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Have you ever thought there may be more to it all? Often, we think accepting God exists is simply enough. At other times we may try to keep God in a box that fits our personal needs. The reality of who God is goes much further than we can ever imagine.

God in HD takes you on an introspective journey to help you dive deeper into your own experiences with God. Each chapter helps build a path to seeing God in a deeper and clearer way than ever before.

The book is concise and easy to read, with intentional pauses in place for personal time with God. The intent is for the book to be savored like a good meal as food for the soul.

The author uses personal experiences to help make the content relatable and offers questions and action steps at the end to help in your personal relationship with God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The book is designed as a personal study or can be used as a group study tool. The important part is to have your heart in the right place while reading, not as a hurried exercise to complete on a timeline. If you do this, you cannot help but know God in a deeper way.

Release dateMay 16, 2024

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    Book preview

    GOD IN HD - D. Shane Christopher



    D. Shane Christopher

    ISBN 979-8-89243-474-4 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89243-475-1 (digital)

    Copyright © 2024 by D. Shane Christopher

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods without the prior written permission of the publisher. For permission requests, solicit the publisher via the address below.

    Christian Faith Publishing

    832 Park Avenue

    Meadville, PA 16335

    All quoted scripture passages are taken from the ESV Bible translation unless otherwise noted.

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents



    In the Beginning


    Let There Be Light


    Breath of Life


    Where Are You?


    I Will Bless You


    David's Prayer


    Joy Inexpressible


    But to Serve




    About the Author


    Why? Why should you read this book? To be honest, I often struggle with this same question as I pick up a potential new book. What would compel me to dig into the mind of someone else?

    The truth is, I was once so far removed from God that I had no desire to know Him. I thought my life was all put together until I realized it wasn't. Even now, I fight to give God the credit I so much want to take for things in my life. But deep in my soul I know there is more. I know I fail myself more times than not and need something/someone more. If you ever feel this way, then I would say this book may be worth a read.

    If your life is perfect and you do not feel you need anyone else, then I think this book is definitely for you. Because that was me several years ago. Then it happened; God dug deep into me and transformed my thinking, my desires, where I found true joy. That brought me to where we are now, with this book.

    Starting any major project can be a struggle. I know this personally has been the case for me in writing this book. It came to me roughly five years before the first words were written. The concept was put in my heart in order to share the real joy of knowing the One who created everything in a deeper way. Looking at the blank pages, waiting for profound words of wisdom, gave a new perspective on how God created the world in which we all exist.

    It is important to state this is not the result of personal desires. This book has been heavy on my heart for the past thirteen years because of a genuine desire for others to feel true joy. My prayer is that God blesses many people through careful reflection, prayer, and reading of His Word.

    Please take this book for what it is, a desire to honor God by a fallible human being. Scriptural authority and personal time with God should always take priority. Prayerfully, some of my ramblings will help guide you. This book is a true work in my heart to grow closer to Him and urge others to do the same. Thank you for taking the time to grow deeper in your relationship with God.

    In this book you will be given times to reflect. These times are meant for your personal growth. The word selah is used in scripture seventy-four times, mostly in Psalms, and I will use it as a signpost for you to authentically pause and spend time in prayer and personal reflection with God. Take time to listen during these precious moments.

    So now prepare yourself for worship of the one true God!


    In the Beginning

    In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

    —Genesis 1:1–2

    The start of anything new can be a challenge for any of us. Do you think the formation of the heavens and the earth were of any challenge to God? Could He have sat there for days, months, or years carefully planning out the great expanse? Is it more probable God had it all designed in the blink of an eye?

    It is likely you have personally started a major project, new career, or family. In each of these cases there would normally be some form of preparation. Often there are setbacks, struggles, or frustrations. Our journey of faith can often be the same. The important thing in either situation is knowing what waits at the end.

    Each of our personal journeys with the Creator are at different points. Some have yet to begin. Others are in an infancy stage. Several may feel comfortable in their relationship with God. Then there are those who yearn for an even deeper relationship with the great I Am. Regardless of where you fit, in the beginning or further along, growing in your understanding of God will also help you grow closer to Him.

    Wisdom is continually stressed in Proverbs. From the beginning, in Proverbs 1, we receive valuable information. In verse 5 Solomon tells us, A wise man will hear and increase in learning, and a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel. Verse 7 follows this up with, The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. Please take a moment, set this book aside, and read Proverbs 1:1–7. Take all the time you need in prayer over these verses.


    * * * * *

    The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, where it all starts. The word fear is used in almost every translation of the Bible. Since we all fear different things, how are we to consider this one word? God is to be feared in reverence and awe for who He is, not in anticipation of danger or harm.

    Elohim is the first name given to God in Genesis, Mighty One. He is the Creator of the heavens and the earth. Should we not fear Him? Should we not fear out of authentic, worshipful respect?

    This is the approach you will be asked to use as we work through a deeper relationship with Elohim, El Shaddai, Lord, YHWH, God, Father, or any of His other names. Regardless of the name used, fear and respect always come with it. Please allow me to pray for your journey.

    Father God, each of us has burdens in our hearts. Often these burdens can weigh us down and make us look right past all you have prepared for us. All the signs, all the wonders. Please help open our eyes, slow our pace, and give us those moments to really get to know you better. Give us wisdom to know your truths and the desire to know how

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