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A Nightingale in Paradise
A Nightingale in Paradise
A Nightingale in Paradise
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A Nightingale in Paradise

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The United States is on the brink of a world war. Even the air seems charged with expectation and anticipation. The drawn-out political dance in Washington has caused the military in Hawaii to have been on and off alerts for months. More staff have been sent out to Hawaii in anticipation. No one knows what is going to happen, when it will happen, where it will happen, or if anything will happen.

Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Richardson, a doctor in the US Navy stationed at Pearl Harbor Naval Hospital and a man of faith and full of duty and honor, tries to figure out what God’s plans are for him concerning the nagging feeling that his time is running short for having the family that he desperately wants. His life is turned upside down when the Japanese attack the military bases on the Island of Oahu. But was it the attack or the vivacious young woman that is brought into the hospital the day of the attack that sent his world into a spiral?

Anne Montgomery, a very beautiful, highly motivated, talented, and spoiled young woman from a wealthy family in San Francisco, decides that she wishes to be a singer. She has never been denied something or someone she has wanted. She feels her world is empty but can’t figure out why. She has never set foot in a church yet, while visiting a military hospital, finds herself wondering if there is a God. Anne is oblivious to the world around her but soon finds herself in the middle of a battle, watching young men dying all around her. The devastation and destruction horrify her. She begins a journey of self-discovery that leads her to Dr. Jonathan Richardson.

Together Jon and Anne will be put through the trails of war, separation, and loneliness. Will Anne be able to face down her past? Will Jon’s faith be shaken as he is confronted with a past that isn’t his? Will their faith shine for God or dim from the situations they find themselves in? Only time will tell.

Release dateMay 15, 2024
A Nightingale in Paradise

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    Book preview

    A Nightingale in Paradise - Carla King


    A Nightingale in Paradise

    Carla King

    ISBN 979-8-89043-240-7 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89043-241-4 (digital)

    Copyright © 2024 by Carla King

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    This book is dedicated in the memory of


    My inspiration, my cheerleader, and my

    very own beloved Prince Charming.

    You will always be very loved

    and never forgotten.

    September 19, 1967–March 30, 2020

    A Peaceful Bliss

    Chapter 1: Stationed in Paradise

    Stationed in Paradise

    Chapter 2: The Songbird Sings

    The Songbird Sings

    Chapter 3: The Engagement

    The Engagement

    Chapter 4: For the Boys

    For the Boys

    Chapter 5: Jeremiah Needleman

    Jeremiah Needleman

    Chapter 6: The Bird Takes Flight

    The Bird Takes Flight

    Chapter 7: US Naval Hospital, Pearl Harbor

    US Naval Hospital, Pearl Harbor

    Chapter 8: The Nightingale

    The Nightingale

    Chapter 9: The Pineapple Club

    The Pineapple Club

    The War Hits Home

    Chapter 10: USS Solace

    USS Solace

    Chapter 11: The USS Nevada

    The USS Nevada

    Chapter 12: Hospital Point

    Hospital Point

    Chapter 13: The US Naval Hospital, Ward G

    The US Naval Hospital, Ward G

    Chapter 14: The Ring

    The Ring

    Chapter 15: Nurse Ward

    Nurse Ward

    Chapter 16: The Nightingale Flies the Coop

    The Nightingale Flies the Coop

    Chapter 17: Christmas in Paradise

    Christmas in Paradise

    Chapter 18: The New Year

    The New Year

    Chapter 19: The Rose Garden

    The Rose Garden

    Chapter 20: Reassigned?


    The Realities of War

    Chapter 21: Separation


    Chapter 22: Washington, DC

    Washington, DC

    Chapter 23: Family


    Chapter 24: Tongatabu


    Chapter 25: San Francisco

    San Francisco

    Chapter 26: The Coral Sea

    The Coral Sea

    Chapter 27: A Letter

    A Letter

    Chapter 28: USS Yorktown

    USS Yorktown

    Chapter 29: Elizabeth


    Chapter 30: The Visitor

    The Visitor

    Chapter 31: A Surprise Arrival

    A Surprise Arrival

    Chapter 32: Yet Another Surprise

    Yet Another Surprise

    About the Author

    This book is dedicated in the memory of


    My inspiration, my cheerleader, and my

    very own beloved Prince Charming.

    You will always be very loved

    and never forgotten.

    September 19, 1967–March 30, 2020

    Part 1

    A Peaceful Bliss

    Chapter 1: Stationed in Paradise

    Stationed in Paradise

    May 16, 1941

    The warm Hawaiian breeze was blowing the loosely bound platinum blond curls of the woman standing beside him, causing a lovely halo effect. Unfortunately for her, it all went unnoticed by the tall, dark-haired, and handsome lieutenant commander. He stood on the fairly empty Waikiki beach in his working khaki uniform while holding his uniform jacket over his right shoulder, his black tie flipping about wildly with the warm breeze as he was looking out at the sunset. The duty at Pearl afforded him and all the officers there a chance to relax and enjoy their surroundings and play naval officer every so often, or so it would seem to the hard core Old Navy. He was able to spend a great deal of time in his studies of medical journals and learning to play golf, which one of the older doctors told him was an absolute necessity if he was going to be a truly great doctor. He didn't agree, but since the older doctor was a good friend, he agreed to learn to play golf with the other doctors. It did make a way for him to get to know the other doctors and officers at the base even though after two and a half years of playing he still stank at it. Baseball and swimming were his sports. Golf seemed boring to him. He played the game to make friends and get out of the hospital and away from reading medical journals during his off-duty hours.

    The sky was performing its daily ritual of turning many shades of reds, golds, and purples as the sun sank slowly and gracefully into the sea. Yet that, too, went unnoticed by the relatively young man. He was deep in thought and wasn't paying the slightest attention to the woman beside him.

    Julia had been talking for over half an hour and had realized that he wasn't listening to her, though she thought she had to test him to find out for sure that he wasn't listening since there had been occasions recently that he looked as though he wasn't listening. Yet when push came to shove, he could quote her word for word.

    So these elephants flew through the window and landed right on the operating table, demanding that we do an emergency trunk amputation. She looked up at him through the corners of her eyes.

    Really? was all he said, still in deep thought. Then he shook his head, shaking his thoughts away. What did you say? Her silly remark slowly sank in.

    I was trying to see if you were paying any attention to me, and I found my answer. What's bothering you, Johnny? Julia leaned her well-kept rather defined and blessed physique against him, trying to make sure she held his attention.

    He mentally winced at the name she insisted on calling him. No one had called him that since he was ten. In fact, he had gotten into fights in school trying to get the other boys to stop. He frowned inwardly. I can't hit a girl. Momma would have my hide tanned for sure. She still would if she knew I was even thinking about it. He smiled at himself. His mother, although small, would carry through any threat she made, and she had told him many times that he was never too old to spank. Even at his age of thirty he was sure she would carry through on that threat. What makes you think something is bothering me, Julia?

    You weren't paying attention to me. Most men can't seem to keep their eyes off me. You were seeing past everything and not listening. So what's wrong?

    He shook his head sadly. Well, this kid that came in today. He was pretty badly burned from a bad tango with a busted boiler. I'm worried about him. He may not make it through this. He is only eighteen years old.

    She looked away dejected. He'll be fine, you're the best doctor on staff here at Pearl. He gets pretty much exclusive attention from you since there aren't many patients. Her well-defined lips made a perfect pout. You worry too much about others. What you need to do is to worry more about me. Remember, the girl you asked to marry you? She smiled and looked down at the large diamond ring they had bought together several weeks ago.

    Jonathan Richardson tried to think about what happened on that night, and he couldn't. He remembered going to a friend's wedding and having juice while everyone else drank wildly in celebration. Yet he woke up with a hangover…and a fiancée. He must have gotten some liquor somewhere without realizing it. Where and how? He didn't drink, not since medical school and the accident. And what was he going to do about Julia? She was a nice enough girl but not one he would relish being married to for the rest of his life. He looked at her and studied her as she talked about her latest shopping expedition. He did feel the need to settle down and start the family he had always wanted. His mother had been pushing for him to find a nice girl. It would be nice to have a girl. One to care for and take care of, though Julia isn't exactly the type to want to be taken care of. She was much shorter than himself. She's probably about five feet two or so, give or take an inch. Her lips are too full for my liking. Didn't Mother tell me something about people whose eyes are too close together? Julia was a petite woman, yet she had a very defined womanly figure, which was shown off at the moment by the dark blue bathing suit she wore. Her waist was narrow, and her hips were small—any woman would love those features; the thing that bothered him was that she knew it and flaunted it freely for the men. Even with being engaged to him, she still encouraged the other men to look at and flirt with her. That in itself bothered him to no end. If she were really his girl, she shouldn't flirt with other men. How do I tell her that I don't want to marry her? Or do I? He started to open his mouth to speak, but she smiled brightly.

    I've bought my wedding gown and some things for our honeymoon. We really need to take some time and plan the wedding, Johnny.

    I wish she would stop calling me that. She makes me feel like I'm ten, a little boy to be watched over. He swallowed his words. I could be honorable and go through with this. I do want to get married, does it really matter which girl I marry? I haven't found one who can stir my emotions or find a woman who doesn't have the same goal in mind. Get married. She's invested in this thing. Julia, about the engagement…I was…

    She smiled. You were the sweetest and most romantic man in the world. She looked down at her watch that she held in her hand. Oh my! Look at the time. I need to run. I go on duty at the hospital in twenty minutes. I promised Leona to cover the second half of her shift. She has a date tonight with an army pilot…but you didn't hear that. I just have time to change and get there. She reached up, pulling him down and kissing him on the lips rather passionately. Goodbye, darling. She quickly scooped up her things from the sand, running off.

    Goodbye, he shouted after her as he watched her run up the beach to a car that a group of nurses had purchased together. There were few cars to be had on the island, but many found a way to get one. The nurses were being creative as many others were. They had all pitched in to buy the car and shared it.

    Great, I'm still engaged and in debt for that ring. How do I get myself into these messes? He looked back out to the ocean.

    He began to walk down the beach, not quite ready to go home in defeat. He couldn't get the young boy out of his mind. This kid had his whole life ahead of him, or at least he should, and this injury may shorten it greatly. He sat down on the sand, placed his jacket beside him, and stared at the sea. Julia didn't even seem to care about what he was worrying about. She seemed more concerned that he spent too much time at the hospital. Was there a woman that would care about me and my needs? Who wanted to hear about my day and my thoughts and my concerns? Maybe…or maybe she is only a dream, a dream that I could never find except when I go to sleep at night. Maybe I'm being selfish to want a woman to think about my needs and desires. Jonathan sighed. That poor boy.

    He hung his head, and the words began to flow silently through his mind. Oh, Heavenly Father, help me deal with this young man. You are the one who has given me the knowledge and the ability to be your physician. Give me the right things to do for this boy, Lord, whether it's physical needs or spiritual needs. He needs you first and foremost, Lord, a miracle of healing to see you working in his life. Help me as your physician to show him his spiritual wounds as well as his physical ones. Please, Lord, help me help this poor boy. He is only a young boy. Please, amen." As Jonathan sat there praying, he began to weep for the boy.

    Jonathan sat and stared up at the stars as they were beginning to pop through the darkening sky. He smiled lightly, rose, dusted himself off, and scooped up his jacket, pulling it on as he walked to his car and drove to the base hospital. He knew there was a strong chance he would run into Julia, but he needed to see the boy; he had to take the risk, so he walked down the hall, cautiously avoiding the staff as much as he could without looking like he was hiding. Finding the ward, he slipped into the room, quietly walking over to the bed that held the young sailor. The ward was empty except for this young man, so Jon didn't have to worry about bothering anyone else as he studied the young man. The boy's chest, hands, arms, and legs were wrapped in bandages. His breathing was labored as if he was in a great deal of pain from doing this seemly insignificant act. Hello, sailor.

    The young face moved toward him, and in a raspy voice, he spoke slowly. Dr. Richardson! I was hoping you would come back.

    Why is that, son? The doctor had a curious look on his face.

    The young man smiled painfully. 'Cause I'm afraid I gave you the wrong impression earlier… I'm not afraid of dying, sir. I have that all straight with God ever since I was eight years old. My grandmother shared Christ with me then, and ever since I've been living my life for Him. You may think that's stupid or silly. The guys on my ship sure think that, but I don't care, for God's way is the only way.

    Jonathan smiled down at the boy. Relief filled his heart; just knowing this boy had his life right before God lifted a weight off the doctor's heart. I don't think it's silly, son. In fact, I was worried about your standing with God and your situation now.

    The boy smiled brightly although painfully. You were worried about me? Wow, I was worried about you. Kind of funny, isn't it? See, I was upset and all. I'm worried about my girl back home. He paused and licked his dry lips. You see, I don't think she has her life right with God, and I'm afraid that this will throw her further away from God.

    The doctor smiled thoughtfully, touching his shoulder, which was one of the few areas on the seaman's body not burned. Or closer. God uses all things for good. He just may use this to get her to call on him. Besides, you may just pull out of this, and that may bring her to him.

    The boy gave a half smile. Could I? You mean there is a chance?

    There is always a chance where God is concerned. But I can't guarantee that you will, and if you do pull though, I can't say how much scarring there will be.

    The young man digested this quietly and then responded, It's a slim chance, and then there may be scarring. Hmm…well, I'll take whatever God gives me. Life or death. The boy tried to look out the window that was beside the head of the bed. I'm really glad you came back, sir.

    I am too. As he sat down in the chair next to the boy, he noticed the Bible on the table. Say, would you like me to read to you from the Bible?

    The boy nodded. From the book of Job would be good.

    Interesting choice. Jonathan picked up the Bible and began to read aloud from the book of Job. Job's trials and tribulations put many of the good doctor's woes to shame, making him feel he had no right to be upset by them. The young sailor and the doctor would stop to discuss the scripture every so often. The conversation was simulating to them both, for they talked a great deal. The young sailor had wisdom beyond his few years. He had read and talked for several hours when Julia walked into the ward. Jonathan looked up at her. She was very pretty even with her hair pulled tightly back, confined under her stiffly starched nurse's cap and stiff white nurse's dress. One couldn't call their uniforms attractive, but they served their purpose for which they were designed, and somehow Julia made it look good with all her curves.

    Why, Johnny, I didn't know you were on duty tonight! She fluttered her eyes at him.

    She should at least call me doctor in the hospital. Her lack of professionalism irked him. He had to force himself not to berate her about calling him Johnny. At the very least, she shouldn't be so informal with him while working. I'm not. I came in to check on Seaman Connors. He placed the Bible on a stand that was by the bed and stood up.

    You know, once we are married, you will not be able to run in here like this. We will have better things to do than to work at the hospital during our off hours. She smiled at the sailor. Time for your medication. She shoved the medication at the boy, not bothering to help him sit up to take it and left the ward.

    What is she thinking? She shouldn't be talking about our impending marriage in the hospital. It is against regulations for us to be seeing each other much less be engaged. If any of the high-ranking officers heard her, both of us would lose our jobs and face a court martial. Jonathan watched her leave and wondered to himself how she could be a nurse. Aren't nurses supposed to have compassion? Aren't they supposed to help ease the pain and suffering of a patient? Aren't they supposed to give of themselves and not to be self-centered? How can she do this job and be that way? Jon moved quickly, helping the young man to sit up so he could quickly take his medication, and then he helped him to lie back down carefully.

    The boy looked at the doctor. Sir, if you don't mind me saying so, I…I know I have no right to say anything…but I…don't think she's the right girl for you.

    Jonathan looked blankly at the boy. Neither do I. Well, the Lord works in mysterious ways. He quickly left the ward feeling very disturbed about the whole incident, for he knew deep down that something wasn't right in this relationship.

    The boy stared at the door. Yeah, but this is really mysterious.

    Jonathan wandered through the empty halls to his office that he shared with three other doctors. He plopped heavily into his chair, picked up some medical journals, and began looking through them. He absently flipped through the pages as he thought. He never really saw any of the pages that he leafed through. There was a strong desire within him to heal this boy, yet it was a true comfort for him to know this boy had his life in the Lord's hands and not his own. Feeling defeated, he moved to sit with his hands holding his head, and suddenly, he grabbed his cover and left the hospital.

    * * * * * * *

    Jonathan drove his pale-yellow 1930 Cadillac 452 Roadster convertible over to one of the local bars on the island as the wind whipped around him, trying to remove his cover that he expertly had placed firmly in on his head. As he walked up to the bar, the thought froze him in his tracks for a moment; he hadn't been to a bar since he was in medical school. The last trip to a bar had ended rather poorly, to say the least. Of course, back then, it had been illegal to drink alcohol. But prohibition was now gone with the proverbial wind. He took a deep breath and walked into the building if you could call it that. The walls on three sides were only four feet tall, and the thatched roof was at least three to four feet higher than the walls, so the air could flow through the building without bothering the seated customers. Light poured out of the place as the music from the jukebox floated out to entice those outside inside. It had an elevated floor for when the occasional extremely high tide came in, so he had to walk up several steps to get inside. As he entered through the door, he swept his hat off in a routine motion, tucking it firmly under his left arm, and crossed the smoke-filled room to the bar. I can't give up like this. Can I?

    Jonathan waited nervously as he gazed at the multicolored bottles and brightly shining glasses that reflected the light from the dimly lit room. He was terribly uncomfortable to be in this place. Being uncomfortable here should be a sign. I should leave.

    The owner was a native Hawaiian who went by the name of Jackson Ho. Jackson was known throughout the island and was a man of many businesses. He was often at the base selling his many wares to the military personnel. Jackson walked out and smiled; he was very surprised to see this man here. Jackson admired the doctor but very rarely ever sold him anything. The two would talk about medicine and Jackson's many businesses, but he never once saw the doctor here.

    Ah! So the great doctor wants drink? I knew you would come around here one day. I knew you could not resist my wares. He grinned brightly at Jonathan. He was truly glad to see this man, for he was a decent man who treated everyone fairly and with compassion.

    No! Jon snapped and then cleared his throat and spoke with less force. No, thank you. Jon felt a surge of pride shoot through him. He wasn't going to bend to the desire to get rip-roaring drunk to forget his woes.

    Then why you here? Jackson asked as he leaned on the bar.

    I don't know. Jon started to turn away.

    Maybe talk? Jackson smiled at the doctor. Many folks come in here to drink, and all they want is someone to listen to them. That you?

    Sighing deeply, Jon answered, That is me. He nodded and placed his cover on the bar beside him. He studied the little man for a moment. He barely stood with shoulders above the bar top. I know that your people consider you a great medicine man as well as a great entrepreneur. I was wondering…well, from doctor to doctor…what would you do for someone who was burned? I don't want any of that hocus-pocus stuff either, I mean actually do for someone, to heal them.

    Jackson studied the man before him and wondered what he was trying to do. Many of the other medical personnel at the base scoffed at his medicine and ways. Jackson admired this doctor and was hoping he wasn't trying to put him down. He thought better of the doctor than that, and he hoped he was right about him. I not a real medicine man. I just know the herbs and plants and what is good for healing. A medicine man has powers…evil powers. That not me. He licked his lips as he thought. Burned, say you? How bad?

    Jonathan sighed. The boy is eighteen years old and was involved in repairs on board his ship. The boiler he was working with burst and spewed boiling water on him. He was burned very badly, first-, second-, and third-degree burns over most of his body. We don't expect him to live much longer. I was wondering if there was something that you use for burns other than the acids and jellies that we use today in modern medicine.

    Jackson smiled thoughtfully. The man was asking for his advice. It made him admire the doctor even more, for he was willing to do anything for a patient. Come for my advice? Must be pretty bad…and your modern ways aren't working? First, does this boy have God?

    Jonathan cocked his head as he looked at the man suspiciously. Do you mean does he practice the local religion?

    Jackson moved to the side for a moment to pour a drink for a customer. Jonathan was now staring at the colorful bottles that sat on a shelf behind the bar. They seemed to be taunting him, asking him to open them up and take a good long drink. One drink won't hurt you, Jon. Come on, take a drink. Just one, come on, buddy. Jonathan knew he couldn't give in to them. His life and the lives of others depended on it.

    Jackson shook his head as the customer moved away. No, no, no, Jackson mean does he have Christ in his life?

    Jonathan looked quickly at Jackson; as he spoke, the spell that the bottles were casting on him was broken. He smiled with surprise; he hadn't expected this from the small man in front of him. He hadn't realized that the man was Christian. It was heartwarming to know this man was concerned for more than his businesses and that he was concerned about the spiritual side as well. It did concern him that the man was selling liquor and allowing men to get drunk. It wasn't something a Christian should be doing in his mind. He reprimanded himself for thinking that because who was he to judge a man. He had no idea where this man's faith was. God had to convict Jackson that this wasn't a business he should be in. Jon decided to let that thought drop and pray for the man. Yes, he does, and so do I. He isn't asking for this… I am. He is prepared to do God's will, whatever it is. But I feel I need to help. It's an overwhelming feeling. Jonathan looked down at his hands that were folded on the bar.

    Is it pride, or is it God asking you to take part in his miracle? Jackson queried, trying to help the doctor in some small way.

    Jon studied his hands, realizing that God had gifted him with his desire to heal. These hands of his could heal if it were in God's will. That's very hard to determine. I just know that time is running out and that if something isn't done, he could die or, at the least, be scarred for life.

    Jackson would help if he could. But third-degree burns need medical treatment by a good doctor like you. Jackson's face saddened.

    Jonathan shook his head in defeat. Thank you, anyway, Jackson. It was worth the try. He felt totally deflated. This had been the only thing he could think of to help, and it was a dead end.

    I sorry. Now you want drink? Jackson put a clean glass on the bar and pulled out a bottle from under it. On house.

    No, thank you. I don't drink. But can I ask you a rather personal question? Jonathan was now curious about this little entrepreneur.

    Sure. Jackson leaned on the bar even though the bar hit him right along his chest when he stood at his full height. Jon stood at least a foot and a half taller than him.

    Why is your name Jackson? It's not a common native name, is it? Is that your given name? Jonathan had wondered since coming to the island why this man's name was so different from all the other islanders.

    No, no, no, when I became Christian, I took new name. I read once about a man and I admired him…General Thomas Jackson. He was a great Christian man. No like the side he chose to fight on, but he was a strong Christian man. So I took his last name for my new name.

    Stonewall Jackson? Jonathan chuckled. He was a great man and a great Christian man. A good man to name yourself after. I'm sure he would be glad that you did that and for that reason too.

    Jackson smiled. Well, I go now. Good luck with boy. Will pray for you both. Jackson then slipped into the back room.

    Thanks, we both need it. Jonathan shook his head in disbelief and left the building. He went straight to the hospital.

    * * * * * * *

    Jonathan walked into the dark empty ward and turned on a small light, trying not to awaken the boy. He placed his cover on the table beside the bed, looking around the room. It was stark with white or gray all around. He turned his attention to the boy and could see the young man was not resting very well. He was twitching and moving around uneasily. The face turned toward him.

    Dr. Richardson?

    Yes, seaman. Jonathan sighed. I wish I could do more for you.

    I'd try anything right now, sir. The boy pleaded with his eyes. The raw pain could be seen clearly by the young doctor in the dimly lit ward.

    Jon smiled faintly. I'm sorry I can't do more. When is your next saline bath due?

    Sir? I haven't had any kind of bath. The boy looked at the doctor, confused.

    Jonathan frowned. You were supposed to get one today. I had ordered that you have one. He picked up the chart on the bed and frowned deeply as he flipped through the pages, finding his orders unfulfilled. This boiled his blood; he quickly left the room with the medical chart in hand, finding one of the corpsmen. His anger spilled over at the lack of regard for this wounded sailor. Pointing the chart at the man, he yelled. Prepare a saline bath for Seaman Connors now!

    The corpsman jumped slightly. But, sir, we don't do those at this hour of the evening. Everything has been cleaned up for the night. I am not even sure I have the key to the room.

    I don't care how you do it, just do it! Jon was getting angrier by the minute. Break the lock, I don't care but do it!

    The young corpsman licked his lips. But I could get in trouble for this.

    Jon narrowed his eyes. You do it now, or you go on report for dereliction of duty and disobeying a superior officer. The young man jumped and ran. He had never seen the doctor angry before, and quite frankly, facing the captain's anger later was far better than facing the anger of this doctor right now.

    Within minutes, they had the young man in a saline bath. With the excruciating pain he was already in, it was obvious the boy was in even more discomfort when placed into the saline bath. But after a while, he seemed to relax. Afterward, they returned the boy to his ward.

    Jon had helped the corpsman to clean up the bath and the room they had used. This had amazed the young corpsman but also pleased him that the doctor wasn't above helping him out. Most doctors would have allowed him to do all the work.

    Jon had realized this young man had just come on duty, and it wasn't his fault that things weren't done; he felt helping out and an apology were in order. He had been glad that the young man had found the key, so he didn't have to explain a broken lock. The morning, however, would bring an investigation by Jonathan to find out who was responsible for the lack of care for this patient. In Jon's mind, there was no excuse for not doing everything necessary for a patient. Not following a doctor's orders was serious business, and those responsible would be punished.

    After cleaning, the doctor fell asleep in the chair beside the bed of the young burned seaman, trying to keep a close eye on his progress. Jon wanted to be near if anything should happen. Dying in a room alone scared him, and Jon wouldn't allow this boy to be alone while there was a danger of that.

    Jonathan was awakened by his commanding officer. Sir? He rubbed his eyes as he slowly stood up.

    What are you doing here at this hour? You aren't due in for duty until eight hundred.

    Captain Jefferson, sir, I was worried about Seaman Connors, so I've been here keeping an eye on him.

    The captain looked over at the boy. He seems to be resting a bit easier. He pulled Jonathan to the far end of the ward. The captain usually didn't do rounds of the wards. For some reason, this early morning, he felt compelled to check in on the burn ward. He found an off-duty doctor sleeping by a patient. He knew that Dr. Richardson was a dedicated doctor who had a tendency to get himself emotionally attached to his patients, and that could be the downfall of any doctor, good or bad.

    Look, I know that this kid is young, but you heal some and you lose some. Don't allow yourself to get emotionally tied up in this kid. You will learn the hard way, I know, but I wish you would listen. Don't do this to yourself.

    Jonathan knew the captain was trying to protect him from being devastated when this young man died. But he just couldn't give up or quit. It went against all he had been taught by his father who had also been a doctor for a great many years. Jon admired his father greatly and wished to be as fine a doctor as his father and so followed his father's advice strictly. Even though it was dangerous to become attached to the patients, it was the only way to truly help them…in his father's opinion, and Jon stood by that. Sir, I know what I'm doing.

    We lost the other sailor tonight. He wasn't as bad as this kid. You need to prepare yourself. So detach yourself from this kid, and that's an order.

    Jonathan looked down at the ground. He had forgotten there was another burn victim, and because the other sailor wasn't his patient, he hadn't even thought about him. That thought saddened him. I can't do it, sir. I have to put my all in this, or I'll never forgive myself for not trying everything I could. I can at least make his last days as comfortable as possible. I can at least do what I can to help him. So, sir, respectfully, I cannot in good conscience obey that order.

    Captain Jefferson stood there with his hands behind his back. He was a tall man, about the same height as Dr. Richardson, older in his mid-fifties, and very clean and Navy in his appearance. He cut quite a figure in his uniform. I see. Jon, you're a good doctor. Actually, you're a great doctor and your patients adore you. I can respect your reasons for this. But don't expect any leave or special treatment when this kid dies. Understood?

    Yes, sir. And thank you, sir. Jonathan had thought for sure the captain would have taken him off the case. It surprised him when the captain took his stance, but it was a glad surprise. Jonathan turned away and then remembered he wanted an investigation done. Sir, I want to report that someone failed to follow my orders for treatment of Seaman Connors. I had ordered saline baths for him, and none were given. I will find out who was on duty, but I feel that the failure to perform one's duty caused this young man undo and prolonged pain.

    The captain rubbed his chin. Has he gotten one yet?

    Jonathan nodded his head as he answered quickly. Yes, sir. Corpsman Jones helped me to give him one last night. Seaman Jones is afraid he will be in trouble, but I assured him that would not be the case. Connors seems to be resting better since receiving his bath.

    The captain pursed his lips and thought for a moment. I will have an investigation done, don't bother finding out who was on duty, I will take care of it. I am wondering if our other patient was ignored as well. If that is the case and it is the same person, that patient's death could be their fault. I would hate to think that someone on my staff was capable of doing such a thing, but I will find out. Rest assured, Commander, I will get to the bottom of this. He was visibly angry.

    Jonathan hoped beyond hope that this was a simple mistake. If it were someone who was uncaring about the patients in their charge, it would be very bad for that person soon. Yes, sir, and thank you.

    The captain walked away from him and out the door of the ward. Jonathan walked back to his seat beside the young sailor. The boy was awake. So how are you feeling today?

    It doesn't seem to hurt as much. The eyes told the story to Jon. He could see the boy was in less pain.

    Good. Let's clean you up and get you another bath today. We will get this healed yet.

    The boy smiled. Sir, the Lord really has gifted you.

    Jonathan stopped and looked at the boy. He has given us all gifts. It's whether we chose to use them or not. Now let's clean you up.

    Aye, sir!

    Chapter 2: The Songbird Sings

    The Songbird Sings

    San Francisco

    July 16, 1941

    Come on, Lizzie, we are going to be late!

    Elizabeth ran to keep up with her friend. It's only an audition. I'm amazed that you managed to get your father to agree to let you go.

    Anne swung her auburn hair behind her shoulder. I can handle Daddy. Besides, he lets me have and do anything I want just to keep me out of his hair. I really think I am just a huge bother to him. Anne knew she was beautiful and used it to her advantage at every opportunity. Every flip of her hair and bat of the eyelid was well calculated to gain the attention of every man around her.

    Elizabeth laughed. You are so funny. Everyone knows he spoils you because you are his only child and he loves you. I wish my parents loved me like your father loves you.

    Anne wished her father had laid down rules for her as Elizabeth's family did, and they questioned her about what and where she had been and with whom she had been out with. They had and still do punish her when she does something wrong. To Anne, that showed that they loved their daughter very much and wanted her safe. Anne's father always seemed bothered when she was around, as if her mere presence was a huge nuisance to him. She just smiled; as she did so, she saw a handsome young soldier.

    Anne walked over to him and tapped him on the shoulder as he turned around to face her; she spoke almost shily. Why, hello there, Colonel. Could you tell me how to get to the Cotton Tail Club? She put her gloved hand up to her hair near her face and began to twist it around her fingers as she watched how flustered the young man became around her. She lowered her head purposefully, glancing up at him from the corner of her eye, and then batted her eyes sweetly to push him over the edge. It was always easy for Anne to get men to do whatever she wanted, and this boy hardly took any effort at all. He must be from a farm in the Midwest. They don't seem to have ever been around girls in their life.

    The soldier blushed and swallowed hard. Yes, of course, Miss. It's a block down and to the right. But I'm not a colonel…I'm just a private. He looked down at his shoes, embarrassed by his rank for her sake.

    Anne smiled brightly at him and placed her hand on his arm lightly as he looked at her, doe-eyed. Oh, you'll be a colonel in no time, I'm sure, and thank you so very much for the directions. She walked away swinging her black handbag and her hips. She heard several men whistle, causing her to smile inwardly. She loved the attention of the men. At least someone cares enough to whistle. If only Daddy would pay some attention to me and what I do. Business puts the bread on the table and the money in my purse so I can shop till my feet hurt. If he only knew what I really did all the time. As if he would really care if he did know. I mean nothing to him.

    Come on, Lizzie, if you don't stop gawking at the men… They don't want a girl that is easy to get. They want a girl that makes them work a little. Not too much, mind you, because they will lose interest. Anne always hated it when Elizabeth couldn't keep up with her. Elizabeth always acted as if there was no hurry to get anywhere. One thing Anne's father had taught her was to get about quickly. No use wasting time getting there. Money is made when you arrive, not before. Anne frowned, but it did make men appreciate her because she was never ever late for a date. Time is money!

    Elizabeth looked at her friend. But aren't we doing this to meet men? Anne always confused her. She was always hurrying her along and dragging her everywhere. Yet when with a man, Anne always seemed to take her time. Elizabeth knew her friend was very polished and knew what a man would go for just by looking at him. It amazed her. She knew it was practiced, yet she wished she had just a little of what Anne did.

    Anne stopped. Yes, of course, but you don't want them to know that. The trick is to seem uninterested in the guys and then you can pick and choose. Lizzie, sometimes I wonder how you ever get dates being this naive about things.

    I may not be as polished and practiced as you, but I can do anything you can do. Elizabeth put her nose in the air and walked past her friend, slightly miffed that Anne once again threw it in her face that she didn't get the attention of men like Anne did. She was jealous that Anne had so many men around her all the time. Anne never seemed to notice until she wanted something, and then she would pick and choose the best of the lot.

    Anne laughed. Of course you can. But, sweetie, you don't have to act dumb to get a guy. You're a smart girl, act like it.

    Elizabeth whirled around to face her with hands on her hips. That's rich coming out of you. ‘Well, excuse me, Colonel!' She imitated Anne and stuck her hand into her dark hair and twisted it around her fingers like Anne had done. She dropped her hand, replacing it on her hip. I know you knew he was a private. You've dated enough military guys to know the difference.

    Anne smiled wickedly. I know, but it helped to boost his morale, dear. Didn't you see how he perked up when I said colonel?

    Elizabeth sighed. There was never any reasoning with Anne when it came to men. It seemed to be a challenge to Anne. See what it would take and then drop them once she had them. I'm not so sure he perked up for the colonel part or that he saw you. Most men can't seem to help but stare at you. You're so pretty and all.

    Anne frowned. They only stare at me, wondering how fast they can get me into bed. What smooth line will it take? I may fall into bed with them, but you well know I am particular about who I sleep with.

    Elizabeth's eyebrows drew together. You sleep with men? I…didn't know that. She was shocked at this newfound knowledge of her friend.

    Anne was bored with the conversation but continued for her friend since Lizzie was her only really true friend who actually kept all her secrets, unlike the others who were her friend to get close to her money or to be able to say they were her friend. Lizzie was honest and true where that was concerned. Don't be such a silly goose, Lizzie. I need to get my kicks somehow. Besides, you can only flirt so much before a guy gets bored with you. I certainly don't want to be known as a tease. That is just dreadful! I am very particular with who I sleep with. But don't you dare breathe a word of this to another living soul! Do you understand me? If my father ever found out, he would hunt down every man and kill him…or worse. Anne wasn't even sure if that was true about her father, but she wasn't about to let anyone know that, even her best friend.

    Elizabeth shuttered as they began walking again. What could be worse than death?

    Anne's frown deepened. Castration! Oh, I couldn't bear the thought of all those boys never being able to… She looked up at the building and saw the small sign for the audition on the building. She smiled and spoke excitedly in a singsong voice. Here we are. Now let's go in.

    They walked into the building to find that there was a large number of girls there. Anne sighed and walked proudly into the large room. She had the air of being someone important as she walked past the many others waiting for their chance to perform. There was no time for her to play the silly waiting game. The mere idea of sitting there bored to death by these people and their so-called talent made her cringe. She quickly found the assistant, as Elizabeth watched her; Anne flirted and batted her eyelids at him. Elizabeth couldn't hear what she was saying to him, but she knew Anne was pouring it on and thickly. He blushed and smiled at Anne and immediately ushered them to the stage ahead of the other girls.

    The room was bustling and full of noise from women and men being moved about from one audition to another and waiting for their big chance to prove that they had what it took to be the star of the club. The back section of the stage was being used for band auditions, the biggest portion of the stage was being used for dancers and the front right side of the stage for auditions of singers.

    Elizabeth pulled her music out of her purse and placed it on the piano as she sat down. She pulled off her gloves and removed her hat and then stretched her fingers and nodded to Anne when she was ready. Elizabeth began to play, and Anne started to sing. Anne had a tremendous singing talent, and her voice mesmerized the auditioners. Elizabeth could see that Anne's voice wove a spell around those in the room. It always amazed her that Anne could sing as well as she did. Elizabeth smiled brightly as she played and looked out at the people listening to them. The band slowly stopped playing, and the dancers stopped in mid-step as they heard the sweet melodic voice of Anne Montgomery. The head of the auditions came up when she was finished.

    That was wonderful, Miss…?

    She held out her hand for him, and as he took her hand, she spoke. Anne Montgomery, and this is Elizabeth Worth.

    He nodded to Elizabeth. How do you do? He looked back into Anne's eyes as she was pinning her hat back on. We won't be needing you.

    Elizabeth's eyes widened as she watched Anne being led away by this man.

    Anne looked back at her friend. She just couldn't work without Lizzie with her. Lizzie was her backbone and support. She had to have her there. Well, Mister…?

    Jacobson, Patrick Jacobson.

    Oh, Mr. Jacobson, Miss Worth and I go together. If you want me, then she comes too. Otherwise, no deal. She stopped in mid-step and tried to think. What was it going to take to get her way here?

    I have a piano player, he stated, annoyed with the girl.

    Oh, but she sings a little and she is a fantastic dancer too. She can do many different things. She saw he was going to say no. She leaned her small frame against his and ran her fingers up his arm. I really want to do your show, but my father won't allow me to without her with me.

    He looked down at Anne; she was obviously affecting him. Why don't we discuss this in my office upstairs, just the two of us? I have dinner up there waiting right now. We could go more…in-depth into this discussion. He moved her toward the stairs to where his office was. She smiled up at him sweetly and flirtatiously; after all, he wasn't too bad-looking for an older man. She allowed him to lead her to the office high above the backstage.

    Will you be here every night? She batted her eyes at him.

    Mr. Jacobson smiled a wicked smile that caused only one side of his mouth to rise. I'm just the man who hires you, honey. I have a few clubs, this one here, one in Seattle, Sacramento, Los Angeles, San Diego, and one that my brother-in-law thinks he can run in Hawaii.

    Anne allowed that to soak in. You want to write out the contracts for Lizzie and I, or do I leave? She sat down on the edge of the desk and raised her skirt to allow more of her legs to show. Every move she made was calculated to make him bend to her will.

    You win, honey. Your friend can come too. But first, I get what I want. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly.

    Anne pushed herself away. He was obviously not the gentleman sort that she had originally thought he was. This could be a terrible mistake if she couldn't turn things around quickly. The contracts first, Mr. Jacobson, if you please. This was just another thing that her father taught her—get it in writing before you hand over anything. She began to pull off her gloves and then unpinned her hat, placing it behind her on the desk.

    The man smiled hungrily and picked up the phone. Janis, make up two contracts. One for Miss Montgomery and one for Miss… He looked to Anne.

    Worth. Elizabeth Worth.

    He pursed his lips a moment as he thought. Miss Worth. And, Janis, have Danny run through some dance routines with her. I want to see how well she can dance. Give her a song as well. Her friend here says she can sing and dance, let's see just how well.

    He hung up the phone. He moved to her quickly, putting his hands on her hips and squeezing her tight. Now, baby, about what I want.

    Anne was shocked at how quick and unromantic this was. Every man she had been with had always made the event romantic. Mr. Jacobson, don't you want to savor the moment?

    Look, kid, I get what I want, and you get your friend in the show. That's the deal. Now put out, or I call off the whole thing. I don't have time for a frightened little girl. He started to pick up papers and to leave the office.

    She was stunned this was a business transaction to him. How cold and undesirable was this? But she had to have Elizabeth with her. She couldn't do this without her. Anne felt cornered and conceded to what she thought had been impossible, selling herself for a contract. Wait, I'm not frightened. I just don't like to rush things. But I see I have no choice. She walked over to close the door and pulled the blinds to the room. Now about completing my part of the bargain, Mr. Jacobson… She walked over to him, slowly and seductively sliding her arms around him.

    * * * * * * *

    Elizabeth stood staring up to the office where she had watched her friend disappear. It seemed everyone had forgotten her and had left her on the stage alone. The band began to play again, and the others began dancing again. Yet she felt strangely alone standing there on the stage. The shades to the windows of the office soon lowered. A woman walked over to her. I'm drawing up a contract for you. Danny will work with you on some routines and songs.

    Elizabeth smiled kindly at the woman. Thank you.

    A young man bounced up onto the stage and circled around her. They say you can dance. He put his hand on his chin as he studied her legs. You got great gams, but can you use them is the question. Lizzie looked down her nose at him. I can dance. The real question is, can you? She put her purse, hat, and coat down on the piano bench.

    He nodded his head. Spunk! I like it. Now let's see if you can live up to your boasts. He took her hand and walked to center stage. He shouted behind him to a man that was walking to the piano. Mitch, play something upbeat. Music began to flow forth from the piano. Now this ain't the grand ballroom at the Ritz, you know. We don't do much waltzing up on this stage.

    Elizabeth snipped, Even if it were Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers up here dancing?

    Danny chuckled lightly. I ain't no Fred Astaire and I am willing to wager you aren't anywhere near Ginger Rogers.

    We shall see, won't we? Elizabeth grinned wickedly as they began running through some simple steps.

    He ran through some steps, and she followed him perfectly. Danny gradually made the steps harder, and still she kept up with him. He then put together a duet dance. Lizzie still kept up with him, and even outdanced him in most instances. The folks waiting for auditions were watching and clapping when they would finish a song. When they were done, she walked quietly back to the piano and picked up her things. Did I pass your inspection, Mr. Astaire? She looked down her nose at him.

    Danny followed her; he wasn't moved by her last statement. Say, Ginger, where did you learn to dance like that?

    Lizzie smiled at him while looking down her nose at him. I watched a lot of movies…and my mother made me take dance lessons. I loved them and kept going, it's great exercise. What about you?

    My father ran a dance studio. I just fell into the classes when I felt like it.

    Well, you should have fallen into to a few more classes. You need some work, but you aren't half bad. She giggled and smiled at him. Danny laughed with her. They talked for several minutes. She looked past him and saw Janis, Mr. Jacobson, and Anne walking toward them.

    I have your contracts to be signed. Miss Worth, you dance very well. You should have come ready with a dance number. You are a regular Ginger Rogers. I almost let you go if it weren't for your friend here. Two very talented ladies almost slipped through the cracks. Elizabeth smiled at Danny at the compliment Mr. Jacobson had paid her.

    Elizabeth smiled. That's alright, Mr. Jacobson, I was fortunate that she talked you into allowing me to dance for you.

    He looked back at Anne. Yes. So am I. She talks very well. He nodded his head and spoke to Janis. Go over the contract with them and bring the signed contracts up to my office. He then walked away from them, shouting at another man to get something or the other off the stage.

    Janis went over the contracts with the girls, never once looking at Anne. She briefed the girls on the contract, making sure they knew what they were getting into. Danny then informed them of rehearsal times, telling them when to report. After the contracts were signed, Lizzie and Anne left the building to go home.

    Anne, what did you say to convince him? Lizzie was extremely curious as to what had kept Anne so long.

    Anne swallowed hard and frowned. She was ashamed of what she had just done, but she had felt cornered and desperate. Elizabeth was a sort of security blanket for her, and she just couldn't do anything without her, especially something as far away from a debutant that being a singer in a night club was. Just stuff. And she kept walking without looking at Lizzie. They were walking up a hill; she was getting short of breath because she was also fighting back tears that she refused to let her friend see.

    Oh, Anne, you didn't!? You couldn't… Elizabeth hoped that Anne hadn't done what she thought she had. It wasn't that important to get this job. In fact, she wasn't sure how she would explain it to her parents. Her mother was going to have a fit about this.

    Anne stopped and looked at her friend. The tears started to flow. You wanted in, didn't you? Well, I got you there, so be grateful. He isn't a great lover, you know. I suffered at his hands for you. I am sure he bruised me. She turned abruptly, walking again. She felt dirty; she just wanted to get home and bathe. She wasn't proud of what she had done, but she just couldn't go without Lizzie with her. Lizzie was strength to her in some ways, always there and always loving her without condemning her…until now.

    Lizzie lowered her head. I am grateful, really. Just don't ever lower yourself like that, not to the likes of him or anyone, really.

    Don't preach at me, Lizzie, Anne snapped at her. She didn't really want to snap at her. She knew Lizzie was right about this, but her pride was hurt, and no one was going to get in her way. She was going to be a great singer and one day have albums and be out on her own, not depending on her father for anything. She just had to get away from her father.

    I'm not preaching. It must be I'm picking things up from Michael. He has been really preachy and all since he has been going to this church with a friend of his. He says I lead a life of sin. I gossip too much. Me? I only tell what I know to be true. That isn't gossip.

    Michael? He hasn't gone religious on us, has he? That's sad. He was such a great dancer…and kisser.

    Lizzie's eyes widened; she stopped and watched her friend walk away from her. She ran to catch up. You've kissed my brother? Did you…

    Anne looked at her. Don't be such a silly goose. But in answer to your question…yes. He was the first. Anne smiled at the thought of Michael. He had told her he loved her, and she had believed him. Her smiled faded. She soon learned that men would say anything to get a girl into bed with them. Michael

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