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SAMMY The Witch Queen
SAMMY The Witch Queen
SAMMY The Witch Queen
Ebook388 pages5 hours

SAMMY The Witch Queen

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"Sammy The Witch Queen" is a story that combines real-life events with fantasy, inviting readers to imagine and open their minds to another world. It tells the story of Sammy as a child, along with her family, and shows how she grows and changes until she becomes an adult facing demonic wars. It turns her life into a metaphor that allows readers

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Release dateMay 16, 2024
SAMMY The Witch Queen

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    SAMMY The Witch Queen - Ana Molano

    Portada de Sammy The Witch Queen hecha por Ana Molano


    The Witch Queen

    Ana Molano

    All rights reserved. The total or partial reproduction of this work is not allowed, nor its incorporation into a computer system, or its transmission in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of the copyright holder is a violation of these rights and may constitute a crime against intellectual property

    The content of this work is the responsibility of the author and does not necessarily reflect the views of the publishing house. All texts and images were provided by the author, who is solely responsible for their rights.

    Published by Ibukku, LLC

    Cover Design: Ángel Flores Guerra Bistrain

    Graphic Design: Diana Patricia González Juárez

    Copyright © 2024 Ana Molano

    ISBN Paperback: 978-1-68574-764-0

    ISBN Hardcover: 978-1-68574-766-4

    ISBN eBook: 978-1-68574-765-7













    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14

    CHAPTER 15

    CHAPTER 16

    CHAPTER 17

    CHAPTER 18

    CHAPTER 19

    CHAPTER 20

    CHAPTER 21

    CHAPTER 22

    CHAPTER 23

    CHAPTER 24

    CHAPTER 25

    CHAPTER 26

    CHAPTER 27

    CHAPTER 28

    CHAPTER 29

    CHAPTER 30

    CHAPTER 31

    CHAPTER 32

    CHAPTER 33

    CHAPTER 34

    CHAPTER 35

    CHAPTER 36

    CHAPTER 37


    Dedicated to my greatest loves and to those who have inspired me to be better, to the source of all that is beautiful that comes from me as a person: Yessenia Jiménez Molano and Ana Valeria Rodríguez Jiménez, the greatest loves of my heart.

    To my beloved Molano Céspedes family, for being a support and a backbone in my life.

    To all my family. To Anselmo Flores G., for being my right hand, a great support in every project. To Sebastián Rodríguez Garzón, for being unconditional and part of my family, whom I love as a son.

    To my friends Gabriela del Pilar Guauque, Yudi Liliana Sánchez, and their respective families, for always being there and supporting every moment of my life, no matter how dark it seemed.

    And to all those lovers of fiction, magic, intrigue, to you, who today hold this book in your hands, with all my love.


    I thank God for everything He has done in my life, for giving me trials and abilities to overcome each obstacle. I thank God for His infinite love, for showing me that everything can be achieved when we walk by His hand.

    Special thanks to Joseph Acosta and María Elisa Herrera Molano, for their support and for believing in this project.

    And my most sincere thanks to you, who take the time to dive into this story, which is made with the deepest love for those passionate readers.

    October 31, 11:30 p.m.



    Amidst thunder, lightning, and bolts, in the middle of a raging storm. An elderly woman was crossing a turbulent river, struggling greatly and supported by a cane, carrying a black bag on her back and walking with great difficulty under the rain through the bed of that body of water. She murmured between her teeth over and over: I must get there on time! I must get there on time! reflecting great concern on her face.

    On the other side of the river, a humble house made of moriche and enclosed in fabric tarps could be seen, with a cold floor of black, slightly damp earth. Thick smoke was coming out of that modest dwelling, where eight children lived, all of consecutive ages; accompanied by their father, and a woman in labor about to give birth, who kept complaining. The woman was accompanied by fear, as there was no one who could help her at that moment of pain and tension; Danmoll, her husband, was not a man who brought her peace, nor adequate support, he felt useless in the situation and very nervous.

    Mariel, what do I do? Can’t you hold on until tomorrow? Danmoll said, feeling overwhelmed.

    No, Danmoll, I can’t take it anymore, Mariel screamed in pain. The baby is about to be born! Go and call neighbor Juana.

    Juana was known as the midwife, a term for someone who was not a doctor but helped to assist in childbirth. As Danmoll prepared to leave, the lightning flashed as fiercely as if the sky itself were falling to pieces, bringing a sense of fear mixed with horror, a tastelessness and a cold that penetrated to the bones. There was an inexplicable fear in the house, invading the deepest parts of all its inhabitants. Mommy, I’m scared! the children screamed in anguish while they cried and ran to Mariel’s side, at the moment when frogs leaping on them, frightened as if something were pushing them inside the house. With the lightning, you could see frogs and toads jumping inside the house and the children climbing onto Mariel’s bed.

    The thunder sounded increasingly louder, as if the end of the world were approaching. Horses could be heard neighing and their strong gallops as they ran scared, as if fleeing from something. Frightened sheep were seen running, and even more inexplicable was the strange behavior of the birds, which, in their flight, crashed into trees, embraced by the cold darkness. They fluttered aimlessly, candles were extinguished over and over, and the rain, with great tempest, conveyed despair and an indecipherable fear. The woman in labor cried and prayed to the God of the heavens, calling her children to her side to calm them, but they did nothing but cry and scream.

    Mariel prayed with them, saying:

    Everything will be fine, come, my children, everything will be fine. God is with us, let us pray that all this will soon pass.

    After a few minutes, Danmoll went to the door to look for the midwife Juana, but at that precise moment, the elderly woman who had crossed the turbulent river opened the door amidst a flash of lightning; the figure of the woman, wet from the rain, entering the humble dwelling, said:

    Danmoll! Bring me hot water and cloths now.

    Danmoll ran, obeying the woman, very surprised to see her in his house at such a crucial moment.

    They tried to light candles and oil lamps (which were jars filled with diesel and a type of wick they would light) to illuminate, but it was impossible, the wind continued unstoppable, sweeping everything in its path. Until finally, in the midst of darkness, the cry of an upset baby was heard. The lightning did not stop, it was getting stronger, illuminating amid the thick darkness.

    The annoyed cry of a newborn, a thunderclap, and a flash of lightning. The same lightning revealed the body of the baby, showing that on its left side its skin was dark as the black night and on the other half of its body white as the silver moon, with a very special glow in its eyes, that glow that only people who come to this world to do great things, for better or for worse, have.

    The midwife took the baby in her hands and stepped out to the patio door; amidst the storm and great darkness, she offered her to the night as if she were presenting something to the infinite, uttering unintelligible phrases and laughing with a terrifying joy.

    Mariel, frightened, demanded her baby back, asking:

    What is it, a girl or a boy? Give me my baby.

    The midwife, who turned out to be Mariel’s mother-in-law, responded with joy and jubilation:

    It’s a girl! She is the heiress of my lineage, she said, flashing an evil smile and laughing repeatedly as she repeated these phrases over and over.

    Mariel and Danmoll did not understand what she meant; in fact, no one did, but they did not trust her... as it was evident that her intentions were impure.

    The parents received their baby in their arms, everyone wanted to meet the new member and they embraced her with great joy and carried her while they heard:

    She is a very beautiful girl. You will be important, my love, you are in this world for great and wonderful things, my little Sammy, her mother declared innocently.

    It was exactly midnight. At that moment, the rain stopped, the lightning and thunder ceased, the dogs stopped howling, all the animals returned to their places; it was precisely twelve o’clock on the 31st of October, the month and day of witches. In a home where scarcity and hunger were felt among the family, beautiful children, a sweet and kind mother, and a father of bad temper and aggression, raised by parents of dubious reputation named Antoniel and Elloi, whose actions sparked negative comments, they fled like gypsies, as they were pursued because of the harm they caused...



    Danmoll was one of the oldest of the 20 children of Elloi and Antoniel, who were not only parents and spouses but also first cousins who had decided to live together as a couple. This relationship brought forth a generation of sin and evil.

    Danmoll and another brother were different from their family members, but they still carried a blood curse, difficult to understand due to their bad temper and behavior. To break this curse, Danmoll needed to find true love and be loved by a woman and his offspring.

    This problematic and unique family decided to move to a town known for its good, hardworking people, a town of prosperity and peace. They had to leave before they were lynched by the community where they lived, as their deeds were macabre and they were being accused and harassed for disturbing the peace and functioning of the community.

    At midnight, Danmoll’s family left the town; that night they had emptied their home hoping to leave unnoticed, but they were caught by surprise by the townspeople who pelted them with stones. They shouted:

    Get out of here, you damned wretches!

    Thieves and witches!

    We are going to burn you!

    The community was tired of the family’s misdeeds, so they decisively drove them out in search of peace.

    Elloi and Antoniel left with their children in the darkness, some in a cart, others on foot, and still others on horseback, heading towards a town called Cumai. In this town, days later, they began to look for work with the intention of getting to know and learn about this humble and kind community.

    Cumai was a place where food was abundant due to its fertile lands. Its people were hardworking. The newcomers heard about a very special family known for having the best crops and animals; they were named Francisco and Ana Mercy, who owned extensive and highly productive lands.

    One morning, someone knocked on the door of Don Francisco’s house.

    Boss, there’s a stranger asking for you, he says he wants to meet the owner of such a beautiful estate, said one of the trusted workers of the estate.

    Don Francisco came out to greet the visitor.

    Good morning, greeted the stranger; a handsome man of good appearance, well-dressed, and with a strong masculine demeanor. He spoke kindly to the estate owner:

    Have a good day, sir, he introduced himself. My name is Danmoll Romeiro.

    Pleased to meet you, young man, I am Francisco. Tell me, young man, how can I assist you?

    I would like the opportunity to work on such a beautiful property and splendid crops, to collaborate and lend my hands to support the production of your fruits, Don Francisco. Nothing would make me happier than to work with you, respected sir.

    Don Francisco, a man of good faith, invited him to come into his house for breakfast.

    Come in, young man, follow me and let’s have breakfast, it was Don Francisco’s custom that anyone who was in his house or came to visit was served food at specific mealtimes.

    He wanted to know more about Danmoll so he invited him to the dining room while they questioned him.

    Tell me, young man, what can you do?

    I can do anything you ask, Don Francisco, plant cassava, plantains, whatever you assign me to do, replied Danmoll enthusiastically.

    Ahh, very good, young man! And where are you from? asked Don Francisco.

    We’re from a town called Medellín, Danmoll said as he looked around, seemingly eager to see more, feeling restless.

    In the hacienda, there were two of Don Francisco’s sons, his beautiful wife, and their servants. Don Francisco’s wife was named Ana Mercy, and they had five daughters and four sons, all raised with values and excellent professions. However, that day Danmoll only managed to meet the two who were at home: Juan Manuel and Luis Eduardo, who both greeted Danmoll.

    Juan Manuel introduced himself and said:

    Good morning, friend, how are you?

    Good morning, sir, very well, and you?

    Good, yes, sir, Juan Manuel replied kindly, taking a seat for breakfast.

    Danmoll was served breakfast and was struck with awe and craving: it was a plate full of food, including four cheese-stuffed arepas, a large piece of stewed meat, roasted green plantain, a broth rich with potatoes and beef ribs, and for dessert, chocolate and corn wrap. Seeing so much food, he was very pleased and ate almost everything with such gusto, surprised to see so much food. He had a hearty appetite and that breakfast made it clear to Danmoll the abundance and well-being of that place, which impressed him.

    The other children of Don Francisco were either in the city or in the town, buying pantry supplies for the hacienda’s needs.

    Finally, Don Francisco, a good man, told Danmoll that he would give him the opportunity to work on his hacienda, saying:

    Well, young Danmoll, I’m going to give you a chance here, your job will be to pick the coffee beans. It is truly the best coffee in the entire region, you should start tomorrow, bring a long-sleeved shirt, a hat, and boots.

    They agreed on the payment (indeed, a good salary) and settled everything related to his work. Danmoll thanked Don Francisco and committed to doing his job in the best way possible and they parted with a handshake.

    Eight days passed and Don Francisco always looked after the well-being of his workers with food, snacks, and very good hydration; he was very humane with everyone involved in his harvests. One day, Don Francisco sent one of his older daughters and, indeed, the most beautiful one, or as he called her his most precious treasure.

    Mariel, daughter, go and take the snack to the workers, they must be hungry and thirsty, he exclaimed. You know, daughter, as the old saying goes ‘he who works doesn’t eat straw nor drinks water like an ox.’

    Mariel replied kindly and obediently:

    Right away, father...

    Mariel was a beautiful young woman with long, shiny hair like the sun, a sweet face, and a wide smile with an angelic gaze, as described by those who knew her. Her body resembled that of a mermaid, so beautiful that anyone who saw her could only admire her. But what made her even more beautiful were her values; she was humane, attentive, respectful, and always happy.

    When she woke up in the mornings, she would sing with her sweet voice, and the birds would come as if they wanted to listen to her and join in the chorus. She looked at the sky as if she saw something beautiful or was talking to the angels. Her friends and family said she had an angelic smile and always appeared to have a sense of social duty.

    Mariel, obeying her father Francisco’s order, set out to bring snacks to the workers: cold sugarcane water and corn arepas in a basket. As she approached the coffee plantation, she began to hear a melody; someone was singing and as she got closer, she felt pleased and fascinated by the voice, as if she had heard it before. She felt happy, approached where the man was singing, and discovered a handsome gentleman.

    What a handsome man, and his voice so melodious, Mariel thought.

    The handsome man was Danmoll, they looked at each other intently.

    Good day, sir, greeted Mariel. Would you like some snack and something to drink?

    Danmoll, almost paralyzed by such beauty and sweetness, could only say:

    Good morning, miss. He took the snack, brushing his hands against the hands of the sweet lady.

    He couldn’t take his eyes off the beautiful Mariel, and she, in turn, fixed her gaze directly on Danmoll’s. Intrigued and nervous, she felt that nothing could be the same again, her heart was beating so hard she felt it could burst out of her chest. Something magical, perhaps.

    The days passed and Mariel could not stop thinking about that handsome and magical gentleman. Their encounter had changed her life and her destiny forever. She felt very nervous just thinking about seeing him again. Danmoll, for his part, also couldn’t stop thinking about her, only asking the other workers who she was.

    Who is that angel? Where did she come from? he asked.

    Don’t even look at her, she’s the daughter of Don Francisco, his most precious treasure, the workers replied.

    What a beautiful woman! exclaimed Danmoll, fascinated.



    Several days passed and Danmoll began to dream of the beautiful Mariel; she, too, thought of him constantly.

    One day, Mariel returned to the coffee plantation to bring the snack, and Danmoll had written a song for her in the form of a poem. As she started entering the plantation, she heard Danmoll humming a melody in which her name could be heard between the lines.

    Where are you, my beautiful Mariel? She approached him with a kind smile.

    Do you want some snack? she exclaimed with a delicate voice.

    Danmoll, with a flirty and happy smile, replied:

    Thank you, miss, how could I refuse such a gesture from such a sweet and beautiful lady? he continued asking, What does such a pure and radiant lady do bringing snacks to workers?

    And what’s wrong with that? It’s a job with dignity and humanity, Mariel simply replied.

    Between smiles and laughter, Danmoll looked at her as if he wanted to steal her eyes and her mouth, he was so imbued with her voice and her rose-scented perfume. He did not want to stop seeing her.

    Days passed and she continued visiting his coffee plantation. Every day, they both woke up thinking of each other, remembering every phrase spoken and every gesture, each one wildly desiring a kiss. Danmoll was a ruthless suitor and Mariel, shy and innocent, saw him with the eyes of love.

    Three months of friendship had already passed, where they started to meet more often, giving free rein to that love and unbridled passion. They played in the coffee plantation and ran like children, she hid behind the bushes away from the coffee plantation and Danmoll looked for her, it was laughter after laughter.

    Where is my mermaid? he whistled between laughs.

    He always found her, and they would throw themselves into a stream near the bush, where they loved each other madly, hopelessly in love. Mariel had given herself completely and with great passion to Danmoll.

    Mariel confesses to her sister Anahí, one of the younger ones: I’m worried, I have a boyfriend, it’s the young Danmoll, the coffee picker. We were together, and I have missed my period, says Mariel worriedly.

    But what have you done, Mariel? You should see a doctor, don’t wait for our father to find out, responds Anahí.

    Mariel listens to her sister Anahí, visits the doctor, and finds out that she is carrying a life in her womb.

    Miss Mariel, you are encouraged, you are full of life, the doctor exclaims with a big smile. Bringing life! You are pregnant.

    How far along am I? This can’t be happening, Mariel asks, distressed and excited. She was baffled by the doctor’s diagnosis, who tells her that she needs to be careful. By date, you are six weeks pregnant.

    Mariel cries and fears for her parents, knowing they will not like the news. She cries desperately, not knowing what to do, but it’s clear that Danmoll must know, as it is the fruit of their great love... that her parents would not accept, as it was not well seen for an unmarried lady to bring children into the world.

    One afternoon of play and love, the beautiful Mariel says between tears: Danmoll, you need to know something: I am pregnant!!

    What are you saying? exclaimed Danmoll, Are you sure of what you’re saying?

    Yes! I visited the doctor! He has confirmed it.

    Danmoll embraces and kisses her, saying: My love, everything will be fine, take good care of my boy until he comes into the world.

    Love, you must leave the hacienda before my parents find out, it must be soon, she replies.

    It doesn’t matter, Mariel, I’m sure Don Francisco will let us live together, Danmoll immediately says.

    Days passed and Mariel’s body changed as the new life inside her grew; therefore, she decides to tell her parents, as she was about to enter two months of pregnancy. When Mariel’s parents found out, they were angry and disappointed.

    How could you dare so much, Mariel? I didn’t think you were capable of acting this way, you’ve damaged my trust, that man is not worthy of being part of this honorable family, he exclaimed very angrily. You got involved with a nobody, Mariel, he shouted, trembling with anger and sadness. He and his family are not worthy of being part of us, they are people without scruples or values, you didn’t even bother to find out what kind of people they are. Don Francisco had already heard bad comments about Danmoll’s family.

    With anger and determination, Mariel’s parents made the decision that she had to leave home. Don Francisco, amidst tears and helplessness, had to make that decision, as it was not a good example for her sisters, Danmoll had to take care of her. Don Francisco was so disappointed that he immediately and without hesitation kicked them out of the hacienda.

    Mariel did not know the background of Danmoll and his family, but she blindly followed him to the town with her suitcases, renting a room while figuring out what to do. Danmoll takes Mariel to meet his family, unaware of what awaited her.

    Danmoll’s brothers received Mariel’s visit, they were rude and murmured while looking at her with lust and rude attitude. They whispered quietly and laughed at her. At that moment, she knew that the family relationship was not going to be easy.

    She sat next to Danmoll, who still felt very upset and offended by Don Francisco’s comments, and began to drink alcohol with his brothers.

    What’s wrong with you, brother? asked one of them.

    It seems like you’ve swallowed a broth of bitterness, ha, ha, ha, ha.

    With loud laughter, everyone present laughed at Danmoll, as he began to drink more quickly, uttering hurtful phrases about Mariel’s parents and brothers in front of her.

    How about that? My in-laws and my brothers-in-law say I’m a nobody, that old son of a bitch shouted at me. Cursed be my brothers-in-law. What do you think? Those ten honorable men, said Danmoll offended, they humiliated me and threw me out like a dog, they didn’t even leave their own daughter. Old son of a bitch!

    She listened in silence, sad, missing her family and their good habits. All she could do was stay quiet and hope that the moment would pass quickly, with pain in her soul from hearing such foul language, to which she was clearly not accustomed. In silence, she closed her eyes to avoid seeing Danmoll upset, a deep sadness preventing any words from escaping her lips.


    Glass after glass, time passed and Danmoll’s parents arrived home, Don Antoniel and Elloi greeted: Good afternoon, my children, he said with a strong voice and inspected Mariel from head to toe. Mariel stretched out her hand formally to greet them, and as their hands clasped, she felt a negative energy, a sense of fear from her. She couldn’t explain this strange sensation towards her.

    Mariel sat next to Danmoll, took his hand anxiously, and just wanted to run away from there. Don Antoniel approached Mariel and, mockingly, took her hand and said:

    Welcome to the family, beautiful woman.

    She withdrew her hand uncomfortably, just wanting to get out of there. Danmoll remained seated and she had no choice but to sit next to him without any emotion, answering the questions they asked her, probing everything about her and her family.

    Tell me, Mariel, how many brothers do you have and how many sisters? How many are married and how many are single? And what are their ages? Elloi asked, staring into her eyes.

    She responded timidly and fearfully, feeling that they were bad people.

    She managed to convince Danmoll to return to the town, to the room they had rented.

    She left very worried, carrying no good impression of them, knowing they were not the family with whom she wanted to share her life.

    After two days, Danmoll managed to secure a new job, and 15 days later, on a Sunday afternoon, Danmoll proposed to Mariel. My dear Mariel, today I thank God for your life, I want us to form a happy family blessed by God. Will you marry me?

    He had a commitment ring made from the stem of a tree branch, with wildflowers, for the mother of his child.

    I give you this ring, made with my own hands, with all my love for you. She loved him with all her being, so this made her very happy.

    Of course I accept, my love, it is the most beautiful ring my eyes have ever seen, I love you, she said in a romantic voice, and, giving him a hug and a kiss with great passion, she cried and laughed at the same time.

    In her eyes, there was a sparkle of joy and even amidst scarcity, she felt like the happiest and most blessed woman in the world because her love for Danmoll filled her entire being, making the luxuries she had at home seem insignificant. Mariel was a dreamy and happy woman; she dreamed of seeing her child in her arms, a room with a shining crib filled with special arrangements, but she had nothing yet to offer her baby but her dreams and her love! Her mind only entertained her by daydreaming, so she wouldn’t feel her poverty with Danmoll.

    He was not an educated man, which led to poor attitudes and he expressed himself inappropriately, crudely, and somewhat vulgarly, things that became apparent when he got comfortable with that delicate lady; she began to notice these behaviors and was surprised, as it was a new facet for her. However, she loved him and didn’t mind certain details, thinking that this would pass or that it was a product of recent events.

    Mariel was a sweet and very calm woman, raised in faith and with the hope that everything would improve, she focused on the baby she was carrying. She worked on beautifying their love nest with simple but loving details; one afternoon Danmoll’s parents came to visit. Elloi, in a low voice, calls Danmoll. Son, help your brothers marry your sisters-in-law, that family seems like a good match for ours.

    No, mother, I wouldn’t do that harm to my brothers, Danmoll replied with an angry face and a trace of sadness in his voice.

    Elloi, surprised by her son’s statement, asked, Why do you say that, son? Did those people dare to offend you? He told her that he felt rejected since they did not accept the love he felt for his Mariel, they belittled him and, according to him, had humiliated him because of his background.

    She felt offended, infuriated, took her husband by the hand, and they went home. On the way, Elloi told Antoniel about their son’s recent confession.

    What do you think? Those people think they are superior, we need to take action, NO ONE HUMILIATES OUR CHILD, NO ONE, Elloi exclaimed angrily, her breathing ragged.

    Danmoll’s parents practiced black magic and were known for this; Elloi was called a pythoness and was feared for her power, everyone in the town knew them as sorcerers and bad people. She was a woman of enormous malignant power and could not tolerate the rejection from Mariel’s parents, so she swore to destroy them all, with hatred and disappointment. That family will regret the moment they hurt my son, they will suffer and they will remember our name, they will be miserable and they will indeed die miserably.


    A month had passed since that event, and Mariel and Danmoll finally hurried their wedding preparations, as the belly of the enamored Mariel was growing and her wedding dress would soon reveal it. Amid joys and anxieties, the

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