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The Unseen War
The Unseen War
The Unseen War
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The Unseen War

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The Unseen War: Whispers Beyond the Veil


A hidden enemy. A silent threat. A tapestry of guardians woven across generations.


For centuries, a silent war has raged between humanity and an unseen entity, an ancient force whispering promises of chaos from beyond the veil. Viktor and Esme, the first guardians, stood as the shield, wielding their minds against the entity's insidious manipulations. Their legacy, a fragmented symbol, serves as a chilling reminder of the battles fought and the gateways closed.


Anya, the last living guardian, leads a vast network – a web of vigilance woven across the globe. They are the unseen protectors, disrupting cults, severing gateways, and safeguarding humanity from the entity's subtle manipulations. But the entity is evolving, its tactics shifting, its tendrils reaching for new ways to breach the veil.


When a distress call echoes from the Himalayas, the very location of a past victory, Anya leads a team into the heart of danger. The fragmented symbol, once a beacon of hope, now serves as a chilling trap. This is not just an attack; it's a challenge, a test of their resolve.


The Unseen War is a gripping saga of humanity's unwavering spirit in the face of a cosmic threat. It's a story of legacy, sacrifice, and the enduring power of vigilance. It's a testament to the belief that even in the darkest corners of the universe, the embers of hope can forever flicker.


Perfect for fans of World War Z and Annihilation, this novel will keep you on the edge of your seat, questioning the whispers in the wind and the unseen forces that lurk just beyond the veil.

PublisherAmara Vance
Release dateMay 13, 2024
The Unseen War

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    Book preview

    The Unseen War - Amara Vance


    Whispers Beyond the Veil

    by Amara Vance


    © Copyright Amara Vance. All Rights Reserved.

    This book may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the publisher.

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1 – A Dark Morning

    Chapter 2 – The Haunted Detective

    Chapter 3 – The Enigmatic Esme

    Chapter 4 - A Web of Secrets

    Chapter 5 - The Symbol's Whisper

    Chapter 6 - Deeper Underground

    Chapter 7 - The Price of Immortality

    Chapter 8 - Whispers in the Shadows

    Chapter 9 - Infiltration

    Chapter 10 - The Puppet Master

    Chapter 11 - Echoes of the Past

    Chapter 12 - The Serpent's Nest

    Chapter 13 - The Serpent's Coils

    Chapter 14 - The Serpent Strikes

    Chapter 15 - The Ritual's End

    Chapter 16 - The Aftermath

    Chapter 17 - The Whispers in the Wind

    Chapter 18 - Forging the Shield

    Chapter 19 - The Harbinger's Gift

    Chapter 20 - The Price of Knowledge

    Chapter 21 - Echoes in the Dark

    Chapter 22 - The Whisper in the Wind

    Chapter 23 - The Tapestry of Guardians

    Chapter 24 - The Fractured Legacy

    Chapter 25 - Echoes in the Starlight

    Chapter 1 – A Dark Morning

    The first tendrils of dawn were a sickly gray, struggling to pierce the oppressive fog that clung to Prague like a shroud.

    Detective Viktor Novak squinted through the grimy windshield of his unmarked Skoda, the ancient city blurring past in muted tones.

    A week of relentless rain had painted the cobblestone streets slick black, reflecting the sodium glow of the few flickering streetlights.

    The call had come in just past four, shattering the fragile peace of Viktor's pre-dawn slumber.

    A homicide, they'd said. The name sent a jolt through him – Jaroslav Stepanek, the reclusive millionaire known for his eccentric pursuits and rumored dabbling in the occult.

    Viktor pulled over, the wail of approaching sirens echoing through the deserted streets. He emerged from the car, the damp air wrapping him in a chilly embrace.

    Yellow crime scene tape already cordoned off a narrow alley, flanked by a pair of towering gothic buildings.

    A lone figure stood beneath the flickering strobe of a police car, the faint glow illuminating the sharp angles of his trench coat.

    Captain Jan Marek, Viktor's partner, turned, his face etched with grim curiosity.

    Novak, he grunted, a curt nod acknowledging Viktor's arrival. Looks like Stepanek decided to check out early.

    Viktor followed Marek's gaze down the alley. Nestled between the buildings, a wrought-iron gate guarded the entrance to a private courtyard.

    Beyond, a single illuminated window cast a pale rectangle of light onto the rain-slicked cobblestones.

    Even from this distance, Viktor could sense an unnatural stillness emanating from the building.

    What've we got? Viktor asked, his voice hoarse from sleep.

    Marek gestured for the forensics team huddled by the gate to move aside. As they entered the courtyard, a wave of stale, metallic air washed over Viktor.

    The single-story building, vaguely reminiscent of a medieval alchemist's laboratory, exuded an air of sterile, modern efficiency.

    A lone officer stood guard at the heavy oak door, its surface marred by a single, deep scratch.

    No sign of forced entry, Captain Marek explained, his voice low. Found him on the floor of his lab. Single gunshot wound to the head. No murder weapon at the scene.

    Viktor knelt beside the body. Jaroslav Stepanek, once a titan of industry, now lay sprawled on the cold concrete floor, his eyes vacant and sightless.

    The air hung heavy with the metallic tang of blood. But it was the scene itself that sent a shiver down Viktor's spine.

    The room, a testament to modern scientific advancement, was meticulously organized – beakers filled with colorful liquids lined the shelves, wires snaked across gleaming chrome workstations.

    Yet, dominating the far wall, etched in a deep crimson, was a symbol. A complex geometric design, unlike anything Viktor had ever seen, seemed to pulse with an unsettling energy.

    What the hell is that? Viktor murmured, tracing the symbol with his finger.

    Captain Marek shook his head. No ID yet. Forensics is dusting for prints, but first impressions say this was a professional job. Clean, efficient. He paused, his gaze lingering on the symbol. Though the theatrics with the symbol seem... out of place.

    Viktor rose, the symbol imprinted on his mind. Theatrics, or a message? The locked room, the strange symbol – this was no ordinary homicide.

    This was a puzzle, a dark riddle whispered in blood and geometry. And for some reason, Viktor had a feeling it was a puzzle he wouldn't be able to ignore.

    Chapter 2 – The Haunted Detective

    Viktor left the sterile confines of Stepanek's laboratory with a gnawing sense of unease.

    The locked room, the cryptic symbol – it all pointed towards a meticulously planned execution, not a random act of violence.

    Back in his car, the rain had finally ceased, leaving the city streets glistening under a bruised sky.

    He lit a cigarette, the smoke curling into the damp

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