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The Assassin's Alpha
The Assassin's Alpha
The Assassin's Alpha
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The Assassin's Alpha

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Macklyn's old life has come back to haunt her and her only goal is to protect those that she loves. If she manages to survive, is a normal life ever in the cards for her.

Jaxx is navigating the new life of being alpha which does not come naturally to him. Trying to keep his pack together, keeping his mate alive, and keeping a challenger to his mate at bay, if he can manage all of that, he and Macklyn may just get their happily ever after.

Release dateMay 15, 2024
The Assassin's Alpha

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    Book preview

    The Assassin's Alpha - S.R Morgan



    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    The Assassin's Alpha

    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13

    Chapter 14

    A Novel By,


    ©2020 Published by After Hours Publications, Inc.

    All rights reserved.

    Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage without express permission by the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

    Contains explicit language & adult themes suitable for ages 17+


    WWW. AfterHoursPublications.Com

    Chapter 1


    I’m so angry right now I could spit nails. I can't believe my brother convinced me to move back to this town, my home town, the place that I worked so hard to get away from for most of my damn life. The one fucking thing I had promised myself I would never do, I am doing.

    Blue River Falls is a quaint little town, one of those damn postcard towns.

    It’s one of those perfect places that has something to do all year round. The falls are beautiful for hiking, especially in the spring and fall, in summer for swimming. There are enough taller hills around for skiing in the winter, and the lake gets frozen enough for ice fishing. It’s modern enough to have most of the amenities without going too far out of town but quaint enough to be historical. For me, it’s just a reminder of things I wanted to leave behind. Check that, people I wanted to leave behind. So, I’d busted my ass through college and law school and moved to the city. I had gotten in with the right crowd, knew the right people, and was climbing the social ladder when boom, Colt calls and says they need me back, and sweet fuck all, I can’t say no.

    I just knew that I would find my mate in the city, that she would be some hot piece of ass socialite from a decent pack, and that would be it. But five years into seriously looking, and not a whiff of her, though I must admit I have had fun trying. I had to break up with the woman I was dating. She had no interest in moving here, and I can't blame her. What irritated me more is I had just spent a ton taking her on an incredible vacation to the Caribbean. Waste of damn money. My father has always said the fates bring mates together. Fuck the fates; I know what I want. Now I’m swearing like a sailor again, a habit I had broken, but this is what happens when I am angry.

    As I get closer, I recall what had put a bad taste in my mouth. I am the firstborn son of an alpha male wolf shifter. The alpha, the head honcho, the man in charge, the toughest and strongest of the pack. Stands to reason, I am an alpha male, but growing up, my brother Colt had more of the alpha trait than I did. A year younger than me, he was the dream; blonde hair, tall, built, a football star. I was tall, thin, dark hair, glasses, and damn near invisible. I got my ass kicked regularly. Yeah, the alpha's son got beat up. My brother did his best to protect me, but more embarrassingly, my sister, Emily, also saved me. My father never seemed to be bothered; he kept saying I would be ok. Swear I wanted to hit him sometimes for continually saying that.

    However, he was right. The summer of my eighteenth year, right before my senior year of high school, something happened. Colt had gone to football camp, and I was helping my father out on the farm. Emily was home with us, so she got to see it first-hand. I suddenly started eating enough food for four people and filling out. I shot up a few more inches. I became pure muscle, and hot if I do say so myself. My glasses became unnecessary. I grew into myself and my power. My dad loves to tell the story of when he was bringing Colt home, and he asked who the new guy was. It is one of my favorites. Colt was in the car’s front seat, and they had the windows up because it was the middle of summer and hot as Hades. He couldn’t smell anything outside. He kept asking Dad where I was and how come I hadn’t come along for the ride. Dad pulled up into the driveway. I think I was mowing or something; my back was to the car. Colt asked who the new guy was, and my Dad had to stop the vehicle. He was laughing so dang hard. Colt couldn’t figure out what was so funny until I turned to face them and realized it was me. He bounded out of the car as I shut off the mower to greet him and tackled me to the ground in welcoming.

    What the hell, Colt? I asked, surprised, grabbing his head and ruffling his hair.

    Bro, you look so different! No one’s gonna try to kick your ass this year for sure!

    I was instantly popular. Girls who wouldn't give me the time of day before suddenly wanted my number, and I was wanted in the cool crowd. Emily was always trying to hook me up with her friends. Fuck 'em all. Wouldn't touch any of those bitches who didn't want me before. So, as soon as the senior year was over, I hightailed my ass out of there to college and vowed never to look back. As much as I hated to admit it, I missed my family, especially my brother. We are close, even though Emily is his twin. I’ve been back for the holidays, but it isn’t the same.

    I sigh. Part of me knows all this anger and angst is bullshit. I am the alpha's son, which means that I had to return to lead the pack. I was just hoping to return with my hot mate so that I could gloat. I am sure as hell not going to find her when I go home. None of the town girls are her; I know that as fact. Unfortunately, what makes me feel worse is that I'm the last of the trio to find their mate. It seems like I’m the last to do everything, damn it. Emily discovered her mate right after she turned eighteen, and Colt found his mate recently too. Why can’t I do anything like the eldest is supposed to? Now it’s probably going to take me forever to find her if I ever do.

    To piss me off just a little more, my car has started to act weird on the trip home, and now I am going to have to take it to the only garage in town, and if memory serves, I hate the guy that runs that place, then again, I don’t think he gets along with anyone.

    I hit Blue River Falls, and now my car starts a weird-ass shaking. Damn, I’m going to have to take it in now. I make it to the garage right at 4:50. It looks different, cleaner, and the name has changed. Solid Steel. Weird name for a garage. I grab my cell phone and text my brother to come and pick me up here.

    I step out of the car and head into the waiting area of the garage. It is also different. The waiting room is clean, surprisingly so. The atmosphere is calm, damn near tranquil, except for the music.

    My wolf suddenly loses his shit. He is pacing, snarling, snapping. He is as agitated as hell. He is trying to let me know something. I try to calm him down to listen to him, and it sounds like he's talking about our mate. Fucking stupid wolf. I look around. There are no women in the garage, and the sign on the wall says Mack on duty. Ok, buddy, now you have lost it.

    He doesn't stop, and now he's irritating the shit out of me. Knock it off, mutt! I growl at him in my head.

    I press the buzzer on the counter to let Mack know that he has a customer. The music is loud, and I think it’s hard rock or metal, maybe Korn. I don’t believe that Mack can hear a buzzer over the racket. A minute or so goes by; I press the buzzer again, and then it hits me. A smell that is so intoxicating and overwhelming, a feeling in my gut so powerful, I almost drop to my knees with the sensation. What the hell is this? I inhale again, this time to catch my breath, but that doesn't help me because I get another whiff of that smell. I lean against the counter, trying to get it together.

    Someone comes out from the back in a respirator face mask with goggles, covering all of their face. A backward baseball cap adorns the head. A grease-stained pair of overalls caps off the look.

    They pull off the mask. I see a female face, and my wolf howls in delight. This is our mate; he lets me know.

    No way. No fucking way is my mate, not only a human but a goddamn grease monkey.


    THE BUZZER IN THE BACK goes off to let me know someone is here, and I stop spraying the classic car I am working on, put down my spray can, and take off my gloves.  The impatient ass hits the buzzer again, and I look at my watch; it’s like closing time. What the hell do they want?

    I head to the front, pull off my respirator mask, and I am about to say something not so pleasant when I see the customer. Holy shit, who is this? I know that I distance myself from most of the town, but I think I would have noticed him. Whoa girl, rein it in. You’ve managed to avoid the townsfolk so far; keep it up. Six more months, then you can be a person, I think to myself.

    Well, I’ve avoided everyone mostly, except for Layla, my best friend. That girl was determined to get to know me when I moved here three and a half years ago. She is relentless and broke me down. She tells me everything, and thankfully she is more of a talker than a listener, so she doesn’t know as much about me as she thinks she does. She can keep a secret, so if I needed to tell her more about me, I could, but I don’t want to jeopardize her life any more than I already have, so I stay silent. I know for a fact she would have told me about this hottie.

    A ball of icy dread suddenly hits me. He’s hot, yes, but is he here for me? I narrow my eyes at him and think about it. Probably not. I’d be dead already; there would be no patient waiting, but still, I move closer to the counter, and my hand touches the reassuring coolness of my Glock.

    He’s looking at me like I have two heads right now. He looks like he might be using the counter to hold him up a bit. What is this guy’s deal?

    May I help you? I ask. I have turned the music down. He stares at me and then blinks twice. Yes, he says, pointing to his Audi. Something's wrong.

    No, duh, I think, as I smile patiently at the man. He's the customer, and the customer is always right, remember that! I remind myself

    Umm, can you be a little more specific? I ask.

    Where's Jerry? he asks suddenly.

    I shrug. Jerry is probably face down in a ditch somewhere in a drunken stupor. He failed to pay on the garage, and the bank repossessed it. His bad luck was my gain.

    I'm Mack.

    Can you handle an Audi? he asks brusquely. It appears whatever

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