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Stories never got told
Stories never got told
Stories never got told
Ebook159 pages2 hours

Stories never got told

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Embark on Royna's riveting journey from London's familiar streets to the mysterious landscapes of Vietnam. Her seemingly routine life transforms into a thrilling roller coaster of emotions in the sultry ambiance of Vietnam. Friendships fray, love turns toxic, and R

Release dateMay 16, 2024
Stories never got told

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    Stories never got told - Lalitha Bhogaraju


    In the intricate tapestry of Royna's existence, pain had become an unwelcome companion, an unrelenting force that waged a silent war between her heart and mind. Each passing moment seemed to echo with the struggle, a relentless conflict that mirrored the eternal battle between birth and death. In the depths of her being, Royna yearned to rid herself of this burden, an indescribable ache that seemed to permeate every fiber of her being.

    Yet, as she navigated the labyrinth of her emotions, Royna found herself at a crossroads of despair and hope. In the silence of her tears, she sought solace, a desperate plea for release from the invisible chains that bound her. The tears became conduits, carrying the weight of her pain, a silent offering to the universe in the hope that the act of crying would somehow cleanse the wounds within.

    In this poignant preface, Royna grapples with the haunting question: Can even the scars etched within bear the potential for healing?

    Chapter 1


    Once upon a time, in a world where enchantment lingered, there lived a captivating young girl named Royna who exuded innocence and beauty. Her beautiful stance and fair complexion exude a gentle radiance, enhancing her overall charm. Long, flowing, wavy blond hair cascaded down her back like strands of spun gold. Each wave seemed to have a life of its own, catching the light and shimmering with a natural radiance. Her eyes are a hypnotic hue of deep brown, like pools of warm chocolate. They were encompassed by lengthy, deep lashes that delicately flutter like a butterfly's wings. Her smile is a work of art. It starts with a subtle curve on the other lips, like the delicate petals of a rose flower. Royna's fingers possessed a soft and feminine allure. Her nails, shaped in elegant ovals, were a perfect canvas. Royna's feet were a sight to behold, exuding grace and beauty. Her toes were slender and perfectly aligned, with nails painted a soft, delicate shade of pastel pink. The arch of her feet was gently curved, giving them an elegant and ethereal quality. They were a testament to her poise and natural charm. Beneath her graceful yet strong exterior, she possesses a deep empathy for others. She displays a strong sense of protectiveness towards her loved ones and is willing to make significant efforts to stand by their side. Royna was born in Vietnam to an orthodox Indian family. Her beloved family is a close-knit unit bound by the strong ties of siblinghood. The dependable older brother is at its heart, a steadfast presence who guides and supports his younger siblings. He's the rock of the family, always ready with a helping hand and a reassuring smile. At the same time, the younger brother, full of energy and curiosity, adds a vibrant spark to the household. His enthusiasm is infectious, and his siblings often find themselves caught up in his adventures. He regards his elder brother with admiration, frequently turning to him for guidance and seeking his endorsement. Among the younger sisters, there are twins; one is Royna. Royna and her twin sister Eleanor share a unique and unbreakable bond, often communicating without words and sharing their thoughts in a way only twins can. Their laughter and imagination fill the house with joy. They adore their older and younger brother, cherishing the protective and nurturing roles they play. Together, this family embodies love, unity, and the unique blend of personalities and ages that make them a harmonious and dynamic team. They support each other through life's ups and downs, creating lasting memories and a strong foundation for their futures. A supportive mother adept at navigating the challenges of a household with picky eaters. While ensuring a menu that pleases everyone, she often sacrifices her culinary preferences—prioritising her family's needs over hers. However, the increasing demands of a big family had begun to worry her father, who constantly juggled finances to make ends meet. His concern deepened each day as he pondered how to support his beloved family.

    One sunny Sunday morning, the entire family gathered at their local temple to find solace and unity in prayer. The temple was a place of comfort, a haven where they sought guidance and strength in facing life's challenges. As they lit incense and offered their prayers, Royna's father's thoughts were consumed by his financial struggles. Suddenly, amidst the soft chants and the fragrance of incense, his phone rang. The call seemed like an interruption to the serene atmosphere, and he quickly excused himself to answer it, leaving his family curious about the unexpected disruption. As he stepped away from the prayer area, Royna's father's face swiftly transformed. His expression shifted from a blank gaze to one of shock and disbelief. His family watched from a distance; their brows furrowed with worry and curiosity as they tried to decipher the meaning behind the call. After what seemed like an eternity, Royna's father returned to the family, his face still wearing an expression of disbelief. Only when Royna's mother gently inquired about the call did he finally speak up, his voice trembling with emotion. Royna's family returned home, still reeling from the unexpected call that her father had received. As they settled down at the dining table for a hearty lunch, they knew it was time to share the life-altering news with the rest of the family. As it turned out, the call was a job offer—an opportunity beyond what he had ever imagined. The salary was enough to support the family comfortably, and the benefits included stability and financial security. However, this offer came with a twist – the job was in London. As the initial shock of the offer's details settled in, Royna's parents faced a new dilemma. They needed to consider how the entire family could make the monumental shift to London while ensuring their children's education remained uninterrupted. Their children's studies were progressing well, and they were deeply involved in their school and extracurricular activities. Uprooting the family to London would undoubtedly bring new opportunities. Still, it would also disrupt the educational rhythm that had been established.

    Upon hearing the news, Royna's siblings, wide-eyed and eager to explore a world beyond their own, were initially excited at the prospect of moving to London. As a young child, Royna was determined to move to London. The idea of a new city, a new home, and new adventures filled her with boundless enthusiasm. Her young heart was open to the possibilities and wonders that awaited her in this vibrant and historic city. It wasn't an easy decision, but the family eventually embraced the opportunity that London offered. Royna's parents were determined to provide their children with the best opportunities in life.

    In the days leading up to the move, Royna's excitement was palpable. She eagerly asked her parents many questions about London, wanting to know everything about the place they would soon call home. She fantasised about exploring famous landmarks like Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and the Tower of London. The thought of picnicking in Hyde Park and riding the iconic red double-decker buses thrilled her. The idea of making new friends and attending a different school was also an exciting challenge for Royna. With the help of the internet, Royna embarked on a virtual journey that transported her from the quiet corners of her hometown to the bustling heart of London. The anticipation of experiencing London's diverse culture, trying new foods, and hearing the city's unique accent filled her with curiosity. Royna's imagination ran wild with visions of cobblestone streets, charming British tea shops, and the excitement of city life. Guided by online resources, she immersed herself in London's rich history and cultural tapestry.

    In the following months, preparations for the move were in full swing. The family initiated the intricate process of packing their belongings, carefully selecting items to accompany them on their transcontinental journey. Each room echoed with boxes filled and sealed, capturing the essence of a chapter coming to a close. Securing a place to stay in the bustling city became a priority. The family navigated the intricacies of finding a suitable residence, considering factors like proximity to schools and work and the unique character of London's diverse neighbourhoods. The search for a new home unfolded as a meticulous dance between personal preferences and practical considerations. Simultaneously, coordinating their children's school transfers added another layer of complexity. The parents engaged with school administrators, ensuring a smooth transition for their children into the educational landscape of London. From gathering transcripts to understanding curriculum differences, this phase of the process required meticulous attention to detail.

    In the quaint town where Royna's family had spent countless memorable years, whispers of excitement and secret planning filled the air. Unbeknownst to Royna and her family, their relatives conspired to create a farewell party that would be etched in their hearts forever. As the day of departure drew near, the relatives gathered in hushed conversations, clandestinely organising the details of the surprise farewell party. Aunts, uncles, and cousins collaborated like conspirators, ensuring every element was meticulously planned to capture the essence of love and nostalgia. On the eve of their departure, Royna's family thought they were attending a small family dinner. However, as they approached the venue, the soft glow of twinkling lights and the hum of familiar voices revealed the grand surprise awaiting them. When they entered the beautifully adorned space, Royna's eyes widened with astonishment. The room echoed with laughter and joy, and the air buzzed with the warmth of love and shared memories. The walls are adorned with photographs from the past, capturing moments that painted a vivid picture of the family's journey. The farewell party became a tapestry of emotions as relatives shared heartfelt stories and expressed gratitude for the time spent together. A slideshow chronicling cherished memories played in the background, and the air was filled with melodies of laughter, tears, and the promise of lasting connections. Royna's family carried the memories of the evening and the enduring warmth of their love as they danced beneath the glittering stars of the farewell night. They celebrated their time in their hometown, cherishing the memories they had created there.

    The day they had finally arrived for Royna's family to catch their flight to London. The excitement was apparent, with the entire family rushing around to ensure everything was in order. For Royna, this day held a special significance as it was her first flight. The thought of soaring through the skies filled her with wonder and anticipation.

    As they arrived at the bustling airport, Royna's eyes grew wide with amazement at the sheer size and activity of the place. It was like stepping into a world of its own, with people from all walks of life rushing to their destinations. The array of shops and restaurants left Royna mesmerised. Once they checked in and made their way to the gate, Royna's excitement knew no bounds. Royna and her family are just in time as the announcement is being made on board the flight. She felt like she had entered a different realm when she set foot inside the aeroplane. The spacious cabin, with its neatly arranged seats, welcomed Royna with a sense of anticipation.

    The friendly smiles of the flight attendants added to her thrill as they gracefully directed passengers to their assigned seats with some chocolates for all the kids on the plane. The hum of excitement in the air and the promise of a journey about to unfold heightened Royna's senses. The aeroplane, a vessel of dreams and adventure, seemed to echo with the promise of new horizons and the exhilaration of the unknown. As she settled into her seat, Royna felt excitement and gratitude for the journey that awaited her above the clouds. Royna and her sister sat together, but an unexpected disagreement unfolded. They desperately wanted the coveted window seat, and neither was willing to concede. It became a heated battle of wills as they argued over who would get to watch the world outside from high above the clouds. Royna asserted that she deserved the window seat to savour the experience fully. Eleanor, however, was equally adamant, insisting that she also wanted to enjoy the breathtaking view. The dispute continued to escalate, much to the bemusement of the fellow passengers. Their parents, noticing the commotion, stepped in to mediate. They explained that they couldn't change the seating arrangements at that point and tried to divert their attention by pointing out the various amenities on the plane, such as in-flight entertainment and snacks. But Royna and Eleanor caught up in their rivalry and didn't give up easily. They sulked in their seats, casting occasional glances at

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