In story five, we meet Charlie of no fixed address. He has a solitary life until one day, he rescues some kittens who had been left to die in a bin. In this story, Charlie has to rescue the kittens yet again before his own life changes completely. The last story takes us to a farm to meet twins Peter and Paul Pig and their little brother Frank. They live a wonderful life on the farm until one day, they realise they were about to go to market, so they plan their escape with near disastrous consequences.
The stories are packed full of delightful animal adventures with our heroes demonstrating some vital life values such as friendship, teamwork, ingenuity, resourcefulness, bravery and love. The book has 30 delightful colour illustrations to enhance the reader's experience.
Release dateMay 16, 2024
Everyone Needs a Hero

Linda Lawrence

This is the second book published by author Linda Lawrence - the first book being Adventures of Bob, Fin and Honeybun. Linda started writing again after she retired from a city bank, but it would be a further twenty years before her books were published after being encouraged to do so by a friend. Since then, she has started writing again and more may be published in the future. Linda is a widow and lives in Chislehurst Kent.

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    Book preview

    Everyone Needs a Hero - Linda Lawrence

    In memory of my parents, Jack and Joyce Bagwell.



    1 Maisie Jones

    2 Rosy the Duck

    3 Big Bessie and I Fly into Trouble

    4  Reg’s and Pickles’ Adventure or is it really Pickles’ and Reg’s Adventure

    5  Charlie of No Fixed Address

    6 Peter, Paul and Frank


    STORY 1

    Maisie Jones


    Introducing Maisie

    I am sitting on top of a lamppost, which is my favourite place to sit because from here I can see my entire world. At number ten there’s Mrs Grey, who sometimes leaves me titbits, such as a little piece of fish or, occasionally, a tiny morsel of meat and I never mind if the meat is a bit fatty or gristly as it all tastes just as delicious to me. I don’t think kind Mrs Grey has very much to share to be honest, but it shows she really loves cats like me. Then at number twelve is Mr and Mrs Watson, who are always very busy as they don’t seem to find the time to leave me even a slither of food – in fact I don’t think they’ve even noticed I exist which I know seems unbelievable as I am such a beautiful specimen of cat hood…

    I have to be very careful of the grumpy man at number fourteen, as he mumbles when he walks past me and even though I try to avoid his large boots I always seem to be in his way. Once he even went to kick me, but thankfully Mrs Grey shouted at him, and he thought better of it.

    I can rely on the couple in number sixteen to leave me a saucer of fresh water every morning and, if I’m very lucky, occasionally they leave me a saucer of milk. It can take a whole three seconds to drink it as I want to savour every drop.

    In number eighteen there is a young family and the two young girls who live there always stop to stroke me or tickle me under my chin which is so delightful as these days any affection is gratefully received. They do say such daft things to me though such as ‘here, kitty kitty’ when my name is Maisie or, ‘would you like a tickle-wickle?’ Don’t they know English? But then I mustn’t complain as their gentle attention to my furry coat and their warm comforting hands is so very much appreciated these long, lonely days on the streets.

    So yes, by now you’ve realised I’m a feral cat but it wasn’t always the case. I lived at number twenty with Mr and Mrs Jones and their two children and I was so loved it was embarrassing at times. I always had the best food, with milk twice a day, and so much affection I was occasionally bored with it all. Now I realise how naïve I was to take it all for granted as one day the world was my oyster and the next I was alone and unloved. Even now I can’t tell you what happened. Not really. I’ve gone over it in my mind so many times, but I can’t fathom out how I ended up like this. I recall, so clearly, the morning it happened. The girls, Jenny and Sharon, left for school as normal and then about half an hour later Mr Jones took a call on his mobile. As the call ended he said something to Mrs Jones that I couldn’t catch but it must’ve been bad news because Mrs Jones looked frightened as Mr Jones then made a call himself – I think it must’ve been to Jenny and Sharon’s school because I heard the girls’ names mentioned. Mr Jones came off the phone, shaking his head at Mrs Jones and after that everything seemed to fall apart. With jerky movements Mr Jones gathered some bits together, put on his coat, kissed Mrs Jones goodbye – who was sobbing in earnest now – and quickly made for the front door. It was all very perplexing. I’m sure this is nothing to concern me, I thought to myself, but I was soon to learn that I was to be very much mistaken.

    I followed Mr Jones out of the house, more out of curiosity than anything else and sat on the doormat watching as Mr Jones unlocked the car, got in and with unaccustomed speed backed out of the drive onto the road. He then turned and drove off, the wheels screeching as he disappeared around the corner. I turned to go back into the house, but the door was now closed, obviously by Mrs Jones. No worries, I thought to myself, I’ll go in through my usual window that’s always open, but to my surprise and annoyance, it was shut. This was weird. I kept looking, watching, checking but not a sound from the house. Nothing. There wasn’t a thing I could do until Mrs Jones let me back indoors and I was sure she soon would. I wondered, not for the first time, why Mr and Mrs Jones didn’t get one of those cat flaps fitted as having my own front door would be perfect. Oh well something to work on in the future, when this business was over.

    But getting back into my home, where my breakfast was waiting, wasn’t as simple as it seemed. There was no sign of Mrs Jones, and Mr Jones hadn’t come back so there was

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