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Larceny Endearment
Larceny Endearment
Larceny Endearment
Ebook416 pages4 hours

Larceny Endearment

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A proficient group of panstobbers being wanted and searches for by a proficient group of FBl agents. Things begin to get complicated when one of the members of both groups start dating each other and start falling in love. FBI agent Chase Steven son finds himself in the midst of a criminal investigation and a complicated love triangle in 'Larcen

PublisherDJ Franklin
Release dateApr 30, 2024
Larceny Endearment

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    Book preview

    Larceny Endearment - Damian Jason Alexander Franklin


    Written By

    Damian Jason Alexander Franklin


    This book is dedicated to Gregory Tyrone Grant Sr.


    Coming from the state of Florida, a proficient group of bank robbers led by Johnny Bryant, a discharged army soldier, have been doing bank heist along with robbing major scores for multiple months. Johnny Bryant, Jessica Sterling, Jasmine Sterling, Bobby Sterling, Alex Ramos, and Eric Scott, members of a bank robbery crew, would soon be known by the FBI along with other law enforcements as world order agent Chase Stevenson and his team of FBI agents Nicole Miller, Lauren Foster and Michael Richardson has been trying to track down and stop the group of bank robbers. However, they have never gotten close to taking them down including figuring out who the members of world order are. Four weeks after their recent heist world order seem to stopped and vanished. The team of FBI agents take notice however some of them believe that world order would be back and robbing banks again.

    However they didn’t seem to stop some of them from taking time off and going on vacation.


    There is a beach party going on in Miami. We see a Chase Stevenson at the bar getting a drink.

    Chase: Hello, can I just get a bottle of Bud Wiser?

    Bartender: Sure, give me a moment.

    Chase turns around and gets a quick glance at the party that is going on, then turns back around facing the bar. Then Jessica Robinson sits down at the bar right next to chase.

    Jessica: Excuse me, bartender.

    Chase tries to help Jessica get the bartender’s attention.

    Chase: Bartender

    The bartender turns around and sees chase pointing at Jessica. Jessica looks at Chase.

    Jessica: Thank You.

    The bartender comes over with Chase’s bottle of Budweiser.

    Bartender: Here you go sir.

    The Bartender hands Chase his bottle of Budweiser, and Chase gives him his credit card.

    Bartender: What can I get you, miss?

    Jessica:  I’ll take a Brazil Lime Gimlet

    Bartender: OK, give me a moment.

    The bartender goes over to the cash register. Jessica looks at Chase.

    Jessica: It’s funny, most of the guys are over there dancing, trying to get with somebody, but here you are, just sitting and relaxing.

    The bartender comes over back with Chase’s Credit Card, a pen, and a receipt. Chase signs the receipt. After Chases was done signing the receipt, the bartender goes over back to the cash register.

    Chase: Is there a problem with that?

    Jessica: The only problem I see is your drink. I mean come on, it’s party and we’re both in Miami.

    Chase: Well, what do you suggest?

    The bartender comes back over to chase and gives him back his credit card.

    Jessica: Bartender, can I have two Brazil Lime Gimlets.

    Bartender: Sure

    Jessica: I’m Jessica Robinson Jessica sticks her hand

    Chase: Chase

    Chase shakes Jessica's hand

    Jessica: So, are you here on vacation?

    Chase: Yes, what about you?

    Jessica: Yep.

    The bartender comes over with two Brazil Lime Gimlets on a tray with a flower. Jessica opens her purse and tries to pay for her drink, but Chase put his hand on her wrist.

    Chase: I got this.

    Chase hands his credit card back to the bartender, and the bartender heads back over to the cash register.

    Jessica: Thank You!

    Chase takes the flower from the two Brazil Lime Gimlets. He removes the top part of the flower from the stem and places it in Jessica’s hair. Jessica grabs on the Brazil Lime Gimlet from the tray and Chase takes the last one.

    Jessica: A toast to new acquaintances!

    Jessica and Chase toast their Brazil Lime Gimlets and drank them.


    Jessica and Chase are walking down a street little Havana, both smiling.

    Chase: So, what is a beautiful woman like you doing here in Miami; do you live here?

    Jessica: Something like that, however, I’m on vacation.

    Chase: Oh really, where are you from?

    Jessica’s cell phones vibrates. She reaches into her purse, takes it out and looks at it.

    Jessica: I'm sorry, have to go.

    Chase: Wait, What? Why?

    Jessica: I have to. I have a very early flight. I have to get  back to my hotel.

    Jessica puts her cell phone back into her purse and starts to take off. Jessica starts running back to her hotel.

    Chase: Wait, I might not see you again, how can I reach you?

    Chase puts his hand on his hips and shakes his hands.

    CUT TO:



    More than eight days have passed since Jessica and Chase met in Miami.

    Two bank armored trucks driving through downtown Pittsburgh


    The two armored trucks heading into city road tunnel. Up head they see a construction crew working in a tunnel.

    Armored truck driver: That is weird. I don’t remember anybody saying there was going to be construction work on our route.

    Armored truck Passenger: Me neither.

    There is a construction working stand right in front of the two armored trucks holding a stop sign. Armored truck driver honks at them.

    Armored truck driver: What’s the hold up?


    Bobby is typing on a laptop: There goes any longing traffic into the tunnel.


    A Traffic light turns red stopping any traffic entering the tunnel.


    Bobby is on his laptop.

    Bobby: Shutting down the security system and unlocking the armored truck doors.


    The armored trucks are unlocked.

    Armored truck driver: Hey, what is going on?

    Bobby: (V.O.) OK, guys, their security systems are disabled and the doors are unlocked. Go get them!

    The construction crew pulls down their mask and pulls out the assault rifles. They head over the two armored trucks.

    Jessica: Get out of the truck.

    Jasmine approaches the Passenger door on the armored truck and opens it.

    Jasmine: Get out of the truck.

    Eric, Johnny and Alex approach the second armored truck. Eric opens the driver’s door and younks the drivers out of the truck. The world order crew zip-ties the armored truck’s hands and duct tapes their mouths. After they all, the armored truck crew members were tied up, the world order crew put them in a White 2016 FORD TRANSIT 250, which was parked on the side of the tunnel. The world order crew takes off their hard hats and strips off their boiler suits with nothing on except the typical armored truck uniforms. They enter the armored trucks and drive off.


    Bobby: OK, guys, I’ll be in the alley next to the bank.

    Bobby closes his laptop and starts driving his van to alley next to the bank.


    The two armored trucks pull up in front of the Bank.


    A Bank attendant is working out at her station.

    Bank Attendant 1: Oh, look the convoy is late again.

    Bank Attendant 2: Typical.



    Jasmine and Jessica are waiting in the armored truck.

    Bobby (V.O.): OK guys, I’m disabling the alarm.



    Johnny, Eric and Alex are in the second armored waiting.

    Johnny: OK, everybody get ready to move.



    Bobby: Alright, guys, their Security systems are shutting down.


    There is a security guard watching the security camera monitor. Then, all of a sudden the security camera monitors shut down.

    Security Guard: What the?



    Johnny, Eric and Alex are still waiting for the armored truck.

    Bobby (V.O.): Aright, guys, Cameras are down,

    Johnny: OK, then, everybody move in!


    Jessica and jasmine exit the armored trucks. Jessica, Jasmine, Johnny, Eric and Alex move quails to the Bank’s Entrance. They pulled down their mask and enter the bank.


    Johnny hits one of the security guards with his rifle. Eric takes down another security guard.

    Johnny: Everybody get down! Stay down!

    Jessica, Alex and Jasmine grab and handle the banks ‘customers and employees in a big group.

    Jasmine: Get over there, heads downs stay down.

    Jessica and Alex head over the bank teller’s desk and handle the bank tellers.


    Bobby is on his laptop watching the security camera footage.

    Bobby: OK, guys, you got 150 seconds to get out of there.


    Johnny has his rifle pointing at the hostages.

    Johnny: OK, guys, you heard him.

    Johnny, looks at his watch.

    Johnny: Let’s go

    Alex and Jessica move towards the bank’s cash drawers and start emptying them. They’re also checking for dye packs. Jasmine and Eric are watching the group of hostages.

    Johnny: 80 seconds! Jessica empties the last cash drawers.

    Jessica: OK, that's the last one.

    Johnny: OK, then, let’s go!

    Johnny, Jessica, Jasmine, Eric and Alex start heading deeper into the bank.

    Johnny: Bobby, we’re heading towards you.


    Bobby: OK, I’ll be waiting.


    Johnny and his crew end up in an alley where Bobby is waiting for them. They enter the van and drive off.


    Chase and his F.B.I. Unit is at the scene of the bank robbery. Chase is talking to a Bank teller.

    Chase: So what time were guys expecting the armored trucks to arrive?

    Bank Teller: 12:30 p.m., but most of the time it arrives between 12:40 and 12:55 p.m. Because the normal traffic.

    Chase: How much did they take?

    Bank Teller: 12 Million, some of them might be marked.

    Chase: Hopefully we get lucky, OK, thank you.

    Chase pats the bank teller’s shoulder, and the bank teller walks away. Chase’s partner, Micheal, approaches Chase.

    Micheal: Witness say they sounded like a mixed crew with both female and male. They came in dressed like bank armored truck crew.

    A female FBI agent from Chase’s FBI unit approaches Chase and Micheal

    Lauren: The security guard in the other room who was watching the security camera monitors called it in after he heard the screams

    Another female part of Chase’s FBI unit walks up to Chase and Micheal with a walkie-talkie in her hand.

    Nicole: They found the real armored crew tied up and their mouth’s duct-taped.

    Chase: Let me guess, the crew knew the route for the armored truck, they hijacked the armored trucks, posed as the armored truck crew and hacked the security camera footage. Do you know what I’m thinking?

    Micheal: World Order

    Nicole: They’re back!


    - NIGHT

    Johnny and his crew are getting organized, sorting out the bills they stole from the bank heist.

    Johnny: Remember, if you see any marked bills put them in the pile so we can burn them later. Eric is putting all the clothing and armored truck’s uniforms into a garbage bag.

    Bobby: Eric, let me know when you get everything in the truck.

    Eric: Got it.

    Jessica comes out of a room all dressed up.

    Jessica: OK, I’m off to scout the next job .Johnny grabs Jessica’s wrist.

    Johnny: Hey, come here.

    Johnny tucked some of her hair behind her left ear

    Johnny: Be safe.

    Jessica: Yeah, whatever.

    Jessica starts exiting the hideout.

    INT. Downtown Pittsburgh Cyclone Nightclub- Night

    Micheal and Chase are entering the nightclub; they approach the doorman. The doorman greets them and pats them both down.

    The doorman: There are no laws being broken and permits they are up to date.

    Micheal: We cool

    Chase: Thanks for the info.

    Micheal and Chase are walking toward the bar. Jessica is somewhere on the upper floor, scouting the info. She is also typing the information on her phone.

    INT. Downtown Pittsburgh Nightclub's Bar – Night

    Micheal slams down a glass beer cup and Chase is reading a something on his phone.

    Micheal: We’re at a Nightclub just getting a few drinks. still gotta get up tomorrow morning and get ready to go to work , But here you are, sitting, not even tossing  your second glass of beer, just reviewing a file on your phone .

    Chase: Sorry I know I was the one that dragged you out here. We're going to catch them this time.

    Micheal: World order?

    Chase put down his phone. Jessica starts making her way downstairs. A guy approaches Jessica

    Guy stranger: Hey, can I buy you a drink?

    Jessica: No thank you, excuse me.

    INT. Downtown Pittsburgh Nightclub's Bar- Night

    Micheal: You know what, I'm calling it a night. See you tomorrow.  Remember, the briefing starts tomorrow at 10:30 am.

    Chase: I know. You didn't forget that I'm always the first one there. How you getting home? I drove us here.

    Micheal stands up and steps away from the bar.

    Micheal: User, I’ll see you tomorrow.

    Micheal starts heading towards the exit. Chase watches Micheal leaving the nightclub. He then picks his phone back up and starts looking at it. Jessica arrives at the bar and sits down. A bartender comes over to her.

    Bartender: What can I get you?

    Jessica: I'll take a sprite.

    Bartender: I got you.

    Jessica is still scouting the place. Just then the bartender brings Jessica her cup of sprite.

    Jessica starts drinking it. She then looks up and sees Chase sitting across from her at the bar. Chase is still looking at his phone. Just then, he gets a call from Nicole. He looks at it, wondering if he should answer his phone. Just then, he spots Jessica looking at him across the bar. With a shocked look on his face, he ignores Nicole's call and gets up from his seat. He tries to go over to her, but this couple cut in front of him to get a seat at the bar. He looks over where Jessica was sitting, but she wasn't there. He looks around the club trying find her but he can't spot her.

    Chase: Damn

    Chase sits back down in Jessica's seat. Chase’s cell phone starts to vibrate again he looks at it and it is Nicole, again. When he's about to answer the phone call, Jessica comes out of nowhere and looks over Chase's shoulder to see who is calling him. Chase looks at Jessica and smiles. Jessica looks at Chase and smiles. Jessica presses and button on Chase's phone ignoring Nicole's phone call and sits down next to Chase.

    Cut To:

    INT. Downtown Pittsburgh Nightclub's Bar- Night

    Two drinks are brought to Jessica and Chase. Jessica gives the bartender cash, paying for the drinks.

    Jessica: Thank you.

    Chase is smiling and gazing at Jessica.

    Jessica: Stop looking at me like that.

    Chase: like what?

    Jessica: Like you have seen me somewhere before.

    Chase: So, do you live here in Pittsburgh?

    Jessica: Yea but not long, I used to live in slippery rock. Moved in with my brother and sister. What about you?

    Chase: I been living here in Pittsburgh for at least three years now. I was born and raised in Queens New York. I moved here because of my job. So, what brought you to Pittsburgh?

    Jessica: I and my siblings work together and we just thought we should live together.

    Chase: What do you and your sibling’s do?

    Jessica: Let's just say we freelance, we work all over the city of Pittsburgh.

    Chase: Oh wow! So, what is it going to take this time for me to get your phone number?

    Jessica finishes her drink. She looks at the ceiling, then she looks at Chase.

    Jessica: Dance with me.

    Jessica walks to the Dance floor. Chase finishes his drink and follows Jessica to the dance floor. They start dancing together.

    Cut To:

    INT. FBI Building Property Crime Division- Morning

    Micheal, Nicole and Lauren are waiting for Chase to show up by the elevators.

    Micheal: It’s not like him to be the last one coming in.

    Lauren: He's usually here before us.

    Just then, an elevator arrives on the floor. Micheal, Lauren and Nicole look to sees that Chase is in it. Chase gets off the elevator.

    Chase: Sorry I’m late, I know that I'm usually here before everyone else.

    Micheal: Don't worry the briefing doesn't start until 10:30 am

    Micheal, Chase, Nicole, and Lauren start heading to the FBI briefing room.

    Chase: walks past Micheal.

    Chase: I met someone.

    EXT.      Downtown Pittsburgh -Sheetz-Morning

    Jessica, Bobby, and Jasmine are leaving Sheetz with their coffee and start walking to their hideout.

    Jessica: So it’s the same guy I met in Miami a few months ago. It turns out he lives here in Pittsburgh.

    Bobby: What does he do?

    Jessica: I don't know he told me his job brought him from New York to Pittsburgh. I'll know a lot more tonight.

    Bobby/Jasmine: Tonight?

    Jessica: Yeah tonight, we’re going out to dinner. He asked me out right before I was about to leave the nightclub.

    Bobby: Ok, so what did you find out about the club?

    Jessica: Very much but not a lot. I might need you to come with me a second time, to determine how we are going to handle the security surveillance camera and the system.

    Bobby: OK.

    INT. Pittsburgh warehouse World Order Hideout-Morning

    Bobby, Jessica and Jasmine enter the hideout, seeing that Alex, Eric and Johnny are already there.

    Alex: What’s up guys?

    Jasmine: What’s up Alex?

    Eric: Oh it’s like that, you went for a coffee and didn't get me any.

    Bobby: Throw some money our way E, we'll get you one another day.

    Eric: Cool

    Johnny: You guys paid with cash, right?

    Jessica: of course. Johnny

    All right listen up, the last job went great, better than I imagined. The problem is the FBI. They reliably on to us to right, because of yesterday's job. J what did you learn from the nightclub?

    Jessica: I got as much information as I could. Two guys guarding the main money room door.

    There pretty much guards everywhere with a camera above every guard post. What’s tricky is that going through the front isn't an option since there is a computer where you have to give them your ID, and sign your name.

    Johnny: Were already wanted and hunted by the FBI; we can't risk it.

    Eric: How did you get in the club last night?

    Jessica: I and bobby created a fake alias. I'm also going to need Bobby to come with me a second time.

    Johnny: The second time?

    Jessica: Yeah. I’m going to need bobby to come with me to scout and determine possible Blind spots and determine how we are going to handle the security surveillance camera and the system.

    Johnny: Ok another thing, we're going to plan for the third job right now because of the FBI. We don't want to take any chances.

    Eric/Alex/Jessica/Jasmine/Bobby: Got it.

    EXT. Pittsburgh FBI Building-Early Afternoon

    INT. Pittsburgh FBI Building -FBI Briefing Room- Early Afternoon

    Chase is standing in front of the FBI briefing room at the podium.

    Chase: As most of you already know, the downtown PNC bank was robbed yesterday late afternoon by yours truly World order. About five months ago, world order robbed two banks and an armored bank convoy. Here they are, again.

    Dana Richardson: What do we know?

    Chase: We know that they're a mixed gender crew, six members, they use the same weapons for every heist.

    Dana: We about Security and traffic cameras?

    Most of the time, the bank’s security cameras are shut down and the traffic cameras are no luck because they wear masks and the license plates are no use at all. Can't even track them because we lose them in blind spots and dead zones.

    Dana: You said they use the same weapons. It is possible to track any firearm purchases?

    Chase: Nope, when I said they use the same weapons, they actually use the same weapons. I think.

    Dana: Wow, What about bullet fragments and caps, is there anything on them?

    Chase: Most of the time, they haven't discharged their weapons, but there have been incidents, but no dead bodies

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