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The Value of Divination to Spirituality in Life and Social Globalization Liberalism
The Value of Divination to Spirituality in Life and Social Globalization Liberalism
The Value of Divination to Spirituality in Life and Social Globalization Liberalism
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The Value of Divination to Spirituality in Life and Social Globalization Liberalism

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Social Globalization held on from the beginning of Human Evolution and thereafter when Society formed which turned to civilization in the route of Settlement lifestyle under leaders where they were  kings and remained as tribal leaders . Societal Colla

Release dateMay 15, 2024
The Value of Divination to Spirituality in Life and Social Globalization Liberalism

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    The Value of Divination to Spirituality in Life and Social Globalization Liberalism - N. K. S. R. Nantu Roy

    Value of Divination to Spiritual Life

    Divination is the attempt to gain insight into a question or situation by way of an occult ritual or practice. Using various methods throughout history, diviners ascertain their interpretations of how a queen should proceed by reading signs, events, or omens, or through alleged contact or interaction with supernatural agencies[4] such as spirits, gods, god-like-beings or the will of the universe.

    Display on divination, featuring a cross-cultural range of items, in the Pitt Rivers Museum in Oxford, England Divination can be seen as a systematic approach to organizing what appears to be disjointed - random facets of existence - such that they provide insight into a problem or issue at hand. Some modern instruments or practices of divination for magical practices include Tarot-card reading, rune casting, tea-leaf reading, automatic writing, and water scrying. If a distinction is made between divination and fortune-telling, divination has a more formal or ritualistic element and often contains a more social character,[citation needed] usually in a religious context, as seen in traditional African medicine. Fortune-telling, on the other hand, is a more everyday practice for personal purposes. Particular divination methods vary by culture and religion.

    In its functional relation to magic in general, divination can have a preliminary and investigative role:

    The diagnosis or prognosis achieved through divination is both temporarily and logically related to the manipulative, protective or alleviative function of magic rituals. In divination one finds the cause of an ailment or a potential danger, in magic one subsequently acts upon this knowledge.

    Divination has long attracted criticism. In the modern era, it has been dismissed by the scientific community and by skeptics as being superstitious; experiments do not support the idea that divination techniques can actually predict the future more reliably or precisely than would be possible without it. In antiquity, divination came under attack from philosophers such as the Academic skeptic Cicero in De Divinatione (1st century BCE) and the Pyrrhonist Sextus Empiricus in Against the Astrologers (2nd century CE). The satirist Lucian (c. 125 – after 180) devoted an essay to Alexander the false prophet.

    Worship is showing regard with great respect, honor, or devotion. This may be encountered in religious settings. In such instances it may represent divine worship; reverence for a divine being or supernatural power. This activity may have other focuses, such as hero worship. Worship may involve one or more of activities such as veneration, adoration, praise, supplication, devotion, prostration, or submission. An act of worship can be performed as simple prayer or through elaborate ceremony, individually, in an informal or formal group, or by a designated leader. The focus of worship is ultimately honoring the subject in some manner.

    Meditation is a practice of mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state.

    Meditation is practiced in numerous religious traditions. The earliest records of meditation (dhyana) are found in the Upanishads, and meditation plays an important role in Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. Since the 19th century, Asian meditative techniques have spread to other cultures where they have also found application in non-spiritual contexts, such as business and health.

    Meditation may significantly reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and pain,and enhance peace, perception, self, and well-being. Research is ongoing to better understand the effects of meditation on health (psychological, neurological, and cardiovascular) and other areas.

    Ancestor Worshiping and Meditation Value:

    Mental satisfaction is a basic system of divination, worshiping and meditation. In society there are several types of mentality where there is a risk that other people may get undue advantage or harm or misguide you. But when a off position enter to your life then create fact ration, tension, and vacuumed in mind that thought life have not required to survival but friction and existent of life is main them to survival life to guide offspring and next generation to remain as identity of life.

    Reality of Society

    Ancestors were not creators whether they remained as lord or god that remained as common peoples but due to leadership they established a ruling system and social system to control common peoples by laws and regulation. King base society worshiped the king or queen and their alliance peoples and hence they have a story and we generally celebrate birthdays, main activity of their life or achievement, etc.

    Made idols and celebrated on their sprite or soul that consider soul is immortal. But each and every ruler and influential personality who guided or remained law maker. Any of the rulers should not create the universe and planets and natural things. When Society establish as settled life to survival then changed social system where marriage system that arrange marriage system execution done and stable family system execution by social laws which called legal marriage as to taken responsibility of next generation. Slavery system executed by the ruler and later slavery system transformed to the servant system.

    Cosmic body given identity on the name of rulers as ruler naming done as to given identity to make flower to ruled society and to make slave. Farming system developed and for farming man and animal power used to habit and hence ruler that powerful personality made slave to animal and weaker humans to doing works and ruler enjoyment done in life. Language remained the minimum word to survival life as that time lifestyle remained so simple that not required any such specification to be done. But style of life change day by days and vast change when fire discover and control of fire system developed.

    One after another discovered society and lifestyle started to change but the basic system was nomadic where boss remain guide and enjoy life and entertainment with women and wealth. Guide belief as powerful of all and somewhere innocent peoples started to believe that Guide or leader are creator of universe and cosmic body. Cosmic body name or palm statistic was done where the sector of the palm given name of rulers to made identity to done general calculation that similarity of life style. Cosmic body that stars, planet, star group name given and Zodiac system development done and another statistical calculation system developed that life style of general peoples where time system development is done on the base of sun shine and sun set as well as lunar phase change. Lunar calendar system development is done on phase change of moon where as solar calendar development is done on the base of North to South and South to North inclination of virtual movement of sun. As earth rotation on it axis and revolving in elliptical path and hence actual incline of axis happened which elution created that Sun move North to South and Vic versa which called Uttarayan and Dhakhirayan.

    Cosmic body started to consider as Ruler by Innocent peoples and made myth in society where reality hidden as change language as new words creation and different group of people’s assimilation and human hybridization holing continue.

    Soul divided to two group as Supper/ Best Soul and Waste/ Bad soul Best soul called as God and Bad soul called Ghost as consider they enter to living body and made hoist. Super soul considers to ruler mainly or guide of life called Guru. Worship to Guide or Guru also remain system in different ethnic system and when guru/ guide died than it soul divination done by generation to generation.

    God or lord consideration remained some category as –

    Self God/ Lord which called as Isata Devata

    Family God/ Lord called as Kula Devata.

    General God is called Samoik Devata.

    People’s migration held on and hence there developed system of place or ruler name as identity which called surname or Gotra that name of ancient village or town or ancient ruler. Later the professional system base title was given which some where started as Surname. Common peoples name started to given on the name of influential peoples or ruler name as consider his or her children may become as influence like as ruler. Some where it advice that if name of children given of the name of ruler than ruler divination to be done by calling the name of some as god name reputed by innocent peoples as if forget name of ruler than had punishment by agent of ruler.

    Value of Spirituality

    It is the tradition that our old generation soul that sprite we worship and basically our old generation ruler that boss of our ancestor we remember by celebration of thief birth day or special even day where enjoyment remained mainly at present scenario but those day we remember as our ancestor done some special event or both but they die and not remain with us. In different group of peoples ancestor remained different and hence ancestor worship as per group. We celebrate birth gays of different ancestor and in maximum society there given some status of several ancestors and worship them all together. Allah are 99 different name as different story as different personality, Vishnu are 1000 name as well as Siva also 100 name and Brahma 29 name which story remained different as per their name . Peoples thought all together are same but they were remain different personality who born brought up ruled and die but remain our mind as powerful personality. Our ancestor guide also respect and their birth day or other special activity day celebrate by society. Due to globalization socials assimilated and cultural assimilation hold on. Actually social globalization hold on due to colonization ruled. I is not the only event that globalization started at colonial rule but also globalization of society hold at ancient age due to natural need fulfillment and migration, invaded to other community and conflict. We respect to guide as Jesus, Buddha, Confucius, Tao and other who reformed new ways of believing as Prophet Muhammad. We respect birth day or special event day of their life to remember their activity and now we called as festival. Generally it system remain get together and group of people assumable and together eating by setting. Dancing, Pairing, Meditation and worship remain as part of Spirituality where basic them remain god and goddess only where believe and respect remained basic culture.

    Value of Rituality

    Rituality is system that social marriage system, new born baby introduction, personal birth day ceremony, marriage day celebration, death ceremony of mother or father or relative, Funeral system

    It is cultural system where family different ceremony celebrating as per family tradition where as it seen that same group of people like same but other same religious people have different culture. It also seen in different sub group people also have different culture. For example Bengali Hindu ritual system differs with Other Hindu Culture as well as Arabian Islamic Culture is different from Indian Islamic people. But there have some basic similarity ritual system as starting of ceremony by remembering to god or goddess which remained supreme god or goddess.

    Difference between Spirituality and Rituality

    Spirituality is social ancestor sprite worship and festival to celebrate ancestor kings or guide special activity days celebration whereas Ritual system is self relative and alliance personal activity or personal ancestors remembering to celebrate family tradition ways.

    Spirituality remained a small part of ritually but Rituality is not a remaining part of spirituality.

    Similarity between Spirituality and Rituality

    As per time period the ritual and Spiritual system change and ruling effect remain in both spiritual and ritual systems and hence converted people transform their system as assimilation effect. But basic system remained Sprite worship done. For Example in Hinduism ritual system of final system remain as buried system but later carnation system adopted as alternative system and that become traditional system but even today buried done those dead body who remained monk. The Dravidian, Siamese, Santali community were not Hindu but as Indo- European ruled and racism the identity of Dravidian, Siamese and Santali become Hindu where as pure Hindu remained Scythian who remained Eastern European. The Ancient European spiritual system was change but Ritual system remaining as before. Hence Spiritual and Ritual system are Changeable

    Socio cultural Anthropology of present sensation of the World:

    Anthropology is the scientific study of humanity, concerned with human behavior, human biology, cultures, societies, and linguistics, in both the present and past, including past human species. Social anthropology studies patterns of behavior, while cultural anthropology studies cultural meaning, including norms and values. A portmanteau term socio cultural anthropology is commonly used today. Linguistic anthropology studies how language influences social life. Biological or physical anthropology studies the biological development of humans.

    Archaeological anthropology, often termed as anthropology of the past, studies human activity through investigation of physical evidence. It is considered a branch of anthropology in North America and Asia, while in Europe, archaeology is viewed as a discipline in its own right or grouped under other related disciplines, such as history.

    Archaeology the Evidence of Ancestor life activity

    Archaeology is the study of the human past using material remains. These remains can be any objects that people created, modified, or used.

    Portable remains are usually called artifacts. Artifacts include tools, clothing, and decorations. Non-portable remains, such as pyramids or post-holes, are called features.

    Archaeologists use artifacts and features to learn how people lived in specific times and places. They want to know what these people’s daily lives were like, how they were governed, how they interacted with each other, and what they believed and valued.

    Sometimes, artifacts and features provide the only clues about an ancient community or civilization. Prehistoric civilizations did not leave behind written records, so we cannot read about them.

    Understanding why ancient cultures built the giant stone circles at Stonehenge, England, for instance, remains a challenge 5,000 years after the first monoliths were erected. Archaeologists studying Stonehenge do not have ancient manuscripts to tell them how cultures used the feature. They rely on the enormous stones themselves—how they are arranged and the way the site developed over time.

    Most cultures with writing systems leave written records that archaeologists consult and study. Some of the most valuable written records are everyday items, such as shopping lists and tax forms. Latin, the language of ancient Rome, helps archaeologists understand artifacts and features discovered in parts of the Roman Empire. The use of Latin shows how far the empire’s influence extended, and the records themselves can tell archaeologists what foods were available in an area, how much they cost, and what buildings belonged to families or businesses.

    Many ancient civilizations had complex writing systems that archaeologists and linguists are still working to decipher. The written system of the Mayan language, for instance, remained a mystery to scholars until the 20th century. The Maya were one of the most powerful pre-Columbian civilizations in North America, and their Central American temples and manuscripts are inscribed with a collection of squared glyphs, or symbols. A series of circles and lines represents numbers.

    By deciphering the Mayan script, archaeologists were able to trace the ancestry of Mayan kings and chart the development of their calendar and agricultural seasons. Understanding the basics of the Mayan writing system helps archaeologists discover how Mayan culture functioned—how they were governed, how they traded with some neighbors and went to war with others, what they ate, and what gods they worshiped.

    As archaeologists become more fluent in Mayan writing, they are making new discoveries about the culture every day. Today, some archaeologists work with linguists and poets to preserve the once-lost Mayan language.


    Social system is manmade and we worshiping to the ancestor of our old influential personality or rulers or guide as believe they remain like as living as we offerings foods, bathing, sleeping their idol and meditated to their name as remembering to save us like as they remaining alive. Hence this type of system is called Spiritual that means sprite of our old ancestor reality whom ruled, guide and social system made as per time being


    Global feelings are required to make the present scenario as world populations are a mixed hybridized community. Around the world Jannat, Heaven, Sargaha, Raj, Paradise all remained in the world which name changed due to time beings and as comparison of words assimilated. Jannat was situated in Israel Jordan where Yaden/Eden remained. Heaven situated at Denmark, Sargaha was different places in Polynesia-Indian region where as Hindu Raj Mountain was considered as same statues as Indu /Hindu (Persian pronunciation) actually rehabilitated at Hindu Kush as Kush is a type of grass which use to given Hindu religions impotency when ceremony of ancestor celebrating in society that indicated old generation of Hindu remained at Hindu Kush as meaning grass root of Hinduism.

    Natural Alliance of Numerous Transverse Unities (NANTU)

    Natural Alliance of Numerous Transverse Unities (NANTU) that Nantuism is the path of Globalization and liberalism among world peoples where worldly feeling required developing at global level. Six guides are given most priority as Moses, Jesus, Confucius, Tao, Buddha, Chaitanna. Moses, Buddha, Tao and Confucius gave commands and quota’s to give social humanity development. Jesus flows up Moses and Chaitanna tried to assimilate people by love as story base of Sri Krishna and song Hara Krishna Hara Rama. Around world most propeller guide becoming Jesus, Buddha, Confucius and Chaitanna who famous to give priority of truth, love and society

    Naturism is basic priority of human beings where human social system is man-made. But we believe Gods as creator as they were our old generation and we respect to the as we believe he or she remain alive even today as they remaining in our mind through their life story. But some peoples making it a spiritual business to earn money and lead they self life. So worldly felling given the right path to making unity among peoples around the world to avoided conflicts but there should required to defeated conservative peoples of racist.


    Natural Alliance of Numerous Transverse Unities (NANTU) that Nantuism is the path of Globalization and liberalism of society. To develop the scientific temperament of life that social system is manmade.

    World Creature Evolution:

    World creatures are actually evolutes due to chemical reaction of Earth environment where basic evolutions are started as micro Organism at atmosphere at Gases stage of Earth Environment. Micro organism is intermediate of living non-living and autoerotic prokaryotic living organism evolution hold which some spices exist at 1000 centigrade also and found at volcanoes environment. Liquid central mass stage form and later fog age trans form to rain ages and form fresh water oceanic age where continental form due upright igneous mountain and fulfill deep region of earth primitive crusted. Floating igneous stone form and primitive igneous land mark started to drifting and shifting which assimilated to form Supper Island as continent. Macro organism evolution started from micro organism when fresh water oceanic age started. Long time remained as fresh water age executed and mega organism evolutes from macro organism. But rock salt resolved to form salty oceanic age started where millions of water animals and plant died due to environmental change and turn to ice age. Re evolution and struggle are existing life turn to mutation where maximum death animals and plant carbonization hold on. But mammalian animal evolutes at water and mammalian reptile turn to statistical mammalian and by hybridization and DNA assimilation turn to evolutes monkey group from Mole category of animal and Monkey turn to Ape and Ape migration hold around world and Ape turn to Human being as RNA, DNA assimilation where Deletion, Addition and reformation made eatable and mutated Gene and Chromosomal Structure. But from Homo erectus and Neanderthal to Homo Sapiens category peoples even today remain in society.

    Ancestor Rulers and Guide Worship:

    Creator God and Goddess: Founder of a dynasty who establish Kingdom to rule.

    Sprite: Soul of Ruler and Guide.

    Ghost: Bad soul of common people who had evil death

    Atman that Self Soul

    Parma Atman/ Supper Sprite: Accra / Best Sprite

    Pat Atman: Bad Sprite

    But: past Ghosts

    Heaven: Table land where our old generation rehabilitation done. End of Mount that earth Wall

    Jan nat means Supreme Authority as Jan means Authority and nat means Supreme.

    Sargaha: Self House as means self graha means house.

    Sprite of Auspices God: Good personality remembers to mind as unforgettable as Eternal/ akshay and too love to unforgettable.

    Bad Sprite Worship for save of life: not God

    Poly Ethnic System as Ancestors Worship and Meditation:

    The Rules and Guide numbers increasing day after day as Human also living organism and hence born, brought up and die. We consider Sprite and called Spiritual system that calling to sprite in different ways in different group of the community either song or worshiping or meditation done. Thousand of Falk goes also created. Somewhere human figure changed as per name of identity or musk use for confusion creation or did den reality. E.g. "Lord Hanuman remained in Vannar common it and Vannar community are Indo-European who rehabilitee to South India. Indra, Kashari, Surya, Vali, Sukhbir all are Indo-European word as well as they remained Ruler group of Kishkinda as Lord Human was Bajarang Post that means Secretariat of King or lower rank of King. But Priest and Speech seller of Spiritual Business called as Kathabachak made Honorable personality Lord Hanuman as Monkey and misguide misinformation given to society. Basically Influential personalities worshiping by general peoples and from pre history to present scenario millions of influential personality born and died and hence ancestor numbers increase day by day. Politician is making fool to common peoples by use to ethnicity Theocracy implementation done.

    Mono Ethnic System as Non Formal fibula system:

    In several societies it is seen that several ancestors declared as Single power of life where as their old ancestors remained different personality as their story remained different as well as time of their ruling remained different. In Arabian system that Canaan peoples branch peoples implement such system and west back of Jordan Canaan peoples confused to East Canaan peoples as EL God assimilated with Alla God( Under World God of Akkadian group of peoples) where as EL and Elohim remained also different Gods. Israelite gods list were oldest series of Ruler where lateral series of Gods are Canaan – Akkadani mixed community are Arabic mono Ethnic God. But Priest group of Arabian brain washing by myth created and made alliance with Bourgeois group of rulers who executed Ethnic theocracy political regime system that executed Caliphs ruled at earlier 500 years of Hijri that Arabian peninsula and spread up ruling to Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asia . Later Ottoman community indirect ruled done throughout Middle East and India also who basically given Caliphs certificate who spread up Mono Ethnic Non formal system. In history form that hundred years battle done in between two group of Ethnic theocracy that Christianity and Islamic theocracy. In Christian theocracy guide Jesus explain supreme and single god/ lord.

    World Liberal Organization

    World social system is manmade and believed of poly ethnic system were real to spiritual system where as mono ethnic system is actually fibula where basically either rulers or massager of ruler given priority as well as guide of social system called as prophase that explants agent of gods who actually ruled in society. Ruler or social guides worship in every society and hence we required assimilating our self for established world peace and harmony. Around world main four groups of people family executing as Germanic, Specific, African, Han peoples group and they migrated around world. Specific peoples migrated from Madagascar to South American Region through Series of Island at pre Historic period by boating. African migration also done in two ways as by boating and by walking in Asia and African region as well as due to missing as equatorial flow entered to American region. Germanic people migrated through booting and landmark by walking. Germanic group of people migrated to Indus through water path in mediterranean as when Arabian and Sinai desert remain under sea as well as Thar desert remained under water. One Germanic group migrated to central Asia region through landmark as weakling. About 500 years back of Columbus North American part remained under ruled of Viking Germanic group and ant pre historic time Chinese people’s migrated to North American Region through Boating and Alaska region and rehabilitee to Green land by crossing Canadian shield region. Anglo-Saxon and Anglo fancy, Old White Slavic peoples migrated and different group form as Hindu Saran Varna, Aryan, Arabian, Persian, Shah and several other groups form and conflict continued happening and even today similar conflict holding and different contradiction form among Mono Ethic groups to Mono Ethic Group as well as Mono Ethnic with Poly Ethnic groups which conflict destroying peace and harmony around world. Hence we required to believe that social system is manmade. Later Arabian, Central Asian, Slavic and other group of Germanic group formed one after another as Arabian. Desert formed and Thar dearest formation as well as Asiatic Mongolian mixed community form as Arabian migration holds in reverse order that from Arabian to European and eastern Asiatic region migration holds on. At Colonial time period more European Germanic group migration around world through ship and colonial ruled done where human globalization hold in high spread but after social globalization the mentality remained as previous as before and hence we required to come forward to establish the liberal system. We are required to establishing World Liberal Organization by which we will able to establishing world peace.

    Different Divination system around World

    Germanic Divination

    Germanic paganism or Germanic religion refers to the traditional, culturally significant religion of the Germanic peoples. With a chronological range of at least one thousand years in an area covering Scandinavia, the British Isles, modern Germany, and at times other parts of Europe, the beliefs and practices of Germanic paganism varied. Scholars typically assume some degree of continuity between Roman-era beliefs and those found in Norse paganism, as well as between Germanic religion and reconstructed Indo-European religion and post-conversion folklore, though the precise degree and details of this continuity are subjects of debate. Germanic religion was influenced by neighboring cultures, including that of the Celts, the Romans, and, later, by the Christian religion. Very few sources exist that were written by pagan adherents themselves; instead,

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