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Wife Sharing is Caring: on Vacation: Wife Sharing is Caring, #5
Wife Sharing is Caring: on Vacation: Wife Sharing is Caring, #5
Wife Sharing is Caring: on Vacation: Wife Sharing is Caring, #5
Ebook54 pages46 minutes

Wife Sharing is Caring: on Vacation: Wife Sharing is Caring, #5

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What new sensual pleasures await hotwife Melissa, her husband, Mark, and her boyfriend, Steve, on their South Pacific Cruise?

In this new adventure for the Wife Sharing is Caring trio, hotwife Melissa, her husband, Mark, and her boyfriend, Steve, are headed on vacation on a South Pacific cruise.

When Melissa discovers a group of swingers on board, her men contrive a night of debauchery that opens her eyes to even more desires.

This 13000 word short read can be enjoyed as a standalone story, but for maximum pleasure and satisfaction, Lola suggests starting at Book 1 - Wife Sharing is Caring: The Wife.

PublisherKLESS Press
Release dateNov 7, 2019
Wife Sharing is Caring: on Vacation: Wife Sharing is Caring, #5

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    Book preview

    Wife Sharing is Caring - Lola Blackburn


    Iwas on that blissful edge of wakefulness, unsure of whether the feather-light strokes down my left arm and the slightly heavier strokes along my right thigh were truly happening or were still part of my dream. My brain hadn’t yet kicked in, as it inevitably did each morning, with its incessant reminders of all that needed to be achieved and the insufficient hours available to get it all done.

    My mind tried hard to force me awake, but I resisted, pushing the intrusive thoughts away. This felt too good. The touches on my arm moved up over my clavicle, finding that sensitive spot that never failed to send pulses to my pussy.

    I tilted my head towards the feeling. Mark, my husband, chuckled. Wakey, wakey, baby.

    Nuh-uh. I shook my head in defiance.

    The bed dipped on my right as my boyfriend, Steve, changed his position. Soft lips replaced the fingers on my thigh. In response, I bent my knee, spreading my legs as wide as I could given the confined space between my two men.

    Life before Steve joined our relationship seemed so long ago. I could barely remember what it had been like before my men conspired to establish our cosy threesome. Before then, my only sexual partner had been my husband.

    We’d been happy in our marriage, or at least I thought we had. It turned out there was far more happiness to be had. I discovered both Mark and Steve had come to a decision a decade ago that they wanted to share me.

    Fortunately for me, both men were extremely persuasive. After initially leading me to believe it was a one-time fantasy they wanted to fulfil, the guys soon revealed their bigger plans for our relationship.

    And now here I was, blissfully being tended to by the two loves of my life. Luckiest woman on the planet.

    Steve moved again beside me, pulling my knees further apart as he climbed between my legs. I think she needs some encouragement to wake up this morning.

    Uh-huh I reached down to grab the back of his head, pulling him closer to my throbbing core. Less talk, more lick.

    Steve’s lips moved into a grin against my pussy lips. As you demand, Princess. He pushed his hands down on my knees and swiped his tongue through my lips, ending at my tingling clit.

    As he got to work with his talented tongue, I reached out to take hold of my husband’s cock. Mark wriggled a bit to give me easier access. Then wrapped his hand around my own on his cock.

    I found my husband’s kinks intriguing. He loved nothing more than watching Steve fuck me, but he also needed to feel in control of our sexual escapades.

    Steve enjoyed dominating in the bedroom as well. The guys worked well together, and I reaped the rewards of their dedication.

    With the guys’ encouragement, I’d started exploring my own kinks as well. I couldn’t really explain it, but I really enjoyed being watched. The guys and I joined a private club that we now attended regularly, putting on shows for any of our fellow club members interested in watching us play.

    I think she needs some more encouragement, mate. I was pulled back to the moment by the absence of Steve’s mouth on my clit.

    I think so, too. Anyone would think she’d forgotten what today is. Mark removed my hand from his cock, then climbed over to straddle me. Maybe she needs to be a little more active in this wake-up call.

    He leaned forward, bracing himself with one hand on the headboard above me. He used his other hand to tap his cock against my mouth.

    I began to open my mouth instinctively, then snapped it shut, just before the head of his cock breached my lips. I thrust my hands up against his chest to halt his

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