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Lovers of Dark humor: They plan to stage a mock murder in an abandoned mental institution
Lovers of Dark humor: They plan to stage a mock murder in an abandoned mental institution
Lovers of Dark humor: They plan to stage a mock murder in an abandoned mental institution
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Lovers of Dark humor: They plan to stage a mock murder in an abandoned mental institution

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About this ebook

Samuel, a lover of dark humor, meets a group of like-minded individuals called the "Lovers of Dark humor." They push the boundaries of socially acceptable jokes, but their humor becomes increasingly twisted. They plan to stage a mock murder in an abandoned mental institution, which makes Samuel uncomfortable, but he goes along with it. However,
Release dateJun 28, 2024
Lovers of Dark humor: They plan to stage a mock murder in an abandoned mental institution

Hash Blink

Hash Blink, born Thomas B. Sherriff, is a hip hop artist and storyteller. With a global perspective shaped by his Liberian roots and his experiences in the vibrant hip-hop scene of Chicago, Hash Blink's music and literature transcend boundaries and captivate audiences.

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    Book preview

    Lovers of Dark humor - Hash Blink

    Chapter 1

    Samuel had always been attracted to dark humor. The kind of humor that made people uncomfortable, the kind of jokes that made people cringe. He loved finding ways to make people squirm with laughter and cringe with discomfort all at the same time.

    One day, he met a group of people who shared his love for dark humor. They called themselves the Lovers of Dark humor and they quickly became Samuel's closest friends. They spent hours brainstorming new jokes and ways to push the limits of what was socially acceptable.

    As time went on, however, Samuel began to notice that the group's humor was becoming more and more twisted. They started making jokes about death, murder, and torture. Samuel couldn't deny that the jokes made him uncomfortable, but he didn't want to be the outsider who couldn't handle it.

    One night, the group decided to take their humor to the next level. They planned to break into an abandoned mental institution and stage a mock murder for their own amusement. Samuel had some reservations, but ultimately he went along with it.

    As they crept through the dark, decrepit halls of the abandoned building, Samuel began to feel a sense of dread wash over him. He tried to shake it off, but the feeling only grew stronger as they set up their fake crime scene.

    Just as they were about to start the joke, something in the darkness caught Samuel's eye. He turned his flashlight towards the source of the movement and was frozen with fear.

    There, in the corner of the room, was a pair of glowing red eyes staring back at him. And they weren't laughing.

    Chapter 2

    Samuel's heart was racing as he stood frozen in fear, staring at the glowing red eyes. His friends stood behind him, unaware of the presence lurking in the darkness.

    As the eyes moved closer, Samuel's fear turned to terror. They were not human eyes, they were too large and too bright. He tried to run, but his legs felt heavy as if rooted to the ground.

    The eyes were upon him now, and Samuel could feel their gaze piercing into his soul. He opened his mouth to scream, but no sound escaped his lips. The eyes seemed to be drawing him in, capturing him in their hypnotic trance.

    Suddenly, Samuel felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. He turned around to see one of his friends holding a tranquilizer dart gun. The others had subdued him, and he slumped to the ground, unconscious.

    When he woke up, Samuel found himself locked in a small room. His friends were nowhere to be seen, and he could hear strange noises coming from the walls. The room was cold and damp, and the air was thick with the stench of decay.

    As he lay there, trying to make sense of what had happened, Samuel realized that his love for dark humor had led him down a path of madness. His friends had taken it too far, and now he was paying the price.

    But it was too late. He was trapped in a nightmare of his own making, and there was no way out. The lovers of dark humor had claimed another victim, and Samuel knew he would never escape their twisted grasp.

    Chapter 3

    As Samuel lay awake in his dark, damp cell, he heard a sudden scratching noise at the door. His heart racing, he tried to convince himself that it was just his imagination. But the scratching grew louder and more insistent, until there was no denying that

    something was trying to get in.

    Samuel scrambled to his feet and pressed himself against the far wall, his eyes glued to the door. He could see nothing through the narrow gap beneath it, but he could hear heaving breaths. The sound was not human; it was deep and guttural, like some monstrous animal.

    As the scratching grew louder, the door began to buckle under the force of whatever was trying to break through. Samuel felt his heart racing, his breath coming in short gasps. He had no idea what was on the other side, but he knew it was not something he wanted to face alone.

    Just as the door was about to give way, Samuel heard the sound of footsteps in the hallway outside. He let out a brief cry for help, relieved to know that his friends were still nearby. But as the footsteps drew nearer, Samuel realized with mounting horror that they were not the footsteps of his friends.

    With a terrible crashing sound, the door finally gave way, and Samuel was confronted by a horrifying figure. It was not human; it was a creature of nightmare, with scales like armor and eyes that glowed with an otherworldly light. Samuel felt his knees buckle as he realized just how far his love of dark humor had taken him, and how little he knew about the true depths of madness.

    Chapter 4

    Samuel’s heart pounded as the creature lunged at him. It had fur protruding from its grotesque body and its eyes were a deep crimson. Samuel tried to scream, but his voice caught in his throat. It was as if all the dark humor he had once found amusing had been sucked out of him.

    The creature moved closer to him, and Samuel could smell the stench of its breath. The creature’s teeth were jagged and menacing and dripped with saliva as it snarled. Samuel struggled against the restraints that held him in place but to no avail. The

    creature leaned in, ready to strike, and Samuel could see the hatred in its eyes.

    Suddenly, Samuel heard a voice in his head. It was a voice he recognized- one of his friends who had planned the mock murder. Samuel, it’s not real. We’re playing a joke on you. Just stay calm and we’ll let you out soon.

    Relief flooded Samuel, but it quickly turned to anger. He had been locked up and terrorized for their sick amusement. He screamed and thrashed, but his voice was hoarse and his body weak from the tranquilizer. He knew he had to escape, to get away from these twisted individuals who had once been his friends.

    Samuel didn’t know how long he was trapped in that room, but when they finally released him, he knew he would never be the same. The darkness that had once been humorous now brought him only fear and disgust. And the memory of those glowing red eyes would haunt him for the rest of his life.

    Chapter 5

    Samuel stumbled out of the abandoned mental institution, his body shaking with terror. He had thought the creature in his cell was real, but it was just another twisted joke from his friends. The realization of how far they had gone with their dark humor hit him like a ton of bricks.

    He walked for hours, trying to shake off the feeling of being hunted by a monster. As the sun began to rise, he found himself in a small town, the streets empty and quiet. He saw a church and wandered inside, hoping to find some solace.

    The stained glass windows cast colorful patterns on the wooden pews as Samuel sat down, searching for some kind of meaning in his life. He thought about how his love for dark humor had led him

    down a path of madness, and how he had lost sight of what was real. He felt a deep sense of shame for his actions and wondered how he could ever face his friends again.

    As the morning sun rose higher in the sky, Samuel knew he had to confront his friends and tell them how he felt. He walked back to the abandoned mental institution, his heart pounding as he approached the entrance.

    His friends were waiting for him, looking sheepish and guilty. They apologized profusely, telling him they had never meant to scare him so badly. They said they had gotten carried away with their dark humor and promised never to go that far again.

    Samuel listened quietly, feeling a mixture of anger and relief. He knew he had to forgive them, but he also knew he could never go back to the way things were before. The experience had changed him, and he realized that dark humor wasn't worth sacrificing his sanity and self-respect.

    As he walked away from the mental institution and his former friends, Samuel felt a sense of freedom and clarity. He knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, but he was ready to face it with a new perspective and a newfound appreciation for the light.

    Chapter 6

    But even after leaving his old life behind, Samuel couldn't escape the memory of those glowing red eyes and the deep, guttural breathing that had haunted him. Every night, he would dream about the creature that his friends had tricked him into believing was real, and every morning he would wake up in a cold sweat.

    He tried to distract himself with work and parties and new friends, but nothing seemed to make the nightmares go away. His old group of friends would occasionally reach out to him, but he couldn't bring himself to talk to them, let alone forgive them for what they had done.

    One day, Samuel received a mysterious invitation in the mail. It was from his old group of friends, and it asked him to meet them

    at the abandoned mental institution where they had played their sick joke on him.

    Samuel was hesitant, but something compelled him to go. Maybe it was curiosity, or maybe it was a desire for closure. Either way, he found himself walking through the dark halls of the asylum once again, heart pounding in his chest.

    When he arrived at the designated meeting spot, he found his old friends standing in a circle, looking down at something in the center. As he approached them, he realized with horror that it was a body.

    It was one of their own, a member of the group who had disappeared a few months ago. There was blood everywhere, and the stench of death filled the air.

    Samuel stumbled back, trying to escape the nightmare that was unfolding before him, but his friends grabbed him and pulled him back into the circle.

    We did this for you, Samuel, one of them said with a sick grin. We wanted to give you a real scare this time.

    Samuel realized then that his friends weren't just lovers of dark humor. They were psychopaths, capable of unspeakable acts of violence. And he was trapped with them in the same abandoned building where his nightmare had begun.

    The creature with the glowing red eyes wasn't real, but the horror that his friends were capable of was all too real. And there was no escaping it this time.

    Chapter 7

    Samuel hesitated before accepting the invitation from his old friends. His past

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