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Poetry Dreams
Poetry Dreams
Poetry Dreams
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Poetry Dreams

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Come walk and ride with me as we travel along paths on a mystical tour
Release dateMay 12, 2024
Poetry Dreams

Shadow Hamilton

She was born in Scotland, moving to London at two, then off to the Canneries at three, where she learned to speak Spanish, returning to London at age five. She went to school by Hampstead Heath. In 1958, the excitement started as she sailed out to East Africa via the Suez Canal. She arrived in Dar-es-Salaam harbor on her eighth birthday then moved inland to Dodoma, where she remained until 1960. Living right on the edge of the bush in Dodoma, her rubbish bins were nightly raided by big cats and hyenas. Moving back to Dar-es-Salaam, she now had the beauty of Oyster Bay, where she swam and searched the coral rock pools at low tide. She learned to sail and could often be seen racing friends in her dabchick, once having to be rescued by the lifeboat after turning turtle during a bad squall. She was very sad to have to return to England in 1968, but her parents feared the balloon would go up after Independence and got out before hand. Having been bitten by the travelling bug, she travelled to many exotic places, and it is these experiences that she draws on when writing her poems.

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    Book preview

    Poetry Dreams - Shadow Hamilton

    © 2024 Shadow Hamilton. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse  05/10/2024

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8747-6 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8749-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8748-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024908747

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    Dark of night

    The Ancient Druid 2

    Spring comes alive

    Colour blazes out


    Look Around You


    The old apple tree


    Earth, Air, Water and Fire

    Sparkling Jewels



    We Wait



    The Ancient Druid

    Roll on spring

    In The Dawning

    True Freedom part 3

    To Get True Freedom


    The Hermit



    New Year

    Time to Dream At last

    It Beckons

    Going Back

    The Haze





    Nature’s cry

    Off Grid

    Changing Seasons




    Dark Side of Night


    Peace Abides


    Winter Is On His Way

    Night Bewitches

    Anything Good

    Revolution Or Peace



    Autumn Creeps Up

    Dust Devil

    Late At Night

    Minstral 2 Rip

    Summer At Last




    Are You Listening Yet

    Aunt Rita

    Living Your Memories

    Your Inner Child

    Watching Spring


    So It Starts

    Santa Land


    Was I Dreaming

    She Wolf


    If I Am Dead

    A Rant


    Heat Wave

    The Pebble

    Happy Days

    What To Write



    Halloween Scare

    Halloween Fear

    The Groom To His Future Bride

    The Dance of Life



    A Race

    Savanna Night

    Celestial Dance

    My Hero


    The Noise

    An Unwanted Guest

    Beneath the Lies

    Nature’s Love



    Rivers of Time

    One Day


    So Near Yet So Far

    A Christmas Message

    Round Or Square


    No Longer Free


    Haiku - Bees

    Life Born Anew

    Strangely Odd Parts 1,2 and 3

    Biting Cold

    She Fled For Her Life

    As Autumn’s Breeze

    Nine Lives

    The Victim

    Victim Or Predator

    Yellowstone Cover Up

    Lake District

    Little People

    Race of Life

    The Drifter

    The Druid 3


    Hell Holiday At Perran Sands


    Profound World

    Another World

    Demon Drinks


    Sylvan Landscape

    Ah, Spring

    Animal Love


    Live Each Day



    Dawn To Dusk

    Life Cycles

    Shadows of Life


    In the Dark of Night

    In Touch

    In Praise Of

    What If




    The Fire Burns Brightly

    The Blues

    Wheeler Dealer


    Silver Mist


    It was a warm balmy night very peaceful

    the woods slept soundly the moon shone

    In the quiet stepped out a unicorn flowing

    silver mane it paused sniffing the air warily

    Satisfied it started to cavort around gaily

    soon a stag joined in and a fairy both dancing

    They called to friends to join in all stepping high

    Dancing and cavorting they continued till dawn.

    They then went their separate ways only hoof

    marks showed they were ever there people

    puzzled over marks and shook their heads

    Yet on the next moon lit night they returned.

    And for many nights they cavorted with glee

    Waiting for something to appear still waiting

    are a star beaming down and prettily she

    came touching noses with her mate then

    They vanished back into the undergrowth

    leaving all wondering if they ever or not


    Some years had passed while Balgar learn the druid ways

    now full of knowledge and ready to help those in need

    He set off on his travels following his instincts as he went

    first he came across a woman in despair she had a broken arm

    which he fixed and poured a healing balm to make it mend faster.

    Onward he travelled sharing his wisdom with those he met

    healing the sick and helping the mentally disturb as he passed

    seeking for what he did not know only that it would be invaluable

    in the end. He picked up a black opal, a blue feather and a strange

    pebble drawn to each in turn knowing when the time was right

    they would be of use far and wide he travelled helping many on

    his way then he felt a strange shiver and taking out the pebble

    which now lit up held in out and followed its light to a crevasse

    hidden away where there was a handle that he pulled opening

    a passage to a cave which glowed blue and placed the feather

    there nothing happened so he added the black opal and writing

    appeared with druid signs that he read telling him to head north

    then after a mile to the east where he would find his next task.

    He was told to study some more for it was needed to complete

    his training. Now middle aged he was a bit stooped and wizen

    and he started looking for someone to train in the druid ways.

    mean while he travelled on helping those in need as he passed

    added new potions and spells as he found them and looked

    around for suitable cave to lay up in for the next few years.


    Ah Sweet Spring The land comes alive once more

    with glorious blooms of all colours just look at the shore

    Full of flowers that love the salt breezes

    They dip and frolic flirting away joyously

    The hills are ablaze with wild flowers

    so sweetly scented wafting it down to us

    we surrounding all with heavenly aroma

    basking us letting us know we are alive

    Lush grasses grow to give us sweet hay

    allowing us to take care of our stock animals

    trees full of vibrant leaves of greens

    with birds in their midst singing with joy

    Feel the hot rush of blood as you stroll by

    passions rising as all seek a mate to love

    and continue to multiply forming new families

    to go forth and enjoy all the spring bounties.


    Spring and Winter are locked in a battle

    we know that spring will be triumphant

    that in the weeks to come seeds and bulbs

    will shoot letting nature’s pallet blaze out.

    Now things get interesting we can see

    what things need to move or be thinned

    we adjust until nothing clashes with each other

    and get rid of drastically weeds always waiting.

    As we move into May the garden is a hive

    of activity pollinators hard at work harvesting

    making sure that the following year is a blaze

    soft yellows blending with the hot scented plants.

    As you move round your garden you will see success

    but also failures which you alter to fit the map

    that lives in your heads now for a short while

    you can sit back and drink in the creation you made.


    I know its Spring but it can still be cold at night

    so hold on putting

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