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The Hotwife Experience
The Hotwife Experience
The Hotwife Experience
Ebook54 pages40 minutes

The Hotwife Experience

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About this ebook

Two's a party; three's an even better party!
Emma has known Travis as long as she's known her husband, Chris. The three of them are not only best friends, but also share a business.
Travis has always been a flirt, but lately his attention has been creating a reaction in Emma a happily married woman has no right feeling.
Unable to keep Travis out of her mind, or her fantasies, Emma worries her inappropriate thoughts will affect their business and their friendship.
But a confession to her husband changes everything.
The Hotwife Experience is an 11000 word story that follows Emma's romantic journey into the hotwife lifestyle. 

PublisherKLESS Press
Release dateFeb 25, 2021
The Hotwife Experience

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    Book preview

    The Hotwife Experience - Lola Blackburn


    Might have to tell my husband

    E mma, darling, sweetheart, love of my best friend’s life…

    Travis is using his smooth, deep, make the ladies cream their knickers voice, so I already know I’m not going to like what comes next.

    I look over to him, looking right past the tight fit of his button-up short sleeve shirt, the biceps straining the fabric around his arms, the broad chest, the ways his jeans shape around his arse just the way jeans should…

    Yeah, I look right past all that, because I was a happily married woman, and I look straight to his eyes. His big baby blue eyes with long dark lashes that are giving me that puppy dog look he’s perfected that makes me say yes to anything and everything.


    Damn it! The eyes aren’t safe either.

    I move my gaze lower, only to hit those full lips of his. Guys really shouldn’t have lips that look like that.

    Lips that make you want to suck on them and see if they really are as soft as they look.

    Especially not when those lips are surrounded by perfectly-groomed facial hair. Even Travis’ facial hair is seductive, the way it frames his chiseled jaw.


    I shake myself out of my Travis-lust and re-focus on the stock list I’m supposed to be reconciling. Better to just not look at him at all if I can avoid it.

    Hmm? What’s up, Trav?

    What are you doing?

    I hold up the tablet I’ve been using. Inventory check. Why?

    Well, you know we made Wattle It Bee the brew of the month…

    Yeah, it’s been super popular. You guys outdid yourself on this one.

    Thanks very much, Em. That means a lot coming from a connoisseur like you.

    Do not look up. Do not look up. Yeah, well, it’s the truth. But I’m sure you didn’t interrupt me just to fish for compliments.

    You know me too well. He laughs and the sound vibrates right to my core.

    I close my eyes in a bid to stay strong, but something about that laugh always gets me.

    I turn to face him, raise my eyebrow, and wait.

    He clears his throat, suddenly nervous. That doesn’t bode well for his request.

    Yeah, well, you’re right. It’s been a massive hit. Especially with the ladies. He gestures with his head towards the crowd.

    There are a lot of ladies here tonight. I’m not surprised. There are a lot of ladies here every Thursday.

    Many of them are here because they know Travis works Thursdays. Some even know he takes Fridays off.

    Thursday is his pick-up night.

    So, the keg needs changing.

    Why are you telling me this, Travis. You know how to change a keg.

    Of course I do. But you do it so much better, Em. Please?

    Fuck, no. Don’t we have staff to do this shit?

    Travis looks around and shakes his head.

    Any other beer, yes, but there’s no-one on tonight who I’d trust with the Wattle.

    What about Mandy? She’s trustworthy.

    Mandy is my best friend, and one of our best bartenders at Big Dragon Micro Brew, the microbrewery Chris, Travis and I established five years back.

    We’ve come so far since those early days, to the point where we were now considered one of the premium local drinking establishments.

    Again, my handsome husband

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