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Internet Celebrity
Internet Celebrity
Internet Celebrity
Ebook938 pages12 hours

Internet Celebrity

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About this ebook

As a descendant of a nun, Teresa has a poor physical condition, but her short-term goal is to become an outstanding big shot.
However, since a video about her was accidentally posted online by the live broadcaster, she unexpectedly became popular.
"Oh my God, I want to pick this young lady."
"Little sister, please make sure to debut in C position"
Teresa: Sorry, I'm not very interested in the entertainment industry, and I feel that the knife around me is more suitable for being a star than me.

PublisherJared Jordan
Release dateMay 16, 2024
Internet Celebrity

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    Book preview

    Internet Celebrity - Jared Jordan

    Chapter 1

    Oh! Can Yetta really be alone? Will she be bullied in the new school?

    She is not one of those fierce and naughty kids in the family. How could the head of the family bear to let Yeta live alone?

    What if Yetta dies accidentally?

    Uncle Obadiah, who looks elite but has a fatherly heart, looks at the fragile girl in front of him with some worry, the curve of his face turned almost 45 degrees into bright sadness.

    Alas, the man looked at the frail girl and finally couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

    The petite girl looked a little helpless, she smiled slightly, revealing two shallow dimples , and said gently, "Actually, I'm not as weak as you think.

    You are lying with your eyes open. You are the weakest in the whole family, the tall man silently refuted in his heart.

    [It's just a normal school trip, why do you think it's so serious?]

    [Besides, the public security in Japan is not that bad, can a person just be killed if he wants to?]

    [But coming to school at this time, could it be that you are a transfer student?]

    [If this is a story from a comic, the people who transfer in midway are said to be important characters, and there are also family heads and the like. They don't sound like ordinary people.]

    Kingsley, who had just returned from school, glanced expressionlessly at the two people who seemed to have just moved next door to him today. The man was wearing a white shirt and black trousers, with a pair of gold-framed glasses on his nose, looking like a social elite. He looked at the girl with loving eyes.

    At this time, the girl who was blocked by the tall man happened to turn sideways, and Walker was able to see the girl clearly. [Is she sick?]

    Just looking at the girl's appearance, it's no wonder Walker thought so. Although the girl's facial features are extremely delicate, her skin is white and almost transparent. There is a hint of smile in her amber eyes, and there are shallow dimples on her palm-sized face . It is obviously a hot day, but she is still wearing a thin coat. Compared with people of the same age, her figure seems too petite. At first glance, she is a person with a very weak constitution.

    As if she had noticed the gazes of others, the girl smiled in Walker's direction, her eyes curved into a shallow crescent, looking quite endearing.

    [Ah, it seems like I’ve been discovered. She seems to be unexpectedly sensitive about this.]

    [Never mind, it’s none of my business anyway]

    Walker just nodded politely and went back to his room.

    Yeta, let's go visit the neighbors later so that you can have someone to take care of you in the future.

    Obadiah also saw the boy who looked similar to Yetta, and couldn't help but suggest that since Yetta had been recuperating at home and had hired a tutor for his studies, he had no chance to make any friends except his family.

    Okay. Theresa's amber eyes were covered with a layer of smile, and the smile was peaceful.

    Obadiah always knew that except for his weak body, Yeta was an extremely worry-free child in all other aspects, so he didn't say anything more. He helped to clean up the house inside and out. After dinner, he chose a suitable time, brought some gifts, and went to visit the neighbors with Yeta.

    It seems like new neighbors moved in next door today. They should be a father and daughter. The girl is really pretty, Walker Kurumi said to the father and son, but the girl doesn't look well. It's pitiful to see her.

    We should also go visit our new neighbors tomorrow.

    She glanced at Kingsley again and said, Kingsley, the neighbor's kid seems to be about your age. Maybe you can become friends.

    Kingsley finished the last piece of coffee jelly with no change on his face.

    [No need to visit, they are already outside the door]

    [So should I go back to my room or stay in the living room?]

    Although Walker was a little conflicted, it was obvious that Kurumi's mother did not intend to let Walker go easily. When she heard the doorbell ring, she asked Walker to open the door.

    Walker had no choice but to do as his mother said. As soon as he opened the door, he saw the two people he had met during the day.

    Hello, I'm Obadiah Chuan. I just moved next door today. Obadiah had a smile on his face, looking handsome and gentle.

    He gently patted the girl's shoulder and said, This is You. I'm his uncle.

    Theresa smiled and said, Hello, I'm Theresa.

    Her voice is very clear, yet has a softness that is unique to girls, and it is very comfortable to listen to.

    Before Kingsley could answer, he heard his unreliable father walk up and said, It turns out to be our new neighbor next door, Mr. Obadiah. Welcome, welcome.

    His eyes fell on the girl who was smiling quietly. His eyes sparkled and his voice became much softer. Is this Yetta? What a super cute child.

    Hello, uncle. Theresa smiled faintly, with dimples faintly visible on her face .

    Looks cute and pretty.

    Oh , it turns out that other people’s daughters are so obedient and gentle, unlike the two brats in his family who are mutants. If he and his mother have another child, will they give birth to a child as cute as Yeta ?

    Kingsley's expression remained calm. [You're overthinking. Regeneration is probably not a normal person.]

    Theresa looked at the neighbor uncle with a smile on his face and thought secretly, the neighbor uncle is really...special?

    She managed to come up with an adjective.

    Kingsley looked at his silly father expressionlessly, and retorted in his heart with great disgust, He must be particularly good at making stupid mistakes.

    Dad, don't stand at the door. Hurry up and invite them in. Walker's mother said softly.

    So Theresa went in with them and introduced themselves to each other. From the conversation, Theresa learned that the family's surname was Walker, and they had an eldest son who was a scientist abroad, and a second son who was the same age as herself.

    Huh? I thought Yetta was your daughter? So Mr. Obadiah is just your uncle? Walker's mother was obviously a little surprised, and the two had different last names, but Kurumi didn't feel comfortable asking more, after all, it was their first meeting.

    Yes, although he is my uncle, I was the one who raised You since he was a child. Obadiah explained with a smile.

    What about Yetta's parents? Walker Guochun couldn't help but ask.

    Obadiah's smile paused for a moment, but he explained in a good-natured mannerYeta's parents are no longer here.

    Oh, I'm sorry. I offended you. Walker Guochun felt that his question was too presumptuous and apologized repeatedly.

    But the couple looked at the girl with more loving eyes, and Theresa felt a little uncomfortable.

    Fortunately, Obadiah was a smooth talker and soon changed the topic to something else. The atmosphere soon became lively again. Come to think of it, Kusuo seems to be the same age as Yuu. I wonder where Kusuo is studying now ?

    If I go to the same school as Yeta, I can take care of him.

    Kingsley is a sophomore in the private PK Academy. Which school did Yetta transfer to? Walker's mother asked curiously.

    That's a shame. The school Yetta transferred to is Youth Academy.

    Walker's father and mother obviously think this is a very regrettable thing. Such a weak and lovely girl would feel safer if she could stay with their own son with super powers. What if she was bullied at school?

    Otherwise, they let their son escort Yeta to school, and the couple were in sync again.


    He glanced at the girl sitting there inconspicuously. She had her hands on her knees, smiling quietly, looking very well behaved. If he hadn't heard a few complaints from her occasionally, Walker would have almost thought that she was a fool like Ran Tang .

    By the way, I wonder what Mr. Obadiah does for a living? Walker Guochun asked casually.

    I'm just an ordinary company employee, but I have to travel frequently. Obadiah said with a smile, and there was no sign of lying at all.

    Theresa nodded in agreement. Anyway, it was rare to see a demon exorcist dressed like an elite these days.

    Besides, my uncle’s identity outside is just an ordinary office employee.

    After all, the business of exorcists is not good nowadays, and the adults in the family have been reduced to fortune-telling on the streets. It is said that they were almost arrested by the police on the grounds of promoting feudal superstition.

    Theresa complained silently.

    Kingsley, who was caught off guard by the news, had a strange expression on his face. [So what the hell is a demon hunter? Although I am a superpower, I am not very good at dealing with demons and monsters.]

    [So according to the law of comics, people who transfer in the middle of the school are indeed important characters]

    [This little girl is definitely not simple, although she is really weak]

    Kingsley felt that his future life might become extraordinary, and the look in his eyes when he looked at Theresa became unfathomable.

    Theresa noticed Walker's gaze and smiled faintly again, with dimples faintly visible on her face .

    The pink-haired brother is secretly looking at me again. Although his eyes are a little strange, my intuition tells me that he is not a bad person.

    After hearing what You was thinking, Kingsley appeared calm on the surface, but he was actually complaining in his heart.

    [You are the one who has super powers, right? How come you knew I was watching you even though I was watching you so secretly?]

    [I just glanced at you]

    [And why do I have this strange intuition that my life may not be peaceful in the future, even though the person in front of me doesn't look like someone who likes to stir up trouble.]

    [This is indeed a disaster for people with super powers]

    Chapter 2

    About half an hour later, Obadiah Chuan took You away from Walker's house. When they came out, the moon was already high in the sky. The two walked very slowly, and their shadows under the street lights looked particularly harmonious.

    Obadiah put his hands in his trouser pockets, tilted his head slightly to look at the girl's soft profile, and rubbed her head, Our You has also grown to this age.

    It was really not easy. She was so small at the beginning, and it seemed that if she was not careful , the god of death could easily take away this little life. This was because You was carrying the evil poison since her mother's womb, so she was born weak, and an ordinary minor illness could take her life. In the past, everyone in the family treated You like a porcelain doll, fearing that she would die if she was not careful.

    Fortunately, all the efforts over the years have paid off, and the evil poison that she brought from her mother's womb was finally cleared . In the past two years, her family has also helped You to regulate her body. Although she still looks frail, she is actually much better than before. At least she will have no problem living to the average age if nothing unexpected happens.

    After all, You 's parents , who were both extremely talented demon hunters, brought their own death upon themselves. In order to prevent You from following the same path as her parents, the elders in the family remind You every day not to pursue any excitement and to just live a more Buddhist life.

    The so-called negative example is probably Yu's parents.

    Obadiah's thoughts wandered a little bit, until the voice of the girl next to him brought him back.

    Yes, Theresa responded softly, her lowered eyes looking particularly gentle.

    Although brothers and sisters of similar age to you are all undergoing family assessment, you can just do it as an example. The clan understands your situation, so it's up to you whether you want to do the demon-killing mission or not.

    Obadiah said this because every child in the Chiba family who is 16 years old or older must complete the demon-killing mission entrusted by the employer before they can officially become a demon-killer. The mission lasts for half a year. During the mission, if there are no major problems, they are not allowed to ask the family for help, otherwise the mission will be considered a failure.

    The assessment is not only to test whether the children have the ability to become demon hunters, but also includes their ability to take care of themselves. During this period, the family will not give them too much living expenses, and the money in their accounts will naturally be temporarily frozen, so if they want to get extra income, they must earn it themselves.

    Then Obadiah blinked mysteriously and said, But your account is not frozen. No matter what, you can't let our Yetta down.

    Theresa smiled helplessly. The living expenses given to me are a little more than those of other brothers and sisters. Uncle, please keep the card for me. I also want to know how far I can go.

    Moreover, the family would regularly send the tonic medicines that she took on a daily basis. Theresa felt that she could not break the family rules just because of her weak body, otherwise Xiaoliu and Xiaoqi would say that the head of the family was biased.

    Obadiah knew You's personality, and since she said that, he could only go along with her. Okay, remember to call me if you have anything.

    Theresa nodded, Uncle, are you leaving tonight?

    Yes, I just got a call from a company and they sent me on a business trip. I'll probably be overseas for a month or two. The business of demon exorcists is not good right now, so I have to be more diligent. Obadiah smiled gently, Tomorrow is Sunday, and there will be no classes at school. I've also told you the address of Youth College, and You should know the way.

    Yes, I have seen the map. Theresa nodded obediently. She planned to go and take a look at it in advance tomorrow.

    Obadiahchuan patiently reminded him of some other miscellaneous matters until he saw that it was almost time, then he drove away. He had a flight tomorrow morning, and he had to go home in the evening to pack his luggage.

    Theresa watched the car disappear into the night before she turned and closed the door.

    She returned to the kitchen. The Chinese medicine she had put on the stove before going out had already boiled. A faint smell of medicine wafted through the kitchen. Theresa carefully poured the boiling hot medicine into a small white porcelain bowl, and waited until the medicine became lukewarm before drinking it, frowning slightly.

    As the night deepened, the wind blew the leaves, making a rustling sound. The girl, who was already a light sleeper, suddenly opened her eyes, but the next second her mouth was covered by a furry thing , and she flew out of the open window in an instant.

    It was a monster, Theresa quickly concluded, and in her haste she did not forget to grab a coat with her hands.

    Theresa is very clear about her own physical condition. Although monsters cannot kill her, it is hard to say about other things.

    The furry monster held Theresa in its arms and continued to fly in the air. Theresa rarely went out, so she had no idea where she was being taken.

    After flying over mountains and rivers, the monster landed in the forest and threw her into a cave. The monster sat at the entrance of the cave and stared at her.

    That look seemed to be filled with hatred and nostalgia.

    Theresa blinked , her face full of black question marks.

    Well, do you have something to talk to me about? Theresa asked hesitantly.

    Hmph. The monster let out a rough sound from its nostrils.

    Huh? Theresa was even more confused.

    You smell the same as those two humans, but you are not them. The monster spoke to himself, as if he didn't care about Theresa's answer at all.

    My parents? Theresa guessed secretly. It was said that her parents were one of the most outstanding demon exorcists in the family. I wonder what the relationship between this monster and my parents is.

    Those two men defeated me many times. I said that I would seek revenge on them when I woke up, but I heard that they were dead. You are their descendant, but you are so weak that you definitely can't beat me. It is impossible for me to let you go so easily. Then let you suffer a little. Anyway, this place is considered a remote place. Whether you can get out depends on your luck. I'm leaving. Then he left without looking back.

    Theresa pursed her lips and couldn't help sighing. She picked up a few branches from the ground and began to calculate skillfully. Although her physical condition was not good, she was unexpectedly proficient in divination and magic, so she calculated what to do next.

    The second line shows that the dragon represents the field. Theresa breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that her luck was pretty good. She wiped it away with a branch. She planned to stay in this cave for a while and set off again when it was daybreak.

    When the sky gradually brightened, Theresa opened her eyes. Perhaps because she had not slept all night, there was a slight blue color under her eyes and her face was so pale that she didn't look like a mortal. Instead, she looked like a female ghost in the mountains.

    But at this time Theresa had no intention of cleaning herself up. She followed the instructions of the hexagram and walked eastward.

    When she felt that her strength was almost exhausted, she finally saw a wooden house in front of her. She paused for a moment, but decided to go in and take a look.

    With a creaky sound, the door of the wooden house was gently pushed open by her. Theresa walked in and her eyes fell on the furnishings in the house. She vaguely felt that there was something special about the furnishings inside.

    Before she had time to think deeply, a young man suddenly ran out from somewhere, grabbed her wrist with a warm hand, and pulled her to a hidden corner in the house. The young man had his back to him, looking outside nervously. You could only see his golden brown hair.

    Although he was somewhat puzzled by the boy's strange behavior, You did not say anything, and just looked at him quietly with a pair of amber eyes.

    The brown-haired boy observed for a while before turning around, as if he was relieved. When he calmed down, he realized that he was still holding the monster's hand. The cold touch reminded him that he was holding a monster. He was so scared that he loosened his hand immediately. Then he looked into the pale and delicate face of the monster. His amber eyes reflected his own face which was slightly red.

    He put his finger on his lips, blushed and explained in a low voiceShh, the owner of this room hates monsters. If you are found by him, he might kill you, so I did that just now.

    Theresa blinked , wondering, do I look like a monster?

    Just as she was about to speak, she heard the sound of the wooden house being pushed open again. The boy turned around and straightened his back, looking as if he was facing a great enemy.

    Looking through the gap, Theresa saw a young man wearing a black kimono coming in. He had long hair tied up and beautiful red eyes. His soft black hair half hung down to cover his right eye, and there was a confident and indifferent smile on his lips.

    The calm-looking young man looked around, his gaze finally falling on the place where the two were hiding. There was a flash of interest in his eyes, and he walked leisurely in that direction.

    I'll cover you for a while, you go quickly. The brown-haired boy turned around and said with a determined look on his face.

    Theresa opened her mouth, but the boy suddenly stood up and stood in front of Theresa. Mr. Deba, I won't allow you to hurt innocent monsters.

    Hmm? Dechang Jingsi 's tone rose slightly. Are there monsters here?

    Deba Shizuji 's gaze fell behind Natsume , and saw a girl sticking her head out from behind. She looked pale but extraordinarily beautiful, really like a monster in this mountain.

    The moment he saw the girl's appearance, Shizue Dejima 's face darkened, which made his aura seem even more terrifying. He walked closer to the girl step by step .

    Natsume obviously noticed that something was wrong with the mood of the field, and thought that it was because he hated the monster in front of him so much. Seeing that the monster was still standing there stupidly, he couldn't help but get anxious, Hurry up, he will kill you.

    Theresa smiled and shook her head. She looked at the boy with a soothing look and said softly, Brother Deba won't do that.

    Scared? Natsume widened his eyes. When did Mr. Deba 's relationship with monsters become so good?

    Or is she not a monster? !

    Chapter 3

    O h? Dechang Jingsi raised his eyebrows, his phoenix eyes were full of majesty, and his expression was a bit like a smile, You are quite confident.

    Theresa was not frightened by his seemingly unfriendly face. After all, they were all descendants of a demon-hunting family and they had regular interactions. Unlike a weakling like her, Dechang Jingsi was well-known among the demon-hunting families. He was the head of the Dechang family at a young age and looked a little cold and inhuman. However, Theresa knew that Dechang was a man who could be described as hard-mouthed but soft-hearted.

    She smiled softly, Well, I never tell lies, Dechang-nii-ge.

    Shizuka Deba snorted lightly, With this appearance, it's no wonder that Natsume mistook you for a monster. Theresa, are you afraid of dying? Why are you making such a fuss when you know you're not in good health?

    He walked to the girl's side and looked down at Theresa, who looked pale. His usually indifferent face was unexpectedly lively at this moment.

    I'm sorry to make you worry, but it was just an accident. You know I always cherish my life. Theresa explained in a gentle voice.

    Dechang Jingsi raised his eyebrows and said calmly, Worried? I'm just afraid of being scolded by the old man in your family.

    Theresa laughed, Yes.

    Her skin was unusually white to begin with, and the blue under her eyes was particularly obvious when she smiled like this. Although she was wearing a thin coat, she was clearly wearing pajamas underneath, and only a pair of white socks on her feet. Perhaps because she had been walking for a long time, the socks looked dirty, and there were green leaves on them.

    Tsk, it really is... Chang Jingsi couldn't help but frowned, and he looked more and more serious.

    He thought for a moment, then squatted down in front of Theresa and said in a deep voice, Come up, I'll carry you back.

    Theresa did not hesitate, because her body was indeed very tired, so she lay obediently on Deba Shizuka 's back. She turned her head slightly and saw the boy who had just mistaken her for a monster. Her amber eyes gradually showed a smile.

    Seeing the girl looking at him, Natsume Takashi touched his hair a little at a loss, his ears turned red, and he felt embarrassed and shy, Um, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to mistake you for a monster...

    The boy's sincere voice reached Theresa's ears, and she curled the corners of her lips slightly, It's okay.

    Theresa thought for a moment and then said, My name is Theresa. Can you tell me your name?

    Huh? Natsume Takashi's mind was a little slow, My name is Natsume Takashi.

    It's Natsume. Theresa repeated in a low voice.

    Deba Shizuka had an extra person on his back, he was still calm and composed. He looked at Natsume Takashi , his red phoenix eyes slightly raised, Oh, Natsume-kun, it seems that we can only talk about our business next time.

    Then he finally saw an expression of satisfaction on the boy's face, and then he turned around and slowly walked out of the cabin.

    Deba-nii is really... You really like Natsume... but you insist on saying things that scare her.

    Theresa whispered in Shizuka Deba 's ear.

    Just shut up. There was a hint of gnashing in Dechang Shizue 's voice. Ever since he was a child, Theresa had always been particularly annoyed by this aspect of hers.



    It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when she returned to Tokyo. Since Theresa had rested enough at the Chang's house and her energy was almost restored, she decided to carry out her plan from yesterday and go to the Youth Academy first to check it out, so as to avoid getting lost the next morning.

    Theresa used the little money she had left to buy a map, and then she looked at the map and walked along the route indicated. Theresa had no idea that she was a person with poor directions, and she got on the train that was said to lead to Youth College with an uncanny intuition.

    About an hour later, Theresa returned to the station again, looking at the map in her hand in a daze, puzzled. She had clearly followed the instructions on the map, so why couldn't she reach Youth College?

    She felt that she was going in the right direction, and she was also following the instructions of kind passers-by.

    My sense of direction isn't that bad.


    Theresa hadn't yet come to any realization of her black hole-like sense of direction.

    She leaned against the wall, looking down at the map in her hand, looking a little dejected. Her drooping eyelashes formed a beautiful silhouette under her eyes, and she looked a little helpless.

    Beautiful lady, you seem to be in trouble, is there anything I can help you with?

    The boy who was speaking had golden hair, slightly purple eyes, and a smile so bright that it seemed to warm people's hearts. He was softly asking the strange girl in front of him.

    Today, Suwang Huan planned to experience the life of ordinary people. In the face of Feng Jingye's obviously skeptical eyes, he patted his chest and assured him that he could do it. So the next day, Suwang Huan went out with a card and some cash.

    Unfortunately, by the time he had almost spent all his cash, he still hadn't found his planned destination. Despite this, Xu Wang Huan was still extremely optimistic. At worst, he could just ask Jing Ye's father to pick him up.

    As soon as he walked out of the station, he saw a pale, petite girl looking at the map in her hand with a confused look.

    Hearing someone's question, Theresa raised her head. The confusion in her amber eyes was not hidden yet. She hesitated for a few seconds and said in a gentle voiceUm, please tell me how to get to Youth College?

    Although I don't know Youth College, I should be able to get there if I have a map. When Xu Wanghuan spoke, he completely forgot the fact that he had been searching for most of the day and couldn't find the destination he wanted to go to.

    Theresa looked at the boy's confident look and handed the map to the boy in front of her, Here is the map.

    After watching for a few minutes, Suou Tamaki smiled and said, It looks like we'll be there soon. Let me take you there.

    He looked confident.

    Although Theresa had little contact with people, she could still clearly feel the kindness of this young man. She curved her eyebrows and said, Thank you, but if you want to accompany me, will you...

    It's okay. I'm out here to have fun today anyway. Xu Wanghuan saw the girl's concerns and explained with a smile.

    Theresa thanked him again and said she was lucky to have someone to help her.

    Suwang Tamaki , who had no clear understanding of his own ability to recognize the road, said naturally.

    Half an hour later

    Xu Wang, are you sure this is the line? The girl's voice sounded a little doubtful.

    Yes, we all followed the map. Xu Wanghuan said firmly.

    Twenty minutes later

    TheresaAre you sure?

    Suou Tamaki I think we're on the right track.

    ten minutes later

    This seems to be Jorin High School.


    Xu Wang Huan wiped the sweat off his face, and suddenly thought of something. His eyes lit up and he suggested cheerfullyHow about we take a taxi?

    But I only have 120 yen left, which is not enough for the taxi. Theresa was a little discouraged.

    It's okay, I have a card. The rich man Xu Wang Huan said as he tried to take out his black card. After searching for a long time, he only took out a few coins from it.


    Her eyes were filled with pity without her having to do it.

    This unlucky child.

    Because of her limited physical strength, Theresa sat on a bench nearby to rest for a while. The blond boy next to her drooped his head, and was obviously in a low mood, as if even his blond hair had lost its luster.

    Theresa thought he was upset about losing his black card, so she consoled him, It's okay. Black cards are limited edition and should have limited usage. You should be able to get a new one when the time comes.

    It's not because of that. Xu Wang Huan waved his hand , I just feel like I have caused you trouble. You have walked so many detours in vain and still can't find your destination.

    If you put it that way, it's obvious that you came to accompany me to find the way, so I'm the one who got you into trouble. Theresa chuckled, revealing a shallow dimple .

    Seeing that she really didn't care, Suou Tamaki smiled again, You've walked for such a long time, Chiba, you must be thirsty. I'll go buy you a bottle of drink.

    As he spoke, he pointed to the vending machine not far away and asked, What would you like to drink?

    Mineral water is fine, thank you.

    Suwang Tamaki bought two bottles of water for Qianye. After handing one bottle to Qianye, he immediately opened his own bottle and drank a few sips. After finishing it, he saw that Qianye just put it aside and had no intention of drinking it. He couldn't help but askQianye, aren't you thirsty?

    I'll drink it later. Theresa took the mineral water in her hand. The water droplets on the bottle moistened her palms, which was icy and comfortable.

    Suwang Tamaki looked at Theresa's dry lips and her skin which was whiter than others, and couldn't help asking, Qianye, can't you drink ice water?

    Theresa didn't expect that Suou Tamaki would be so considerate. She smiled and nodded.

    For people with her physique, it is better to let the mineral water sit for a while before drinking it.

    Suwang Tamaki frowned . Even though Qianye was only someone he had known for a while, he still couldn't help but ask with concernWhy is Qianye so weak? Have you been to the hospital?

    Qianye was reluctant to say too much about his physical condition, only saying that he was born weak.

    Come to think of it, when I saw you walking just now, I thought you were going to faint. But surprisingly, although you were indeed out of breath, it seemed that your physical strength was a little stronger than it looked. Xu Wanghuan said with a little surprise.

    Theresa smiled but said nothing. After all, she had been trained.

    The two of them took a break. At this time, both Suou Tamaki and Theresa had a clear understanding of their own level of road recognition, and they no longer had any hope of reaching their destination on their own.

    Theresa was considering whether she should go home first or go and have a look while there was still time.

    Suou Tamaki , however, looked more courageous as he faced more setbacks. I don't believe that I, Suou Tamaki, really can't find the Youth Academy. We will definitely find it this last time.

    What if we can't find it? Theresa asked casually.

    Xu Wanghuan pointed at his cell phone and raised his head proudly, Then let Feng Jingye's father do it.


    Looking at the map, Youth College should be not far from here. Why don't we ask others if they know the way? Xu Wanghuan suggested .

    Theresa agreed that it was very rare to find people as directionally challenged as they were, and it was unlikely that the next person they would meet would also be a directionally challenged person.

    You, there is a student over there carrying a tennis racket. It is said that Youth College is a famous tennis school. Let's go up and ask him. Maybe he is a student of Youth College. Xu Wanghuan said, looking at a boy with slightly curled hair at the ends, like seaweed.

    Hello, classmate, do you know how to get to Youth College? Su Wang Huan said, looking at the boy's big green eyes.

    Chapter 4

    Youth College? Isn't that the school I went to for a one-on-one challenge?

    Youth College, of course I know you. The bus will be here soon. Get off in two stops.

    Little Kelp recalled for a moment and said without hesitation.

    I'm in a hurry, so I'm leaving first. After saying that, Xiao Haidai left in a hurry. He had been playing games in Tokyo for a long time today . If he didn't go home, he would be scolded.

    Then... Before Suou Tamaki could finish his words, the man walked away in a flash, Thank you.

    He had no choice but to thank him from a distance.

    When the bus arrived, Suwang Tamaki pulled Theresa onto the bus.

    Perhaps because she was afraid of being cheated, Theresa was a little cautious. She smiled sweetly at the driver and said, Driver, can we get to Youth College by going two stops?

    The uncle was a very kind man, and he answered patiently, Hey , little girl, you can't get to Youth College by going two stops. You have to go three stops at least, and then walk 500 meters and turn right to get to Youth College.

    I understand. Thank you, uncle. After thanking her, Theresa sat down next to Suou Tamaki .

    Suou Tamaki patted his chest and said, You are very thoughtful, otherwise we would have gone the wrong way again. But why was that boy so sure? I actually believed what he said.

    Theresa glanced at him, pursed her lips, and silently addedWeren't you like this at the beginning?

    Suou Tamaki ...It was just an accident.


    After arriving at the station, the two got off and walked towards their destination.

    Suou Tamaki looked at the person in front of him and couldn't help but say, Yuu, the driver said to go 200 meters to the right.

    Yes, I went on the right side. Theresa said naturally.

    That's the left side. Xu Wanghuan said with a look of pity.

    Theresa paused for a moment and said nonchalantly, I know. I saw a road sign over there, so I wanted to go over and take a look first.

    Oh, so that's how it is. I thought you couldn't tell left from right. Xu Wanghuan breathed a sigh of relief and didn't doubt her words at all.

    Theresa pursed her lips and smiled slightly, How could that be?

    It was just an accident.

    About 500 meters away from the two , the super-powered Kingsley looked at his new neighbor in front of him and the golden retriever-like boy next to her, with a slightly subtle expression on his face.

    Who allows him to hear people’s inner interactions?

    [So these two people are really idiots. It took them so long to find a school.]

    [Theresa, you should know that your home is only half an hour's walk from Youth College. How did you manage to spend an entire afternoon looking for Youth College?]

    [Even if you start from Tokyo Station instead of your home, your level of directionlessness is off the charts]

    [And why do people with poor directions still want to rush together? To be honest, you don’t have any idea at all? ! ! ]

    [One is that you are on the wrong road but you still feel that you are on the right road. The other is that you are on an unfamiliar road but you are confident that you can find the way.]

    [In a moment, Theresa, you don’t know how to get home, do you?]

    Kingsley complained expressionlessly , thinking that his new neighbor might have a problem with his brain.

    Yuu, if you just moved here yesterday, do you still remember how to get to your home?

    Suou Tamaki looked at Theresa with eyes full of suspicion.

    I remember that when I came here, I felt that the surrounding environment was quite familiar, and it should be no problem to go home.

    Uncle Obadiah had taken her around here, and Theresa still remembered it.

    It seems that you can go down this road, then turn right, and then go down to get there.

    Theresa recalled silently.

    Kingsley said he was unable to complain.

    [What kind of magical ability is this? If you really plan to go back along this route, you will be in trouble.]

    Are you sure? Xu Wanghuan looked at her seriously.


    The expression on Theresa's face was so familiar that it reminded Suou Tamaki that he used to be so confident.

    Well, since your house is nearby and we are friends, I'll take you home. I can still come and play with you later.

    Suou Tamaki didn't say that he said this because he was worried that Theresa wouldn't be able to find her way home.

    Sure, thank you.

    Theresa smiled slightly, not thinking at all about Suou Tamaki 's concerns.

    Kingsley also breathed a sigh of relief, at least there was someone who understood his new neighbor.

    [Even so, we still have to see if they can find the way. I can give them some hints if necessary.]

    Kingsley thought so.

    Moving forward, right? Xu Wanghuan asked seriously.

    Yeah. Theresa nodded.

    [What is it? You are going in the wrong direction. You should go back. Turn around and turn right. You will arrive in ten minutes.]

    Kingsley protested silently in his mind.

    He wanted to use his super powers to give Theresa some hints and get her back on the right track.

    Then he tried to use his superpowers, and found that his superpowers had no effect on Theresa.

    [Ah, ah, how much do you believe that your path is correct?]

    [Or is it that the people of the demon-killing family are indeed extraordinary?]

    Kingsley couldn't help but roll his eyes. Unable to change Theresa's mind, Kingsley had to start with Suou Tamaki .

    Wait, You, can you tell me where your home address is first?

    Suou Tamaki suddenly spoke up, looking carefully at the map in his hand.

    In ***** Theresa read the address of the new home.

    Suou Tamaki looked at the map in his hand and said silently, If it's over there, we should go back, right? Yu, did you remember it wrong?

    Although he asked in a questioning tone, Suou Tamaki was certain that Yu had remembered it wrong.

    Let me see. Theresa also came over and studied the map carefully, then nodded, It seems that what you said is right.

    「Ah hey hey, this time it finally worked, next time she will finally be able to get home safely.」

    Kingsley finally breathed a sigh of relief.

    Yeta, you're back.

    Theresa had just said goodbye to Suou Tamaki when she heard Walker's mother's voice.

    Walker's mother, who happened to come back from outside, looked at the girl with some surprise and said that she had made some snacks today and originally wanted to give them to Yeta and the others to try, but unfortunately there seemed to be no one at their home.

    Theresa gave a sweet smile, Yes, Aunt Walker.

    It seems like you guys went out very early today. Auntie wanted to bring you some snacks to try.

    Thank you, Auntie. My uncle went on a business trip early in the morning, so I went out for a while as well. Theresa lied a little.

    It’s not right to say that she was abducted by a monster in the middle of the night.

    [Shock! You were kidnapped by a monster in the middle of the night. What kind of magical physique do you have?]

    Kingsley, who was caught off guard and learned another important piece of information, was shocked again.

    On a business trip? Walker's mother was obviously a little surprised. I heard Mr. Obadiah say last night that he always goes on business trips for a long time. How long will Mr. Obadiah be gone this time?

    It will take at least a few months. This also explains why she will live alone in the future.

    Is that so? Walker's mother smiled gently, "Yeta will live alone in the future. If you have any trouble, you can ask uncle and aunt for help. Our Kingsley is about the same age as Yetta, so Yetta can also come to our Kingsley to play.

    Don't think that our Kingsley seems to be introverted, but he is actually very protective. Yetta should just treat Kingsley as a brother.

    Mother Walker smiled warmly and spoke to Theresa in a soft voice.


    Chapter 5

    The school uniform is turquoise in color with a pink bow tied at the collar. It is a really unique design.

    Theresa tried on the Qingxue uniform and couldn't help but complain silently.

    Ring, ring, ring. The phone in the living room rang, and Theresa ran to answer it.

    Ah? Grandpa, the head of the family, Brother Dechang told you what happened during the day. I'm fine, you don't have to worry.

    Theresa didn't expect that the head of the family would call her at this time. After all, the family has a rule that you cannot ask family members for help during the assessment period. But the head of the family took the initiative to find her, so it should not be considered a violation of the rules.

    Huh ? You have something for me?

    There was a hint of curiosity in Theresa's tone.

    It's a thank-you gift for getting rid of the demon, why are you giving it to me?

    Because it is just a dead object in our hands, but you are different, Yeta. You have inherited your parents' outstanding talents since you were a child. Maybe this object will become a living thing in your hands.

    The calm and kind voice slowly reached Theresa's ears.

    She smiled knowingly, I know.

    But what is that, Patriarch Grandpa?

    Keep it secret for now. You'll know when it's delivered to you.

    The person on the other end of the phone suddenly kept the secret.

    Is that so? I'm looking forward to it.

    Theresa smiled, revealing her dimples .

    After hanging up the phone, Theresa brewed some medicine in the kitchen, set the timer, and sat on the sofa reading a magic book.

    Although the monster last night did not do anything to her, she knew that such a thing might happen again in the future. Although she was carrying the amulet left by her parents, which was enough to protect her life, the amulet would only work when the monster wanted to kill her.

    So in order to suffer less torture, Theresa thought it was important to learn some life-saving spells.

    She actually knows some small spells to exorcise monsters, but the monster last night was too powerful and it had no intention of killing her, so Theresa did not resist.

    Before this, she had been studying the techniques of immobilization and teleportation . These two techniques were the most difficult to master of all spells. Only a small number of the younger generation in the family could use these two spells. After all, if you really learned them, in battle, just using the technique of immobilization could easily defeat the monster, while teleportation would help in escaping.

    Even someone as talented as Theresa is still in the process of exploring these two spells. She can only teleport to a small area now, and the teleportation location sometimes seems to be beyond her control. According to her current level, she can only teleport three times a day at most .

    The black wolf-hair brush drew a mysterious character on the yellow talisman paper. The moment the brush stopped, the girl who was curled up on the sofa disappeared.

    Come out, protector of mankind. The breath of Dark Reuniond is about to dye this world black. People of the Black Cross Legion, obey my call and fight side by side with me to devour the dark power.

    The young man with soft blue hair stood on one leg, with his arms spread out like a roc spreading its wings. He closed his eyes and muttered something to himself. When he opened his eyes, he saw the girl standing in front of him.

    The young man smiled and said, You must be the person sent by the organization to assist me. I have to say that your disguise is very successful. By dressing up like this, those guys won't be able to find us. This way, we can successfully carry out our plan and protect all mankind.

    Theresa blinked . Huh? I was just passing by.

    She was just practicing her teleportation talisman , and her destination was this small park near her home. She had strolled around the area with her uncle last night and found that there were very few people here at night, so she chose this place specifically to experiment.

    I just didn't expect that there would still be someone here so late, and this person was acting weird. I wonder if there was something wrong with his brain.

    Or maybe she is the legendary severe chuunibyou. She read many characters in the comics and they have chuunibyou.

    Fortunately, he had his eyes closed just now and didn't see that I suddenly appeared in front of him.

    You don't have to worry. I have already gotten rid of all the people from the evil organization. The people sent by the Black Cross Legion must be very powerful. Girl, what is your special ability? The blue-haired boy thought the girl was just pretending.

    I was really just passing by. Theresa tried hard to explain that she was really a normal person.

    I understand. You must not believe that I am your companion. It is good that you are so vigilant. In order to prove that I am really a member of the Black Cross Legion, I decided to tell you a secret. The blue-haired boy seemed to have made a major decision.


    Actually, I have thirteen personalities, and my ultimate move is 'Thunder Knight'. My power is too strong, so I sealed it in my right hand. For the sake of world peace, please keep it a secret. The blue-haired boy said solemnly .

    Theresa nodded with difficulty under the other party's pleading eyes.

    Okay, now it's your turn. The blue-haired boy put his hands on his face and waited for the girl to speak.

    Theresa pursed her lips , feeling a little embarrassed, so she wanted to say something.

    After thinking for a few seconds, Theresa still had a normal mindset and explained againActually, I'm just an ordinary person. I just happened to pass by you.

    The blue-haired boy stared at her for several minutes, wishing he could poke holes in her body.

    Theresa smiled at the boy.

    I understand. This is your special ability. The blue-haired boy suddenly said, With talents like you here, the world will definitely become a better place. The power of darkness will no longer exist soon.

    He turned around and walked away resolutely. The coat draped over his shoulders fluttered in the night wind, making him seem even more unfathomable.

    Theresa held her forehead with her hand and said, Forget it, as long as you are happy.

    After the boy walked away, Theresa drew another teleportation spell . Perhaps because the distance was closer, this time she was able to return to her home smoothly.

    When a faint medicinal fragrance wafted out of the kitchen, Theresa put down the yellowed spell book in her hand, went to the kitchen, poured the thick black Chinese medicine into a small white porcelain bowl, and after drinking the medicine, it was only about nine o'clock, but it was already Theresa's rest time.

    By going to bed early and getting up early and eating a healthy diet, Theresa feels that she has already lived a retirement life in advance.

    I will go to the new school tomorrow. I wonder what kind of people I will meet and what things will happen.

    As she thought about it , Theresa slowly fell into sleep, with the corners of her lips slightly curved.

    Chapter 6

    In the morning, Theresa put on her school uniform and stuffed her new textbooks into her schoolbag. Before leaving, she held a coin in her hand.

    Good morning.

    As soon as she went out, Theresa met her neighbor Kingsley. She smiled and greeted him.


    [I didn't want to go out at this time, I was just a little curious whether this new neighbor could find the direction of Qingxue]

    [No matter what, it seems a bit bad to be late on the first day of transferring to a new school.]

    [But I can't change her mind, how can I remind her to get on the right path?]

    Kingsley seemed to have determined that this new neighbor really could not find a new school.

    Does Walker walk to school? Theresa asked with a smile, looking at the boy who looked a little cold.

    Yes, because the school is very close. Your school is also very close. Just walk along this road and then turn left and you will be there.

    Walker was afraid that she didn't know the way, so he told her the route.

    Thank you. I remember the way now.

    Theresa smiled, her eyes sparkling.

    Mr. Walker is indeed a very good person just as his mother said. He was afraid that I would get lost and he even told me the route.

    [No, I just think you are really stupid in some aspects, and I can’t stand it, so I said that]

    After they walked for a while, Theresa saw a sign on the side of the road pointing to the direction of PK College. She looked at Walker and said, Walker, your school is over there. I'm leaving now. Bye.

    Walker turned a corner when the girl was looking at him, found a deserted place, hid himself, and followed Theresa silently.

    【After all, caring for the weak is everyone’s responsibility】

    Kingsley made an excuse for himself.

    [I didn’t take the wrong road again this time. It seems my new neighbor is not as stupid as I thought.]

    Kingsley saw Theresa arrive safely at the gate of Youth Academy, and before the bell rang, he came to his classroom as usual and started his ordinary day.

    As soon as Theresa stepped into the gate of Youth College, she smelled an unusual scent called gossip.

    Akiyama Kanon, you are my heart, you are my liver, you are my little baby, I like you, please date me.

    This must be the legendary cheesy love talk, Theresa complained silently.

    She looked up at the boy in white school uniform standing on the rooftop and thought that the boy was really brave. But would the girl accept this way of confessing his love?

    Theresa was a little curious. After all, apart from the confession scenes she had seen on TV and in comics, this was the first time she had seen a real person confession in real life.

    That Akiyama, I heard that she's been getting close to Eiji-senpai recently. I never thought that Yamashita-senpai would dare to confess in public.

    I don't think Akiyama will agree. Although it seems that Yamashita-senpai really likes Akiyama, this way of confessing is a bit tacky .

    I heard that Akiyama and Fujigaku ...

    Ding ding ding the class bell rang at this time, but the students gathered in the center obviously still wanted to continue eating melons. After all, the heroine of the story had not yet appeared, so they were reluctant to disperse.

    You are really too lax. If you don't go back to the classroom right now, all students will run ten laps around the playground immediately.

    The stern and cold warning spread among the crowd, just like throwing a bomb into the crowd. Its power can be imagined.

    were originally gathered in a group looked at the student union president in horror, who was covered in ice. In an instant, he disappeared, even faster than during the physical examination.

    Theresa laughed. Perhaps because everyone had left and she was the only one left at the scene, she was too conspicuous.

    Soon, the classmate who was emitting ice chips all over his body came in front of Theresa. He was tall and slender, with handsome features, a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his nose, and his brown and black eyes showed a calm and wise light. If he hadn't been wearing the Qingxue school uniform, Theresa would not have recognized that he was still a student, perhaps because his temperament was too mature.

    Student, the class bell has rung. If you don't return to the classroom before the second bell rings, you will be deducted points.

    He had a duty student armband on his right hand and looked very businesslike.

    Perhaps because his tone was too serious, Theresa couldn't help but straighten her back with bright eyes, Well, actually, I'm the transfer student reporting here today, but I don't know how to get to the office?

    The girl's voice was soft, and when she smiled she had two shallow dimples . Her eyebrows and eyes were picturesque, but her skin was too pale. She looked like someone who grew up surrounded by medicine.

    Looking at the delicate yet frail girl in front of him, Tezuka Kunimitsu understood that this girl must be the transfer student in their class.

    Hello, my name is Tezuka Kunimitsu, and I'm the class monitor of Class 2(A) of High School, where you'll be attending. I'll take you to my office next.

    Perhaps it was because the girl's smile was so comfortable that the usually cold Tezuka Kunimitsu could n't help but soften his expression a little, although on the surface he looked no different.

    Hello, I'm Theresa. It's our first meeting. Please take care of me.

    Her eyebrows raised, and her overly pale face looked extremely bright when she smiled.

    Kunimitsu Tezuka pushed his glasses up and, in keeping with his responsibilities as class monitor, introduced many of the characteristics of Seigaku to Theresa on the way to the office .

    By the way, doesn't Chiba-san look to be in poor health? During their conversation, Tezuka Kunimitsu learned that Chiba was an easy-going girl, and although she looked frail, she was surprisingly not very delicate.

    Is it obvious?

    The girl asked seriously.

    Tezuka Kunimitsu nodded honestly.

    I thought I looked a little better recently, but I was overthinking it.

    Theresa said these words that sounded a little lost, but there was still a smile on her face, and Tezuka knew that she was actually joking.

    It will be fine. Tezuka pushed his glasses down and said seriously.

    Tezuka, you brought Chiba here. The homeroom teacher, Shizuka Kaze , said with some surprise. She was just wondering if Chiba had gotten lost.

    She had already learned about Theresa's information in advance. According to her family, her health had always been poor and she seldom went to school. She usually had a tutor, but her grades were very good. Regarding Theresa's situation, she was actually a little worried about whether Chiba could integrate into the class.

    But when she saw the person in person, she unconsciously put her worries aside. There was no other reason. Qianye was so beautiful and had a gentle personality . It could be seen that she was an easy-going person. Moreover, she knew the kids she brought with her. They all had good character. There should be no problem getting along with the transfer student.

    After asking Chiba to fill out some necessary information, Shizuka Xiangze led Theresa towards Class 2 ( A).

    Ahem, I have something to announce to you all today, so please be quiet.

    Xiang Zejing cleared her throat and spoke seriously.

    Today a new student will join our class. I hope you can get along well with each other and live in solidarity and friendship.

    Xiangze Jing looked at the bunch of bastards below and threw out an explosive news. After all, she had kept it secret well before, and no one knew about it except Tezuka .

    Wow!!! The legendary transfer student!

    We are indeed the chosen class.

    Teacher, is the transfer student a boy or a girl?

    Stop arguing, let's welcome the transfer student with applause.

    Xiang Zejing interrupted the noisy group of people.

    Theresa exhaled. Although she didn't want to admit it, she was indeed a little nervous.

    Hi everyone, I'm Theresa, please take care of me.

    The girl has long flaxen hair and amber eyes with a gentle hue. Although her face is pale, her facial features are incredibly delicate. When she smiles, shallow dimples appear, making her look like an elf.

    The class was silent for a moment, but soon became lively again.

    Teacher, I am a good student with a good personality and good looks. Please let Chiba sit next to me.

    Teacher, Chiba and I are both girls, please arrange for us to sit together.

    Teacher, I fell in love with Chiba at first sight, please help me.

    Teacher, Chiba and I both have the same flaxen hair. I believe we will have a lot of common topics.


    Xiangze held his forehead with his hand. Can't these face-obsessed bastards behave a little more reserved ?

    Considering many aspects , Xiangze finally let Theresa sit next to the vice-class monitor Tachibana Rina, and the class officially began.

    Chapter 7

    During the break, perhaps out

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