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Marvel's greatest fairy
Marvel's greatest fairy
Marvel's greatest fairy
Ebook1,078 pages18 hours

Marvel's greatest fairy

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This is the ninth failure, Yang Yi heart despairing sigh, it seems that this occupation is really not suitable for me, perhaps should really listen to the words of the family, back to his home county to find a nine-to-five job, to take a good hard-working daughter-in-law, live in peace and happiness.

Today is the deadline to pay the rent,

Release dateMay 3, 2024
Marvel's greatest fairy

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    Marvel's greatest fairy - Douglas Heath

    Copyright ©2024 By Douglas Heath,

    All rights reserved.

    No parts of this book may be copied, distributed, or published in any form without permission from the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction in which all events and characters in this book are completely imaginary. Any resemblance to actual people is entirely coincidental.

    Ebook ISBN: 979-8-8693-7916-0

    Cover designed by Douglas Heath

    Edited by Douglas Heath

    ### Chapter 1: The Accident ###

    I'll be damned! Another reunion! This Exterminator is too perverted, Bug! Absolute Bug!

    Inside the dark and cramped rental house, Yang Yi took off the game helmet and heavily slapped the computer desk and cursed.

    Lighting a cigarette and slightly stabilizing his agitation, he looked at the wall clock, unconsciously it was already 1:00 a.m., countless days and nights of hard work, 13 hours of perseverance, and this moment of failure.

    This is the ninth failure, Yang Yi heart despairing sigh, it seems that this occupation is really not suitable for me, perhaps should really listen to the words of the family, back to his home county to find a nine-to-five job, to take a good hard-working daughter-in-law, live in peace and happiness.

    Today is the deadline to pay the rent, a few more hours, once the day breaks, that vicious rent lady will come to whisk herself away, Yang Zhan finished a cigarette, opened the window, looking at the distant flashing neon, this city full of desire and darkness in this deepest night is still brightly lit.

    A trace of confusion flashed in Yang Yi's eyes, and his thoughts couldn't help but return to three months ago.

    Let's break up. The voice was flat and cold, seemingly the most unfeeling of strangers.

    Yang Yi could hardly believe that this was the words of his girlfriend who had shared six years of suffering together, just as all the male compatriots who had been broken up with, he said excitedly, Break up? Why ......

    A glimmer of pity passed through the woman's eyes and she interrupted, Loved, no regrets, thank you, goodbye!

    Looking at the beautiful silhouette that he had sworn to guard for the rest of his life, he turned his head away unceremoniously and got into a white BMW 7-series, and through the window, which was gradually closing, he saw the scornful smile of the man who was driving the car.

    This man he recognized, it is his top boss, rich second-generation background, usually treat himself as a brother, righteousness, brash, but also said to promote themselves, now it seems to be a great irony.

    He himself is a **** person, and he can t wait to introduce his girlfriend Zhang Li to him!

    The heart, aching so much it couldn't breathe, a dull clap of thunder came from the sky, and rain poured down along with the tears.

    In the rain, a lonely figure looked at the distant BMW and laughed madly, Isn't it because of money? Isn't it because of money! Haha ...... Sooner or later, one day, I'll earn ten times a hundred times more than you!

    So under the persuasion of his old classmates, Yang Zhan regained his old profession in his college days - online gamer, and chose one of the newest world-class large-scale online game Comic Book Battle, which is a brand new large-scale real-life breakthrough growth game created by Blizzard in conjunction with Comic Book Company, and in order to stimulate the enthusiasm of the majority of the fan gamers, it is set to be 1 million dollar pass reward.

    This game is incredibly difficult, and the ultimate boss on the path through is the biggest villain in the Marvel world, the Exterminator.

    As the overlord of the universe, the Exterminator not only has great power and an invincible fleet, but also has a perverted intellect. Tens of millions of players around the world are always thinking about how to defeat him, but since the game was launched three months ago, no one has been able to succeed.

    Yang Yi was a popular figure in the gaming world when he was in school, and once when the League of Legends competition was on fire, he also played as an amateur player to the top ten in the country.

    He was born with an unusual talent for games, and no matter what the game, including small games like stacking blocks and pushing boxes, he can often get through it at a very fast pace the first time he takes it on.

    He put this talent in online games, often can also quickly find the shortcomings of the Boss or the game's bugs, and profit from it, the entire four years of college, he is an independent gamer identity, are from the game industry are earned more than two hundred thousand yuan, but also by virtue of this ability to smoothly soak up the same love of competitive games of the school flower Zhang Li.

    Just the reason why Zhonghai City is known as the Magic City, there is a reason, to survive here is too difficult, and Zhang Li grew up in a good family, for material needs are also very high, the two entered the community in less than two years, more than 200,000 yuan of savings on the consumption of all, and Yang Zun in an IT company as a programmer's job that the meager salary is more and more to meet the material desires of Zhang Li.

    Conflicts inevitably occurred, and quarrels became more and more frequent, Yang Yi once thought of re-entering the game industry, become a professional player, but now the times are different, the traditional end game industry has become more and more depressed, while the increasingly hot hand game industry is all props charge money swallowing machine, never let the player earn money.

    Comic book battle" is the end of the game of a fire rebirth, but also Blizzard's a new attempt, the use of holographic simulation of the game helmet, so that people such as immersive, did not expect to detonate at once a national craze.

    With the consecutive release of the movie Thor 3 and Avengers 3, the global comic book fans are indulging in the magnificent comic book world, and now the launch of Comic Book Brawl allows all the people to participate in the real comic book storyline, get in touch with the familiar comic book heroes, and fight side by side with them, which is naturally an exhilarating taste.

    Yang Yi has formed a team of the strongest battle team in the game that can be called the strongest in the earth, and the members are all experts in the gaming world that he used to know. This game has many professions, and there are different professions set up according to the different cultures of each country, for example, the magician, the alien, the god warrior, the blood and the werewolf in Europe and the United States, the ninja and the black samurai in Japan, and the swordsman, the warlock, and the ancient martial artist in the country of China.

    Yang Yi's chosen profession is a swordsman, he spent two months practicing to the peak of level 100, and hit the most awesome weapons and equipment, but he had invested all of his last 30,000 dollars of savings, just for the 1 million dollar bonus for the final pass.

    It can be said that he has thrown his life on the line, this is the fastest opportunity he can think of to earn big money, he did not want to miss, and his Thunder team has now steadily occupied the universe Heroes League rankings of the top ten, even if the final pass failed, at least, by playing the battle team competition can also make a living.

    But making ends meet is not Yang Yi's goal, if he is reduced to a professional competitive player, then his dream of wealth will be farther and farther away, everything that happened on that rainy night forced him, stimulated him, and tormented him to push forward to the ultimate goal - Pass! Pass! Pass!

    Every attack on the exterminator will experience a long prelude, this is a level, once the challenge fails to start from scratch, relying on his excellent command and tactics, the Thunderbolts with the league's upper-middle level of combat power, 13 hours to fight in front of the exterminator, creating a lot of records, so that many people secretly smashed their tongues, but did not pass the level is a failure, just as useless.

    In order to protect the physical and mental health of the gamers, this last level has to wait three days and 72 hours after each challenge before it can be challenged again, and this time is left for the players to adjust themselves.

    Nine consecutive failures, although Yang Yi's Thunderbolt team has improved every time, from the beginning of the group destroyed halfway to the current group destroyed only after the exterminator was seriously injured, but time waits for no one, there is only one prize, only belongs to the first team to pass the exterminator, in the universe heroes alliance's team rankings, there are many ace team's ranking of the pass.

    After this battle, the progress of the Thunder Team's copy had reached 95%, and Hercules had ranked second, but the first place God's Hand had reached 96% three days ago, and today would be their twelfth challenge, and it was likely that the final passer would belong to them!

    There was already no time left, and Yang Yi was remorseful! If he hadn't made an error in judgment just now, causing the team's Light Mage to be the first to die in battle, and the other members to fight alone because there was no nurse, maybe the exterminator would have already been destroyed by them.

    Yang Yi turned back to the computer table, opened the official website of the Marvel Combat, the web page is covered with the Thunder team just failed to reach the top, and God's hand pass live.

    God's hand is a team from North America, behind the back is a big gold master support, a total of 12 people of the squad each top, and equipment all get peak level, purely look at the words of the war, there is no doubt that the world's first.

    The Hand of God had also reached its most critical moment at this point, and the Exterminator's bloodline fell to less than half, finally putting on the Infinity Glove!

    The six infinite gems were all set, releasing absolutely terrifying energy, but the strength of God's Hand was not weak, all kinds of spells and control skills were thrown over, in an effort to weaken the Exterminator's strength, there were powerful thunder mages releasing world-destroying thunder, there were flame adepts creating powerful fire dragons, and moreover there were spectral assassins who shuttled through the void and appeared, and there were mighty God Warriors dressed in holy armor and holding divine swords, and each one of the 12 individuals was Each of the 12 individuals was equivalent to a god of Thor's level in the Marvel Universe, and they cooperated with each other, and all kinds of power intersected and fused together, erupting into an even more terrifying might, and the void trembled for it!

    The exterminator has finally reached the end of his strength, the infinite glove dim to the extreme, the momentum has reached an unprecedented low, everyone thinks that the exterminator's invincible myth has finally come to an end, and God's Hand's team in the last layer of the Universe Overlord level progress has also reached an unprecedented 99%!

    At this time, the 12-member team of God's Hand only had 7 people left, but no one doubted the strength of these 7 people, and seeing that the exterminator was about to fall, the 7 people sent out their final masterstroke to completely kill the exterminator!

    The Exterminator finally disappeared into a storm of energy, a lone glove floating silently in the void.

    The captain of the Hand of God, the player named Lucifer, the mighty six-winged angelic divine warrior, smiled and stepped forward to pick up the Infinity Glove.

    360-degree no dead angle camera technology to his expression in real time in front of the global players, only to hear him say: Glory ultimately belongs to our God's hand, as for that so-called Thunderbolt team in China, even some people worry that will be passed before us, now it seems that, huh ...... is just a joke! ......

    With that said, his hand had grabbed the infinity glove!

    It was at this point that the change came!

    The Infinity Gauntlet seemed to be tackled by an invisible giant, then clenched its fist and struck!

    Lucifer was caught off guard, was this seems to tackle the entire world fist brazenly hit, brilliant light after, Lucifer has flown ash, and then the Infinity Glove is located in the space of a turbulence, slowly emerged a blue skin, golden armor of the giant.

    This is the Exterminator! The Exterminator in his heyday!

    Players around the world collectively lost their voices at this moment, and the Exterminator unexpectedly came back to life in full blood!

    The remaining six people of the God's Hand Battle Team were soon killed one by one by the resurrected Exterminator, at this time, Yang Yi, who had been observing the battle situation, snapped out of his senses, when the Exterminator was killed for the first time he wondered because the system didn't broadcast the news of the success of the God's Hand's breakthrough, the key was in the glove, the six Infinity Gems' ability was infinitely powerful, if the glove wasn't destroyed beforehand or weakened the glove's ability, the Exterminator is invincible!

    Yang Yi quickly recalled the previous levels, the six Infinity Gems had appeared in the plot many times, but in the end, they were all taken away by the system NPCs, so perhaps this was the key!

    So that's how it is, everything is a pre-arranged trick plot by the game company! Perhaps the real mission of each level is actually to grab the Infinity Gems! Only if the player snatches the Infinity Gems can they truly avoid the final level where the Exterminator gathers six Infinity Gems and kills everyone! I get it! Everything has to start all over again! Yang Yi sat in front of the computer and excitedly analyzed his speculation.

    Hands rushed to get the game helmet, he wanted to go online and discuss the feasibility of the new plan with his buddies in the battle team, it was as if he saw the 1 million dollar reward beckoning to him, it was as if he saw the unbelievable and crumbling regretful expression of the other party when he became the national idol appearing in front of Zhang Li's pair of dogs and men.

    But accidents often happen at such a deadly time, Yang Yi s hand touched down the teacup in a hurry, and the water in the teacup soaked the laptop, and then the computer just ...... exploded!

    Damn Samsung, not to mention the cell phones blowing up a while ago, but now the computers are starting to blow up too, still not letting people live?

    This was Yang Yi's last thought.

    ###Chapter 2: Descending on Marvel###

    I don't know whether it was an instant or an eternity, but Yang Zhan seemed to have a long, long dream, not only reviewing his own life, but even seeing the life course of many other people, among them, there were government officials and great people, street vendors, mighty generals, and white-clothed scholars.

    In the dark, Yang Yi realized that it might be his past life.

    Just as he was sinking into the endless cycle of dreams, a great pain suddenly struck him, and with a jolt, Yang Yi opened his eyes!

    Hi! Kid! Don't play dead with me! You should know what kind of consequences there are for owing money to our Shark Gang! Along with the huge tearing pain in his back, there was also a thick voice that rang out, domineering and fierce.

    Yang Yi's eyes had a hard time adjusting to the darkness, which brought him back from his dream, and what came into his eyes was a big white man with a face full of flesh, who grabbed his collar with one hand and lifted it high up and pressed it against the wall, spitting and lecturing himself.

    Seeing that Yang Zhan's eyes were full of confusion, the big man forced his fierce eyes closer to his face, stared fiercely into his eyes, and said, Today is just a lesson for you! Don't forget, you still have a lovely sister, if you don't want anything to happen to her, you'd better go and get the money together for me! Three days! You only have three days! Understand?

    Yang Yi instinctively wanted to struggle, but his body was powerless, and a sharp pain came from his back, making it even more difficult for his spirit to concentrate.

    He felt that his physical condition was simply poor, and although it was night, a white light appeared before his eyes, a symptom of vertigo.

    It was a good thing the big white man didn't torture him more, casually tossing him in a puddle in the alley before greeting a couple of his followers and walking away.

    Collapsed on the ground, Yang Yi barely opened his eyes, saw these several followers dressed in flowing leather jacket and pants, before leaving also cursed, using English, he steeply recalled that the white man before also spoke English it, strange that I heard it without any obstacles.

    You have to know that although Yang Yi barely passed the fourth grade of English, his ability to communicate in English is not half a star.

    Yang Yi began to think about what had happened, the too many dreams before, making him feel that he was still in an illusion, but then a sharp pain came to his brain, and countless information came like a tidal wave, Yang Yi's eyes rolled over, and he fainted again.

    I don't know how long it took, but when he woke up again, he was in a warm bedding, with a white, bright ceiling in his eyes, and turned to look around.

    Clean white walls, light blue nightstands and vases filled with bouquets of flowers, and an LCD TV with the news on the opposite wall.

    It looked like this was supposed to be a hospital, and there were two other beds in the room, though neither had any patients.

    Yang Yi tried to move his body and felt much better, he carefully observed his injuries, his left leg was fixed with a plaster cast, probably fractured, his back felt like there was a huge wound, it should be a knife wound, in addition there were multiple soft tissue contusions all over his body, basically he was tied up as a mummy.

    He felt some itching at the wound, so he couldn't help but try to tear the gauze, and as a result, he made a commotion, and soon there were footsteps approaching from outside, and Yang Yi was not sure of the situation at this time, so he stopped moving and continued to pretend to be unconscious.

    Someone opened the door, the sound of high heels clattering on the floor tiles crisp to the ears.

    The footsteps came closer and seemed to come to the bedside, examining something.

    Yang Yi quietly squinted his eyes and peeked, and found that this was a beautiful young nurse, who looked to be an Asian, with a straight and arched nose, pure light brown eyes, fair skin, and a white nurse's uniform so pure that it was like a bunch of lilies in full bloom.

    Yikes! You're awake!

    Suddenly the girl exclaimed in shock, using standard Chinese, this time Yang Zhan could not pretend to be calm, he snapped his eyes wide open and said, You're Chinese?

    Yang Yi woke up already know that he is in the United States in New York, his head more than another person's memory, this person is called Bruce. Yang, that is, the original owner of this body, living in Queens, New York, since childhood, he has a small three-year-old sister Isabella, parents are a pair of 1980s immigrants over the Chinese, when he was ten years old died in an accident, since then, he and his sister dependent on each other.

    In order to support Isabella's education, Bruce entered the pickpocket world at a very young age, and after countless beatings and practicing his stealing skills, he finally became a good pickpocket at the age of 14.

    In this way, Bruce supported himself and his sister by petty thievery, and in a flash another four years have passed, and now Bruce is 18 years old, but his body is very thin and weak because of the lack of nutrition, and his height of one meter six and a half, in the United States, where the body is generally tall, is definitely considered to be a second-degree disability.

    As for the Shark Gang that the white burly man said before, it was a relatively large black power gang in Queens, they manipulated black fists, opened casinos, loan sharks, and collected street protection fees, and they ran roughshod over Queens, no one dared to mess with them.

    The reason why Bruce owes money to the Shark Gang is because Isabella was suddenly hospitalized at school with a nosebleed, which resulted in a brain tumor, which was detected early or else the consequences would have been unimaginable, but right after that he ran into a problem because the surgery required a huge amount of money.

    Surgery can not be delayed, Bruce had no choice before finally looking for the Sharks gang borrowed 10,000 U.S. dollars, but now the three-month time limit is up, with interest, he needs to pay back 15,000 U.S. dollars, but he did not have the money to pay back the debt, can only think of ways to avoid, which led to the scene of debt collection that he just began to appear in the alley.

    Really crossed over, and crossed over the role of so miserable, out of the debt, Yang Yi although indignant, but can only silently accept this reality.

    Now, the souls of the two had fused into one, Yang Yi was Bruce, and Bruce was Yang Yi, and coincidentally both were surnamed Yang.

    Being in a foreign country, suddenly encountered a compatriot who can speak Chinese, Yang Yi's heart is naturally excited, but I did not expect that the girl is even more excited than him.

    You're from China too! Great! The nurse girl's mouth opened wide in surprise.

    She excitedly grabbed Yang Zun's arm: You don't know, I came to the United States for so long, but I haven't met an authentic Chinese, I'm from my hometown SD, where are you from?

    Bared silk~

    Yang Yi was grabbed by the wound and sucked in a breath of cold air in pain.

    Xiao Rui! Suddenly a cold female voice rang out from the doorway, and the girl, like a cat caught stealing food from its master, bounced away in a flash.

    Yang Zun swept his eyes towards the door, a clear and cold woman wearing a white coat was striding towards the door, her long black hair was pinned behind her head by a hairpin, her face was veiled, a pair of transparent intellectual glasses rested on her high nose, her eyes were cold, this coldness was not indifference or icy coldness, it was calmness, very calmness, it gave Yang Zun a feeling of being just like an old criminal police officer in his fifties whom he had met in his previous life, or that medical professor who once taught them anatomy.

    Her expression was equally cold and expressionless, and being gazed upon by her gaze was like being exposed to an icy X-ray.

    Little Auntie, it's not easy for an Asian face to come to the clinic, I'm just curious to come in and take a look. The girl called Xiao Rui spat out her tongue and tiptoed past the cool woman, and when she reached the door, she suddenly turned back and made a face at Yang Zun, and then let out a series of bell-like laughs and went away.

    I'm sorry, Xiao Rui is not really a nurse, I apologize if she disturbed you. The cool woman known as Xiao Gu came to the bedside and seriously apologized to Yang Yi in English, which made him embarrassed.

    I'm fine, I'm fine ...... By the way, were you guys the ones who saved me? I remember I ended up fainting in an alley. Yang Yi changed the topic and asked, again speaking fluent American English.

    It was Emily who saved you, she is a reporter who just happened to pass by there, it's hard to believe that her so skinny body could lift a man and send him to my clinic. Although Xiao Gu's tone of speech showed surprise, but Yang Yi could not read half of the emotional fluctuation from her expression, what an odd woman.

    So where is Ms. Emily now? I have to thank her in person! And thank you, of course! What do you call yourself? Yang Yi smiled in appreciation.

    Don't worry, your injuries are no big deal, most of them are superficial wounds, you can heal in about a month, Emily has already prepaid the medical bills, you can stay until you are healed, that's it, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first, if you need anything, press the call button next to you, there will be real nurses coming over to help you. The cool woman didn't answer Yang Yi's question, instead she introduced his injuries, then without half a sentence of unnecessary nonsense, she turned around and left.

    Yang Zhan couldn't help but be attracted by the two slender calves underneath the cool woman's white lab coat, not that there was any ulterior leg fetish, but these two legs even maintained an amazingly consistent amplitude exchange forward, not a millimeter more or less, each foot step seemed to be of the same length, and the sound of the feet stepping on the floor was also of the same frequency.

    What a frighteningly precise woman!

    Knowing that the cool woman walked away, Yang Yi only came back to his senses, a month of recuperation?

    He couldn't wait, today was already the first day, and if he couldn't raise the debt in three days, not only himself, but his sister Isha would be in danger as well.

    The situation was so unfavorable that he couldn't just stay at the clinic in peace.

    Although he knew that he had traveled to New York, he still didn't know if this was the original world or not, and if it was, he had to go back to China as soon as possible, where there were still his parents and loved ones from his previous life, and his friends, and all those ugly faces that he swore to stomp on so hard.

    Just as Yang Yi was tearing the bandage, suddenly, the TV news on the wall carried an interruption, and the first sentence of the opening caught his attention.

    Mr. Stark has prepared a statement that he will not be answering any questions, thank you for your cooperation!

    Yang Zhan looked up, the TV screen is a black lieutenant colonel wearing a dark blue U.S. Air Force uniform stood on the podium, under the stage is crowded, clicking photo sound endless, it looks like a press conference is being held.

    The black lieutenant colonel had just finished speaking, followed by a middle-aged white man in a black and gray suit, who stepped up to the podium, aimed the microphone, and said, It's been a while since I've spoken like this, so I had to read it as it is ......

    The stage erupted in laughter, then he pulled out a slip of paper and continued as he had been told, Some people suspect that I had something to do with the accident on the freeway and on the roof of the company ......

    Yang Zhan's heart tensed, his eyes staring at the TV screen as the man in the suit and a female reporter on stage exchanged words in response to a question about superheroes and super bodyguards, and then ......

    The ...... truth is ...... The man in the suit paused for a moment at last, then his eyes suddenly hardened and he was seen saying to the camera, I am Iron Man!

    The whole place was abuzz!

    Yang Zun was equally excited and almost leapt up, I'm second-rate, it's really Iron Man! I've come to the Marvel world?

    ## Chapter 3: Passport to the Immortal World ###

    The news on TV is extremely similar to the memory of the end of the first movie in the Iron Man series, and it's safe to assume that this is no longer the world of old, but the world of Marvel, but whether it's the world of the Marvel movies or the world of the Marvel comics has yet to be verified further.

    Yang Yi's heart was in turmoil, and at the same time, he felt that his body was getting itchy, so he accelerated the speed of pulling the bandage.

    He needs to leave!

    Finally, he tore off the bandage wrapped around his left arm, only to see that the large abrasions had all scabbed over, and he couldn't help picking and scratching at them with his right hand because of the strange itch.

    As a result, the scabs were actually snapped off a lot, appearing in front of his eyes was a piece of smooth and tender skin, Yang Yi's heart was stunned: This is all healed?

    At any rate, the scab fell off, and the strange itching sensation was much relieved, and then he tore off the bandage on his right arm as he had done, and likewise peeled off the hard scab, and inside was the same fine skin.

    Five minutes later, Yang Yi had ripped off all the bandages on his body, at this time he looked at the cast on his left leg, originally with this fracture injury, it would be difficult for him to move, but he couldn't feel any pain, instead, a great tingling and itching kept on coming.

    Yang Zhan couldn't care less, he directly picked up the tempered glass water cup on the bedside table and cracked the plaster, as expected, the bruises and swelling on the surface of the calf bone have all subsided, there is no scab here, and the numbness and itchiness is coming from the bone, there is no way to do it now, you can only grit your teeth and endure it.

    He tried to move his left leg, there was no pain, so he sat up directly on his side and slowly put his left foot on the ground, one step, two steps, three steps, walking without the slightest problem!

    Yang Zhan knew that now his body was everywhere weird, although he wanted to leave the clinic as soon as possible, but the injury recovered so fast and so weird, but let his own heart more or less a little uneasy.

    Temporarily resisting the idea of studying his own body, he then backhanded the scabs of the stab wounds on his back and also picked them off, tentatively based on the feeling of touching them, under the scabs was the same smooth and tender skin, unbelievably that big of a stab wound, also fully recovered?

    Gobble, gobble, gobble.

    Suddenly a strange sound came, Yang Zun lowered his head and smiled bitterly, it turned out to be the hunger protests from his stomach, it must be how many days he did not eat, he did not care to deal with the scene, wrapped up in the hospital gown, and looked down from the window, it was only the second floor, as a senior player in the pickpocket world, he did not hesitate, and easily tumbled out.

    At this time it is the morning of the day, the streets of the traffic, people come and go, when Yang Yi Yi appeared in the street in a hospital gown, attracted a crowd of sidelong glances, but he did not care, and a man in a suit wearing glasses accidentally bumped into the man, he took a few light green banknotes, beckoned to stop a taxi, and traveled towards the memory of his home.


    Ye Xiaorui came to the United States this time on a special trip, if it wasn't for the fact that her sister-in-law, Ye Lan, had opened a private clinic in New York, her dad wouldn't have let her come alone to such a faraway place.

    Auntie is always very busy, and there is not much time to accompany her to go out to play, looking at the vacation is coming to an end, has always been a good girl Ye Xiaorui can not resist.

    So when she was bored at her sister-in-law's house, she often came to the clinic to play and meet all kinds of Americans, which was quite a novelty.

    The most novelty is of course the Chinese who ran into today, looking quite good-looking, just strange how a young age was beaten so badly, the whole body was tied with bandages!

    Really like a mummy it! Oh ...... Ye Xiaorui thought unknowingly laughed out, then hurriedly covered her mouth and looked around, afraid that others would find her strange.

    It was rare to meet a Chinese speaker who spoke Chinese, and the mummy had managed to pique her curiosity, speaking of which she still didn't know the mummy's name!

    Prompted by this thought, she went once more to the ward where the mummy was.

    The next thing she saw was a mess of bandages and open windows.

    Ah! ~Mummy! The mummy ran away! The mummy got away!

    A scream of excitement tinged with shock resonated throughout the clinic.


    After having a full meal, Yang Yi returned home in his newly purchased clothes.

    It was a house that was even more dilapidated and dirty than the cramped rental house in his previous life, located in a Chinatown silo.

    Immigrants and stowaways from across the ocean filled every inch of this place, and the places above the ground were occupied by the scantily clad white-collar workers, so that city orphans and punks such as Yang Zhan could only live in the dim and damp basement.

    Yang Zhan walked all the way here without greeting anyone, in fact there was no one who greeted him, the people here go out early and come back late every day, fatigue and numbness filled their bodies and souls, the so-called friendship and neighborliness, that was a luxury that the upper class people who had nothing to do with their clothes and food would only pick up when they had nothing else to do.

    Arriving at the door of his home, he skillfully found a key from underneath a flowerpot whose plants had long since died and opened the door, to his eyes was a small space of less than 10 square meters piled high with groceries, dark and damp, the only light came from a fist-sized air outlet in the upper left corner, only that every time it rained, rain would keep pouring frantically in through this seemingly warm air outlet.

    So, this only vent is not as good as it seems.

    In the narrow space, there was only a small folding bed, the black moldy bedding and the cockroaches rampaging under the bed made Yang Yi frown.

    Next to the bed is a small wooden table made of several wooden strips and boards haphazardly pieced together, the table is full of pots and pans, a few Kangshifu instant noodle bags, and a bottle of already emptied Lao Ganma bean drums, a porcelain bowl with a missing mouth and a small half of a bowl of unidentified soup, a few large flies flying around on the bowl.

    This place, it's your home?

    Yang Yi was already powerless to spit, it was simply inhumane!

    As a cross-country crowd, Yang Yi said unconvinced, others are wearing princes and nobles, there is a beautiful fiancée to him against the odds, why to himself, even so miserable!

    Where is Goldfinger!

    Yang Yi searched his entire body and found that apart from the inexplicable recovery power that was a bit stronger than normal people, he did not have any other superpowers.

    In the Marvel world, where powers run rampant and people are trying to destroy the Earth at every turn, what can you do with that much resilience?

    The answer should be that it should die a little slower than normal.

    Naked irony.

    Yang Yi sighed and resigned himself to his fate, no matter what, he had to live, didn't he?

    He turned on the only table lamp in the hut and walked over to a mirror taped up with clear tape to scrutinize his appearance in this life.

    Very dark skin, clear and soulful eyes, dark eyebrows, not quite high but definitely not collapsed nose, and a slight curve at the corner of the mouth, giving a hint of evil.

    Yang Yi showed his teeth, a mouthful of bright white teeth jumped strikingly, well, not bad, this kid is not bad, is too short, in addition to too thin, hands without a chicken to talk about, but as a person in the road to mix, he is undoubtedly the bottom of this food chain.

    In the mirror, he scrutinized his injuries, and after so much time, the wounds no longer itched, and nothing seemed to have happened except for slightly whiter skin at the wounds.

    Including the huge foot-long wound on his back, it had also recovered as before, painless and without a single scar left behind.

    Powerful recovery power! Yang Zhan realized that this was afraid that this was the only thing he relied on when he crossed over, no matter how the ability was, he would have to rely on it to eat in the future, in order to understand more about this ability, he took out a small knife and cut a slit in his finger.

    The wound wasn't big, only a centimeter long, but because the blade was relatively sharp, it cut deeper, only to see the flesh roll over and the crimson blood gush out instantly.

    But under Yang Zhan's gaze, the blood stopped gushing out in just five seconds, and then slowly began to scab over, and ten minutes later, the scab had hardened, while a burst of numbness came from the wound.

    Yang Yi picked off the scab, revealing a narrow patch of new and tender skin, as good as new!

    As amazing as it was, it would take ten minutes for such a small wound to heal, and Wolverine's resilience was nothing compared to that of Wolverine's. I'm afraid that being cut more than a few times would kill him, and even more so once he was shot.

    Chicken ribs! It's tasteless and tasteless to eat, and it's a shame to throw it away.

    Am I supposed to rely on this ability to fight the Sharks gang of executioners? Is it possible to take a few more punches, or a few more knives ...... days ah! Fifteen thousand dollars, where am I going to grab it! Yang Zhan looked up to the sky and sobbed sadly, wanting to cry without tears.

    My sister Isabella is still lying in the hospital, waiting for the follow-up treatment costs, I am exhausted every day at the risk of being caught by the police, maximum intensity to carry out pickpocket business, at most two to three hundred U.S. dollars a day to rake in, exactly equivalent to the sister's daily medical expenses, how can I have the extra energy to raise 15,000 U.S. dollars borrowing?

    Yang Yi had no good ideas for the time being, so he planned to go to Compass Hospital to see his sister Isha first.

    He fused Bruce's soul and naturally fused his feelings for his younger sister, Isha, and the two grew up together, and Isha has always been very understanding, helping with chores, cooking for her brother, and studying very hard, and now at the young age of fifteen has been admitted to the most prestigious high school in Queens.

    But at this critical time, found a brain tumor, their own frugal to Isha left the enrollment fee are filled the treatment costs of this hole, until now Isha is still lying in the hospital, life is full of misfortune, the future is unpredictable, for the sake of today's solution can only be first find a way to cure her disease before.

    With a heavy heart, Yang Yi went out the door and went all the way straight to Compass Hospital.

    Walked to an intersection, suddenly a huge engine roar woke him up, looked up, only to see a heavy heavy truck has been out of control, towards the human crosswalk rushed over, on the road someone riding a bicycle and battery car, directly abandoned the car and fled, the truck did not stop speed directly hit, ear-piercing friction sound, bicycle and battery car into scrap metal in the twinkling of an eye.

    Pedestrians dodged on the road where the truck was advancing, but Yang Zhan snapped to find a blonde child, standing stupidly in the middle of the road, licking ice cream, and looking strangely left and right when he saw that the adults around him had suddenly dispersed.

    A sudden rush of blood welled up in Yang Zhan's heart, and with hardly any hesitation, he rushed forward and picked up the child in the nick of time, brushing against the truck.

    Close! Too close!

    Cold sweat instantly soaked Yang Yi's back, until then he slowed down, that moment, he did not know why he chose to risk to save the child, there were many people on the road at that time can lend a helping hand, which there are also closer to the child than him.

    But the truth is, there was no one other than Yang Yi to save the child!

    If he had hesitated a little at the time, he might have witnessed a bloody tragedy.

    When life is threatened, the human instinct is to move away from the danger, and very few people are able to rush towards it.

    Yang Yi rushed towards the danger, although this was not his intention, but when he watched the child's mother hugging her child and crying excitedly, sincerely grateful to himself, he did not regret it, but instead had a hint of enjoyment.

    The people around him looked at him with amazement, respect, and admiration.

    Boy, are you good!


    Dude, you were so cool back there!


    A warm current passed through his heart, perhaps this is what it feels like to be a hero.

    Congratulations! Gained 1 point of merit value, now opening the Immortal World Pass and the main quest, please be sure to read the instructions carefully.

    Suddenly a huge idea like a flood of bells came from his mind, it was impossible to say whether it was a male or female voice, or not a human voice at all, but a piece of pure idea, pure information, just appeared abruptly in his brain.

    At this time, a loud bang, the truck hit the pole, finally stopped, everyone's attention was attracted to the past, Yang Zhan rushed to take the opportunity to leave the scene.

    ###Chapter 4 The mission opens! ###

    Immortal pass?

    Arriving in a hidden alley, Yang Zhan began to check out the large mass of intentional information that had suddenly appeared in his mind.


    Level: 0

    Energy: 0 points

    Merit value: 1 point

    Palm cannon: not turned on

    Storage space: not opened

    The host can use this prop to travel to the Immortal World, the stay time is decided by the host independently, each consumption of one point of merit value can correspond to stay one hour, this prop travel cooldown time is 30 days, in the host to travel to the Immortal World during the main world time to keep stopping, after the host returns to the main world, the time of the Immortal World will likewise keep stopping.

    Merit value acquisition methods: 1. Punish evil and promote good; 2. Complete the mainline quests to obtain rewards.

    Yang Yi saw the introduction of this immortal world pass and merit value description, suddenly thought of his previous life computer inside the small game, before he started to play, he had something to do, he liked to play a little bit of this.

    That is a nurturing mini-game, players can complete the system tasks to obtain the appropriate merit value, and then once a day there is an opportunity to take the immortal world through the car, to go to the immortal world to explore the treasure, the stay is also based on the merit value to determine the time.

    The Immortal World has countless secret books of techniques, magic treasures and spiritual weapons, elixirs and pets of immortal beasts, whether or not they can be brought back to the main world depends on the player's strength and luck, when the value of merit and virtue is consumed, naturally, it's time to return to the main world.

    This game does not have to spend a penny to play well, playability is extremely high, so Yang Zong played the longest time, from college graduation is hooked on this game, the key is that it never pass the end, theoretically you can play all the time, the longer you play the more powerful.

    In addition to go to the immortal world to explore the treasure, the biggest fun is the main world PK competition, there is no props charges, there is no tycoon players, all the players are little by little from the bottom up, because all the game props are not tradable, all rely on the players to go to the immortal world to dig up, or to get the arena rewards.

    All in all, this one is simply a rehash of what it was, though it's obviously a bit more elevated than the original.

    So that explains it, the computer exploded and the only two games in it became real worlds, one Marvel and one Immortal, and one became the only player of this real game.

    Only, Marvel becomes the main world, and the Immortal World becomes an alien world of a replica nature.

    So the question is, is the Marvel world more powerful, or is the immortal world more powerful? What will happen when the two worlds collide?

    As the pivotal figure connecting the two worlds, Yang Yi was deeply pressurized.

    Fortunately, he is now just an insignificant small role, for the time being, he does not need to worry so much, now is still trying to find a way to use this pass to solve the current trouble, the right way.

    The key is the merit value, if there are enough merit value, he can not always stay in the immortal world, cultivate into a supreme sword immortal and then return to the comic book, at that time to kill the four directions, dominate the world, supreme power is not at your fingertips?

    But when he looked up the details of the merit value, he immediately looked bitter, this merit value has a condition, that is, he must personally go to complete the punishment of evil and good things, must also be completed in the main world, in order to obtain the corresponding merit value, and a single thing no matter how big or small, only corresponds to one point of merit value.

    In this way, even if Yang Zhan is awake 24 hours a day to find good things to do and bad people to fight, he will probably earn dozens of merit values, which corresponds to the time he stays in the Immortal World is just a few dozens of hours.

    With a 30-day cooling-off period for the pass, Yang Yi's ideal state is to accumulate 1,000 merit values, which translates into a stay in the Immortal Realm of just over a month.

    Although this result was depressing, but at least having twice as much time to cultivate, and being able to go to the Immortal Realm to explore the treasures, wasn't bad at all.

    Then Yang Zhan found that the pass also has a level, currently only 0 level state, after upgrading the benefits are obvious, you can open the storage space, as well as to enhance the level of various pass functions and system reward skills.

    And the pass upgrade must first complete the corresponding stage of the mainline quests, level 0 to level 1, you have to complete the first stage of the mainline quests, in addition to a special factor - energy.

    Yang Yi had rummaged through this huge stream of intentional information and only found a single note about energy.

    : A magical power that can be drawn from an energy medium, and is required for pass functions, upgrades, and system bonus skills.

    This one is just as dumb. How am I supposed to charge it up if you don't tell me what the energy medium is?

    How do I pass upgrade without energy? How do I turn on my palm cannon?

    Speaking of Palm Cannon, this is the thing that Yang Zhan is most concerned about at the moment, because it is directly related to the growth of the battle power, no threshold level 0 can be opened, and as long as there is energy you can always upgrade, not subject to the limitations of the level of the pass.

    Although he didn't know how powerful the Palm Cannon really was, but just by hearing the name he knew it was very cool, and its power was bound to be not weak.

    It's just a shame that without energy, it's all talk.

    The last function of storage space, the same is no threshold 0 level can be opened, not subject to the limitations of the pass level, as long as there is energy can be always upgraded, because it is not opened for the time being, so Yang Zun also do not know how big this storage space, but this is a storage space ah! Home travel, kill and set fire to the necessary artifacts, so many cultivation novels in the life of all cultivators assistant, equivalent to the cell phone to modern people!

    Its importance cannot be overstated.

    Yang Yi quietly placed the two elements of merit value and energy on the top of his list, fixed his mind, and proceeded to consult the main quest.

    : King of Heroes

    Stage 1: City Hero, defeat the biggest villain of the host's city and become the guardian hero of that city with 10,000 fans. Reward: 10,000 merit value, 1 hero order, stance class skill - Floating Light Swept Shadow. Task time limit: one year, overtime is not completed will be punished: close the pass to use various functions, and the host merit value deducted, when the merit value is negative, directly erase.

    New York's biggest villain? Yang Yi stroked his chin and muttered to himself, Could it be Jin and? That fat guy can't be dealt with, even Spider-Man has suffered from him, and he's even the arch-nemesis of Super Daring Man, for me to deal with him now is like hitting a stone with an egg, it's better to wait and see, anyway, one year is still a long time.

    In addition the number of fans reached 10,000, Yang Zun is confused, what criteria can be called fans, he can now check the fans and other data in his mind, of course there is no surprise, the data shows 0.

    Yang Yi's head was very active, and with a little bit of thinking, he judged a necessary element, which was - the name!

    How can an unsung hero with no name gain fans, hell if he really has any.

    It seems that he first needs to have a loud superhero name, such as Iron Man, Spider-Man, Daredevil, or something like that, and then do some good deeds and punish some bad guys, and slowly finish building up his fan base.

    So high-profile, is not the usual style of the muffled Yang Yi, but the system task had to be completed within a year without completing the task, the consequences are not what he can afford, a sentence of obliteration, scares him through the body ice cold.

    Of course as opposed to punishment, the rewards were also very enticing, ten thousand points of merit value, that was a huge benefit, meaning that he could stay in the Immortal Realm for more than a year, and at the very least he should have been introduced to the Immortal Dao.

    Another reward for the Heroic Order, Yang Zhan specifically checked the introduction of its function.

    : A token that contains the power of an ancient contract that allows the host to form a life contract with any living being under certain conditions, and that living being will become the host's exclusive hero, stowed away in the subsidiary space of the Heroic Order, and will become the host's most loyal war general.

    Baby! Absolute babe!

    Loyalty, the cornerstone of a great team, is guaranteed by the Order of Heroes.

    Yang Yi was already fantasizing about the sight of him bringing a few of Marvel's heaven-defying powers to the Immortal Realm to help him loot treasures, or bringing the Immortal Monarchs and Immortal Emperors of the Immortal Realm to the Marvel Universe to fight in all directions and split the void with their swords.

    It was only after a long moment that he pulled his wandering soul back to look at the last reward.

    : Stance class skill, level 1 status: agility increased by 50%, consumes 100 energy points per second.

    Note that the agility increase here, that is on top of Yang Yi's own increase, imagine a human's top speed of 100 meters running is 10 meters/second, if you turn on the Floating Light and agility increase by 50%, wouldn't it be an instantaneous 15 meters/second, and the 100 meter performance can be shortened to less than 7 seconds?

    This was just an analogy, but used for Immortal Cultivators it meant greater survivability, and even represented the possibility of a level-crossing challenge!

    And this skill can be upgraded, as long as the pass reaches the appropriate level, you can use energy to upgrade the skill, the higher the level, the greater the increase!

    Yang Zhan looked at it, basically the most important thing about this system was the merit value and energy value, the former was directly related to the time he stayed in the Immortal World, while the latter was related to the growth of the system.

    You can't have one without the other.

    He weighed in his mind, now there are less than three days before the Sharks help to collect the debt, the most important thing is to accumulate the merit value, first go to the immortal world to explore the way, he has just learned that because it is the first time to stimulate the pass, so there is no need for a 30 day cooling off, he can enter the immortal world at any time.

    It's best to take advantage of this opportunity to be able to learn from a master and step into the path of immortality, and if not, at least bring back some treasures and pay back the loan sharks, or else he'll only have to flee New York City with his sister.

    Make up your mind, put the energy thing aside for a while and earn the merit value first!

    ### Chapter 5: The First Crossing ###

    Isabella was a gentle looking girl, her eyes were peaceful at all times no matter what, never seeming to know what anger was, but this peace screamed fear, for there seemed to be no other kind of emotion in her eyes other than peace, serenity not unlike that of a fifteen year old girl.

    It was only when she faced her brother that she would unreservedly expose her emotions and all of her inner thoughts, and in her mind, he was the only one she could trust.

    This character is the result of growing up in Chinatown, where people are cold and selfish, where gangs are rampant and the weak are the strongest, and where orphans such as Bruce and Isabella grow up being ridiculed and bullied by children their own age.

    Because of Isabella, Bruce had fought countless times with others since he was a child, and although each time ended in failure, it was in this environment that his indomitable character grew increasingly rigid.

    When Yang Zhan walked into the ward and looked at Isha on the hospital bed, the other party also seemed to be aware of it and looked at him, the two pairs of eyes ignored the distance and space and instantly met together.

    Brother! You're here! Isha exclaimed in surprise, in standard Chinese, the mother tongue that both siblings were used to speaking when they were together.

    A warmth rose from the bottom of his heart, Yang Yi suddenly felt a little sour nose, this is his sister, since childhood together dependent on each other's dear sister!

    Complex emotions filled his heart, and instincts from this body convinced him that the flower-like young girl lying on the hospital bed was his life, his heaven, his all!

    From the day of his parents' accident, holding the trembling Isha in the dark, cold, rainy night, he vowed to spend his entire life protecting her, letting her grow up happily and never suffer a single moment of wrongdoing.

    But now she is lying in a hospital bed, facing a future where she can't see the light.

    Swinging his head violently, as if to shake off his sorrows and worries, Yang Yi tried to squeeze out a smile and came to Isha's side.

    Brother, it's so boring to be hospitalized here, just bottles every day, let's go home, okay?

    Although Isha tried to put on a look of indifference and half pouting, Yang Zhan could feel the trace of worry deep in the bottom of Isha's eyes, she was worried about her brother!

    Yang Yi's heart ached, and he said gently but firmly, Isha don't worry, you treat yourself well here, brother will fix everything, trust me, it won't be long before you can run happily under the sun.


    Three days later, in a dimly lit alley.

    A couple of punks in hip-hop outfits were molesting a teenage girl, who was freckled and scrawny, but couldn't resist being young, energetic, and alone.

    Only one consequence can occur in such a situation.

    Yang Zhan silently hid behind a small window, through the scope, firmly locked on the leader of a large man, he had grabbed the arm of the young girl and was about to press the other party into the corner, next to a few followers followed to gather around, revealing an evil smile.

    The girl struggled vigorously and desperately called for help, but the pedestrians at the mouth of the alley turned a deaf ear and hurried past.

    What an indifferent world. Yang Yi sighed and pulled the trigger.

    An impactful plastic bullet struck the back of the leading gangster's head with pinpoint accuracy, and the latter let out a cry of pain and covered his head

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