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A Light on the Horizon
A Light on the Horizon
A Light on the Horizon
Ebook160 pages1 hour

A Light on the Horizon

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In the small coastal town of Oceanview, Jenny Scott struggles to find her place after moving with her family. But when she meets Katie Miller, a new friendship begins to blossom. As the new school year starts, Jenny finds comfort in her deepening b

Release dateJun 25, 2024
A Light on the Horizon

Philip DeLizio

Dr. Philip DeLizio writes books about teens and young adults and the challenges they face. His books are based on his experiences while working in an elementary/middle school. Before he started writing inspirational novels, he received a Doctorate Degree (Ed.D) in education, an Education Specialist Degree (Ed.S), in Elementary Education, and a Master's Degree in Elementary Education. Dr. DeLizio now writes full-time and loves to travel.

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    Book preview

    A Light on the Horizon - Philip DeLizio

    A New Beginning

    Jenny hugged her two best friends tightly, fighting back tears. I’ll miss you guys so much, she said sadly. After living next door to the twins for years, it was hard to imagine life without their daily adventures. From climbing trees to making up dances in the backyard, Nia and Mia had been by her side through everything.

    But now it was time for the move to Oceanview, a small coastal town on the East Coast, far from her old house. As her father’s job transferred them cross-country, all Jenny felt was dread about starting over somewhere new. Where would she find friends as close as the ones she was leaving behind? How could anywhere feel like home without Nia and Mia?

    Fighting the lump in her throat, Jenny took one last look at the neighborhood they’d all grown up in. From Mrs. Johnson’s rose bushes to the tire swing in the big oak tree, so many memories were tied to each familiar sight. Now it was finally time to leave it all behind.

    As she and her parents drove off down the street, Jenny stared out the back window watching her old life disappear into the distance. She couldn’t help feeling like her heart was being left behind too. As they drove down the highway, Jenny gazed out the window lost in thought. The park where they had picnics almost every Sunday went by in a rush of green. Then came the old movie theater, memories of sneaking in candy flooding her mind. Each familiar place they passed made her heart sink further.

    Rolling hills and fields she didn’t recognize at all eventually replaced the familiar landscape. Everything was changing so fast, and Jenny still felt knocked off balance. She hugged her knees tight, trying to imagine what her new neighborhood in Oceanview would be like.

    Would the other kids be nice? Would she and her parents find a new favorite diner or ice cream shop to visit on weekends? Most of all, Jenny wished more than anything that Nia and Mia were by her side for this big transition. But all she could do was watch as the life she knew kept slipping further and further behind.

    As they drove closer to Oceanview, Jenny couldn’t help but watch as the familiar sights of her old town gradually shifted into unfamiliar landscapes. The once familiar buildings and streets gave way to new shops and houses she had never seen before. It was like watching a whole new world unfold before her eyes, and she remembered feeling a sense of curiosity and apprehension. Everything was so different, and she couldn’t help but wonder what this new place had in store for her.

    As they turned onto Main Street, Jenny’s eyes widened at the sights before her. Immediately visible was the sprawling ocean, its waves crashing endlessly in the distance. A long pier jutted out from the shore, dotted with fishing boats and the occasional walker stopping to admire the view.

    Following the coastline closer to town, colorful buildings popped up in neat rows. The sidewalks were lined with shops proudly advertising local crafts, fudge, and fresh seafood. Laughter floated over from the nearby beach, where seagulls soared. As the car pulled into a parking spot, Jenny saw a quaint plaza named Seagull Square. Vibrant awnings shaded tables where folks leisurely sipped drinks.

    Just like the pictures online, her mom noted happily. Though nervous, Jenny had to admit the town had an appealing charm compared to their previous busy city. As she took in the sights of Oceanview for the first time, she thought maybe this place wouldn’t be so bad after all.

    They decided to check out a local pizza place after their long drive. The pizza place they stopped at was called Seaside Slice, a cozy little spot with a welcoming atmosphere. As they walked in, the smell of freshly baked pizza filled the air, making Jenny’s stomach growl with hunger. The walls were adorned with nautical decor, like wooden paddles and sailboat models, giving it a charming seaside vibe.

    The place was bustling with locals chatting and enjoying their meals, creating a warm and friendly ambiance. Families sat at wooden tables, sharing slices of pizza and stories of their day, while a group of teenagers laughed and joked in a corner booth. Through the large windows, she could see the sun setting over the ocean, casting a golden glow over the town as seagulls swooped by.

    It was a lovely introduction to Oceanview, a glimpse into the community life that Jenny hoped to become a part of soon. The simple joy of sharing a meal with her family in that quaint pizza place made her feel a bit more hopeful about their new beginning in this coastal town.

    Jenny Scott is a 14-year-old girl with long, wavy brown hair and green eyes. She is of average height for her age and has a slender build. Emotionally, she considers herself shy and anxious most of the time. She tends to overthink things and worries a lot, but she finds comfort in her Christian faith and tries to remain hopeful. As for how others would describe her, friends say she is quiet and reserved, even too timid.

    She often keeps to herself and, at times, has trouble speaking up. With that, Jenny also has a sense of kindness and authenticity, and always tries to be a good listener and friend.

    After leaving Seaside Slice, they drove directly to their new home. Pulling into the driveway, Jenny thought it was a cozy little place, a quaint blue cottage with a white picket fence and a garden out front. There are big windows that let in lots of sunlight, and the walls are painted a calming shade of lavender. Someone had placed a wooden Welcome sign next to the front door.

    Her parents had gone to the new house a few days before their official move-in date to oversee the movers and make sure everything was arranged properly. It was quite a relief for Jenny to see their furniture all set up when they arrived, especially amidst all the chaos of moving to a new town. Moving can be quite overwhelming, but having everything in its place helped make the transition a bit smoother.

    Her new neighborhood is part of a small coastal town with charming streets lined with colorful houses. There seems to be a sense of community as neighbors stop by to chat and lend a helping hand. And since it’s by the coast, residents get to enjoy lovely ocean views and the sound of seagulls in the distance.

    Unpacking a few boxes with kitchen items in them, Jenny felt the new kitchen seemed a bit sterile compared to their cozy nook back home.

    Her dad cleared his throat, I joined the PTA online, and already found us a church, similar to our old one. Lots going on in this town, like the Summer Fest and a youth group at church on Fridays.

    You’ll make friends in no time, her mom added brightly. But Jenny just shrugged, still picturing her old routine.

    As they chattered on about the nice neighbors they’d met, she stared at the unfamiliar flowers on the tablecloth. Their sunny optimism did little to lift her homesick mood. Jenny longed for the comfort of routines past rather than an unknown future of community events. Still, she didn’t want to ruin their enthusiasm after such a long day.

    So, she simply responded with noncommittal Uh-huhs, hoping to escape to her new room as fast as possible. Anything to avoid feeling like a stranger amongst her own family.

    Despite her nerves, something about the rhythmic roar of the ocean stirred her soul. Maybe a quiet place like this could become home. She asked to be excused and went to her new bedroom.

    She smiled timidly at her reflection in her bedroom mirror, practicing a greeting for her classmates. Jenny’s bedroom is painted a soft shade of blue, a shade that has always helped her feel calm. Her bed is comfortable, with a floral bedspread, and there’s a small desk where she likes to write in her journal and read. On the walls, she has some inspirational quotes and pictures of family and friends.

    Outside her bedroom window, she has a beautiful view of their backyard. There’s a tall oak tree with branches that sway gently in the breeze. And beyond that, Jenny can catch a glimpse of the ocean. She didn’t know how much she enjoyed watching the waves crash against the shore and hearing the seagulls chirping until she moved to Oceanview. Jenny smiles as she looks out the window thinking how peaceful and grounding this view can be.

    After a hasty tour of her new home, Jenny began unpacking the remaining boxes in her bedroom. Her fingers found her worn Bible among tattered books and faded toys from childhood. She flipped through brightly marked passages, landing on a list of verses about courage.

    One of these was Joshua 1:9, Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Another that gave her comfort was Psalm 27:1, The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?

    These verses reminded Jenny to trust in

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