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Chronicles of the Abnormals
Chronicles of the Abnormals
Chronicles of the Abnormals
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Chronicles of the Abnormals

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In a world teetering on the brink of chaos, an extraordinary family stands as humanity's last hope.

In a realm where extraordinary abilities are commonplace, the Adams

Release dateMay 15, 2024
Chronicles of the Abnormals

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    Chronicles of the Abnormals - KLG Higgs


    I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my readers. Without you, this novel would not exist. Thank you for taking the time to read my story.

    I am also grateful to my editor, greatest supporter Fasih ur Rehman, for your insightful feedback and guidance. You helped me to make my novel the best it could be.

    Thank you to my project managers Zach Miller for believing in me and my work. You have been a valuable asset throughout this process.

    I would also like to thank my publisher, Tolkeins Book Writing for taking a chance on my novel. I am honored to be a part of your team.

    Thank you to my family and friends for their unwavering support. I could not have done this without you. Especially Ms. S. F. Waters for helping me with the brainstorming sessions and all your amazing feedback. 

    Finally, I would like to thank my beta readers for their feedback and encouragement. Your insights were invaluable.


    To my mother, the embodiment of strength, grace, and resilience. You have taught me the power of kindness, the importance of compassion, and the courage to face life's challenges. This book is a reflection of your remarkable spirit.

    To my father and step father, who taught me the importance of family, the value of hard work, and the beauty of life. I wish you both could share this moment with me, but I know you are here in spirit, watching over me every step of the way.

    To my siblings, my fellow adventurers, my sources of laughter, and my constant reminders of the importance of family. Thank you for making my life a whirlwind of joy, love, and unforgettable memories. This book is a tribute to our shared experiences and the unbreakable connection we share.

    Lastly to my children, you are my greatest motivation in this every word I write is to show you that you all can become anything you dream of. Never stop striving to be the best you can be. I love you all dearly.


    This is a brief overview of the historical events that have shaped our world:

    Chapter 1

    The agonizing night of the year 2170. The world burns in the fires of war, as humans and abnormals clash in a desperate struggle for survival. The once bustling metropolis of Chicago has been reduced to a desolate cityscape, its skyscrapers reduced to rusting husks and its streets littered with shattered glass and rotting corpses. The air is thick with the stench of death and decay.

    Most importantly, it marked the death anniversary of the valiant Uncle Jon and his elemental squad. The night is nothing more but a reminder of people who have left the ground of this world while fighting for survival. Who would have thought that the people who stood fiercely could disappear in the ruthless air in just a few ticks of time?

    Michael's boots crunched on the shattered glass as he surveyed the desolate cityscape. His icy blue eyes scanned the ruins of the once-grand skyscrapers, their skeletal frames crawling with wild vines. He searched for any sign of life, but the only sound was the wind whistling through the empty streets.

    He felt eyes on him. His neck prickled with unease. Ever since the outbreak of the human-abnormal war in 2163, nowhere was safe.

    I know you're out there, Michael called out, his voice echoing through the stillness. Come out.

    A moment later, three figures emerged from the shadows. They were dressed in black tactical gear and armed with automatic rifles. Their faces were hidden behind masks, but their cold, calculating eyes betrayed their deadly intentions.

    Michael's heart pounded in his chest. He knew that he was in trouble.

    Michael clenched his fists, ready to summon his extraordinary abilities. He was a handsome young man with a caramel complexion, his tall height, and strong muscles were a sign that he does not gives up easily but regardless of his firm beliefs and personality he was still only 19, he had already mastered the abilities of time freezing, invincibility, duplication, and teleportation.

    We've got you surrounded, freak, one of the soldiers growled through his mask. Come quietly if you want to live.

    Michael narrowed his eyes, steadying his nerves. The once-vibrant skyline was now a shattered wasteland, its skyline a jagged silhouette against the moonlit sky. The streets were deserted, save for the occasional rat or stray dog scavenging for food.

    In a flash, Michael disappeared from view, teleporting to the rooftop of a nearby building. Down below, the soldiers shouted in surprise, opening fire at the spot where Michael had just been standing.

    From his new vantage point, Michael focused his energy on creating two identical copies of himself. The three Michaels then leaped down, ambushing the soldiers from different directions.

    As the soldiers tried to open fire, Michael froze time, blurring into motion. He disarmed the men before they could get a shot off, tossing their rifles away with ease.

    Time resumed. The soldiers gaped at their empty hands in shock. Michael's copies subdued two of the men, restraining them.

    The third soldier lunged at Michael with a combat knife. Michael became invincible, and the blade slid off his skin harmlessly.

    Michael punched the soldier in the head, knocking him unconscious. As the man crumpled to the ground, Michael turned to his copies.

    We need to get out of here, Michael said. His copies nodded, releasing the other two soldiers.

    The three Michaels clasped hands and teleported away in unison, abandoning the soldiers behind. As the world blurred around him, Michael glanced at the ravaged cityscape. The war raged on, but he vowed to fight for what was right, no matter the cost.

    The familiar tug of teleportation faded as Michael and his copies reappeared in the living room of their safehouse apartment. Gabriel, discerning and protective, tall height, with sharp looks, Raphael, the youngest brother and quick-witted one and Ra, whose appearance was just alluring all jumped up from where they had been sitting anxiously, the candlelight flickering in the background and casting eerie shadows on the walls. Ra's purple eyes darted back and forth as she nervously looked at Michael, whose caramel skin was still glistening with sweat, and his sleeveless trench coat was dripping with it.

    Gabriel, the second-oldest sibling, still only 17, rushed over to check on Michael. He knelt beside him on the threadbare couch, his slender frame casting a long shadow against the flickering candlelight that danced on the walls of the cramped apartment.

    Are you okay? Gabriel asked, his voice soft with concern.

    Michael nodded, but his voice was hoarse. I'm fine, he said. Just a little tired.

    Michael's replicates shimmered and disappeared, leaving him feeling drained from using so many of his powers at once.

    Ra, the youngest of the four siblings, hurried back from the kitchen, a glass of water in hand. Her long red hair cascaded down her shoulders like a waterfall, illuminated by the flickering candlelight.

    Drink this, she said, pressing the glass into Michael's caramel hand. You need to rehydrate.

    Michael took the glass and drank deeply, the cool water quenching his thirst.

    Raphael, Michael's youngest brother, and Ra's twin, paced back and forth across the room, his bronze face stormy. The candlelight cast dancing shadows on his face, highlighting his sharp cheekbones and chiseled jawline. The shadows seemed to stretch and twist as if reflecting the turmoil in his mind.

    We can't keep hiding like this, Raphael burst out. You already know what today is Uncle Jon died a year ago, and we still haven’t revenged his death.

    Gabriel nodded solemnly. Raphael's right, he said. We need to exact some revenge for uncle Jon, mom and dad do not have to know.

    Michael shook his head. It's too risky, he said. There are too many of them, and just us four.

    Raphael stopped pacing and turned to face Michael. But we have powers they can't even comprehend! he argued. I am tired of hiding. We need to take the fight to them. If not for anything else we should at least do it in remembrance of Uncle Jon.

    Ra placed a calming hand on Raphael's arm. We're strongest when we're united, she said gently. Fighting amongst ourselves will only weaken us.

    Michael took a deep breath and considered his siblings' words. He knew they were right. They were stronger together. But he was still hesitant. He didn't want to risk their lives.

    I don't know, he said.

    Michael gazed out the window at the war-torn cityscape below. The once-vibrant metropolis was now a crumbling wasteland, its skyscrapers reduced to rusting husks and its streets littered with debris. The war had been raging for years, and there was no end in sight.

    But Michael knew that he had to fight. He had to fight for his siblings, for his friends, and for his home. He had to fight for a better future.

    Ra looked at Michael with purpose in her eyes. It's dangerous to stay here too, she said. They'll keep coming for us until we fight back.

    Gabriel nodded in agreement. She's right, he said. We have to stand up for ourselves, for our people.

    We'll do it, he said finally. We'll do it for uncle Jon and for abnormals everywhere.

    His siblings smiled, their faces filled with confidence. They were united, and they were ready to fight.

    Alright, he said. let’s go on the offensive for once just don’t tell mom okay.

    Raphael grinned. That's what I'm talking about!

    Ra smiled and squeezed Michael's hand. I knew you'd come around.

    Gabriel placed a hand on Michael's shoulder. We're in this together, brother.

    Michael nodded. thats right as a family we can handle anything!"

    The four siblings stood together dressed in all-black tactical gear, united in their resolve to fight for what they believed in. They knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but they were determined to see it through to the end.

    Moments later, Michael took a deep breath and teleported himself and his siblings close to the coordinates of a nearby human army encampment. He closed his eyes and focused his powers, and when he opened them, two identical replicates of himself stood on either side of him.

    Alright, you two, flank left and take out those machine gun nests, he ordered. His replicates nodded and moved into position.

    Michael turned to Ra. I need you to lay down cover fire from the center. Try to keep them contained to one area.

    Ra grinned, summoning two crossbows in her caramel hands and loading them with bolts of lightning. On it, she said confidently.

    Raphael, stay close to Ra and shield her if needed. I'm counting on you to watch her back.

    Raphael cracked his knuckles and winked at Ra. Count on me, sis.

    Michael looked at each of his siblings. Remember, we fight as one.. Watch each other's backs.

    They all nodded, their faces set in grim willpower.

    The heavy tread of boots echoed through the empty streets, growing louder with each passing second. Michael's muscles tensed as he prepared for the inevitable confrontation. He could feel his power coursing through his veins, ready to be unleashed.

    Alright, let's do this, he said. With a roar, they charged out to face the soldiers, ready for the fight of their lives.

    Michael's heart pounded as the soldiers came into view, their black uniforms and masks making them look like faceless demons. He counted at least one hundred, all armed to the teeth.

    There they are! one of the soldiers shouted. Take aim!

    The soldiers raised their rifles and took aim, their eyes filled with hatred.

    You freaks are going to die today! another soldier snarled.

    Michael felt a flash of rage. These monsters had come to kill them simply for being different. Well, he wouldn't let that happen.

    Get them! the lead soldier yelled, raising his rifle. A hail of bullets rained down, but Raphael shielded them with his powers.

    Now! Michael yelled. On his signal, Gabriel had dark tentacles flying from his hands, striking several soldiers and sending them flying to the ground.

    The replicates flanked left, moving with superhuman speed. They leaped into the fray, disarming soldiers and engaging them in hand-to-hand combat. Michael blinked behind a soldier, grabbing him in a chokehold before he could react.

    Raphael, shield up! Michael ordered. A shimmering forcefield surrounded Ra as bullets ricocheted off of it. Raphael stood protectively in front of her, eyes glowing.

    Michael teleported back and forth across the battlefield, appearing and disappearing in the blink of an eye as he took down soldier after soldier. But even with his powers, the soldiers just kept coming.

    There's too many of them! Gabriel yelled over the din. We have to fall back!

    Michael knew he was right. As much as he hated retreating, they were outnumbered. Everyone, gather close! he shouted. We're getting out of here!

    His siblings quickly moved next to him. As the soldiers closed in, Michael focused every ounce of power he had. With a flash of blinding light, they disappeared.

    The soldiers stared in disbelief at the empty space where their targets had just been. Their leader slammed his fist into a wall in frustration. The freaks had escaped, but they would find them. And next time, they would be ready.

    Michael gasped as they reappeared in an abandoned building on the outskirts of the city. The teleportation had taken a massive toll, nearly draining him. He leaned against a wall, catching his breath. 

    Are you okay? Ra asked worriedly, touching his arm.

    I'm fine, Michael said. Just need a minute.

    Gabriel peered out a grimy window at the cityscape. Fires burned in the distance, lighting up the night sky. Who were those soldiers? What did they want with us?

    Doesn't matter, Raphael spat. They'll regret ever coming after us. His bronze hands clenched into fists, knuckles whitening.

    Michael shook his head. Their weapons and gear were top-notch military. And they knew what we were, called us freaks. This wasn't just some random attack. Mother warned us about a group of unknown soldiers capturing people like us. 

    A loud crash echoed through the abandoned warehouse, making Michael and his siblings jump. Michael whirled around, his fists clenched, ready to fight. But instead of soldiers, he found a group of children huddled in the corner, staring at them with wide eyes. One of them had knocked over an old bucket.

    The children were all thin and dirty, their clothes torn and their feet bare. The oldest child, a girl with long black hair and big brown eyes, looked no more than ten years old.

    It's okay, Michael said gently, lowering his fists. We're not going to hurt you.

    The children didn't move. They just stared at him, their eyes filled with fear and uncertainty.

    Are you all alone here? Ra asked softly.

    The children nodded slowly.

    Don't be afraid, Ra said. We're here to help.

    She reached into her pack and pulled out some protein bars. Here, you must be hungry.

    The children's eyes widened at the sight of the food. They scrambled forward and snatched up the bars, devouring them ravenously.

    One of the children smiled as he said thanks. His word was muffled by every bite, he took.

    Michael watched them, his heart aching. He couldn't imagine how scared and alone they must feel. This war had taken so much from the and from so many others.

    He turned to his siblings, his resolve hardening. We have to stop this, he said. For them, and for everyone else who's suffering. Will you stand with me?

    Gabriel nodded firmly. Of course, we will, brother.

    Raphael placed a hand on Michael's shoulder. We're with you all the way.

    Michael smiled grimly. Then let's go.

    Raphael hefted his Warhammer. About time we take the fight to them.

    Ra lifted her chin. We're in this together.

    Michael nodded, a small smile tugging at his mouth. As long as they stood united, nothing could stop them.

    Michael took a deep breath and focused his mind. He felt time slow around him, and his body became a blur. The children watched in awe as he moved through the air, their movements frozen in time.

    Stay here, you'll be safe now, he said in a distorted voice.

    He motioned to his siblings. Let's go.

    They moved swiftly through the dilapidated building, their senses heightened. The air was thick with dust and the smell of decay. Michael strained to hear any sign of the enemy, but the only sound was the creaking of the floorboards beneath their feet.

    Suddenly, Michael halted. Do you hear that? he whispered.

    A faint beeping sound echoed through the building, growing louder with each passing second. Michael's eyes widened. Bomb!

    He teleported his siblings back to the children just as a thunderous explosion rocked the building. Flames erupted from the floors below, and the building began to collapse. Raphael threw up a forcefield around them, shielding them from the debris that rained down.

    As the dust settled, Raphael dispelled the shield. The building was ablaze, and the structure was teetering on the brink of collapse. They had to get out now.

    Michael teleported them outside to the street. Gabriel stared at the burning building in shock. They rigged the whole place. We could've died!

    Raphael's face was grim. Whoever these people are, they're not messing around. Be on guard.

    Michael's mind raced. The attackers had lured them into a trap, but why? What did they want with him and his family?

    The answer eluded him still. But he knew one thing for certain: this was far from over. The real battle was just beginning...

    Ra grabbed Michael's arm her eyes urgent. Michael, are you listening? We need to move now before they detect us.

    As the memory fades Michael's mind drifted back to the present time in 2173, it was still dawn as the sky awaited for the sun to rise completely but air was filled an ominous feeling that Michael failed to shake off. The four siblings gazed out over the military base, from a high cliff. They witnessed the sleek black towers and fortified walls loomed before them, impenetrable and foreboding. The gigantic base seemed to stretch out for miles.

    He blinked, shaking off the memories. Right. What's the plan?

    Raphael stepped forward, his face etched with tenacity. I say we storm the gates and start tearing this place down. We end this war tonight.

    Gabriel shook his head. Too risky. We need stealth. I can cloak us in darkness while Ra picks the locks. We get in and out quietly, gather intel on their operations.

    Michael considered this. A covert op did seem wiser...but his heartache to end this war.

    No. Raphael's right. We end this now. His eyes flashed. I won't let them keep hunting our people.   It's time we end this nightmare of a war not just for us but in memory of uncle Jon.

    Gabriel looked uncertain. Ra bit her lip but nodded.

    Raphael grinned fiercely. About time. Dark metal swirled in his palms, forming a massive Warhammer.

    Michael took a deep breath, feeling his power thrum through his veins. He had trained for this moment, pushed his abilities to their limits. Now it was time to see if it had been enough.

    Beside him, his siblings prepared themselves, faces set with grit and purpose. Gabriel conjured swirling shadows, Raphael hefted his Warhammer, and Ra manifested glowing purple blades. They were ready.

    Michael met their eyes one by one. For our people, he said solemnly. They echoed his words, steel in their voices.

    As one, they leaped from their vantage point, hitting the ground running. The headquarters' outer defenses loomed ahead, stark spotlights cutting through the night.

    Michael flung out a hand, and time froze around them. The spotlights' beams halted mid-sweep; the guard patrols paused mid-step.

    Go! he shouted, sweat beading his forehead as he strained to hold the temporal stasis. His siblings rushed forward, slipping through the immobilized defenses with ease.

    They reached the outer wall. Ra's blades sliced through the metal like butter while Gabriel's shadows swallowed the watchtowers whole. An opening gaped before them.

    Michael released his hold on time with a gasp. Alarm klaxons wailed to life as they plunged inside. The streets in front of the base swarmed with soldiers, weapons raised.

    Raphael roared, swinging his Warhammer in a wide arc. Enemies went flying, slammed into walls by the blow. Gabriel's darkness swallowed the watchtowers whole.

    They were unstoppable, unbeatable. Nothing would stand in their way.

    The battle had begun.

    Chapter 2

    The air crackled with energy as Michael Adams surveyed the battlefield before him, his caramel skin glistening with sweat beneath the relentless sun. The last remaining human stronghold stood before them; its once-imposing defenses now reduced to a pitiful state. His piercing blue eyes narrowed in resolve, and he clenched his fists within the sleeves of his long black trench coat.

    Here we are, he muttered under his breath, The final battle. His siblings, Gabriel, Raphael, and Ra, each wore expressions that mirrored his own. There was no denying the weight of this moment, and Michael found himself pausing to reflect on the carnage they had left in their wake.

    Michael sighed, his piercing blue eyes taking in the bloodbath with a solemn expression. Another pointless battle in a pointless war, he muttered to himself. Though they were winning, the victory felt hollow. He had seen too much death, caused too much suffering. This was not the future he had hoped for.

    Shaking his head, Michael teleported into the fray, his black trench coat billowing behind him as he materialized. With a wave of his hand, he froze time around a group of humans, stopping their charge in an instant. He walked calmly through their motionless ranks, inspecting their faces—so full of fear and desperation.

    If only you could understand, he said sadly. This war has brought nothing but pain to both our peoples. I take no pleasure in being your executioner. With another wave of his hand, the humans collapsed to the ground, as he summoned a few replicates to break their necks.

    The sounds of war resumed as Michael teleported away, the cries of the dying filling his ears once more. He reappeared atop a crumbling tower overlooking the human command center. The final bastion.

    Forgive me, friends, he whispered as he raised his hands.

    But is it worth it? he wondered aloud, thoughts swirling like a storm inside his head. All this death and destruction, just for our own survival? He knew the answer, of course, but the question still gnawed at him, like a persistent itch he couldn't quite reach.

    Michael, you know as well as any of us that this is necessary, Gabriel replied, his voice smooth and reassuring. We've come too far to turn back now. Besides, it's not just about us – it's about all those who have suffered at the hands of these so-called 'normals.'

    But at what cost? Michael pressed, his voice raw with emotion. How many more lives must be lost before we can call this a victory?

    War is never without casualties, Ra chimed in, her purple eyes glinting with unshed tears. But we're doing this for the greater good, Michael. It's not just about our survival; it's about ensuring the survival of everyone who is like us.

    Ra's right, Raphael added, his muscular frame tense with anticipation. And besides, after today, it'll all be over. We can finally put an end to this war and start rebuilding.

    Michael sighed, knowing his siblings were right. There was no turning back now – the die had been cast, and they would see this fight through to its bitter end. But for now, all he could do was steel himself for the battle that lay ahead.

    Alright, he said, a fierce determination settling over him like a cloak of armor. Let's finish this. With one final glance at his siblings, Michael stepped forward into the fray, his powers at the ready.

    Time to put an end to these tropes of war, he thought bitterly as the clash of steel rang in his ears. No more suffering, no more pain, no more loss. Today, it all comes to an end.

    As Michael unleashed his abilities upon the battlefield, he felt a curious sense of relief wash over him. Despite the horrors of war that surrounded him, there was a strange solace to be found in knowing that this would be the last time they would ever have to fight like this. It was a small comfort, but one that he clung to with every fiber of his being.

    Today, he vowed to himself, We will put an end to this nightmare, once and for all.

    Stick together! Michael shouted; his voice barely audible over the cacophony of battle. The siblings forged their way through the base, a whirlwind of powers and destruction. Every soldier they encountered met a swift end, their bodies piling up as the Adams siblings cut a bloody path towards their objective.

    Ah, the sweet taste of vengeance, Raphael snarled, a savage grin on his face as he sliced through a group of soldiers with his rapidly shifting weapons. He paused for a moment, a single tear rolling down his cheek. This one is for you, Uncle Jon! Raphael roared, his hatred for normals driving him to new heights of brutality.

    As Raphael's rage grew, he couldn't help but think back to the day of their uncle's death. The pain and anger that had consumed him ever since that day fueled his every action. With each soldier he killed, he felt a twisted satisfaction, as if he was avenging his uncle's memory.

    Normals! Raphael spat, his voice dripping with contempt. They look down on us, treat us like we're freaks! But today, they'll learn just how insignificant they truly are!

    Stay focused, Raphael, Michael warned, his own powers freezing time on group of soldiers before his replicates slice them into pieces with swords with burning hot blades thanks to Ra weapon creation. We're here for a reason, don't lose sight of that.

    Right, Michael, Gabriel chimed in, his silvery hair glinting in the dim light as he manipulated the darkness around them. He effortlessly dispatched several soldiers who had been hiding in the shadows, his movements fluid and precise. Our goal is within reach, let's make sure we see this through.

    Ra nodded in agreement, her stunning purple eyes scanning the battlefield for any potential threats. Her powers mimicked those of her siblings, creating an almost unstoppable force as they continued to push forward.

    Remember what's at stake here, she reminded them, her voice steady and calm amidst the chaos. We've come too far to falter now.

    With renewed resolution, the siblings pressed on, their combined powers making them a force to be reckoned with. Soldiers fell before them in droves, their screams echoing through the halls of the base.

    Almost there, Michael breathed, his eyes locked onto their target ahead. Just a little further.

    Together, the Adams siblings fought their way through the last remaining human foothold, driven by a mixture of vengeance and hope. In their hearts, they knew that victory was close at hand, and with it, the end of the war that had plagued their lives for far too long.

    Michael's piercing blue eyes surveyed the scene before him, taking in the last line of defense that stood between them and their ultimate goal. The remaining human soldiers had formed a protective barrier around General Hendrix, Admiral Jeffers, and Commander Griggs. He could feel the weight of the situation as the siblings prepared for their final push.

    Alright, Michael said, his voice steady and determined. This is it. We take down this last stand, and we finally put an end to all this madness.

    About damn time, Raphael muttered, clenching his fists as his mop of unruly red hair fell over his bronze-skinned face. His anger burned like fire, fueling his drive to see this war come to an end.

    Stay focused, Ra warned, her stunning purple eyes locking on to her brother. We can't afford any mistakes now.

    Relax, sis, Gabriel reassured, adjusting his glasses with a smirk. We've got this.

    As one, the siblings launched themselves into the fray, their powers clashing against the desperate humans. The sound of battle rang through the air, mixing with the scent of sweat, fear, and purpose.

    Enough! Michael yelled, freezing time for a brief moment. In the sudden stillness, he called out to the war council. General Hendrix, Admiral Jeffers, Commander Griggs! We have no wish to continue this senseless slaughter. Surrender now, and we will spare your lives.

    Please, Raphael scoffed, rolling his eyes. Why should we show them any mercy? They never showed us any!

    Because we're not monsters, Raphael, Michael shot back, his eyes narrowing. And we won't become like them.

    Speak for yourself, Ra interjected, her loyalty to her siblings warring with her own desire for vengeance. But I trust your judgment, Michael.

    Fine, Raphael grumbled, his anger simmering just below the surface.

    Your call, Michael, Gabriel said, shrugging indifferently as he watched the human soldiers warily.

    Make your decision, General, Michael demanded, his voice echoing through the frozen battlefield. Will you surrender and live to see another day, or will you force our hand?

    After a tense few moments, the war council finally relented, their eyes filled with resignation and defeat. As they laid down their arms, Michael

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