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Deep State: Economic Coups, Legislative Injustices And Mass Hypnosis
Deep State: Economic Coups, Legislative Injustices And Mass Hypnosis
Deep State: Economic Coups, Legislative Injustices And Mass Hypnosis
Ebook159 pages1 hour

Deep State: Economic Coups, Legislative Injustices And Mass Hypnosis

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A new era is upon us, brought to you by non-corporeal beings associated with the culprits in power. The events that are causing horripilations and great inhumane doctrines are unfolding in the political spectrums of this land. Whilst you are busy gobbling and guzzling, the cauldrons of mass human indoctrination, spiritual destructive movements are filling to the brim. These gangs appetites are extremely humongous like diseased camel's eating to death.


It is my responsibility, as a member of the human family, to warn you about the imminent dangers that are approaching. South Africa is a rotten bacon sandwich that is feasted on by human Devils in the most exclusive suburbs and black bastards in a Cabin called Parliament. As victims of political cleansing, you are seated under their colossal tables to gather filthy crumbs from their feasts. 


I wrote this book to bring to your attention what is already out of the bag, to protest against your ignorance, and the paganism — pure satanic behaviours that have swept your favourite politicians and the deep state that runs them. This country is a Scam, a Bitch. It is so spiritually corrupted, that a magico – Devil incarnate individual can flood your screens with rituals of perpetual grand deception of doom and you fail to detect his motives.

You're swimming in a valley of ignorance and your government provided fish like scales are doing an enormous job. South Africa is a political lab — mass scale economic experiments have been carried out here.


This gateway to the African continent has surpassed the expectations of your white masters in palaces of human skulls structured dining rooms. They are drinking vaginal fluids like the followers of the Thelema religion and their indulgence into the Cakes of Light (a biscuit containing menstrual blood, semen and vaginal fluids) ritual. Practising phlebotomy rituals, which feeds the monster's cannibalistic nature of young boys and girls sacrificial modus vivendi of Adrenochrome, during the annual Bohemian Grove Cremation of Care[1] gatherings.


Jeffrey Epstein is a witness to this and his ex-girlfriend and longtime associate Ghislaine Maxwell can testify to the fact that your favourite politician was / is involved and benefited / benefits from human trafficking.[2] These two sex offenders were serving a big bucket list of high profile individuals and elites of every kind across the globe.


Remember Cyril Ramaphosa's cup-cake sex scandal?[3] Tito Mboweni, Gwede Mantashe, and many others were implicated in erotic activities outside wed locks.[4] See, these puppets are horny and what is hidden is more catastrophic than what is apparent. 


It revolves around the tenures of both Nelson Mandela and Cyril Ramaphosa. It takes the reader through their accounts as chosen men for the system towards occupying the biggest seat in government and their evil sacrifices that lead them to power. Here, they are used as an example of how the rest of the African continent is being sold to the Western devilish establishment for a sixpence. 


There are no slaves, that have accomplished so much for their masters in a very short span like these Iblis supported clouts, dead skulls kissing pagans.

Release dateMay 16, 2024
Deep State: Economic Coups, Legislative Injustices And Mass Hypnosis


Bastami is an author, poet and Spoken Word Artist

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    Book preview

    Deep State - Bastami


    A new era is upon us, brought to you by non-corporeal beings associated with the culprits in power. The events that are causing horripilations and great inhumane doctrines are unfolding in the political spectrums of this land. Whilst you are busy gobbling and guzzling, the cauldrons of mass human indoctrination, spiritual destructive movements are filling to the brim. These gangs appetites are extremely humongous like diseased camel's eating to death.

    It is my responsibility, as a member of the human family, to warn you about the imminent dangers that are approaching. South Africa is a rotten bacon sandwich that is feasted on by human Devils in the most exclusive suburbs and black bastards in a Cabin called Parliament. As victims of political cleansing, you are seated under their colossal tables to gather filthy crumbs from their feasts.

    I wrote this book to bring to your attention what is already out of the bag, to protest against your ignorance, and the paganism — pure satanic behaviours that have swept your favourite politicians and the deep state that runs them. This country is a Scam, a Bitch. It is so spiritually corrupted, that a magico – Devil incarnate individual can flood your screens with rituals of perpetual grand deception of doom and you fail to detect his motives.

    You're swimming in a valley of ignorance and your government provided fish like scales are doing an enormous job. South Africa is a political lab — mass scale economic experiments have been carried out here.

    This gateway to the African continent has surpassed the expectations of your white masters in palaces of human skulls structured dining rooms. They are drinking vaginal fluids like the followers of the Thelema religion and their indulgence into the Cakes of Light (a biscuit containing menstrual blood, semen and vaginal fluids) ritual. Practising phlebotomy rituals, which feeds the monster's cannibalistic nature of young boys and girls sacrificial modus vivendi of Adrenochrome, during the annual Bohemian Grove Cremation of Care[1] gatherings.

    Jeffrey Epstein is a witness to this and his ex-girlfriend and longtime associate Ghislaine Maxwell can testify to the fact that your favourite politician was / is involved and benefited / benefits from human trafficking.[2] These two sex offenders were serving a big bucket list of high profile individuals and elites of every kind across the globe.

    Remember Cyril Ramaphosa's cup-cake sex scandal?[3] Tito Mboweni, Gwede Mantashe, and many others were implicated in erotic activities outside wed locks.[4] See, these puppets are horny and what is hidden is more catastrophic than what is apparent.

    It revolves around the tenures of both Nelson Mandela and Cyril Ramaphosa. It takes the reader through their accounts as chosen men for the system towards occupying the biggest seat in government and their evil sacrifices that lead them to power. Here, they are used as an example of how the rest of the African continent is being sold to the Western devilish establishment for a sixpence.

    There are no slaves, that have accomplished so much for their masters in a very short span like these Iblis supported clouts, dead skulls kissing pagans.[5]

    It's ironic that a man can come from the far West, pillage and plunder your land and in turn give you laws that will set you free from him? These neo-colonialists have succeeded in raping your politicians mentalities into a lizard's hole. They have developed futile eternal cravings that see them gathering mountains of gold into their lairs – guarded by Satan armies.

    The accursed white missionary, Cyril Ramaphosa – has managed to dupe the whole country into his malicious plan of selling the state entities and to keep the status quo in place. He has admitted in one of his (masters' written speeches) that they will use their connections to forge a New World Order.[6]

    Chapter 1: The ANC Elective Conferences Carries The Outcomes

    Elections of Corporate Leadership

    One of the main hindrances in the struggle against Westernism, is to convince Africans against the barbaric system of voting. For a very long time, the European gangsters have managed to destabilise global governments and influence the outcomes of African countries' choices of leadership.

    Multiple Western funded coups in West Africa have been orchestrated with the main aim of building demonic democracies in the region.[7] Through democracy, they organise elections under the pretext of guarding the rights and freedoms of the population. Once this baseless reversed mentality is put into place, the waves of mass political crackdowns commences to purge the opposition and their eventual plan to install puppet governments becomes a reality.

    The ANC has a tradition of choosing their leaders via an elective conference every 5 years. The triumphant individuals get to be in line for the big gig of the country's highest positions of its presidency and many other strategic positions on offer.

    The ANC itself is a cancerous organisation that was  chosen by the British government to take over from the boers, who, after so much animosity from their reigning years of apartheid, became incapable of driving the hot seat, to steer the economic hub of Africa to their desired destination of looting her to the core.[8] The ANC is just fulfilling its duties to the Westminsters lizards.

    This and many other conniving reasons puts the organisation in a spotlight and in the centre of the political makeup of this country. Their annual elective conference is a major event to the Europeans because South Africa is feeding them.[9]Europe itself is an insignificant continent without Africa. This land (Europe) has a very limited number of natural resources,[10] and due to the evil inclinations of their leaders, they have invaded this continent through underground forces which have crippled every possible way to progress.

    Nelson Mandela has been identified as the potential successor of their regime after F.W. de Klerk. His story is full of twists and turns but the white man managed to shove his version that has elevated him (Mandela) into some Africa's lone hero of the past 100 years. Before his incarceration, he was known as a Black Pimpernel; a very dangerous young, fearless ground soldier, who threatened the nations security with his underground guerrilla tactics.[11]

    Umkhonto weSizwe became a pain in the ass for the apartheid pigs run government. Multiple bombings and other threats were carried out during this period and the Pimpernel was part of such activities that gave the white man sleepless nights.[12] It was not until he got arrested that the events of history turned to be very dark to where we find ourselves today. At the 48th ANC elective conference, Nelson Mandela was elected unopposed.

    A clear dominant force has risen from the shackles of apartheid, to the throne of the ANC reformed structural bases. They managed to change their constitution to fit in with the ideologies of their masters. But, was this the real Nelson Mandela? In an interview that Winnie Madikizela-Mandela did with the Evening Standard, she went excruciatingly hard on the legacy of her ex-husband — Nelson Mandela.

    This name Mandela is an albatross around the necks of my family. You all must realise that Mandela was not the only man who suffered. There were many others, hundreds who languished in prison and died. Many unsung and unknown heroes of the struggle, and there were others in the leadership too, like poor Steve Biko, who died of the beatings, horribly all alone. Mandela did go to prison and he went in there as a burning young revolutionary. But look what came out,[13]

    Here, Mama Africa made it blatantly clear that the real Nelson Mandela was a fire blazing revolutionary that would never have settled for such a low outcome which is still ravaging millions of black and brown citizens of this country.

    The elevations that come with his mere incarceration are pure baseless and lack any concrete evidence of heroism. We are deprived of the history of the real Mandela before his imprisonment, his fearlessness as a struggle warrior, who challenged the system directly until he was put on their terrorist watch list.[14]

    This reminds me of Usama Bin Laden, the so-called terrorist who was the most wanted man in the world for 10 years. After such an anxiety filled, cowardice camaraderie of the Pentagon came to light, a House Negro by the name of Barack Obama proclaimed that they had captured the great man, killed him and buried him in the ocean.[15] [16]

    Killing the most wanted man and burying him in the sea without taking any pictures and videos is a very surprising and suspicious act from Uncle Sam.

    This is diametrically opposed to what Goerge Bush had wished for, that he had to face the music — Dead or Alive.[17]Uncle Sam lied about killing Usama Bin Laden. They wanted to execute him, Saddam Hussein style, but that was never the case as the man died a natural death.[18][19] Just like the boers lied about the transitional period from the Old Apartheid to the New Apartheid disguised as freedom to the squinting – mass graves swallowed, dead men walking.

    During his days as David Motsamayi, he further consolidated himself as a guerrilla

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