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Salvant Brothers, Felix Book Two: Salvant Brothers, #2
Salvant Brothers, Felix Book Two: Salvant Brothers, #2
Salvant Brothers, Felix Book Two: Salvant Brothers, #2
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Salvant Brothers, Felix Book Two: Salvant Brothers, #2

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I am Felix Salvant, the middle brother of the Salvant brothers. I'm just as deadly in the kitchen as I am breaking any firewall and using my Desert Eagle. I'll do whatever I have to do to protect my family and the woman I love. Speaking of the woman I love, Keirra better get herself together before I walk away from her ass for good.


Despite all the obstacles thrown at us during our childhood, the Salvant Brothers are closer and stronger. We have an unbreakable bond that no one can come between.


With Axl having to make a decision that could change our lives and the opening of my restaurant, my sanity may be challenged with the crap that's heading our way.

Release dateMay 15, 2024
Salvant Brothers, Felix Book Two: Salvant Brothers, #2

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    Salvant Brothers, Felix Book Two - Sonja B.



    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Salvant Brothers, Axl

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14


    A Novel By

    SONJA B.

    ©2020 Published by After Hours Publications, Inc.

    All rights reserved.

    Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage without express permission by the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    Contains explicit language & adult themes suitable for ages 17+


    Chapter 1


    Iam Felix Salvant , the outspoken one of the three of us. Axl is more than a brother, he’s like a father to me and Adam. Just when we were about to give up, Axl found us and took us away from the shit hole we were living in. Whether my brother knew it or not, I always looked up to him. He literally went through hell to get back to us, and for that, I will always be grateful.

    I was happy to have my big brother back in our lives. Adam and I went through tough times when he was ripped from our family. Our father, Sergio Salvant, had a gambling and drinking problem that cost our family dearly. His gambling was so out of control that he ended up owing Andres Romano an extraordinary amount of money that he couldn’t payback. Because he didn’t have the money, he did the unthinkable and paid the debt with Axl. That one night changed our lives forever.

    My mother, Adam, and I sobbed, as we watched Romano’s men drag Axl away, kicking and screaming. Our piece of shit father sat in his chair with his head down like a fucking coward. He wasn’t man enough to face what he had done to his son.

    After they left, my father finally got up and stumbled into the bathroom. Shortly after, he came out, holding a towel to his face, as he went into their bedroom, slamming the door behind him. My mother told us to stay on the couch, as she got up and followed him.

    Soon after, we could hear our mother yelling at our father from the other side of the door, How could you do that to our son, Sergio?’ She yells, as her voice trembles.

    My father barks back, Because he is not my son! Every time I look at him, I see the face of another man! It’s done! I don’t want to hear another word about the situation or him, Elena. It was either you or him, so you should be thanking me. Axl is where he belongs...with his father.

    What the fuck! Our father wasn’t Axl’s father? The man who just took him was, Romano. I wrapped my arms around Adam, as he trembled uncontrollably. We both cried harder from hearing our father’s words. Minutes later, he stormed out their room, then out the front door. I wished I was strong like Axl because I would have beat his ass too. Our mother hurried over to us, taking us into her arms.

    I know you heard what your father said, but it changes nothing. Axl will always be your big brother. I don’t know what’s about to happen to him, but I pray he will be back with us soon, and when he does return, do not tell him what you heard. Let me tell him, okay? Mom says with sorrow.

    Adam and I shake our heads, as we continue to cry. This had to be the worst day of my life. My brother was taken, and our father was not his. Our lives would never be the same.

    I tried to step into Axl’s shoes to protect our mother and Adam as much as I could from our father when he was in one of his drunken stupors, but at the time, I didn’t have Axl’s size or strength, so there wasn’t much I could do. That shit still fucks with me to this day.

    Then one day, our father started showing signs of illness. In a short period of time, he became bedridden and could barely eat. Mom tried to do as much as she could for him, but in the end, she had to call the ambulance to come get him. After the doctors ran tests to determine what was wrong with him, we found out he had Stage 4 liver cancer. It was too late for him to have a transplant, so the only thing they could do was keep him comfortable. The day before he passed away, he had my mother bring Adam and I to the hospital to see him. He didn’t look like the monster who beat his wife and kids, as he laid in the hospital bed with tubes running from his body. He looked pale and had lost a lot of weight. He asked my mother to take Adam out of the room while he talked to me. She smiled weakly, before leaving the room with Adam.

    Felix, come here. He weakly says through the oxygen mask. I step closer, looking into his tired eyes that held tears. I’m sorry for the pain I caused your mother and you boys. I won’t be around, so you’re going to have to look after them now. He begins to cough. When he catches his breath, he continues. I need for you to do something for me, if you ever see Axl again tell him I’m sorry for what I’ve done, and I hope one day he will forgive me.

    I stared at my father with such hate, I knew he sensed it too because he tries to reach out for me. I take a step back, causing him to let his arm drop back to his side. Axl will never forgive you for what you’ve done to him or our family, and neither will I. You better be glad cancer got to you before he could because whenever he comes back, you would’ve been the first person he’d come for. I tell him, before turning my back on him and leaving the room. The next day he died.

    Watching my mother slowly fall into a deep depression was one of the hardest things for me to witness. I had to take over doing the household chores and making sure we had something to eat. Mom barely ate or got out of the bed most days. Losing her son and husband was too much for her to bear, and it was starting to take its toll on her. Adam being younger, didn’t understand what was happening. He kept asking if she was okay. He was scared, and hell, I didn’t know how to answer him at the time. I would tell him she wasn’t feeling well and needed to rest. 

    I made sure he went to school, but I started missing days because I had to stay home to watch over her. She began doing crazy shit. One time, I found her sitting in the dark crying, as she rocked back and forth, repeatedly saying she didn’t want to live anymore without Axl or dad. I went to her and helped her up, then took her to her room. After I got her into bed, I sat in the chair next to the bed and watched over her for the rest of the night.

    I must have fallen asleep at some point because the next morning, I was awakened by the smell of bacon. Mom was in the kitchen making breakfast for Adam and I, as if the night before never happened. She seemed like her old self, as she made our plates and laughed with us while we ate. Once we finished eating, we got ready for school like we normally did. Mom gave us a kiss goodbye as we left the house that morning, unaware that would be the last time we would ever see her again.

    I was in gym class when the vice principal, Mr. Donaldson, called for me to come to his office. The other kids in class began saying, oh, and you’re in trouble now. I knew I hadn’t done anything wrong, but I was nervous as hell, as I walked down the hall.

    When I made it to the office, Mrs. Griffin, the secretary, directed me straight to Mr. Donaldson. As I entered his office, I noticed there were two other people in the office with him, as he sat behind his desk.

    Come in and have a seat, Felix. Mr. Donaldson says, as he stands from his desk then comes to a stop in the front of it. Felix, this is Ms. Lewis and Mr. Pena. They are from Children and Family Services. I glance at the woman and man who stare back at me. Mr. Donaldson states, They are here because there has been an accident.

    What kind of accident? I ask, hoping that Mom and Adam are okay.

    Felix, it’s your mom. Ms. Lewis answers. She’s in the hospital right now, and because she can’t take care of you guys, Mr. Pena and I are here to make sure you and Adam have a place to stay until she gets better.

    Is she going to be alright? What happened? I questioned, as tears begin to fall from my eyes.

    She’s in critical condition, but the doctors are saying that she should pull through. That’s all we know right now. Mr. Pena replies.

    Ms. Lewis steps in front of me, then places her hands on my shoulders. Felix, Mr. Pena is going to go with you to gather your things, while I run to the elementary school to get Adam. We’ll meet you back here in Mr. Donaldson’s office, okay?

    I nod, wiping away my tears. That day, Adam and I were put in the foster care system with only the knowledge of our mother being rushed to the hospital, and she was in critical condition. They tried to separate us, but I fought for us to be kept together. Every person I loved had been taken from me, so I’d be damned if I let them take away Adam too. He was small and couldn’t defend himself, and he was going to need me now more than ever.

    Over the course of time, we were shuffled around to several foster homes, some I had to fight in because of bullies or fucking perverts who tried to touch Adam. With everything that was happening to us, my little brother started to become withdrawn from others and was afraid to leave my side.

    I learned early on to sleep with a knife under my pillow. I didn’t trust anyone in the foster homes, not the parents, and definitely not the other kids. Once, when I was twelve and Adam was ten, we were staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lowery. They seemed okay, but at this point, I was leery of everyone. There were four other foster kids there besides Adam and me. The oldest one, Michael, who was fourteen, was a bully and an overall dick. After being in the system for those few years, I learned how to read people, and I could

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