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Emily and the Ghost of Mr. Mentor: #2 Gregory Keller Serie
Emily and the Ghost of Mr. Mentor: #2 Gregory Keller Serie
Emily and the Ghost of Mr. Mentor: #2 Gregory Keller Serie
Ebook313 pages5 hours

Emily and the Ghost of Mr. Mentor: #2 Gregory Keller Serie

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An Intriguing True Story? Decide for Yourself What to Believe!

Following World War I, The Happy Mentoring Vocational School, operated by one Mr. Charles Mentor, was on the cutting edge of preparing children to revolutionize the very world!
Students at this boarding school were taught the skills and self-confidence needed to achieve the highest of standards in chemistry, physics, medicine, engineering and law. Every student was being prepared to start their own businesses or pursue advanced degrees in their chosen fields.
However, after Mr. Mentor’s untimely death, the inconceivable occurred. The new principal turned the school into something unnatural, that was never meant to be!
The Ghost of Mr. Mentor returned from the afterlife with a holy vengeance and recruited student Emily Keller to aid him in this mission: She was assigned to gather and then lead a ragtag platoon composed of the dodgiest characters imaginable into a new war, the likes of which the world had never seen.
This unlikely crew now fights for their freedom and their very souls in a desperate attempt restore the school and its faculty to their original integrity, honor and prestige…
Release dateMay 14, 2024
Emily and the Ghost of Mr. Mentor: #2 Gregory Keller Serie

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    Emily and the Ghost of Mr. Mentor - E. George Kellogg



    C lass, Miss Emily said, I think it is time to continue our tour of the grounds. Nurse Shadyknight has a patient to attend to. She knew it was a lame excuse, but it was the best one she had at the moment. It was time to go. Whatever they had been sent (?) to do had been accomplished. Why she felt they had been sent, she did not know. Things were getting stranger and stranger, but feeling better and better. Why was this? The class and their teacher bade a good day to the nurse and she resumed her duties.

    The class walked on, continuing their exploration of the school grounds. Near the infirmary was a field, overgrown with weeds. It was rectangle-shaped and had two structures at each end, shaped of wood and metal, like the letter ‘H’. What appeared to be big benches, places for people to sit, Emily was not sure what to call them, surrounded the field. Everything was in terrible disrepair from neglect. The class stood and stared at something that seemed to be very significant, at one time.

    What is this? asked one student. Emily did not know and said so. They could almost see in their mind’s eye that people crowded here at one time. This seemed to be a place of great importance. It was felt, more than seen. As a class, they all walked onto the field, ignoring the weeds and avoiding the stinging nettles. Two H-shaped structures, made of metal piping, at either end, were a bit of mystery. The students in Emily’s classroom, including herself, had never been exposed to much outdoor recreation other than then occasional walks around the grounds. Emily determined silently that she would find out what this was.

    She would talk to Jimmy later and have him speak to Mr. Castlethorn. If anybody knew, it would be him. She felt impressed, deeply, that Castlethorn knew much more than he was willing, or perhaps able, to admit. She was willing to bet the school nurse had a lot more to share, too. But Shadyknight, never again Nightshade in Emily’s mind, already had too much of a day. After standing there for a few minutes, taking it all in, Emily decided it was time to get back to the classroom. She was getting hungry and the students probably were, too. They had been gone for a while.

    That was when someone noticed a dog on the field. It was just running around, chasing its tail. It seemed to hover around the H-shaped post. It would randomly bark and pant. But when it looked at the students, it would wag its tail. One of the braver boys started to approach it, but not too closely. Emily almost said something but stopped herself. She wanted to see how this would play out. The student tried to call the dog over to him but got no results. He threw a stick to play fetch. Nothing happened. The dog just stood there, his tongue hanging out as he wagged his tail. He leaped into the air and just bounced around, randomly and aimlessly. The dog seemed overjoyed about nothing. He would play and pause, bark playfully at the kids, and run in a circle like he was glad to see them, but would not approach the kids. He’d just stand there stupidly and wait, but when the boy would walk toward him, the dog would run away.

    Aw, said the boy, he’s just stupid. Stupid dog won’t let us pet him, won’t fetch, he’s crazy. I’m surprised he has the good sense to feed himself. The whole class seemed to be a little down, but they did not say much. Everyone just gave up on the stupid dog.

    Emily announced that it was time to get back. As they walked away, some of the students were still looking over their shoulders at that mysterious field of great significance, with its stupid dog. They followed their teacher back toward the school. They passed several buildings that they had seen in times past. Lately, the buildings seemed different to Emily, somehow. She was paying more attention to things. She noticed the weeds, the nesting places of rodents inside of the buildings, the decay. Roofs were caved in due to age and disrepair. The structures they covered seemed to be usable at one time. It was as though everything here was just... abandoned. Suddenly. She thought this because there was a garage with a car in it... with the hood still up and tools on the fender.

    She kept these new observations to herself. The class was, of course, oblivious. She saw other broken-down motor cars and machines. She saw tractors and tools of a manner foreign to her. Each building seemed to have its purpose of some kind. Things were different for her now that she was not focused purely on her survival. This might be an important principle. Maybe keeping people distracted and focused on themselves prevents them from seeing beauty. Just another thought to keep to herself. Mr. Mentor seemed to remain silent on all of this, but Miss Emily instinctively knew that everything they saw today was of great importance.

    They walked quietly back toward the main building of the school. The whole class was deep in thought. They approached the building and Emily stopped suddenly. Something seemed to be wrong. She was being watched... she felt it! Then, instead of having a calm and gentle prompting, there was Mentor’s voice in her head that said, Yell at them! Now! Tell them they all look terrible! They cannot go into Miss Coffenayle’s school looking like that!

    "All of you stop! What is wrong with you? Didn’t you see me stop? You in the front, you almost ran into me! Are you daft in the head? Are you an idiot or something? Answer me, now you slack-jawed toad!" The kids all froze. That could not be Miss Emily, the polite, kind teacher. She sounded an acted like Miss Whipshot!

    They could not believe their ears! What was wrong? What just happened? All of you, acting like idiots! After your quality education at this fine establishment, you are all acting like fools! A bunch of toads! Morons! Miscreants! Shame on all of you! Look at those pants and those skirts! Ladies and gentlemen, this is unacceptable! You insufferable slobs! She picked up a stick she found on the ground and with her back to the school, she swung it. No one could believe it! They backed away from her, eyes wide in fear and disbelief. Kind, sensitive Miss Emily! Their fellow student who once was among the abused masses had now given in and become something terrible, the same kind of crazy person Whipshot was!

    They all backed away from her and immediately started cleaning off their pants, skirts, and shoes. Emily stood there watching them closely and berating them. She leaned on her stick like it was a walking cane. "Come on, come on you moronic little fools! At least act like you’ve got brains in your heads!" One of the students started to protest and she raised the stick over her head and brought it down on his shoulder, but pulled the blow. It did contact his shoulder, but for just a tap, with no pain or damage. He hardly felt it.

    Emily whispered, Act like it hurt! Now! The student instantly grabbed his shoulder and dropped to his knees. He cried out in pain. The other students recoiled and Emily swung her stick toward their heads, as she told them quietly to duck. Students bent at the waist and some fell to their knees, hollering in fear. They caught onto the game, now, and played their part well. Miss Emily wanted to appear to be bad but was not going to hurt them. They somehow understood this immediately and knew to not be afraid, but to act afraid.

    From behind the window curtain in her office, wearing her black dress with fragrant smoke filling the room, Coffenayle was pleased. She turned back to Malovent. It seems, Friend Malovent, that we have chosen well.

    With his dark energy swirling about him, his cowled arms folded across his chest and his face covered by the hood of his cloak, the mysterious Malovent rocked the room with evil laughter. He was pleased, and Coffenayle was relieved. She did not want to incur her master’s wrath again. Out in the secretary’s office, the reception area for the principal’s office, Patience sat quietly over her empty plate. Simon I. Doesbad, Esq. heard the laughter from the office and immediately jumped out of the chair. He did not even know anyone was in there, inside the principal’s office. He did not see the principal move past him to get in there. This was the only entryway that he knew of. Was that incense he was smelling? Odd... but... familiar??

    Don’t worry about the things you are sensing here, Simon, Patience said kindly. "Miss Coffenayle has... um... her ways. You’d probably be better off not knowing."

    Yes, said the lawyer, simply, in agreement. He smiled at Patience and gladly sat back down. They resumed their discussion.

    Amid the beratement of the students, Coffenayle walked up to Emily, who pretended she did not see the principal’s shadow come up behind her. The students were all sitting on the ground, with their teacher occasionally pacing as she continually told them how much they had to be ashamed of. Their clothes were a mess, their lives a mess, they were so very lucky to have this school here to take care of them, etc., etc., and so forth. She used Miss Whipshot’s words, which had rung in her ears many, many times over. It was easy to use her memorized insults. She threw an occasional wink at the students as she would call them out individually for having freckles that looked like smallpox or a belly that looked like a sack of pus hanging off a scarecrow. She went off script for that one, actually, and had to stifle her chuckle.

    Miss Emily, Miss Coffenayle said as she touched her on the shoulder and Emily pretended to be startled and whirled around with the stick at ready. She immediately lowered it when she was facing the principal.

    Oh, Miss Coffenayle! I am sorry for the stick! I did not see you, she fibbed.

    No, no, no, not to worry, she smiled. I am glad to see you have things well in hand. How are the students doing?

    We just took a tour of the place and took some wild flowers to Miss Whipshot. The nurse is watching over her.

    Ah, yes, the nurse. Do you know why they call her ‘Nightshade’? She killed a man, once, but we could not prove it. Without proof that his death was intentional, I could not fire her. He died under her care, all the same, supposedly of natural causes. So I am glad someone is checking up on her. Excellent initiative, said the lead administrator. Is your class about ready for lunch? We don’t want food to start spoiling. Everything seems to be cool enough, but we don’t want to take any chances of it going bad, she said as though it made a difference. Her potato salad was waiting.

    Well, yes, said Emily studying the students with a penetrating gaze. They have learned enough for now. Boy had they ever, she thought to herself. She told the students to get back to their class and finish stuffing themselves before she knocked the stuffing out of them. Coffenayle loved that one, and smirked but said nothing. As the class walked back toward their party, Emily singled out Margaret. Come her, you little snake! she shouted at her and grabbed her by the arm. "Miss Coffenayle, would mind escorting these miscreants? I have to have a conversation with little missy here."

    Coffenayle lifted her chin in pride. Certainly, Miss Emily! Things are well in hand. Class, follow me!

    Margaret looked terrified, as though she knew what was coming. All of her misdeeds were now being accounted for and payment was due. She had tears in her eyes. She was terrified and trembling.

    Margaret, started Miss Emily, I need you to keep looking scared, but stop being afraid, okay? The girl looked at Emily like she was out of her mind. Listen, and please listen well. I don’t think you like being the class snitch, do you? Margaret shook her head. "Good. Keep shaking your head and act like you are pulling away, trying to fall on the ground. Excellent. I don’t want anyone to know about this conversation. Not yet anyway. Do you understand?" Miss Emily shouted for the benefit of anyone watching.

    "Now, this is very important. I have a feeling, a very odd feeling, that things are starting to change here at the school. I cannot tell you why. Now, you know me as a classmate, right? You know that I can be trusted, right? Good. Now I need you to resume your role as the snitch. I will give you your cushy chair back, and I need you to play the part. No one is going to be punished, but we cannot allow the principal to find that out. We have to all act our part. You little toad! You ugly, red-headed fool! I know that you were doing things for Miss Whipshot because you feared her and it was easier to obey her than it was to get punished, right? Yes, I understand. I don’t hold any of that against you, but I need your help. Or I can start to abuse the class just like Miss Whipshot did. Would you like that? Margaret shook her head. Okay good. Keep shaking your head. Now, we are going to work together and make things look good."

    "Bear in mind that if you rat me out, I will deny this whole conversation ever happened and I will be forced to make things just as bad under me as they were under her. If you understand, try to pull away from me and tell me to stop it. Good. Now I am going to yell at you. I don’t mean any of it. And that... you worthless little twit! That is what I think of you! Now you work for me the same as Whipshot! You understand me?" she yelled and she gave Margaret a good, hard shove. That shove, regrettably, had to be real for the benefit of the audience. Margaret understood and worked hard to not smile as she picked herself up off the ground. After all, she had much to smile about. All was forgiven and she was part of the master plan.

    The dark and evil Malovent, alone now, and still peering through the curtain, floating in the air laughed again, but not as loud. He was quite pleased with what he was seeing. Donatienne Coffenayle had chosen well. He did not know for sure at first; the future cannot always be read accurately... not even by one of his stature. For now, his doubts were laid to rest. He floated back from the curtain. He returned to the design on the floor. As he appeared, so should he return. This was the way of things. He folded his arms and dropped his key out of his sleeve, which dangled by a chain. In truth, there was no particular reason for the key; he just liked to give humans something to be mystified over. It increased their awe and aroused their curiosity. Such things served to encourage the study of his mysteries. He lowered his hooded head. He slowly melted into the floor as a breeze blew out the candles. Waste not, want not.

    The conversation in the secretary’s office continued. Doesbad was chuckling loudly, having an immensely good time. Patience did not seem to mind so much, either. They spoke of all sorts of things. Their lives, themselves, their hopes for the future, and the future of the school.

    Miss Coffenayle entered the classroom just ahead of Emily and Margaret. She saw that the students were sitting at their desks, eyes forward, hands folded neatly, all feet to the front and nobody moved a muscle toward that buffet table. This pleased her. She had been tossing around the idea of canceling the rest of the party, for fear that she might help create too many positive feelings. She knew how her master felt about positivity. Even so, both he and she knew that they could not keep the students negative all the time. It would burn them out and make them completely useless.

    Miss Coffenayle had been lectured by Malovent on the Dark Ages and how evil had become so strong in the land that even learning ceased. Without learning, there was no progress, and society was destroyed from the inside out. This led to famine and pestilence. So, yes, some positive moments were given to the students; but just enough to keep them hopeful. Miss Emily was playing into their plans... and into the hands of evil very nicely. She was abusing Margaret right in front of the other students, at the same time demanding that she be the snitch. Now the brats have no idea what she might do next. Neither did Miss Coffenayle, for that matter. What an interesting game!



    Emily and Margaret returned to the room. Emily gave her a slight nudge from the back, but Margaret played it up perfectly. She nearly stumbled into the classroom. The class dutifully stared straight ahead, as though they were each afraid they might be next. Emily went over to the wall where the cushy desk chair was sitting and restored Margaret to her seat. The class snitch was now restored to her former glory. The class did not move. Miss Coffenayle was both surprised and thrilled to see that Emily had adopted another practice of Whipshot. After all, the class snitch was Miss Coffenayle’s idea to turn the students on one another. She needed them to not form alliances.

    Taking one from their ranks and turning it into a ratfink was one of the most effective ways to do it. It worked in most of the classrooms, and in Whipshot’s class, the idea excelled because she added the comfortable chair and overtly special treatment. This made everyone hate the collaborator and caused them to also mistrust one another. A very effective program, indeed, and Whipshot perfected it. Miss Emily was following suit. This experiment with Miss Emily was going far better than Miss Coffenayle had anticipated.

    After all, Emily restored this policy without so much as a word from Miss Coffenayle. This pleased the principal to no end. She loved it when people participated in her little games without her coaching them. It showed how much control she had over them. The fools often participated in their destruction with the hopes of just getting a couple of favors in return. Oh, how easy they made it for people like her to win!

    Class, started Miss Emily, we have had a busy couple of days. Yesterday was especially harrowing. Understand that this party is at the good graces of Miss Coffenayle and myself. She held up a plate of cupcakes and said This is how easily I could end your party. She stared right at the class and very intentionally dropped the whole plate into the trash can. Do all of you understand?

    Yes, Miss Emily, the class responded in a unified monotone.

    Good. You may proceed row by row to the buffet table. The plate of cupcakes was the least favorite of the students. They were made of carrot cake, and it was not baked very well, at that. She had taken a quick poll while they were outside. No harm done! But Miss Coffenayle loved it! Emily, in her way, had become quite cunning, but for good purposes. She did it to the benefit of those she was trying to protect. This was certainly not what Miss Coffenayle thought!

    Miss Emily, my dear, Miss Coffenayle said as she approached the new teacher. With her back to the class, she took Emily by the shoulders and quietly said "You made me so proud today! Keep this up and I will make you a permanent teacher, and you will never have to return to that awful dormitory again." She winked, turned to face the class, and announced to the class that she would not be joining them for lunch; she had other duties to attend to. The class bade farewell in unison. No one was that disappointed, not at all. The principal walked out the door in her most self-important march. There were things to do.

    The class proceeded to the buffet, in order, as they had been told. There was plenty for everybody, still. There was no need to rush. They were all very content with the new class arrangement under Miss Emily. Even to see the snitch restored was not upsetting. They all understood the score now. Miss Emily was working the system and keeping the class on board with her plans. They were all a bit worried at first, but her explanation set them all at ease.

    Castlethorn was busy in his office. He had to admit, it felt pretty good to have cleaned up some. That was a good party, it was. He remembered two things all at once: There was a second half to the party and he still had a project in that room. He was normally making excuses to avoid people; now he was making excuses to join them. The food was good, but that was not the only reason. He wanted to take more readings with Lantern. There was strange somethun’s going on, but he could not put his finger on what. He wrote in his greasy journal book his findings from today. At least one person in that room was not hoomin. He knowed it. Sometimes he could see the non-hoomins; they were somewhat glowish and white, but transparent. Mostly, he could not sees dem. That was where Lantern came in handy, cuz when deys were inbisible, Lantern could he’p wiff dat.

    There was a knock at his door. He was suddenly reminded of some poem he once read that talked about rapping, tapping on the door, only that, and not more, or something like that. Too much fog, too many years. Why could he not remember? So... who could that be? He hoped it was not crazy Miss Ladlepot. He ducked enough ladles to last him the rest of his life. He approached the door after checking the machines that kept the poltergust in check. If it was a student, he did not want them to be attacked. The machines were working just fine, across the aisle from one another. He could not understand why that non-hoomin was so crazy whenever someone got too close to that back room. He dropped his shop cloth on his way to the door, right on top of a very important piece of paper in a frame. One he could not remember. He opened the door slowly, carefully.

    Mr. Castlethorn? Are you coming to eat? Jimmy asked while standing there, smiling.

    Jimbo! Why are you asking me thet?

    Well, Miss Emily hoped you would come. I wanted to see you there, too. We have a floor and wall job to look at, don’t we?

    Castlethorn rubbed his chin and pretended to think it over. Jimmy got a little anxious. Then the canny old janitor said, Sure, whys not? We gots da wahl an’ floor to fix, affer all, now ain’t we? Castlethorn stepped out of the door, locked it, and Jimmy took the lead. They went to the class to eat. There was still plenty. The truth was, Castlethorn felt better about things than he had in years. Wild horses could not have stopped from going to party, as long as he had permission.

    Miss Coffenayle walked into the secretary’s office. Doesbad and Patience heard her coming, so he got out of the chair and was getting the lunch dishes together when she arrived. Everything looked perfectly professional and innocent. They did not want to get caught in their ‘conversing’, which was flirting because the principal would not like it. Patience wanted Doesbad to come back and he wanted to be back. So, they played the best parts they could and seemed to be successful. Miss Coffenayle did not suspect a thing.

    Well! she shouted. Things are moving forward, according to plan. We have much to celebrate!

    How so? asked Doesbad, as he stacked plates and threw away bottles.

    Miss Emily, whom you doubted, he let that remark slide, has proven to be the perfect replacement for Miss Whipshot. Between that and the court case you were able to argue before Judge Parschall, we are cooking right along!

    Excellent! shouted the lawyer as he clapped his hands together with his best lawyer smile. So things are going according to plan! That is wonderful! He did not know what the plan was but had to act enthralled because it was what she expected. Besides, and this he did not understand, he had feelings for Coffenayle. But, he must admit, it was not the same as what he was starting to feel for Patience. Ohhh... what was that foggy sensation in his head? He shook his head to try to clear it. He closed his eyes for just a second and the world sounded hollow. Everything echoed in his ears. Then he was fine again and able to hear.

    Simon? Simon? Are you okay? Miss Coffenayle asked.

    Huh? Oh... yes, I am fine. I was just lost in my thoughts for a moment...

    But, yes, everything is working according to plan. We are doing just fine.

    Good, good. I am quite excited. So, what are the next steps?

    For now, we need nothing more. Let’s go join the students at their luncheon party. You will see what I mean about that new teacher I promoted.

    They walked down the hall and ran into Castlethorn and Jimmy on the way. The four of them walked as a group, with Coffenayle in the lead. The firm and furious leader. The three men lagged behind just a bit, with no particular desire to keep up with Little Napoleon. Jimmy was glad to be around Castlethorn now. He seemed to be, somehow, different. As for the creepy

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