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The Dark Stars of Conan
The Dark Stars of Conan
The Dark Stars of Conan
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The Dark Stars of Conan

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People like him from hell, not worthy of family, love, friendship, he left only good memories and unrealistic fantasies.

The devil is the devil after all, and his arrival has brought more grief to the world.

He is a star from the dark night who brings dark sorrow to the world.

He was a demon from hell who longed for the light a

Release dateJan 29, 2024
The Dark Stars of Conan

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    The Dark Stars of Conan - Marina Enriquez

    Copyright ©2024 By Marina Enriquez,

    All rights reserved.

    No parts of this book may be copied, distributed, or published in any form without permission from the publisher.

    This is a work of fiction in which all events and characters in this book are completely imaginary. Any resemblance to actual people is entirely coincidental.

    Ebook ISBN: 979-8-8693-7911-5

    Cover designed by Marina Enriquez

    Edited by Marina Enriquez

    ### Chapter One: The Fading Petals, An Alternative Rebirth ###

    Has Tetsu really decided?

    Boss, you know I'm really tired. Hoarse but flat words rang out from the room.

    Tetsu you still can't forget her boss's words seemed like a small stone thrown into a calm lake, the atmosphere in the room became heavy all of a sudden, even breathing a little breathless.

    Half a minute, the suffocating depression like a tidal wave receded, the room once again returned to the previous peace: like us walking on the edge of the darkness of the people, have long thought of this day but how can I forget hoarse voice once again sounded, vaguely with a hint of excitement.

    ------ Dividing Line --- ---

    He'll never forget that day.

    Zhe, I really want to live in the sunshine promise me to live in the instead of me he remembered the girl's pale face, ears ringing the girl did not finish the words his heart choked, deep pain from the heart spread to all parts of the body, sharp nails pierced deeply in the almost pierced the palms of his hands!

    boss looked at the teenager in front of him in pain his eyes not resting on the teenager's full head of silver hair that day

    Boss, I want to implant the Heavenly Soul. Watching the ever-calm Tetsu-less rush into his room, boss was just about to get angry when he froze, Tetsu, what did you say!

    Boss, Night, she's dead.


    In the small room, the hearts of the two are all mixed feelings for a long time with a sigh: Just, you go, what needs to remember to come back to me.

    A short silence boss, thank you.

    Go go go! Boss twisted his sub around to look at the city at night and stopped talking.

    With a last lingering glance at the boss who raised him, the teenager walked out of the room without looking back, his silver-white hair looking so dazzling in the pitch-black room.

    Feeling the departure of the teenager, boss looked at the window with a sad expression and muttered, Xiao Zhe ah, in order to avenge the transformation into an inhuman monster, even life expectancy is overdrawn in advance, is it worth it? The empty room echoed dàng) with boss's voice, destined to have no answer.

    At the airport, Wou Zhe was holding the airplane ticket in his hand, a black trench coat looked so inconspicuous, but the silver threads on his head were so noticeable.

    Night, I promise to live in the sunlight for you, but how long can this broken body support me. Wutzel handed the ticket to the attendant with one hand and entered the plane with a suitcase full of weapons in the other.

    Although decided to be a law-abiding citizen living in the sunshine, but often walk in the underground world of Wu Zhe, on has a strong sense of crisis, as long as away from the weapon, he can not even sleep soundly.

    As for how to pass the inspection with a weapon, every assassin had his own one, and naturally he, who had once been an assassin, would not be hard-pressed.

    More than ten hours passed, the plane finally landed in Jiangnan, the destination of Zhe Wu, which was his hometown, and he hadn't come back for more than ten years since he became an assassin along with Boss.

    Because of his professional habits, Wou Zhe, who never slept in front of others, the ten hours of heavenly life filled him with sleepiness and casually called a taxi, Driver brother, xx neighborhood.

    Older brother, is not many years have not come back. Hearing the driver's words, Wu Zhe opened his eyes and was slightly surprised, feeling Wu Zhe's surprised gaze, the driver smiled and explained: xx neighborhood has been renamed as xxx neighborhood, if not I'm an old resident of this city, I wouldn't know.

    Yeah, haven't been back for over ten years. Hearing the driver's explanation, Wou Zhe revealed a complex and incomprehensible look as he thought of his parents whom he had never met, the small house that was less than thirty square meters and an aged old nanny.

    Here we are, seeing as it's not easy for old brother, I don't want the money. The driver's words brought Wou Zhe out of his memories.

    In the end, the car money he still gave, are not easy, over the years he also made some money as a killer, but he did not give more, he could see that the driver just now is a very self-respecting person, if that would only hurt his self-esteem.

    Looking at the far away cab, Wou Zhe walked into the house in his memory with a complicated look, Anyone? Wou Zhe tried to call out a few times, no one responded, he understood in his heart that it seemed that the elderly nanny had passed away, I'm afraid.

    Alas! Sighing, remembering the abuse of that nanny back then, Wu Zhe didn't hate her that much now, maybe the old saying was right, the thing that people are most afraid of is loneliness and isolation, and after a long period of time, even when they see their former enemies, they feel anything affectionate. Of course, some hatred, even after millions of years will not have the slightest change.

    Slightly cleaned up the dust in the house, home those who have not been stolen is a miracle, although the old some, but no Zhe these years what bitter have not eaten, lying on, closed his eyes, not a moment, soft snoring sounded, these years he is really too tired.

    After falling asleep, the Tetsu-less body suddenly underwent some bizarre changes, his skin slowly wrinkled, and it was like the whole person was aging at ten or even twenty times the speed again. It didn't take long before he completely lost his breath, as if he had turned into a dry corpse that had lost its moisture.

    Then after that, the dry corpse slowly turned into dust and disappeared into the world, as if the person Wou Zhe had never appeared in the world.

    Meanwhile the other world

    Wow! A tiny baby was born.

    Let's call you Kudo Mutetsu! Do you say yes, Shin? A big beautiful woman with a head of wavy curls was lying on the sick teasing the babies in her arms, her face full of motherly radiance. Next to her stood a refined middle-aged uncle who was looking at the big beauty and the two babies with a happy face.

    Language? Babies? Kudo? Am I, Mutsuki stared blankly at the gorgeous woman who was teasing him, speechless for a moment.

    In the middle of the day, Wou Zhe suddenly smiled, Night, this is the opportunity given to me by the heavens, I will bring your share to live well in this world.

    Yusaku, look at Tetsu smiling. Tetsu's big beautiful mom, Yukiko, looked at Tetsu in surprise and rushed at Tetsu and took a fragrant bite.

    Oh yeah, he's smiling at you, Yuko.

    Feeling the fragrant kiss just now, he, who had never had a kiss before, suddenly had a strange but comfortable feeling.

    ###Chapter 2: The Unexpected Porsche###

    Title - Disappearing is not the end, it's only the beginning

    Peace is true happiness, and many people don't really understand that until after the loss.

    The sun is setting, and the afterglow of the setting sun shines on the Kudo family's European-style villa, showing extraordinarily elegant, but also letting people feel a few hints of faint sadness.

    Wutzel habitually reclined on the lawn with weeds in his mouth, looking away from the sunset in the sky, and a bit of bitterness rose in his heart.

    In this life, he had lived an extremely happy life, his mom and dad loved him, and although his oldest brother was a smelly brat, he could see care in his eyes.

    Everything was perfect, so perfect that it felt unreal to him.

    Sure enough... The day has finally arrived.

    He looked sideways at the strand of white hair in his ear, and his memory couldn't help but go back five years, his face still vaguely retaining the warmth of that time.

    He had voluntarily participated in the Heavenly Soul Experiment in his previous life to avenge Night's death, marked by that white hair.

    He had thought that he would never see that ghastly white color in this life, but... When he was five years old, when he saw this familiar flash in the mirror, he knew...

    In this life, the kind of peaceful happiness he longed for remained a luxury.

    Yukiko looked at the window of the fading back, heart choked, tears unconsciously overflowed the eyes, five years ago, Mutetsu overnight white hair, she and Kudo Yusaku was very worried, took the young five-year-old Mutetsu went to the Yonahana Center Hospital.


    Mrs. Kudo, this child has a rare and strange disease, I'm afraid ...... won't live to be seventeen! You... Condolences.

    Yuko's hands were trembling, her body seemed to have suddenly lost all strength, and Yusaku Kudo who was beside her hurriedly supported Yuko, the corners of her eyes twitching slightly.

    ... Yukiko, there must be another way... There must be more... Kudo Yusaku comforted Yukiko while comforting himself.

    As if she was oblivious, Arisuga had only one sentence in her mind.

    ... Can't live past... Seventeen.

    At the tender age of five, Mutetsu leaned out of the room and listened to Yukiko's sobs coming from inside, the corners of his mouth turning up slightly as he closed his eyes, tears dripping down his cheeks and onto the floor.


    Looking at Mutetsu's small figure radiating endless loneliness under the setting sun, Yukiko couldn't hold back any longer, and her tears dripped down to the ground like pearls on a broken string...

    Yukiko, don't cry... Kudo Yusaku wrapped his arms around Yukiko, and at his young age, he actually had a few vicissitudes between his brows.

    Yusaku, Tetsu is only ten years old this year, only ten years old! Seven years... There are still seven years to go, what the hell am I supposed to do, if I could, I'd rather trade my life for Tetsu's.

    Looking at the sad woman in his arms, a trace of tenderness crossed Kudo Yusaku's eyes and he thought silently in his heart.

    Silly girl... How could I let anything happen to you, if I have to change, it's me who will change, I'm the head of the family, no matter what, I'll hold up this family.

    Don't worry about it, the car will be there, go tell Tetsu to tell Shinichi to eat, wipe his tears and don't let him see it.

    A small smile suddenly appeared on Yukiko's face as she looked at Tetsu's fading back and raised her hands in the air, shouting.

    Tetsu, go get that asshole Shinichi for dinner!

    Hey! Mom, I know!

    Wutzel let out a 'yuck' and spat the weed out of his mouth, stretching a bit and turning back towards his big beautiful mom, he spat his tongue out and turned around and ran out the door.

    Seeing Mutetsu's shenanigans, Yukiko couldn't help but lose her smile, Kudo Yusaku's face was all happy smiles when he saw this, if only it could go on like this forever...

    Shinichi, that brat, really, not going home after school, running off to play soccer, causing me to have to help him with his homework!

    Wutzel was running and crumbling as he ran into the open space when a soccer ball popped up, and on reflex, he kicked it sideways into the net.

    Bingo! Looks like my skills haven't declined yet, Mucho looked at his dumbfounded buddies with satisfaction.

    Really, brat, coming to steal my thunder again.

    'Kudo Shinichi' stared at some white-haired stinky brat with a black face.

    Wow! That's awesome!

    Where did this silver-haired guy come from, what a monster!

    So handsome...

    Tetsu raised his eyebrows slightly and didn't care, he had been told these words countless times in his previous life, and he followed Yukiko's example by making a trumpet-like gesture with his hands and shouting.

    Kudo Shinichi, your mom is calling you home for dinner!

    Kudo Shinichi's face suddenly grimaced, ignoring his sidekick and walking quickly to Mutetsu.

    Tetsu, let's go.

    The children around them all froze, wondering in their minds what was wrong with Shinichi Kudo and why he suddenly flipped out.

    Wutzel also ignored these stunned children, he knew in his heart that his stinky-faced and hot-hearted old brother must be upset that these people were calling him 'monster', so he was angry.

    His heart was warm, but his face was smiling.

    Kudo Shinichi, you went to war! So dirty, beware of mom sweeping you off the floor. Said and made a sweeping motion.

    Uh... Stinky brat, don't you dare be polite, I'm your old brother! Brother!

    'Kudo Shinichi' looked at the smiling Mutetsu with a helpless face, this brat had been calling him Kudo Shinichi since he was a kid, and no matter how much he corrected him, he couldn't change it.

    Really, old brother, then you go home and do your own homework! Wou Zhe spread his hands with a helpless look.

    Don't don't, Tetsu, old brother is wrong, it's old brother who is wrong, old brother will go to take a shower now, ok? Kudo Shinichi smiled curtly, without half of the appearance of a stinky brat, there is no way, he can't help but curtseying ah, this change TAI brother of his is only ten years old got the degree of the United States of America's Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or a double degree in physics and chemistry, and now spend all day at home resting.

    Alas, when I think of the fact that I still have to fight in elementary school, Kudo Shinichi sighed loudly at the injustice of fate, why are they all born of the same mother, the IQ gap is so big.

    Alright, I'll be an adult and forgive you, one Haagen-Dazs, go take a shower, where's mom, I'll cover for you. Tetsu-less wiggled a finger smiling at Kudo Shinichi, his little finger pointing to the convenience store down the street.

    Uh uh... Kudo Shinichi pitifully drew out his wallet and hesitated for half a day, but looking at Tetsu-less' smiling face, he finally walked towards the convenience store with a helpless face.

    Haha. Wou Zhe who had pitched a handful of his old brother was in a rather soothing mood, and as he was walking, he suddenly glanced at a black Porsche and froze.

    Black Porsche, or 356A, this is quite an old car, how there is a strange sense of familiarity, Wutzel stroked his chin thinking about where he had seen this car.

    Right! It's Gin's Porsche!

    Wutzel sucked in a breath of cold air, how could this be possible, didn't these guys only appear when Lao was seventeen years old.

    Yes... Right... It must be a coincidence, a coincidence, that they'd show up seven years later, Muozhe consoled himself, and suddenly froze... Seven years later...

    In seven years... In seven years he'll be seventeen, and in seven years he'll be - dead!

    Wutzel's face turned ugly, could it be that he couldn't even change anything once he came to this world.

    I don't believe it! I must change my old brother's fate.

    Shinichi Kudo asked casually as he walked across the street and heard Mutetsu's voice.

    Change what ah...

    Ah, nothing, nothing...

    Well, nah, here, your Haagen-Dazs.

    Hearing Mutetsu say it was nothing, 'Kudo Shinichi' miserably handed Mutetsu the Häagen-Dazs and ran off to the side touching his shriveled wallet in a fit of tears, he was dying of heartache, his pocket money.

    Instead of eating the Haagen-Dazs, Mutetsu took it and walked over to Shinichi Kudo with a slightly complicated look on his face.

    Shinichi... I'm going to a rare concert, so you go home first.

    The young Kudo Shinichi didn't hear the abnormality in Mutetsu's tone, he was still heartbroken about his pocket money and just waved his hand feebly.

    Go go go! Remember to come home early, I'll leave you dinner.

    A tremor ran through Muozhe's mind as he was about to leave... go home early... Maybe...

    Older brother, remember to take good care of mom and dad.

    Older brother...

    Hearing Mutetsu's name, Kudo Shinichi looked up in shock, but only saw Mutetsu's thin back, this... Is this still that brat...

    This is... The first time that brat called him bro.

    Kudo Shinichi wanted to laugh, but when he looked at the back of Mutetsu, he couldn't laugh, and raised his head, staring in a daze at the last rays of the sunset in the sky, his heart actually flooded with a trace of reluctance.

    ##Chapter 3: The Assassination of Gin###

    Title - Disappearing is not the end, it's only the beginning

    The warmth was short-lived after all, and darkness was coming...

    Why would I properly think that, Tetsu will be home in a little while. Kudo Shinichi muttered, shaking off that strange thought in his mind in amusement, recalling the kick that Mutetsu had just thrown, and although he didn't want to admit it, at this point he really wasn't as skilled as Mutetsu.

    Shinichi Kudo didn't know about the fact that Mutetsu could only live to be seventeen, nor did he realize what Mutetsu was about to go and do for his sake... How dangerous it was.

    Wutzel followed Gin's Porsche all the way to the entrance of this alley, that dark alley entrance has become the entrance to hell in Wutzel's eyes at the moment, shaking his head to get rid of that trace of uneasy thoughts in his heart, with his current strength even if he can't beat Gin head on, but he should still be able to defend himself.

    Gritting his teeth, Wutzel slowed his pace and tried to minimize his breath, ten years of peaceful life had gradually made him forget everything he had ever been.

    It was a good thing that those dark memories had penetrated deep into his soul, and trying to recall them, he eventually remembered something.

    He leaned over the mossy fence and calmly watched the yard.

    Here's a videotape of your company taking bribes. Where's the money!

    Vodka stood intimidatingly in front of a fat man who was sweating profusely, while Gin stood coldly to the side, his lack of anger was considered a true reflection of him at the moment.

    Wutzel sized up the cold man with blonde hair, a knife-like face, and a cold aura around him.

    He waited, waited for the moment when the man would let his guard down.

    Here! Here's a billion yen, bring the videotape.

    Feeling Gin's freezing breath, the sweaty fat man almost grabbed the videotape from Vodka's hand and clutched it tightly in his arms.


    Vodka didn't care, giving a disdainful glance at the sweaty fat man who was supposedly the owner of some large consortium, before opening the case full of money and walking over to Gin, looking at him curtly.

    Big brother, look at a billion dollars!

    Gin didn't say anything, lightly glanced at the case, turned around and walked out, Vodka was worthy of following Gin for so many years, immediately understood what the boss meant, picked up the case and followed behind Gin.

    Zhe Wu watched Vodka's movements, his brows furrowed slightly, he had a secret technique given to him by the Heavenly Soul that could briefly dissipate his body's aura, and was 80% sure of finishing off Gin, but Vodka...

    Seeing that Gin was about to walk to the door, thinking of ten years later, when Shinichi turned into Conan, and thinking of the agonizing decades-long wait for that little sister who followed him around and innocently said that she would marry him...

    Wutzel clenched his teeth and put up a fight! The big deal was death, he had earned his happiness in this life anyway, he absolutely could not let Shinichi turn into Conan, he could not let Ran wait in agony for decades...

    That was his only thought as he rushed out!

    Big brother! Watch out!

    Hearing Vodka's shout, Gin quickly reacted, and with a catch of his breath and a clench of his teeth, Wutzel had a few moments of speed, his eyes clouding over with the color of blood.

    But in the end, it was still dodged by Gin, and looking at the raw iron rod that whizzed past his head, Gin's face turned cold, and with a cold aura, he violently rushed towards Wutzel.

    Tetsu snapped out of the air and twisted his body, dodging Gin's counterattack under his woes.

    Falling to the ground, Mutetsu gave a hateful look at Vodka, if it wasn't for this loser, his strike just now would have killed Gin, then ten years later, there wouldn't have been a Conan, and Ran wouldn't have...

    Thinking of the hate, Wu Zhe's eyes were cold, violently threw out the raw iron rod in his hand, hitting the vodka, ten percent of the force coupled with the anger contained in the shot, the vodka fell to the ground in an instant, life and death unknown.

    Gin just watched this coldly and didn't stop it, Wutzel sighed, he wanted to do this to more or less provoke Gin's anger so he could use it to escape, but he didn't expect... Alas.

    Who sent you...

    Gin didn't even look at the badly injured Vodka on the ground, his eyes faintly locked on this Wutzel.


    Mutetsu grunted coldly pretending not to bother answering, but in his mind he was thinking of countermeasures, no matter what, he couldn't lead the danger to his home, there! He suddenly remembered that Mr. and Mrs. Kudo didn't give him an ID because of his special nature, that would be good...

    At least it won't involve them...

    Wutzel exhaled softly and raised his head, a touch of pride on his face as he looked at Gin with disdain.

    Gin's great name is as good as thunder, I thought how heroic, I didn't expect it to be nothing more than that, if it wasn't for the reminder of this punk, you would have long been a touch of the dead soul in my hands, humph!

    You've come to challenge me...

    Gin asked faintly, his eyes observing Nozhe's reaction, his heartbeat.

    Wutzel looked at Gin with disdain, openly letting him go, but in his mind he was highly nervous, putting everything he had learned in his previous life to good use.

    Ryoga... Gin shifted his gaze, a flash of thought in his eyes.

    Recently, the organization was recruiting geniuses from various industries, and this little brat had just sneak attacked, but he did come close to killing himself.

    It's a good seedling.

    Follow me.

    Gin looked at Tetsu lightly and suddenly spoke.

    Tetsu froze, for real this time, did Gin want him to join the organization, this one was a real surprise.

    But anyway, at least being alive is hope.

    While thinking this in his heart, Wou Zhe showed a hint of hesitation on his face.

    I believe that you are smart, the ability of 'Total Absence of Breath' just now should be a secret technique that you cast at some cost, and you shouldn't be able to cast it in a short period of time.

    How's that for consideration.

    Surprisingly, Tetsu found a hint of a smile on Gin's face, only it was so fleeting that even he couldn't be sure if he had misread it.

    While Wutzel secretly celebrated in his heart, he showed a hopeless expression on his face and spread his hands at Gin, signaling his surrender.

    Gin glanced at Tetsu and pointed to the vodka, then turned and headed for the door.

    Mutetsu flattened his mouth helplessly, he understood what Gin meant, it was just that... Since he was the one who injured Vodka, it was up to him to fix it...

    Look at the vodka like a pig's head.

    As much as Tetsu would like to actually settle... But he also knew that if he was going to fix Vodka, Gin would definitely fix him too.


    Watching Gin's figure disappear into the doorway, Muozhe suddenly opened his mouth and called out.

    ... What's going on.

    The corner of Gin's eye twitched slightly, but he stood still.

    I'll only live to be seventeen.

    Gin suddenly turned around and looked at the teenager who was tugging at the vodka with a calm face, and for a long time turned around and walked out the door... Faintly threw down a sentence.


    As much as it hated to admit it, Gin did breathe a sigh of relief in that moment just now.

    He admitted that the boy had more potential than he did.

    In the world of darkness, more than that means death.

    ###Chapter 4: The First Encounter###

    Title - Disappearing is not the end, it's only the beginning

    In the darkness, meet her...

    In an abandoned factory building.

    Tetsu followed behind Gin, scrutinizing the place, it looked dirty and messy, but he distinctly spotted hidden posts in a few hidden corners.

    He was secretly shocked, this black clothes organization in the end what is the origin, this scale of the base has been very tight, but I'm afraid that it is only the tip of the iceberg of the organization, from the anime of the last life, the black clothes organization has existed for half a century, inside the talented people, the organization's boss is even more mysterious, in the previous life, there are even people guessing that the boss is Dr. Agasa...

    But naturally, Wutzel wouldn't believe it, he had personally come into contact with Dr. Agasa in his current life and concluded that Dr. Agasa was just an ordinary inventor, who was a little smart but tended to drop the ball at critical moments.


    According to his guess, the boss of the Black Organization should be...

    Follow me!

    Wutzel was thinking, steeply heard Gin's cold to the bone voice, his feet could not help but a slip, good death and he just used the power of the Heavenly Soul, so now his body is very weak, eyes are about to fall a big horse... He couldn't help but not up his eyes, secretly sighing, just arrived at the organization and came to such a point, it's really humiliating.

    After a while...

    There was no imagined pain, Wutzel couldn't help but be a little strange, feeling it slightly, strange, how soft.

    At the same time, a teasing voice reached his ears.

    Little brother, what's wrong... Fell into my sister's gentle land and don't want to get up.

    Hearing such a familiar voice so abruptly, Wou Zhe couldn't help but be stunned and subconsciously raised his head.

    It's over! How could it be her!

    Wutzel's heart fiercely laughed bitterly, before sitting in Gin's car he was still thinking about what to do in case he met that woman in the organization, wouldn't it be all wearing out at once, didn't think that what to think about would come to what...

    This time it's really bad!

    He tried to squeeze another ounce of strength from his body...

    Unfortunately, his body after being squeezed by the Heavenly Soul really didn't have a single ounce of energy.

    Absinthe was surprised as well, she was used to all sorts of little kids coming and going in the organization all the time, after all, the man had given orders to search for all sorts of gifted children.

    But she never thought that she would run into this brat here, for which she had a vivid memory of sweetly calling herself sister...

    The point was that he was the child of a friend of his other identity, so how did he end up here, when the organization had always only recruited orphans.

    Help! Or break him down!

    Two choices flashed through her mind, and in just a split second, she had a decision...

    Absinthe teased with a seductive smile on her face.

    Little brother, what's wrong, is my sister that attractive, look dumbfounded yo...

    Wutzel froze for a split second and immediately realized that Absinthe didn't want to dismantle him, and although he didn't know why Absinthe wanted to help him, he still reacted extremely quickly.

    Well, sister you are quite pretty, I will carry you home as a wife in the future.

    Absinthe froze for a split second, then burst into laughter.

    Yeah, I'll wait for you yo.

    A fragrant breeze wafts through the absinthe.

    Wutzel was relieved in his heart, although he didn't know why Absinthe was helping him, but this immediate calamity was considered to have been dodged for the time being.

    However, he still had to tease the iceberg, and the corner of Nozhe's eyes tilted up with a bad taste in his mouth.

    Gin-chan, what's the name of my future daughter-in-law.

    A piercing coldness violently erupted from Gin's body, but looking at the indifferent Mutetsu beside her, that coldness hovered for a moment or disappeared.


    Coldly dropping three words, Gin took a big stride forward, Wutzel had a hard time following because his body was very weak, but he was snickering in his heart.

    The sulkiness that had come from being forced by Gin dissipated for the most part.


    Gin led Wutzel to a room filled with medical equipment, Wutzel looked at it all with a bit of a daze, his heart unusually surprised that the organization's medical power had exceeded the outside world by at least ten times.

    Is... Is he really the boss of the organization?

    A trace of bitterness flashed in Wutzel's eyes, as much as he didn't want to accept this truth.

    But when he thought of how he had seen the man a few years ago, he knew in his heart that he was afraid that nine times out of ten, this truth that he did not want to accept would come true.

    The three worlds and six paths, see all the world's ups and downs, the red dust rolls, how a word of love.

    Everything is the word love that harms people, thinking about it... He couldn't help but think of Night, although he was only a brother and sister to Night, but how could he not be like that, giving everything for revenge, even his own life.

    Technically, he did look a little like the man, and it was no wonder they had become...


    Sighing, Nozhe didn't think any further.

    Get in!

    While Wutzel's thoughts were swirling, Gin's cold, piercing voice rang in his ears.

    Hearing these cold words, Wu Zhe was slightly speechless, but still obediently walked in, he still understood the reasoning of people under the roof.

    Besides, he had more or less guessed what Gin was letting him in for, nothing more than to check if he really could only live to be seventeen.

    And speaking of longevity, the moment he saw the absinthe just now, he suddenly had a whimsical thought that, with luck, he might be able to prolong his life.

    Walking into the room where a bunch of cold-faced white angels were minding their own business, he couldn't help but feel a bit of a liver ache, and was fuming that he didn't know where to go when Gin's voice rang out at the right time.

    First room on the left.

    Tetsu was quietly relieved, for the first time he thought Gin was still kind of cute? unfortunately, it was a facepalm, he spat with a bad smile.

    Without a word, those white angels examined Mucho's body.

    It took quite a while, but the final conclusion was 'terminal!' Couldn't live past seventeen.

    Even though Wutzel had heard these words more than once, he still felt his heart choke, he wasn't afraid of death, he just couldn't let go...

    Can't let go, some curmudgeonly dad.

    Can't let go, sweet old mom.

    Give it up, 250 IQ, 025 EQ old man.

    When Gin heard this conclusion, his complexion also changed slightly, and his gaze towards Zhe Wu fluctuated slightly, seemingly in pity and seemingly in celebration.

    Come on, I'll take you to where you'll live from now on.

    It was still Gin's voice without a hint of emotional fluctuation, and Muozhe nodded and obediently followed Gin, his mood a little low at hearing such news again.

    Here it is, you'll be staying here from now on, there's another member in there, she'll teach you what you need to do.

    After a very brief explanation, Gin left, seeming to have become a bit strange when he heard that Muzetsu wouldn't live past the age of seventeen, with a strange gleam passing through his eyes from time to time.

    With Gin gone, Wutzel was a little bored instead, pushing open the door and surveying the place where he would live from now on, a snowy, empty room punctuated only by a few fiery red roses.

    There must be someone living in here who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside with a stuffy SAO personality.

    What do you mean...

    Before Wutzel's sputtering voice could fall, a voice as cold as a ghost suddenly rang out, startling him.

    He looked back, following where the voice had come from, a pair of cotton boots, a small waist, a white scientist's lab coat, a delicate face, and teal hair.

    Still a little girl... That's good.

    Zhe Wu nodded, satisfied, and suddenly his smile stalled and his gaze lingered on Lori's chest.

    The name written on that sign made lose words and sigh at how unpredictable fate really is.

    Sherry! Miyano Shiho, Ai Haibara.

    He's also had a burst of luck, first bumping into the voluptuousness of that witch from Absinthe, and then... Is it time to cohabitate with the iceberg yawning woman from now on again.


    When Miyano Shippo saw that Mutetsu didn't say anything, but just stared at her breasts colorfully, she was enraged... Raising her foot, she stomped hard on Tetsu-less.

    The usual Muozhe could definitely dodge it, but unfortunately, the current Muozhe didn't have an ounce of power... So...


    Tetsu clutched his feet and looked at Miyano Shippo with tearful eyes, he was wronged na, how could he possibly lust after a loli...

    He was just a little surprised to see her so steeply, a little... Nostalgic.

    She and Night... Very similar...

    The same yearning for sunshine, yet fear of it.

    Miyano Shippo looked at the soft color in Muzetsu's eyes and his anger slightly tightened, a strange feeling surging through his heart from time to time.

    She had a strange feeling, as if Wou Zhe was looking at another person through her, but she couldn't raise an ounce of anger.

    After a long time, Tetsu came back to his senses, looking at Miyano Shippo's face, which had regained its bashfulness, and silently spat.

    This girl must be frigid.


    After another moment, Wou Zhe couldn't stand the awkward atmosphere anymore and opened his mouth.

    This... Sister, Gin sent me.

    Look... Where do I live...

    Hearing the name Gin, Miyano Shippo subconsciously blanched and looked up at Tetsu Muoi as he walked towards the test bench.

    Come in, you'll be staying in the room inside from now on.

    Tetsu nodded and looked over at the cluttered test bench, a row of letters floating in his head.


    ###Chapter 5: Shiho###

    Title - Disappearing is not the end, it's only the beginning

    In the Darkness... Meet you... Giving me warmth...

    ---- Dividing line ----

    The night was dusky, with light snowflakes in the sky...

    Propping his head up and staring blankly at the ever-busy Miyano Shippo, Mutetsu looked at the pendulum clock that was pointing to ten o'clock, and he wiggled his fingers and counted, it had been nearly five hours since he had come over in the afternoon...

    If he remembered correctly, she was a year older than him, and a year older than Shinnojo, was this really the life an eleven year old girl should be living.

    Tetsu looked at Miyano Shippo's pretty face, which was suspiciously sexually frigid, and saw a hint of stubbornness.

    previous incarnation ...

    Night! Listen to me and go back!!! A black leather-clad Muozhe yelled as he drenched himself in the rain and looked at the stubborn young girl who kept training in front of him.

    ... Silence, the rain drenched the girl's hair, strands of wet hair plastered to her forehead, tightly pursed lips, showing the girl's stubbornness.

    Tetsu looked at Miyano Shippo dumbfounded as the two different faces from his past life and present life gradually blended together.

    Let's go, go eat. Miyano Shippo's cold voice rang out, waking up dazed Wutzel, Wutzel froze for a second, rushed violently to the bathroom, turned on the faucet, and forcefully splashed water on his face, looking at his own wretched appearance in the mirror, Wutzel was silent for a long time, Night! How can I forget you.

    Tetsu-less silently walked out of the bathroom, and Miyano Shippo gave him an uncertain look without saying anything, taking the lead.

    Tetsu followed silently, glancing at Miyano Shippo's back with a complicated expression and hanging his head...

    Muozhe didn't realize that when love comes, no force can stop it, including himself. Pushing open a large door, Muozhe was startled, he didn't hear a single sound outside the door and thought there was no one inside, but then... It was filled with white coats... All with one expression on their faces, indifference!

    Looking at everything in front of him, Wou Zhe was really impressed with the Black Clothes Organization, he really wanted to know what kind of enticement huo could make living people turn into this ghostly state now.

    Miyano Shippo saw this image in front of her, and even though she had seen it more than once, she couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness flooding from the bottom of her heart... her parents... Had they once looked like this.

    Even though the hatred for the organization in her heart was so great that it would be difficult to wash it away with the water of nine heavens, she didn't dare to show a trace of it, and faintly walked towards the window where she had to fight for her food.

    Mutetsu followed Miyano Shiho and silently watched what was happening in front of them, and the lady who served the food also looked indifferent, mechanically handing Mutetsu and Miyano Shiho a bowl of scrambled egg rice.

    Hey, why do they look like that? Tetsu-less poked Miyano Shippo and asked in a small voice.

    Miyano Shiho put away his sad look and said lightly, This is a great group of people who have given up everything, including their souls, for the sake of so-called science ...... The undisguised voice suddenly resounded through the large cafeteria, exuding a strong sense of mockery, and Wutzel was startled and quickly looked around.

    There was still silence all around, all the white coats just lowered their heads and ate their meals as if they didn't hear them, Miyano Shippo's mouth showed a hint of mockery when he saw it, and Mutetsu seemed to understand something when he saw it, it was because it was Miyano Shippo who was the one who said such things... Reminds them of their children? Mutetsu didn't understand... If he knew he regretted it, why did he continue to be wrong... Was it because of the organization? It seemed like he had one more reason to deal with the organization... why couldn't he feel a hint of happiness?

    Belmod, Miyano Houshi, Elena, and Miyano Shippo, think of their lives, think of their endings... Maybe you really loved your lady, but it really passed... Thinking about it Tetsu-less revealed a bitter smile, in his place... Maybe ...... would also

    Thinking about something? Miyano Shippo's faint voice woke up Tetsu, and looking at the empty bowl in front of Miyano Shippo and the cafeteria that had become empty at some point, he smiled awkwardly, knowing that he had just wandered off, and picked up his bowl, taking a big bite.

    Looking at Mutetsu with his bowl, giggling, Miyano Shippo gave a faint smile, beautiful, but unfortunately Mutetsu, who had buried his face in the bowl, didn't see it.

    Whew! It's done, let's go... Tetsu put the bowl down and looked at Miyano Shippo with slight embarrassment.

    Miyano Shippo. Hearing the sudden voice, Mutsuki froze and looked at Miyano Shippo, not reacting for a moment.

    Name. Looking at Miyano Shippo's still bland demeanor, Mutetsu's heart warmed as he knew she already considered him a friend.

    Shippo! Let's go. A smile lifted up on Tetsu's tiny face, the first genuine smile he'd had since coming to the Black Organization.

    Hmm. Hearing Tetsu-less address her, Miyano Shippo also revealed a heartfelt smile.

    The sudden touch made her freeze... Then she felt a faint scratch, and with a twitch in her heart she understood what Wutzel meant.

    Shippo, did the organization put a bug on you. Tetsu wrote in Miyano Shiho's hand.

    Miyano Shippo looked at Mutetsu and shook her head, then took Mutetsu's hand and wrote, But there's a bug in the room.

    Tetsu's breath hitched, and in his heart he was glad that he hadn't revealed anything just now, as he continued to write, Shippo, from now on we'll try to act aloof in the room.

    Looking at the room with the monitor in front of them, Mutetsu and Miyano Shippo looked at each other with a smile and pushed them away at the same time... Life was meant to be a big stage, and they were destined to play like life in the future.

    A highly intelligent pseudo-kid and a highly intelligent real kid, the battle between the two men and the organization has officially raised the curtain.

    The next day, Mutetsu appeared in front of Miyano Shippo with sleepy eyes, the two who had become friends last night excitedly chatted late into the night by writing on their hands, and then Mutetsu couldn't sleep a wink because he didn't have a weapon on his person, but instead Miyano Shippo, who was in a good mood, slept soundly.

    Come with me, we'll go to the lecture later.

    Ha? What! Listening to the lesson... Muozhe thought he had heard wrong.

    That's right, the organization needs well-rounded people, and everyone who is new to the organization must pick a specialty.

    Tetsu-less rolled his eyes, this is a yakuza or a university ah, but also choose a major, then curiously asked, Shippo, what major did you choose ah.

    Majoring in biomedical science and physical chemistry, with an option in marksmanship.

    Marksmanship? Shippo aren't you a scientist. Tetsu asked suspiciously.

    Let's talk as we walk, more or less everyone in the organization has to learn some combat skills, I chose a pistol. Miyano Shippo explained as she walked.

    And that's how Nozhe had the happiest month ever at the organization.

    On this day, on the way to class, Mutsuki suddenly felt Miyano Shippo trembling slightly, Shippo, what's wrong.

    A trembling Miyano Shippo slowly spat out two words, Gin.

    Tetsu-less' pupils shrunk as he looked in the direction Miyano Shippo was pointing and said coldly, Yo, if it isn't Gin, why are you free to come over.

    Hmph, Gin selectively ignored the Zhe Wu's exasperating words and said with the same coldness, Boss, want to see you to see if you really can't live past the age of seventeen.

    The trembling Miyano Shiho on the side was shocked, and could not live past the age of seventeen! A pang of sadness flooded her heart, could it be that all the people who had been so good to her were going to leave her, and she felt her heart gradually falling into a pitch-black abyss.

    Sensing Miyano Shippo's dissimilarity, Mutetsu's heart ached, but seeing Gin, he could only say coldly, Shaking what, acting! Mutetsu aggravated the word acting.

    Hearing the word acting, Miyano Shiho was dumbfounded, knowing that Mutetsu was reminding himself, acting? Not being able to live past the age of seventeen is also acting, thinking about the medical level of the organization, Miyano Shiho herself did not believe it... As if she had lost her soul, Miyano Shiho walked towards the distance, all she wanted to do now was to throw herself into her sister's arms and cry.

    Wu Zhe's heart ached, but he put on a look of disdain, Gin you really should review this, the little girl was scared and cried by you.

    Listening to Mutetsu's exasperating words, Gin selectively ignored them, as for Miyano Shippo's dissimilarity, he didn't think much of it, very few people weren't afraid of him... He couldn't even count the number of people he had killed himself, and then he gave a helpless look at Tetsu-less, with the exception of this freak...

    ##Chapter 6: The Uncertainty of Choice##

    Title - Disappearing is not the end, it's only the beginning

    It is true that you can be destroyed, and I will gladly meet death for the good of the public.

    ---- Dividing line ----

    Following Gin to the car, Mutetsu didn't dare to show a hint of it even though his heart was filled with worry for Miyano Shippo... He pondered why the mysterious boss wanted to see him, did he recognize him, and when he thought that he had met him only a few years ago, Mutetsu couldn't help but worry.

    Gin looked at the rare quiet Muozhe, but felt a little uncomfortable, but did not say anything, cold face, driving.

    I don't know how long it took, but Gin's Porsche 356A gradually slowed down, and Wutzel's heart shook, knowing that the biggest crisis he had faced since coming to this world had come.

    Tetsu fell silent in a rare moment, ever since he decided to live in the sunlight for Night, he had always smiled, this was the one time... He just couldn't smile, once he was recognized, it wouldn't just be him that would die, it would involve his dad, his mom, his brother, Dr. Agasa, and even Shippo, he could never let that happen, never! Mutetsu yelled inwardly.

    Gin's beloved Porsche 356A came to a stop, and Mutetsu followed Gin out of the car in silence, surveying his surroundings, knowing that he would always come back again someday.

    I don't know how many mechanisms were opened, but Gin finally pushed open a door, signaling Wutzel to enter... Zhe Wu took a deep breath and slowly stepped in, he still had one last card... That was the Heavenly Soul... But he didn't want to until the last moment... He couldn't let go of everything here.

    There you are... Zhe. In the darkened room, a figure had his back to Zhe Wu, hearing his familiar voice, Zhe Wu's heart sank, he knew that things had developed towards what he had expected, even though he was unwilling, he could only... Silently activated the self-destruction of the Heavenly Soul, feeling the activation of the Heavenly Soul, Wutzel also relaxed for a moment, after a moment of silence, he slowly said, I really couldn't have imagined that the boss of the organization would be you, Uncle Black Feather! Black Feather Thief One!!! As the words of Tetsu-less fell, the figure slowly turned around, removing the mask on his face, revealing a face that was equally as elegant as Kudo Yusaku's, Hao Ran was the famous magician Kuroha Thief One who had suddenly died a few years ago, and was also the first generation of Monster Thief Kiddo!

    Uncle Blackfeather, why did you do that. Tetsu asked silently as he looked at the man.

    Black Feather Thief One was silent, Tetsu, I really didn't expect to see you again. He didn't answer positively and instead changed the topic.

    Black Feather Thief One, why are you doing this! You say it, you say it, Master!!! No longer able to hold back the sadness in his heart, Wutzel roared loudly.

    ------ Dividing Line --- ---

    Uncle Kuroha, Tetsu wants to learn magic.

    Tetsu, why do you want to learn magic.

    Chieh knows he'll only live to be seventeen, and Chieh is going to learn magic to make Mommy and Daddy happy.

    ------ Dividing Line --- ---

    Black Feather Thief One was silent for a long time, Tetsu, do you remember your Aunt Chikage.

    Tetsuo's heart ached, he remembered, of course he remembered, he even knew that Kurobuta Thief One had faked his death in order to resurrect Kurobuta Chikage, that was why he did so much, he even knew that it was because he looked like Kurobuta Chikage that he was able to retain his looks with the predecessor of APTX4869, turning into an ageless monster, and that's why Bellemorte so hated Miyano Atsushi and Elena, who had made this drug, and even hated their daughter Miyano Shiho who is still researching this drug.

    Tetsu understood him, really did, in his place he would have done the same thing, but for the sake of one person, too many people were hurt, too many people's destinies changed because of it, Belmod, Houji Miyano, Elena, Shiho Miyano, Akemi Miyano, Shuichi Akai, Jodie, Shinichi Kudo, Mouri Ran... Too many people paid the price for it.

    I'm sorry, Uncle Kuroha, I can't watch you be wrong. Tetsu looked at Blackfeather Thief One with a complicated expression.

    Tetsu, the one who should say sorry is me, for the sake of Thousand Shadows, I have to continue, so I'm sorry. Saying that, Black Feather Thief One took out his gun and pulled the trigger at Tetsu-less, bang bang bang...

    Zhe Wu didn't dodge, even though he still had the ability to dodge, he didn't move, and he silently said in his heart, Uncle Black Feather, I'm sorry . .3... .2... .1... Black Feather Thief One looked shocked at everything in front of him, and then lost consciousness...

    For a long time, heard no hint of movement in the room gin pushed open the door froze in place ..... ...The boss died, the Black Clothes Organization had a big earthquake, and then the number two of the Black Clothes Organization suppressed all the opposition with a thunderbolt, and became the new boss of the Black Clothes Organization as a matter of course, and as for Tetsu-less...

    Gin silently looked at Wutzel who was no longer breathing a single breath and sighed, Kid, you're awesome, I still underestimated you, keeping your corpse is my last respect for you. After saying that, Gin made his Porsche 356A and drove to the organization's new base, after a civil unrest, the organization was in dire need of manpower and money, he was now busy.

    After Gin left, Mutetsu's body gradually changed, his silver-white hair fading back to black and his pupils turning burgundy...

    Tetsu, are you really dead... Sister... The pale-faced young girl's tears fell like rain, did that silly teenager really die.

    Ten years later... Dorobija Land, a dirty beggar with a silly grin walks through the amusement park where people come and go, and everyone around him avoids in disgust...

    Shinichi, it's not easy to come to an amusement park once, don't keep talking about Sherlock Holmes. The young girl beamed and looked at the teenager beside her with dissatisfaction.

    Yes, yes, Ran, let's go do the roller coaster. The teenager knew he was in the wrong and looked at the young girl curtly.

    The boy and girl are Kudo Shinichi and Mouri Ran, and since Ran won first place in a national karate competition, the childhood friends come to the amusement park to celebrate.

    Mori Ran was secretly happy to hear Kudo Shinichi's words, saying that Shinichi had finally gotten the hang of it, when she suddenly glanced out of the corner of her eye at a beggar in rags... She was stunned in her heart... Good familiar back, vaguely remembered that when she was a child, there was also such a back to protect her, not Shinichi...

    Kudo Shinichi saw Mauriran dazed and asked suspiciously, Ran, what's wrong. Maurilan hesitated for a moment, but finally didn't ask, remembering that she had asked Shinichi before if there had been such a child when he was a child... But every time, Shinichi always had a sad expression on his face... It scared her so much that she didn't dare to ask again...

    Ran, let's go! Kudo Shinichi pulled Mauriran and ran off to buy the tickets, feeling the warmth in her hands, Mauriran blushed and steam rose from her head, forgetting all about familiar backs and such.

    The ragged beggar, hearing the duo's conversation, showed a hint of confusion, reached out and scratched his head, and followed behind Kudo Shinichi and Mouri-Lan.

    Move over, what's going on, Kudo Shinichi and Ran were shocked to see a cordon drawn at the roller coaster.

    Who are you? A police officer reached out to stop Shinichi Kudo and Ran, and just as Shinichi Kudo was about to explain that he was a detective, a surprised voice came over, Kudo-san! Ran. What are you guys doing here?

    Kudo Shinichi turned his head to see that it was Detective Megure, and immediately relaxed, So you are Detective Megure, Ran won first place in the National Karate Competition, I accompanied her to the amusement park, and when I saw that a cordon had been pulled up here, I came over to see what was going on. For her part, Ran greeted politely, Hello, Detective Megure.

    Hmm... Ahem, hello Ran. Detective Megure gave the gentle Ran a strange look, silently spitting in her mind that she was a freak of nature worthy of being the daughter of Mouri's oldest brother.

    What's going on here, Detective? Kudo Shinichi's detective's soul kicked in, and when he saw how dumbfounded Detective Megure looked, he just couldn't help but open his mouth and ask.

    Oh oh, it's like this a man named Kishida had his head chopped off while doing a roller coaster. Detective Megure introduced the situation clearly in a couple of words, as expected of a veteran cop of many years.

    Ran smiled in shock and couldn't help but be a little scared, but unfortunately Kudo Shinichi is a guy with an IQ of 250 and an EQ of 025, he didn't even notice Ran's fear, and instead revealed a pensive look... How much strength does it take to cut off a person's head? The murderer must have utilized the strong impulse of the roller coaster... As well as...

    Shinichi Kudo was deep in thought when an impatient voice came out, Kid this isn't the place for you to play detective games, we have a lot of things to do and can't play with you.

    Kudo Shinichi looked up at the words and couldn't help but be shocked, what kind of pair of eyes were those, as if they didn't care about killing as many people as possible, the indifference in those eyes deeply pierced Kudo Shinichi's detective soul, and he couldn't help but shout, I am the high school detective Kudo Shinichi!

    Big brother, he's that high school detective who's been making a name for himself lately. The one who spoke was Vodka, the unlucky guy who had been knocked out by a slate cover from Tetsu Muoi ten years ago.

    Wait and see what happens. Gin said lightly, even after ten years, but Gin still had a cold demeanor.

    Seeing that the two men in black were not raising any objections, Kudo Shinichi also began his investigation... Finally, with the help of a group of brats, Kudo Shinichi finds the key evidence of piano wire, a pearl necklace, and a tear.

    The sun was setting, looking at the sad look of the girl named Hitomi, and the single tear. Kudo Shinichi asked himself, did he really do wrong, no, no matter what the reason for the crime was, it was always a life...

    Mori Ran looked at the silent Kudo Shinichi and didn't know what to say, they walked in silence through the amusement park with a silly beggar following them behind...

    Suddenly Kudo Shinichi saw two men in black, his heart was shocked, this is not the two men just now, they were in a hurry to go to do what

    Ran, I still have some things to do, you go home first. After saying that, Kudo Shinichi ran towards the dark alley, Mouri Ran just wanted to chase after him, but his shoelace collapsed... She could only stare blankly at Kudo Shinichi as he disappeared into the darkness, with a hint of foreboding in her heart... It seems that she will never see Kudo Shinichi again.

    The beggar who followed Kudo Shinichi and Ran, watched Kudo Shinichi disappear into the darkness, scratched his head, and followed, also disappearing into the darkness.

    ### Chapter 7: The Birth of Edogawa Conan [above] ###

    Title - Disappearing is not the end, it's only the beginning

    Drunk on the knees of a beautiful woman, waking up in charge of the world... He has never thought about these things, he just wants to spend his life with his loved ones peacefully, is it so difficult...

    ---- Dividing line ----

    It's 100 million dollars, you guys give me the stuff. A sweaty fat man looked at Gin and Vodka with a nervous expression.

    Gin looked strangely familiar, this scene was unusually familiar, remembering the first time he saw that brat in this situation...

    Give it to him. Returning to his senses, Gin commanded the vodka.

    Yes, big brother. Vodka also depressed, how is it again this kind of dead fat, he again remembered the scene when that big master domineeringly slapped the plate over, he returned to the organization to lie down for four months, after he got well, he wanted to take revenge, and then he heard that that big master and the boss died together, scared him paralyzed at that time.

    The sweaty fat man got his stuff and turned around and ran away, unable to spare a second more in this hellhole.

    Shinichi Kudo, hiding in the shadows, gritted his teeth in hatred at the dark scene and accidentally made a noise.

    Gin's ears twitched, a flash to Kudo Shinichi's back, one hand knife knocked him out, Vodka instantly reacted, saw Kudo Shinichi, thought of the new boss's set rules, couldn't help but his body trembled, drew his Volt P5 and said fiercely, Big brother, kill him. Gin reached out and stopped Volt P5's movement, With this organization's newly researched drug, the police will only check out death by heart attack. Said Gin as he pulled out a small metal box full of capsules.

    Fun, fun! Just then a sudden voice came out, it turned out to be the silly beggar who had been following Kudo Shinichi and Ran.

    Gin was startled at first, then relieved to see it was a stupid beggar, and ordered, Vodka, feed him a capsule.

    Yes, big brother. Vodka responded ferociously, but the beggar not only didn't resist, but also foolishly took the initiative to grab the capsule and eat it. It seemed that subconsciously he thought it was something important to him.

    Go away! Gin coldly glanced at the stupid beggar and the unconscious Kudo Shinichi and turned to leave, Vodka hurried to follow, for some

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