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Skin Walker Academy: Morgan McGee Cowboys and Jockeys
Skin Walker Academy: Morgan McGee Cowboys and Jockeys
Skin Walker Academy: Morgan McGee Cowboys and Jockeys
Ebook227 pages3 hours

Skin Walker Academy: Morgan McGee Cowboys and Jockeys

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SAFE DREAMS!!!!!!!!!!

Laying on her bed, Morgan said “good night love you” as her mum and dad blew her a kiss and turned off her light, “love you too darling” they both replied.

Mrs McGee smiling wearily added softly “SAFE DREAMS” as she closed Morgan’s bedroom door.

Now don’t get me wrong, for most parents that would be the end to a lovely day however….. After they closed, locked, and bolted Morgan’s bedroom door, not in 1, not two, but 3 places. Mrs McGee sighed, kissing Mr McGee gently on the cheek and walked down stairs, leaving Mr McGee sat, where he sat every night since her last “NIGHT TERROR” which ended in her only friend she ever had never talking to her again. In fact no child ever spoke to her.

Not that Morgan could blame them, she just stayed home and prayed for a quiet, event less night's sleep.

That is, till the night of her 13th birthday when everything changed and she knew they were not Night Terrors at all.
Release dateMay 12, 2024
Skin Walker Academy: Morgan McGee Cowboys and Jockeys

M Hodgkiss

My Name is Melanie, I am 50 years old, a wife, mother, step mother, grandmother and great grandmother. I used to make up short stories at night for my son when he was little which always starred him. Once covid hit and myself and husband had to self isolate due to my chronic health conditions, I decided it was a perfect time to fulfil my dream of writing a novel and becoming a published author. I cant wait for my grandchildren and great grandchildren to see that despite what ever life may through at you, you can achieve anything if you put your mind to it.

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    Skin Walker Academy - M Hodgkiss

    © 2024 M Hodgkiss. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 05/10/2024

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8714-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8715-5 (e)

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.


    Chapter 1: Safe Dreams

    Chapter 2: The Sleepover

    Chapter 3: The Beginning

    Chapter 4: The introductions

    Chapter 5: The Academy

    Chapter 6: Orientation

    Chapter 7: Lessons begin

    Chapter 8: Cowboy and Jockey classes

    Chapter 9: The Nightmare Returns

    Chapter 10: No Half term

    Chapter 11: The New term began

    Chapter 12: Rhadamanthus

    Chapter 13: The Weight of Her Dreams

    Chapter 14: The Mystery of the White Rhinos

    Chapter 15: Mr McGee’s Team Meeting

    Chapter 16: Power of Moonlight

    End of Year Assembly

    About the Author

    This book is

    dedicated to my son and husband. I am grateful for

    your support, especially when I doubted myself and my ideas.

    You’ve been my rock; I couldn’t have done it without you.

    Thank you. I love you to the moon and back

    Infinity times.

    Before we start, one of the barriers I find too often in some books are the long words, especially the made-up words.

    So, to ensure everyone can fully immerse themselves in the book, I’ve included a page— words and their meanings. I’ve presented them in a way that’s easy to grasp, and for convenience, I’ve placed them at the beginning for quick reference:-

    Disarray - which means ‘messed up ‘.

    Kerfuffle – Commotion/loud noise.

    Discombobulated – Running around, not knowing what is happening, as if the head has been chopped off.

    Gewgaws – Ornaments/nicknack.

    Haurient – Coat of arms/logo.

    Phenomenons—Something strange is going on you can’t Explain.

    Prosoplepsy—You judge people to be friendly just by their appearance.

    Parovarium—Truth toad.

    Dwalam—Level 1 mole-like alien.

    Walwart—Level 1 small bird-like alien.

    Androconia—Level 2 spider-like alien.

    Ogdad – Level 2 squid/octopus-like alien.

    Tentaglear – Level 3 Scorpion-like alien.

    Mopsair- Level 4 Sloth-like alien.

    Sperple—Level 5 Elephant-like alien.

    Crickel – Level 6 Small Kangaroo-like alien.

    Bonderillia – Level 6 Silver-backed gorilla-like alien.

    Ginglymus – Level 7 Lizard-like alien.

    Kimikimnik – Level 8 King of aliens Like white Rhino.

    Gondoozler – The Kimikimnik Castle.

    Plangent – Study of the planets.

    Rhadamanthus – Study of aliens.

    Zinzulation – Study of wormholes / black-holes.

    Hippirator – Jockey’s dial, used to create and travel through Wormholes.

    Wegotism – Study of how to use and maintain the Hippirator.

    Maxibustion -Study of the residual energy left from wormholes and the effects this can have on Earth.

    Snatch – The name for the group of equipment used by the cowboy.

    Baldersnatch - Study of how to use and maintain the cowboy equipment.

    Anthropophagy – History of Skinwalker Academy.

    Widget – The main sports game played in the academy.

    Lissortichous – Study of alien languages.

    Nidificate – Study of alien travel/spaceships.

    Tachydidaxy – Science of alien bodies.

    Horology – History of alien contact on Earth.

    Indubitably – Something that is meant to happen.

    Luna-powered – Powered or grows by moonlight.

    Avigdor -History of the academy’s Cowboys and Jockeys and their battles.

    Indomitable – Not fazed by things.

    Shamanism– Characteristics of alien behaviour.

    Ranunculus – Follow the sun.

    Sublate – Make a small object larger.

    Ramulose - To have many branches.

    Fumarate – The medicine is given to help Morgan sleep without opening wormholes.



    Safe Dreams

    L aying on her bed, Morgan said, Good night, love you.

    As her parents kissed her and turned off her light, Mrs McGee said, I love you too, darling.

    Love you three, Morgan added, quickly snuggling under her quilt.

    Love you four, Mrs McGee replied.

    Love you more, Morgan giggled.

    Mrs Mcgee, smiling wearily, softly added, "SAFE DREAMS," as she closed Morgan’s bedroom door. This would be the end of a lovely day for most parents. However, after they closed, locked, and bolted Morgn’s bedroom door, not in one or two, but in three places.

    Mrs McGee sighed, kissing Mr McGee gently on the head and walking downstairs. Also, Mr McGee, where he had sat every night since Morgan’s last, NIGHT TERROR, ended in her only friend never talking to her again. No child ever spoke to her again or even looked her in the face.

    Not that Morgan could blame them; she just stayed home and prayed for a quiet, eventless night’s sleep.

    Tomorrow night marks a year since her last episode, on her 12th birthday.

    To put this story into context, Morgan had been Home-schooled since she was 3.

    On Morgan’s first day at nursery, they played in the yard and then sat on the carpet together, where Mrs Fletcher, the nursery teacher, read a story about the hungry caterpillar. Then Mrs Fletcher got the class to do paintings about the story. After this, it was time for milk and fruit. Once the children had finished, they all lay down, and soon, the whole class was asleep. Mrs Fletcher busied herself cleaning the tables but spilling paint on her dress. She looked around to check that everyone was sleeping, then left the classroom to wash the paint off.

    Then, a teacher in the adjoining classroom heard a loud commotion and the children screaming. She quickly came to see what was happening. She tried to get into the room, but finding her way blocked, she shouted at a pupil from her class to get the head teacher immediately.

    Just then, a figure appeared in the dimly lit corridor. It was Mrs. Fletcher, her face a mix of confusion and concern. Both teachers tried the door, but it wouldn’t budge. They peered through the small pane of glass at the side of the door and saw a sight that sent a chill down their spines. The children were huddled in the reading corner, their escape blocked by a barricade of little beds, chairs, and books. All the children, except one, Morgan.

    Morgan lay asleep on her little bed, tucked under her blanket.

    The two teachers, joined by the headmaster, thumped and pounded on the door, shouting Morgan’s name to let them inside. Morgan woke drowsily, blinking. As she opened her eyes, the door unlocked, and the furniture parted, allowing the other children to escape.

    The headmaster took Morgan to his office and asked the secretary to watch her while they spoke with the other children. It seemed like hours later when he returned. Morgan watched him walk through the door. He excused the school secretary, and then Morgan saw her mum and dad coming into the room, looking very concerned.

    The headmaster kept stating that they did not blame Morgan, But then he continued about what had happened and said that after talking to the other children and their parents, the school board had decided it may be in Morgan’s best interest to be home-schooled. Not that the other children blamed her for anything; when asked if it was Morgan, every child said no and that the monster did it. However, they could not overlook that Morgan was the only one not affected.

    Mrs and Mr McGee took Morgan to see one particular doctor after another. She went through 5 years of scans, blood tests, talking therapy, and being an inpatient in the children’s wards at three different hospitals for sleep studies, with no final clinical diagnosis. The doctors all came back saying they had not managed to find what was wrong and referred her to yet another so-called specialist.

    Finally, one morning, as Mrs McGee and Morgan were at the kitchen table completing her numeracy lesson, there was a knock at the door. You stay and complete the worksheet, darling. I will be back in a minute. Mrs McGee said, rising from the table.

    Letter to be signed for please, Morgan overheard, and as her mum thanked the postman and walked back to the table, she could see from the return address on the back it was from the hospital dated 27th June.

    She carefully opened the envelope and pulled out the letter.

    To Mrs McGee:

    In regards to your daughter Morgan, We have reviewed all of the test results and have concluded she was suffering from night terrors. It is rare to see this extreme.

    However, the good news is most infants grow out of them before they are 6.

    Morgan has not had an extreme episode since she was three and now, at nearly 8, may not have another episode.

    As such, we are happy to keep Morgan on our records but only need to see her again if you need to book a further appointment.

    Please do not hesitate to contact my secretary for further information.

    Yours sincerely,

    Dr Z.T. Sinclair.

    That’s brilliant news, darling, said Mrs McGee, hugging Morgan, How about we go to the shops and buy something to make a special dinner for Dad and surprise him with the news. You can pick what you want to cook and write a shopping list if you would like she beamed after checking the cookery books in the kitchen, and completing the list of ingredients. Morgan checked what they already had in the fridge and pantry, marking them off as she went. Finally, they both sat down, completing a shopping list and grabbing the bags. Morgan and her mum headed out the front door, hand in hand, so happily.

    After shopping, Mrs McGee surprised Morgan by taking her to a beautician, and they both had their nails painted. They then went and bought a new outfit.

    Once back home, they put the radio on and set about preparing the meal. Morgan then wrote a menu card while her mum got changed, slipped the letter from the hospital inside for her dad, and then ran upstairs to change herself.

    Morgan ran downstairs, straightening her top as Mr McGee’s key hit the lock. Morgan flung the door open, giving him a big cuddle.

    Well, that was a lovely welcome, he said, sniffing the air. Mmm, something smells good, he exclaimed.

    May I take your coat, sir, and see you at your table at Cafe McGee? giggled Morgan.

    Would sir like a drink? added Mrs McGee.

    Well, thank you. I would like a glass of your finest water. Thank you

    Not a problem; I can get that for you. Would you like to peruse the menu while I get your drink? Sir, Morgan asked, passing her father a copy of the Menu she had printed off. Then Morgan and her mum walked into the kitchen, watching Mr McGee from the doorway.

    He smiled, looked at the front of the menu, and shouted into the kitchen, This looks lovely. What a good day you have had!

    Starter – Prawn Cocktail
    Main – Beef wellington, mustard mash,
    buttered baby carrots and spring greens
    Dessert – salted caramel cheesecake

    When he opened the menu, he noticed the letter inside fluttered down onto the table. Picking up the letter, he opened it and began to read. Mrs McGee and Morgan re-entered with a glass of water and placed it on the table before him. They held their breath, watching him read the letter. Suddenly, Mr McGee jumped to his feet, grabbing them both and giving them the biggest bear hug ever.

    The rest of the evening was full of laughter and talks of the future. They even dared dream of going on holiday. Since Morgan’s episode at nursery, they had not spent a night away from home, just in case.

    Over the next few months, they went on day trips together, using the experiences to enrich Morgan’s school work. One morning in September, Morgan came downstairs to see her mum and dad talking at the table. They both stopped as soon as they saw her entering the room.

    Mr McGee stood, kissed them both and left for work; Mrs McGee began fussing over clearing the table and asked Morgan what she would like for breakfast. She sat opposite Morgan, sipping her cup of tea; eventually, clearing her voice, Mrs McGee explained in a few weeks, it would be their Wedding anniversary, and since it had been so long since Morgan’s last episode, and with the letter from her consultants, they discussed the fact they would like to go for a meal to celebrate. Then she added that they both discussed the fact and if Morgan agreed, they thought Morgan could cope with staying at home with a babysitter just for a few hours.

    There was total silence, and then, jumping to her feet, Morgan squealed with excitement. She had never had a babysitter before, and little did she know she would never have one again.

    Mrs McGee and Morgan spent the next few weeks talking about nothing else. They went to the shopping centre to get makeup. The cashier gave them a makeover, and Mrs McGee bought what she needed to reproduce the look. She went to every clothes shop and tried on lots of outfits. Ultimately, they came out with two outfits for Mrs McGee, a new set of PJs and an outfit for Morgan.

    After researching all the local restaurants and checking the menu, Asking about their specials, and, most importantly, one that was only a ten-minute drive away should Morgan need them, they had shortlisted three. That evening, they discussed them with Mr McGee and finally agreed upon a Little Italian called ‘El Loup’, roughly translating to the dog.

    Mrs McGee contacted a local babysitting service and then booked a table for the 3rd of November.

    Morgan asked her mum if she could take her to the shopping centre to get them a gift and if she could go in on her own so that it would all be a surprise for them both. Her mum thought about this and agreed.

    Morgan researched the shops and what they had in store so she knew what she wanted to buy and wrote a list of things to take.

    They went to the shops the next day; Morgan purchased Father’s gifts first. Mrs Mcgee sat on the bench outside the shop so she could always see her. After a few minutes, she returned with a lovely red silk tie. She ran back to her mum.

    What do you think? she beamed, pulling the tie out of the Bag.

    Oh, that’s nice. Dad will love it, Mrs McGee said, relieved that everything was going well and Morgan was getting some freedom for the first time.

    OK, I just need the shop next door for your gift, Mum, Morgan said excitedly. After a quick check to ensure she could see most of the shop from where she sat, Mrs McGee said, That’s fine, darling " sipping her coffee.

    After a few seconds, Morgan ran into the shop and was back with her mum. One more gift shop, no peeking, she said, pulling her mum to her feet.

    It was just one flight up on the escalators, and after a quick pit stop at the cookie stand, Morgan directed them to another bench.

    Right, mum. It’s the same shop for your last gifts each, she said excitedly, checking her list and running into the perfume shop, Chanel Number 5 for her mum and David Beckham for her dad.

    She skipped back to her mum. I have had them gift-wrapped, so you can’t see, she giggled. Ticking off all the items on her list, she said, Just one more, Mum, the card shop.

    Go on, then, don’t be too long, Mrs McGee said, trying to

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