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Dark encounters
Dark encounters
Dark encounters
Ebook164 pages2 hours

Dark encounters

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This book contains some of my darkest encounters dealing with ancient demons, imps, old demons, lesser demons, shadow people and even Lucifer.

these encounters range from full possessions to attachments. the chapters include Alcatraz, a visit to The Cage, Hampton court in England and even an encounter with the Ghost Adventures Crew. These

PublisherJune Lundgren
Release dateMay 6, 2024
Dark encounters

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    Dark encounters - June Ann Lundgren

    Written By

    June Lundgren

    Copyright © 2024 by June Lundgren

    In the darkness,

    the light banishes the




















    In June 2017, my son I took a trip to England. We stayed in London at the Hilton hotel in Greenwich Village. On the second day, we took the bus to the Tower of London for a visit. While walking through the tower I was followed by the spirits of a bearded man. I had no idea who he was and he wasn’t introducing himself. He followed me from the moment I entered the tower, just watching me intently. Upon entering the last room in the tower, I saw a display of death masks. Going over to the display I recognized one of the masks, it was the spirit of the man who had been following me, King James. Once I recognized who he was, the spirit disappeared.

    After returning from the trip, I received a Facebook message from a friend in Florida who wanted me to give her a call. I responded to her message and let her know that I was in London and was unable to call her.

    I received a second message from my friend to let me know she had heard of a woman in the UK who was having problems with demons in her home and needed help. She asked me if I would be able to help this woman. I told her to give me her name, and I would message her and see if she responded.

    Alright, send me her name; I’ll look her up and send her a message to see if she’ll respond.

    The woman’s name is Vanessa Mitchell. She owns a house called The Cage; it used to be a medieval women’s witches’ prison. She has lived in the house for five years, and it’s been documented to be full of demons for years. The activity got so bad she had to move out. She was down to living in one room with her two small children. Do you think you can help her? she asked.

    If I get a picture of the location, I will know what is there and help her.

    I found the woman’s name on Facebook and messaged her to tell her I would try to help her if needed. Having sent the message, I went off to spend the day visiting Buckingham Palace and the London Eye. When I returned to the hotel, there was a message waiting for me from the woman Vanessa Mitchell; her message read as follows:

    ‘I don't usually respond to messages of this kind, but I felt compelled to respond to yours. If you can help me, I would be grateful. I have tried everything. Even my friend who is a renowned demonologist couldn’t help me. No one has been able to get rid of the demons. I haven’t lived in the house for some time because of the activity. I couldn’t take the chance of the demons hurting my children. I make some money by letting paranormal groups come in and investigate it, it helps me pay the mortgage.’

    I responded to her message asking her to send me a picture of the building so that I could see what was there. A few minutes later, I got the picture of the house. Looking at the picture, I made the connection with the location. I saw several negative entities, human spirits, and a couple of dark portals at the location. I responded to her message and told her I would remove the demon within the hour.

    My son wanted to know if I wanted him to order something for dinner. I asked him to call the front desk and ask them for recommendations.

    I called them while you were on the phone, and she had a nasty attitude and told me to look online. I found a local place online that delivers Chinese and put in an order for us..

    I was not happy with the hotel; the employees seemed to have an attitude when you asked them anything. I had stayed at a Hilton hotel before, and the service was great, but this one was terrible. When I get home, I was going to write a review and contact the corporate headquarters.

    After finishing our dinner, I told him I was going to the workout room to walk on the treadmill. The hotel had a nice workout room with a television to distract me from the tedious time on the treadmill. I brought my cell phone to view the image of the location while working out.

    Pulling up the image on my phone, I saw an old demon outside the house as if guarding it. It stood seven feet tall; its body and wings were made up of shades of black and gray. Its face was almost nonexistent, and what there was of it was grossly contorted except for the eyes. If you looked into its eyes, which were a deep golden color, you could see and feel more horror, evil, pain, and terror than anyone could ever imagine. Its eyes are the things that nightmares are made of. If you were to look into their eyes, you will never be the same again and you will never forget what you have seen.

    Concentrating, I used my inner eye to leave the outside of the house and travel inside the building. Walking through the building room by room, I was invisible to the other four demons. I could tell they sensed something but could not determine what was wrong. I could see two demons hiding within the house's walls. Another had taken up residence in the main living area. I made my way up the narrow staircase to the second floor. I found two creepy crawlies looking like large, black slithering creatures. I found the last demon standing sentinel by an upstairs window. Completing the tour, I returned downstairs. I saw several earthbound spirits being kept against their will by the demons.

    Opening up my senses. I reviewed the history of the land and the building. I could see the past events that changed the land and the people connected to the building. The land it sat on, and the surrounding area was riddled with dark portals and a lot of paranormal activity.

    I saw women being housed within the building and in an area under the house, abuse, fear, pain, and untold suffering. These women were accused wrongly, with no due process whatsoever, only on the say-so of others. Their fear, pain, and anguish were beyond anything I had ever seen or felt.

    Another old demon was waiting for me in the alley behind the house. It knew I was coming but it just didn’t know when. It looked as if it were preparing for battle.

    Auriel came forward it a brilliant blaze of light, ready to do what needed to be done. She drew her white light swords, preparing to battle with the old demon. She was now visible to the demons and their surprise and fear was palpable.

    I know you of old Az******** last time you got a one-way trip back to the dark realm. I will not be so forgiving this time; I will kill you. She warned the demon.

    You will not defeat me this time, demon slayer. I will kill you myself, and then all heaven will live in fear of me! He growled low, his voice full of intent.

    Auriel laughed, which incensed the demon, and it lunged at her. She blocked his assault and swung her sword towards him, wounding his arm, quickly following up with a thrust, which he blocked. The fight lasted only a few minutes and ended with Auriel slicing through Az********, scattering his molecules among the stars.

    Turning, she returned to the house, hunting down and killing the other four demons. Once the demons were killed it freed the human spirits. Auriel retreated and returned her energy to the light realm. My consciousness came forward and her’s retreated to the back of my mind, ever present. Once my consciousness returned to my body, I realized I had been on the treadmill for almost forty minutes. Stopping the treadmill, I took a deep breath and cleared my body, mind and spirit of the negative energy I had been subjected to while doing the removal. Once I was clear I returned to my hotel room.

    Back in the room, I sent a message to Vanessa to let her know that the removal had been done. An hour later, she sent me a message to let me know a famous American psychic was going to do a walk-through in the morning. She told me his name was Chris Fleming, and he didn't deal with negative entities; they were not his thing.

    I assured her the negative entities were long gone. Since she rarely went to the house and was never alone, she could not verify it until she went the next morning with the psychic.

    The next afternoon, I got a message from her saying that Chris Fleming had been to the house and that there was nothing negative left in it. She was very excited and thankful for me removing the negative entities.

    I responded, ‘Of course, I do good work. LOL.’

    I told my son, You know, just once, I’d like to take a trip that wasn’t a working holiday. It seems like I have to remove a demon everywhere I go.

    Well, you volunteered for the job, Mom!  He said, shrugging his shoulders.



    Negative entities are constantly trying to conceal their entry into the physical world. As white light warriors, we must always be vigilant, constantly observing the negative entities to see what they are doing.  I was called in on a case in which the negative entities had figured out a new method of getting into the physical realm.

    Turning my cell phone on in preparation for leaving for work, I noticed a message from Jan, a friend of mine. Connecting the phone to the car, I headed to work. Once the phone had received a signal, I saw the message on the screen.

    Girl, I’ve got a friend that needs your help. There are all kinds of activities happening at her house. I can sense the negatives; I’ve been able to sense them since you opened me up a couple of years ago, but this is so strong it almost makes me sick.

    Send me a picture of the location, and I will see what I can do from a distance. I messaged back.

    A few days later, I received a picture of the house, and I could feel an old demon lurking nearby. It was a demon I had encountered before. I could feel the negativity emanating from the photo.

    The next evening, I started the removal process just before sunset. I could see several negative entities lurking around the home and land. But I could feel something watching, lurking just beyond my vision. I called the Legion, and they appeared beside me.

    "There’s something else there, watching, but I can’t draw a bead on

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